Epic Goal:
Score the most Scenario Points.
Points Sirian
123 points (Spaceship win in 1790AD) Sulla 101 points (Spaceship win in 1856AD)
T-Hawk 88 points (Spaceship win in 1820AD) Iteean 80 points (Spaceship win
in 1824AD) Jester 62 points (Diplomatic win in 1844AD) Gotag 61 points
(Diplomatic win in 1745AD) Cyrene 45 points (Diplomatic win in 1864AD)
Kylearan 27 points (OCC loss) smegged 23 points (loss, retired in 1110AD) 
the BEST OF Category Fishiest
Game: Cyrene (5 scores for fish/whales) Big
City Kid: Sirian
(3 scores for size 30+ cities) Intrepid
Explorer: Sulla
(3 scores for first contact) Devoted
Scientist: T-Hawk
(2 scores for future tech) Mr
Tenacity: Jester (stuck it out through
major setbacks to pull off a win) Wonder-Full
Results: Iteean (26 points for wonders) Speed
Demon: Gotag (fastest finish) Man
of Steel: Cyrene (only player with Ironworks) Retirement
Home: Smegged (Stick it out next time!) Oracle
City: Kylearan (OCC game) 
PER SCORE groupings
Kylearan, Iteean, Jester Lighthouse: Sulla Hanging Gardens: Sulla, T-Hawk,
Iteean Magellan: Sirian, Sulla, T-Hawk Smith: T-Hawk, Iteean, Gotag
Shakespeare in Capital: Sulla, Iteean Shakespeare elsewhere: Sirian Strategic
Defense: T-Hawk Honorable
Game: Sirian, Kylearan, Iteean Fastest Finish: Gotag Highest Score: Sirian
Fastest Diplomacy: Gotag Fastest Launch: Sirian Control
Home Continent: Sirian, Sulla, T-Hawk, Iteean Control Japan: Sulla, T-Hawk
Control Big Island: Sirian Control North Island: Sirian, Sulla Control
Zulu Tiny Isle: Sirian, Sulla, T-Hawk Control Egyptian Tiny Isle: T-Hawk Literacy:
Sulla, T-Hawk, Kylearan, Gotag AEGIS: Sirian, Sulla, T-Hawk (10 each)
Gems: Everyone except Kylearan's OCC Victory: Sirian, Sulla, Jester, T-Hawk,
Iteean, Gotag, Cyrene Cities:
Sirian (3); Sulla (1) Fish: Cyrene (5); Sirian, Sulla (4); Gotag (2) Contact
Russia: Everybody Contact Japan: Sulla Contact Zululand: Sirian Contact
Egypt: Sulla Thanks
to Sirian and Sulla for compiling these results! To
read all the reports, and the Epic Two discussion, visit the Discussion
Scenerio Points awarded for any and all of the following achievements: 25
pts - Victory (any sort) 10
pts - Build the Oracle (capturing does not count, for any of these wonders) 8
pts - Build Shakespeare's Theater in your capital 6 pts - Build Shakespeare's
Theater anywhere else. 5
pts - Build Smith's Trading Company 4 pts - Build Magellan's Expedition
3 pts - Build the Great Lighthouse 3 pts - Build the Hanging Gardens 5
pts - Have the highest Literacy rate at game's end (only applies if 3+ opponents
remain) 10
pts - Play an Honorable game 8 pts - Fastest Finish 6 pts - Highest Score 9
pts - Fastest Cultural Victory 6 pts - Fastest Domination Victory 5 pts
- Fastest Space Launch 4 pts - Fastest Diplomatic Victory 0 pts - Conquest
Victory 6
pts - Control all land on starting continent within your cultural borders at game's
end 3 pts - Each additional landmass (of ANY size) under your complete control
2 pts - For each civ you encounter for whom you are their first contact (must
have Writing tech at the time to prove it!) 8
pts - For EACH city of size 30+ at game's end. (Must be a city you founded by
1000AD, not captured or founded later, and not a replacement for a razed city
-- NO MILKING, and no last-second worker joining to inflate the population, these
are cities in which you sacrifice shields throughout a good chunk of the game
for scenerio points -- stick to the spirit of this concept if you want to score
this way -- and each city must have food to sustain itself). 10
pts - Control all sources of Gems in the world at game's end 4 pts - Build
the Strategic Missile Defense 2 pts - For EACH unit of Future Tech you research
1 pts - For EACH "AEGIS Cruiser" unit you possess at game's end (maximum
of 10). 1 pts - For EACH fish or whale resource within the native 21 tile
radius of cities you founded prior to 1000AD 