Opening Date: Monday, June 8
Duration: Six Weeks
Map Script: Fractal
Climate: Rocky
Sea Level: Low
Game Speed: Epic
Civilization: Sparta (Greece)
Leader: Genghis Khan Temujin
World Size: Small
Opponents: Five
Victory: Conquest, Culture, Domination, Space (no Diplo)
No Barbs, No Events, Aggressive AIs, Unrestricted Leaders, ALWAYS
Version: Beyond the Sword v3.17

Into the fray once more, dear friends! This time around you are
charged with defending the rocky Spartan homeland from the boundless
hordes of the enemy invaders. Until you control all of the earth
or are wiped from the earth, there will always be war without end.

The tried and true strategy to deal with the AIs in Always War is
to pillage their territory and wreck their economies. We've known
this ever since Civ3's Epic 14, well over five years ago, and the
same principle holds true in Civ4. So for this game, the one variant
rule is simple: no pillaging, period. You can run around in enemy
territory all you like, but no pillaging of tiles allowed. Everything
else is fair game.
None. Victors will be listed alphabetically, while defeats will
be listed in reverse order (those who survived the longest listed
Mentions will be awarded for the following achievements:
" First (among participating players, by game year) to construct
an Odeon (Greek unique building).
" Highest XP total reached on a Phalanx.
" Most Great Generals produced by 1500AD.
" Highest XP total reached on a naval unit.
" Most techs stolen via espionage.

Always War is a difficult beast. Players are strongly suggested
to be extra careful in the early going - nothing's worse than having
the enemy walk into an undefended capital! You begin the game with
Hunting tech, allowing immediate research into Archery if desired.
aware that you will not accumulate war weariness while fighting
within your own territory. How this will dictate strategy is up
to the players to figure out.
I have
deliberately picked some of the worst possible Unrestricted AI leader/civ
combinations for Always War. Have fun! 

Day: Monday, July 20. Reports due by the end of July 21, your
local time.
Download Epic Twenty-five!
