Sponsor: Sirian
Opening Date: Monday, April 4 Duration: Five Weeks Civilization:
Hittites Difficulty: Monarch Map Size: Standard Opponents: Six
Barbarians: Raging Victory: Player must win by Space Version: C3C v1.22 Scenario
Concept: You are the Professor. You love to sit in your alchemist's laboratory
and work on new ideas. You're so wrapped up in your research that you really can't
be bothered to do much else. Variant
Rules: *
You are too busy to contact any of the civs via diplomacy. Ever, for any reason.
Don't even open the F4 screen. *
When contacted by others, you need to get rid of them quickly, so you can get
back to the lab. (You can accept deals that they offer, but only "as is",
no changes.) *
You can defend yourself if attacked, and you can do what is necessary to obtain
key natural resources (aluminum, uranium) but otherwise you are too busy to engage
in warfare. You are even too busy to ask for peace. Whoever it is and whatever
they want, they'll send someone to tell you, eventually. (Now where did you put
that beaker of copper dust?) *
You are too busy to plan ahead for great wonders (or much of anything else). NO
PREBUILDS. NO PROJECT SWITCHING. The only time you start a city project is when
something else has been completed. If you were trying to build a great wonder
and someone else finished it first, switch to wealth to erase the shields, then
you can pick a new project. (If that sounds painful, don't worry. You're too busy
with your research to care.) *
Partial whipping is allowed, so long as you change your project back to what you
were originally working on. (I've never been a fan of the "must complete
the project when you whip" rule. I think it's arbitrary, and besides, we're
the Absent-Minded Professor, not the Endlessly-Patient Professor. Corruption is
bad; whip those lazy students in to shape!) *
No tech stealing. (You're too busy even to know what others are researching, much
less care about their findings. Your own experiments are the true research.) Scoring:
You are too busy to worry about score. Even if you weren't, score doesn't sound
like a very promising line of research, so you probably wouldn't care about it
anyway. Strategy:
This is a Monarch-level variant and a low key game. In the wake of the pressure
cooker that was Epic Forty-Seven, I hope you enjoy the change of pace. Also, this
is a perfect time for lurkers to de-cloak and try a friendly, fun and agreeable
little scenario. Come on, it's spring time. The birds are singing. The flowers
are blooming. Your work in the lab is calling you... Mapstat:
You really ought to be too busy to need to check mapstat, but if you absolutely
insist that it is essential to your research, I'm sure nobody (in this case) would
mind if you assign one of your lab monkeys to work on it for you -- AS LONG AS
the use doesn't break any of the above variant rules. (Checking what techs your
rivals have would be a no-no.) Closing
Day: Monday, May 9. Reports due by Tuesday May 10.
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