Succession Games
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Succession Games

Epic Seventeen - Gourmet Menu - Results

Scenario: This game is the opposite of Potluck: everyone plays the same starting position, but you have your choice of ANY leader in the game. Time to find out who's REALLY the best at achieving each victory type!

Scoring: Unlike Potluck games, everyone will be competing on the same basis. Game ranking is by fastest finish of each victory type. Your civ choice is the first step in planning that strategy.

Cultural Victories
Player Leader Victory Date
Muaziz Huayna Capac 1665 AD
Swiss Pauli Huayna Capac 1700 AD
Alex Gandhi 1768 AD
LKendter Gandhi 1778 AD


Diplomatic Victories
Player Leader Victory Date
Jabah Huayna Capac 1070 AD
Ruff_Hi Zara Yaqob 1400 AD


Domination Victories
Player Leader Victory Date
sooooo Gandhi 1090 AD
SpazzMaticus Suryavarman 1255 AD
Sullla* Charlemagne 1300 AD
DaveV Cyrus 1310 AD
tycoonist Hannibal 1530 AD


Spaceship Victories
Player Leader Victory Date
timmy827 Darius 1690 AD
Kylearan Elizabeth 1766 AD
Compromise Mansa Musa 1798 AD
Benno Darius 1812 AD
darrelljs Pericles 1896 AD
Deceptus Brennus 1907 AD
Rowain Darius 1956 AD

* Denotes shadow game.

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