Sponsor: T-hawk
Opening Date: Monday, June 28, 2004 Duration: Four weeks Civilization:
Caribbeans (Carthage, see below) Difficulty: Monarch Map size: Small,
edited Opponents: Five Land: Archipelago, 30%, average age, temperate,
arid Barbarians: Sedentary Victory: Any, peaceful conditions preferred
Version: Conquests 1.22 AI Aggression: Least Aggressive 

RULE: You must always keep the luxury slider at 50% or higher. This is a vacation,
we're splurging on luxuries.  VARIANT
RULE: You may not manually command workers to alter terrain. Workers can only
be given commands involving some type of automation. We're here to relax, not
to work! This
restriction extends to moving workers as well (otherwise you could just move a
worker to a target square and then give it an appropriate automation command.)
You may only manually move a worker to load it onto a transport or for a purpose
involving expending it: joining it to a city or to build a resource colony, outpost,
airfield, or radar tower. You
may wake any automated worker at any time, but its new orders must follow the
above restrictions. Don't sweat it if you forget and issue a few manual commands,
but don't abuse this permission. Legal
worker commands are: A (fully automate) Shift-I (fully automate,
this city only) Shift-A (automate, no altering) Ctrl-N (build
trade) Ctrl-I (irrigate to nearest city) Shift-F (clear forests)
Shift-W (clear wetlands), and Shift-D (clear damage)
Not considered
a worker automation command is Ctrl-R (Build Road To). VARIANT
RULE: To keep ICS in check (which is necessary given the scoring conditions),
you may not build any city which would have 6 or more tiles of overlap with any
one existing city. Overcrowded beaches are a bummer, man. 
this picture, location A would be considered overcrowded because the six squares
marked with green dots overlap with City 1. Location B is the same with the six
red dots. Location C is okay. Location D is also okay; even though it has six
squares of overlap, it does not have six with a single city. Again, don't worry
if you slip on this once or twice, just don't abuse city overcrowding. 
Your score will be your in-game score for Happy Citizens, recorded at the date
of 1700 AD or when the game ends, whichever is sooner. Ties will be broken by
finish date. Bonus
score: 100 points for victory. (You can choose to stop playing at 1700 AD
and forgo these points.) Penalty
score: Acquiring enemy cities via capture or propaganda or cession incurs
a penalty score. (Accepting flips is OK.) -10 points for the first city you capture
anytime in the game, -20 for the second, and so on. So if you captured four cities,
the total penalty would be 10+20+30+40 = 100 points. STRATEGY:
With AI aggression set to minimal, you may well be able to go through the entire
game without worrying about military or wars at all. And with the luxury slider
rule, keeping your people happy should be easy as well. Just relax and play a
builder's game. Here's
a couple tips to manage the starting worker at the beginning (assuming you build
your city on the starting square.) If you use Ctrl-I to tell the worker to irrigate,
it will move to and irrigate one oasis square, then get stuck in a loop moving
back and forth between that square and the city. So Ctrl-I isn't recommended. If
you use A or Shift-A to automate the worker, it will first build road on the spices
tile, then move to and mine the cattle. If you wake it while it's on the cattle
tile and give it a Ctrl-I order then, it will irrigate the cattle tile. Note:
The map was created with Arid settings, but many oasis resources have been
added to the desert squares. Think of them as sunny beaches. Also
note that this game will be played on Conquests version 1.22.
Day: Monday, July 26. Reports due July 26 or 27.
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