Sponsor: Sirian
Opening Date: Friday, November 28 Duration: Three and a half weeks Map
Generation: Random, Edited Civilization:
Iroquois Difficulty: Custom (Beyond Emperor) Map Size: Standard Opponents:
Five Land: Continents 20% Climate: Cold, Arid, Flat Barbarians: Raging
Rules: Custom Victory: Any Version: PTW 1.27f 
Concept: How deep of a hole can you dig yourself out of anyway? Situation:
You start as normal. Your opponents start in the middle ages. All ancient wonders
are disabled. You've been given a strong ancient UU. You may need it. The
AI's are set to Deity, but with Emperor numbers of starting units.
Variant Rules: None Scoring:
Results sorted by victory condition, fastest finishers listed first. 
Day: Monday, December 22. Reports due by Dec 23. Merry Christmas! Download
Epic Thirty-seven!
Epic Thirty-seven Results! 