Succession Games
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Succession Games

Realms Beyond Civilization - Epic One: The Honorable French - Results

Epic Goal: An Honorable Victory: try to win without using any Dastardly moves.

Scoring: Fastest Honorable finish "wins" for each victory condition. Honorable victories place higher than victories involving any dastardly moves, but victory of any sort scores higher than a defeat, so do what you must to come out ahead, but remember you are obliged to stay away from all of the listed Exploits.

Results Summary (compiled by Arathorn)

Arathorn - 1260 AD
Sulla - 1365 AD
Sirian - 1475 AD

Space Ship:
T-hawk - 1555 AD
BillChin - 1788 AD
Cyrene - 1800 AD
Jester - 1715 AD*
Kylerean - 1770 AD*

Iteean - 1575 AD

The Black Cursor - N/A

Smegged - 820 AD

* - denotes dastardly tactics used

Kudos to Arathorn, T-Hawk, and Iteean especially but to all who participated. It was fun and interesting to see all the different unadulterated results.

Launch was the most common path taken. The latest domination came before the first launch. Nobody won via conquest, culture, or histograph (unless you count retirements).

For more information, visit the Epic One Discussion Thread.

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