Succession Games
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Succession Games

Realms Beyond Civilization - Epic Fourteen: Alexander the Great

Sponsor: Sirian
Opening Date: Monday, September 16
Duration: Six Weeks
Map Generation: Random

Difficulty: Monarch
Civilization: Greece
World Size: Large
Opponents: Eleven
Terrain: Archipelago, 80% water
Climate: Cold Arid Rugged
Barbarians: None
Rules: Standard
Victory: Any

Variant Rules: ALWAYS WAR!

You must declare war on all opponents on the turn you make contact. You may acquire tech, contacts or map information prior to declaring war, but you must pay up front: no deals involving any kind of per-turn payments. You may never, ever make peace with any opponent. Until you control all of the earth or are wiped from the earth, there will always be war without end.

Scenario Goals: Alexander of Macedonia is history's greatest conqueror. Let's see who can give a performance worthy of his legacy.

Strategy: Any time you have the full compliment of civs for the map size, while playing with 80% water, you're going to have close neighbors, smallish civs (on average) and lots of potential for bloody conflict. Being required to declare war the turn you make contact will certainly have you into war rapidly (somewhat like Epic Ten, which was also 80% water 'pelago, although perhaps not THAT densely packed to start). This is likely to make for a tense opening, but of all the civs in the game, the Greeks are perhaps best prepared to survive a very early war. Considering the map conditions (almost opposite of those from Epic Six), I recommend against attempting the farmer's gambit. There's no way you're going to have the kind of breathing room Germany had to start the last Always War game.

Scoring: You are not required to keep score. If you just want to play and enjoy, that's fine. If you do decide to keep score, you may want to paste a copy of the scoring rules to a temporary file on your local system, for offline reference. You may also want to keep notes on the dates when key events occur, if they might qualify you for points. (You will have to do your own scoring tally, at least initially). You should keep enough saved games around to verify your scoring claims if a question arises.

25 pts - Victory

10 pts - Gain cultural control of every tile on your starting landmass.
3 pts - EACH additional land mass you control (every tile within your borders).

5 pts - EACH AI civ that is eliminated from the game (doesn't matter who kills them off)

4 pts - EACH island on which you are the first civ to found a city. (Verify during replay).
1 pts - EACH city you found on "virgin" territory by 1000AD that is not located on your starting landmass.

7 pts - EACH AI contact (and war declaration) by 3000BC. (Score each contact only once).
5 pts - EACH AI contact (and war declaration) by 2000BC.
3 pts - EACH AI contact (and war declaration) by 1000BC.
1 pts - EACH AI contact (and war declaration) by 1000AD.

10 pts - Fastest to Contact all eleven AI's (or whatever remain, if some are eliminated by others).
6 pts - Second Fastest
4 pts - Third Fastest
2 pts - Fourth Fastest
1 pts - Fifth, Sixth, Seventh Fastest

7 pts - Fastest to Contact all AI's that start on the same landmass as the player.
4 pts - Second Fastest
1 pts - Third Fastest

11 pts - Build the Pyramids from scratch.
9 pts - Build the Oracle from scratch.
8 pts - Build the Lighthouse from scratch.
6 pts - Build any other ancient wonder from scratch. (Each).
5 pts - Build any 600 shield middle ages wonder from scratch.
3 pts - Build any 400 shield middle ages wonder from scratch.

2 pts - EACH Ancient Age great wonder rushbuilt by a leader.
1 pts - EACH Middle Age great wonder rushbuilt by a leader.

15 pts - Fastest (by game date) Conquest victory
10 pts - Second Fastest
5 pts - Third Fastest
3 pts - Fourth Fastest
1 pts - Fifth, Sixth, Seventh Fastest

12 pts - Fastest Domination victory
8 pts - Second Fastest
4 pts - Third Fastest
2 pts - Fourth Fastest
1 pts - Fifth, Sixth, Seventh Fastest

7 pts - Fastest Cultural victory
4 pts - Second Fastest
1 pts - Third Fastest

15 pts - Fastest Space Launch
8 pts - Second Fastest
3 pts - Third Fastest

7 pts - Fastest to gain control of all cities on the starting landmass.
4 pts - Second Fastest
1 pts - Third Fastest

7 pts - Fastest to eliminate any one of the AI's (if they respawn, they are not eliminated yet).
4 pts - Second Fastest
1 pts - Third Fastest

10 pts - Fastest to bust every tile of fog on the map (reveal every tile, includes map buys)
6 pts - Second Fastest
4 pts - Third Fastest
2 pts - Fourth Fastest
1 pts - Fifth, Sixth, Seventh Fastest

2 pts - Fastest to hook up three different types of luxury resources
2 pts - Fastest capture (not razing) of an enemy city
2 pts - Fastest promotion of any ship to Elite status
2 pts - Fastest complete exploration of your starting landmass (includes fresh water tiles)
2 pts - Fastest construction of a fortified position (anywhere) by your workers.
2 pts - Fastest pillaging of enemy territory on any landmass other than your home land.

5 pts - Highest Population in 750BC (F11)
3 pts - Second Highest
2 pts - Third Highest
1 pts - Fourth, Fifth Highest

5 pts - Most Territory in 750BC (F11)
3 pts - Second Most
2 pts - Third Most
1 pts - Fourth, Fifth Most

5 pts - Highest Population in 750AD (F11)
3 pts - Second Highest
2 pts - Third Highest
1 pts - Fourth, Fifth Highest

5 pts - Most Territory in 750AD (F11)
3 pts - Second Most
2 pts - Third Most
1 pts - Fourth, Fifth Most

You can download this optional scorecard, if you wish, to help you keep track of your score.

Closing Day: Monday, October 28. Reports due on Oct 28 or 29.

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