Sponsor: T-hawk
Opening Date: Monday, August 11 Duration: Five Weeks Map Generation: Edited Civilization:
Your Choice! Difficulty: Emperor Map Size: Standard Land Mass: Continents
30% Climate: Rugged, Arid Opponents: Seven Barbarians: Restless
Rules: Standard Victory: Any Version: PTW 1.27f 
Concept: Instead of Potluck, this time you get to select your civilization.
If you've ever been disappointed with what the kitchen sent out, this game is
for you! 
RULE: Players MUST sign up THROUGH EMAIL to participate. Send email
to T-hawk noting which civilization you choose to play. Your start will be mailed
back to your email address. Here's
the menu. C=Commercial, E=Expansionist, I=Industrious, M=Militaristic, R=Religious,
S=Scientific. America
(I, E): Get a fast start with this tasty appetizer. (Do not call it hors d'oeuvres.)
Aztecs (M, R): Try our spicy nachos. For those that like their appetizers
hot. Babylon (R, S): The tastiest yogurt culture you've ever had.
Carthage (I, C): A large, filling portion of meat and potatoes. China
(M, I): Enough rice to feed an army. Egypt (R, I): Just slightly less
sweet than Babylon, and more filling. England (C, E): A basic sandwich.
Not too popular. Served with milk. Germany (M, S): Everyone loves our
spicy bratwurst, especially soldiers. Greece (C, S): A gyro platter
guaranteed to make you relax and enjoy. India (C, R): Would you like
a nice vegetarian curry? Iroquois (E, R): A loaf of oat bread that
our customers often share with their equine friends. Mongolia (E, M):
Mongolian barbecued ribs: great fuel for rugged terrain. Ottomans (I,
S): Tasty falafel with spinach pie. Expensive but very good. Persia
(I, S): Cheaper than the Ottomans, and has a higher iron content. Rome
(C, M): A fed soldier is a happy soldier, so load up on this zesty ziti dish.
Russia (E, S): A good course of soup to start, followed much later by potatoes
and vodka. Zululand (E, M): A light snack for those that like to stay
on the move. The
other seven civs will be your opponents: Japan, Arabia, France, Spain, Scandinavia,
Korea, and Celts. If
you just can't decide, you may choose to play Potluck style. Start a new game
on your own with a random civ selection to have the game pick a civ (try again
if you get one of the opposing civs), and tell T-hawk that you chose potluck,
and which civ you drew. This
game is on Emperor difficulty, but your start is dry (sorry, we don't serve water),
so it won't be a cake-walk. Variant
Rules: None Scoring:
Unlike Potluck games, all players will be competing on the same basis. Game ranking
is by fastest finish of each type. Your civ choice is the first step in planning
that strategy. There are sufficient huts for Expansionist to have some value.
Please do not tell others of your civ choice while the game is open! As
a strategical decision, it is subject to the "no spoilers" rule. 
will remain open until Monday, September 8. Send email to T-hawk to participate. Closing
Day: Monday, September 15. Reports due on September 15 or 16.
Dowload Epic Thirty-five
scenario file
Epic Thirty-five Results 
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