Sponsor: Sirian
Opening Date: Monday, September 23 Duration: Four Weeks Map Generation:
Random Difficulty:
Monarch Civilization: Russia World Size: Small Opponents: Five
Terrain: Continents, 60% water Climate: Arid, Flat Barbarians: Raging
Rules: Cultural Link disabled Victory: Only Space Ship is enabled 
Concept: We've had a lot of very high difficulty epics lately. I want to ease
up a bit here with a moderate difficulty Monarch variant following very unusual
restrictions even by Epics standards. I'm such a mad user of heavy loads of workers
in the game to speed my growth curve that I wondered what it would be like to
have my worker access restricted. This would take on an even greater significance
for a space launch game, too. And what's the one civ whose history involves both
successful space pioneering -and- a culture where the workers enjoyed (at least
in theory) the highest levels of "protection" from the government? Russia. The
Soyuz manned flights in particular were a great achievement. The Russians cut
a few more corners than the Americans, but both programs suffered accidents and
deaths in their race to space. The Russians suffered more, but they also made
some great achievements and were first with several notable accomplishments. Your
goal in this game is to focus on the space race, within certain restrictions. Each
city has its own pride and protectionist laws. The tiles around a city may only
be improved by the native workers trained at that particular city. That is to
say, each city has its own self-trained workers, and these never migrate. There
will be no tile overlap in this game. Worker jobs are guaranteed for life, with
fixed wages, complete job security, etc. Also, Russia will shun all representative
governments. Despotism, then Monarchy (optional), then Communism (mandatory),
will be the way of the game. Variant
Rules about Workers: * Each city must produce its own workers, and only
those specific workers may improve its tiles. * Your initial worker "belongs"
to your capital city. * Each city is allowed to produce only ONE worker unit.
* Each city that constructs a Hospital improvement may train a second worker unit.
* Only workers native to a particular city may improve its tiles (including pollution
cleanup). * Your workers must remain within your cultural boundaries at all
times. * Any worker is allowed to improve tiles (within your borders) that
are "neutral": tiles not within usable range of any city. However, only
one such worker at a time per "neutral" tile. * If escorted by military
units, workers may leave your cultural boundaries ONLY for the purpose of founding
a resource colony -- they are also allowed to build roads up to the colony site.
You must keep track of which city's worker was used on the colony, so that you
can determine which city is allowed to train a new worker unit. * If a city's
worker is captured, you may train a new one. If the captured worker is liberated
from enemy control AFTER you have trained a replacement, you should immediately
meld one of the two back into the city ("join city"). * You are
not allowed to make use of the workers of any other civilization. If you acquire
them, you must sell them, or merge them into your cities as population, or disband
them. * You may not automate any of your workers by any method at any time.
Even pollution control must be handled manually, as only the native workers of
a given city are allowed to work on its tiles. The game will not keep this straight,
so you are required to handle it. Variant
Rules about Government: * You are not allowed to enter Republic or Democracy,
ever. * Once you arrive in the industrial age, you are required to research
Communism first (and Nationalism before that, if by chance you get an oddball
result and the game gives you a different tech to start the third age). You should
also conduct your communism research at your best available tech rate: no dragging
your feet to postpone it. * The moment Communism is available, you must revolt,
enter Communist government, and remain there for the rest of the game. Take care
not to be running too much budget deficit at the time or you may end up in a real
pickle during the anarchy period. Variant
Rules about Cities: * You are allowed a maximum of fourteen cities (the
"ideal" number for a small map). If you already have fourteen, you may
only acquire another if you abandon one of your current cities. * You are
never allowed to found a new city that would have ANY tile overlap between its
native 21 tiles and those of ANY other currently-existing city. (We don't want
competition between workers in disputed or shared regions. We want protected jobs!
A new city has to plant itself far enough way so as to not infringe on the territory
of existing cities). * If the AI's settle aggressively, causing overlap or
potential overlap with any of your cities, there's nothing you can do about it,
except that you are urged to do your best to maintain cultural dominance in the
area, if at all possible. However, your city MUST be founded first in that situation.
