Succession Games
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Succession Games

Adventure 44 - Oh Mista Hart!

Sponsor: Ruff_Hi
Opening Date: Monday, March 29, 2010
Duration: Four Weeks
Map Script: Fractal
Climate: Temperate
Game Speed: Normal

Difficulty: Emperor (see below)
Civilization: Sumaria
Leader: Gilgamesh
World Size: Duel
Opponents: Seventeen(!)
Victory: Any (note: Domination not available)
Options: Aggressive AI, No Random Events, No Vassals, Domination Victory not available
Restrictions: See below

Version: Beyond the Sword v3.19

The name of the game comes from an old television ad in Australia (link). It is your job to clean up the mess in any way that you can / like. This is a non scoring game, just have fun. However, there are some additional rules ...

In light of the name of the game (keeping things tidy!), you can only ever have 1 type of unit for each of the following combat types:


Thus if you have a warrior, and you want to build an axeman, you must either upgrade your warrior, disband it or gift it to an AI. Likewise, if you want to build a longbow, you must disband, upgrade or gift all of your archers. You are allowed unlimited types of the non-combat type (workers, settlers, missionaries, executives, workboats, spies, great people). You are not allowed any missle types (ICBM, tactical nuke, guided missile) because they make way too much mess. Bonus marks (not that there are any) if all of your cities are not unhealthy.

A comment regarding difficulty, given the size of the map and the number of civilizations, this game plays at least 2 levels easier than the stated difficulty. However, as per other Ruff games, there are little twists in this game designed to make the players live interesting.

Closing date Monday, April 26, 2010. Reports due April 26 or 27.

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