Succession Games
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Succession Games

Epic Two - Eastern Gem Dealers - Results

Scoring: Results of Entrepreneurs will be listed according to points earned. If you choose not to calculate your score, your results will be listed in an Unscored category.

Epic Heroes! These are players who participated in Epic Two in Civilization III and IV!

Player Score
uberfish 378
Compromise 376
Sulla 354
Blake 334
Kylearan 320
mihau 287
playshogi 278
Dreylin 271
Dark Savant 269
Herbie 263
Zeroth Amendment 253
Darrell 240
mostly_harmless 229
Ug 211
pholkhero 192
blid 186
Demented Avenger 186
Justus_II 183
theGrimm 168
sooooo 145
pling 144
Zman 134
Zalson 52
Griselda 7

Additional Game Information

Time Victory:
Dark Savant

Demented Avenger

Culture Victories:
1981AD mihau
1996AD Zman

Diplomatic Victory:
1876AD theGrimm

Diplomatic Victories (backdoor):
1952AD Ug
1960AD Blake
2036AD Kylearan

Spaceship Victory:
1973AD Zeroth Amendment
1985AD sooooo
1998AD Dreylin
2003AD Justus_II
2010AD blid
2017AD mostly_harmless
2033AD Darrell


2 Gems Connected:
895BC uberfish
805BC mostly_harmless
640BC Herbie
610BC Blake
610BC blid
580BC Dreylin
535BC Griselda
520BC Zalson
475BC Darrell
310BC Dark Savant
280BC Ug
265BC Sulla
265BC Compromise
250BC Demented Avenger
220BC playshogi
175BC Zeroth Amendment
10BC pling
185AD Justus_II
470AD mihau
500AD Kylearan

3 Gems Connected:
490BC mostly_harmless
400BC uberfish
235BC Zalson
220BC Dreylin
175BC Griselda
115BC Darrell
85BC blid
65BC Herbie
5AD Sulla
50AD playshogi
65AD Blake
95AD Demented Avenger
110AD Zeroth Amendment
155AD pling
230AD Compromise
320AD Dark Savant
335AD Ug
470AD Justus_II
755AD Kylearan
770AD mihau

4 Gems Connected:
25BC Dreylin
95AD mostly_harmless
110AD blid
230AD Zalson
305AD playshogi
350AD Compromise
425AD pling
530AD Ug
545AD Blake
665AD Dark Savant
680AD Demented Avenger
680AD Herbie
695AD uberfish
810AD Darrell
935AD Justus_II
1010AD Zeroth Amendment
1172AD Kylearan
1226AD mihau

5 Gems Connected:
200AD Dreylin
245AD mostly_harmless
395AD Compromise
605AD blid
815AD uberfish
980AD Ug
1055AD Darrell
1100AD Demented Avenger
1172AD Kylearan
1178AD Blake
1208AD Herbie
1232AD pling
1238AD Sulla
1316AD Zeroth Amendment
1394AD Dark Savant
1502AD Justus_II
1529AD mihau
1940AD playshogi

All Gems Connected and Sold:
485AD Dreylin
515AD Compromise
890AD uberfish
1118AD Ug
1262AD Blake
1436AD Zeroth Amendment
1514AD Herbie
1580AD Demented Avenger
1580AD blid
1712AD pling
1780AD Dark Savant
1877AD Kylearan
1919AD Darrell
1966AD playshogi
1975AD mihau

All Gold Controlled:
1804AD uberfish
1845AD Sulla
1908AD Kylearan
1972AD mihau

All Silver Controlled:
1830AD Dreylin
1849AD Sulla
1890AD uberfish
1931AD Kylearan
1973AD mihau

To read all of the reports and the Epic Two discussion, please visit our Tournament Reports and Discussion forum!

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Griselda - KingOfPain - Charis