If the AI's settle first in a spot that would conflict with your planned site,
you must change your plans. You are not allowed to found any of your cities in
any spot that would overlap, even it means a chunk of tiles are inaccessible to
you. (With 40% land, there will be enough land available that you can afford to
waste tiles and still win). Keep in mind that verifying whether your city was
founded before a conflicting AI city would be a simple matter: to check the "date
founded" for each in the city screen. So take care with this one, we may
opt to verify results in some save files. * If an overlap city founded in
the gaps (by the AI) offers to flip to you, you are allowed to accept or rebuff
it as you see fit. However, any such city is NOT allowed to have its own workers.
It is to be considered a "suburb" of your native Russian cities.
* Suburbs do not have their own workers. They may "borrow" a maximum
of ONE worker at a time, and only from Russian cities with which they overlap.
(Can be more than one, which could get very confusing, so... one borrowed worker
at a time. Try not to mix them up). * Suburbs DO count toward your fourteen
city limit, so if you already have fourteen cities, you are REQUIRED either to
rebuff the rebels or to disband one of your cities by the end of the turn, so
that you remain at fourteen (your choice as to which). Here's
a "dotmap" drawing below. If you start with the green dot location,
then the white and purple locations would be illegal. You could not settle there,
because of the overlap tiles (shown with the red X's). 
the other hand, if you had settled the white and purple locations (above) and
then the AI settled the green location, then if the green city flipped to you,
it would qualify as a "suburb" of both the white and purple cities.
The green city could then "borrow" a worker from either white or purple,
but only one at a time. AND you would be responsible for tracking your workers,
so that you don't come back later, see that White has no worker, and train it
a new one, when in fact its worker is busy doing subcontract work for Green Suburb. Below
you see the "optimal" legal configuration of cities. Note that a few
tiles are still wasted. This is the best you could do. You are required to avoid
overlap. If you need help figuring out where to legally put your cities, you can
turn on the grid by selecting Tutorial from the preferences list. You can also
take screen shots with the grid active, then paste into an image program and fiddle
around with drawing your own dotmaps if you like. 
not the only way to fit your cities together, but all other legal patterns waste
more tiles. Even if you try to match the perfect pattern, though, the game will
throw a wrench into your gears: a mountain the wrong spot, fresh water access,
AI moves, the shape of the coastline, etc. You'll have to adapt as you play. Variant
Rules about Warfare: * You are NOT allowed to attack any rival cities
(by any means) if you are listed first in the world in territory (F11). (This
game is supposed to be about the space race, NOT about early conquest and then
milking the already-won game into the modern age to launch). * Also, no sandbagging
on the cultural improvements just to "control less land" so you have
a loophole that will allow you to attack for longer. * You may attack rival
cities ONLY until such time as you take the lead in territory. Then you must stop.
(You can remain at war if you like, attacking units or pillaging tiles). *
If you have less than fourteen cities, you may accept an enemy city that offers
to flip and create a new suburb with it, even if you are already number one in
the world in territory. * You are allowed to raze AI cities, rather than capture
them, but remember that you are no longer allowed to continuing attacking more
cities once you are tops in territory. * You are allowed to pillage enemy
resources during any war, and even to run a military blockade of such resource
tiles while at war, but if you are number one in the world in territory, then
you are NOT allowed to pillage at will, as that constitutes an "attack"
against an enemy city. Your military may play a pivotal role in this game, but
will not be able to win the game for you. Variant
Rules about Espionage: * You are not allowed to conduct Propaganda if
you already have fourteen cities. * You ARE allowed to conduct Propaganda
if you have less than fourteen cities, even if you are tops in the world in territory.
* Keep in mind that communist spies are "veteran" and thus more effective.
This is a long list of variant rules, but they all tie together once you "get"
the idea, that this is to be a space race game with restrictions on cities and
workers, and restrictions also on warfare and government that support the main
theme. Each player should copy the rules to their local machines for reference.
I wanted to go with fewer rules than this, but the concept had a lot of loopholes
and I wanted to head them all off in advance.
Closing Day: Monday, October 21. Reports due on Oct 21 or 22.
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