Opening Date: Monday, February 15
Duration: Four Weeks
Map Script: Fractal
Game Speed: Normal
Civilization: Spain
Leader: Isabella
World Size: Small
Opponents: Four
Victory: Any
Options: No Random Events
Version: Beyond the Sword v3.19 with mod
Prepare yourself for an otherworldly experience.

are Isabella of Spain only in outward appearance. In fact, you are
an alien race with a biology and society totally unknown to earthlings.
Your species eats minerals, builds by hiring automated labor, and
researches Earth biology using food specimens. The earthling AI
civs function as normal.
The three fundamental tile production yields are switched. Hammers
are food, commerce is hammers, and food is commerce. Hammers fill
up the "food" box and cause population growth. Commerce
fills up the production box to build units and buildings. Food is
divided via the slider into cash and research and culture.
does this mean for Civilization gameplay? Who knows! Your job is
to explore this familiar-yet-alien universe and simply win however
you can.
is no scoring, but to make it a bit more interesting, we will award
honorable mentions for the following categories.
wonders constructed by 500 AD.
Earliest elimination of an AI civ.
Fastest to build a Citadel (Spain's unique building.)
Largest city by 1500 AD.
Most Great People by 1500 AD. Count only normal production, not
free GPs. This can be determined entirely from your current required
number of GPP.
Required! The attached mod (RBAdv43.zip)
should be installed under your 'C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid
Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods' folder.

- You
will need to micromanage cities. The governor logic does not understand
the tile yield swaps, and will happily auto-assign a city to high
food actually making it starve for lack of hammers. The scenario
is a small map so hopefully it's tolerable.
- Generic
hammer modifiers, such as Forge and Ironworks, modify the food box
instead. Commerce modifiers (which is only Bureaucracy) modify the
production box.
- Situational
production modifiers work correctly unchanged. They do not actually
say "+x% hammers".
- - Organized Religion correctly functions as "Buildings constructed
25% faster".
- - Heroic Epic, Police State, and Military Academy correctly function
as "+% military unit production".
- - Drydock correctly functions as "+50% water unit production".
- - Stone and marble correctly function as "Double production
speed" with the resource.
- For
the sake of playability, the Palace provides 8 food (which becomes
commerce) rather than 8 commerce (which would become hammers.) Otherwise
the game would be nothing but a warrior rush: the Palace would build
15 warriors by turn 20, while research to Bronze Working would take
40 turns.
- Forest
chops add to the food box rather than the production box. The quantity
is affected as usual by Mathematics and by generic hammer modifiers.
- Whipping
and rush-buying still affect the production box. Whipping uses commerce
modifiers and situational production modifiers but does not use
generic hammer modifiers (e.g. Forge.)
- Only
commerce is switched. Direct production of gold or beakers functions
normally, as from shrines and scientists.
- If
you are viewing an AI city via espionage, the city screen will show
everything as if the tile yields are switched, although the AI functions
Day: Monday, March 15. Reports due March 15 or 16th.
Download Adventure 43 start file!
Download required mod
