Succession Games
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Succession Games

Realms Beyond Civilization - Epic Thirteen: Passive Aggression

Sponsor: Arathorn
Opening Date: Monday, September 2
Duration: Four Weeks
Map Generation: Random

Difficulty: Emperor
Civilization: India
World Size: Standard
Opponents: Six
Terrain: Continents 70% water
Climate: Random
Barbarians: Random
Rules: Standard -- no respawn

Variant Rules: No attacking cities -- at all -- not with units, not bombardment, not bombing, nothing. Military actions are to be taken against military units (including workers and settlers) and land improvements only. Civilian casualties are not acceptable. Even attacking a city that was once yours to recapture it is strictly forbidden.

Cities may be accepted as tribute during peace talks and cities may legally be founded in enemy territory (during war, of course, check up on the Cultural Push exploit for details and explanations of why being at war is required).

Victory: Domination only -- that's right -- peacefully dominating the world is the goal.

Epic Goals: This is going to be a tough one -- putting cities into culture-flip sensitive zones, trying to flip cities to your culture, vulturing territory after AI razes, springing out to as much land as possible as fast as possible, etc. Domination is usually all about the military. This is to be domination and NOT all about military.

Scoring: None.

Closing Day: Monday, Sept 30. Reports due by Sept 31.

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