Sponsor: Sirian
Opening Date: Monday, June 27 Duration: Five Weeks Civilization:
Babylon Difficulty: Monarch Map Size: Large Opponents: Nine Barbarians:
None Victory: All enabled, but Player must win by Diplomacy Version: C3C
Concept: You are the drunken king of Babylon. You love your wine.
You love your tobacco pipe.
You love the joy of music.
Most of all, you love women: beautiful, powerful, spirited women.
gods have blessed you with a quiet, bountiful kingdom adorned from end to end
with sweet fruits to ferment and pungent weeds to dry and smoke in your pipe. 
your wise men learned to communicate with the gods themselves, you held a glorious
celebration! In your... er... fogged state, you received an enlightening vision. 
will seek out other peoples around the world and promote the glories of Wine,
Women and Song. Your ultimate goal is be recognized and admired by as many women
who are blessed of the gods as you can find. From these humble beginnings, you
will forge a worldwide culture of joyous endless partying. 
you meet a civilization who is led by a powerful or beautiful woman (all women
are both, of course) then you will ply her with wines from your Holy Vineyards,
enlighten her with the fumes of your tobacco pipe, adorn her body with your finest
furs, entertain her in the Royal Palace, then if you win her affection, steal
away to your Island Paradise to establish closer relations. 
all the world lays down its troubles and joins you in the wisdom of Party Time,
then and only then will the gods be pleased enough with you to grant you holy
powers and make you one of their own. ... So it was told to you in your drunken--
Er... Your
"enlightened" vision.  
Rules: *
You must not ever lose control over any of your five starting cities. If one of
the Five Pillars of Babylon should be conquered, the gods will never again look
upon your drunken face. (You lose! Your results can be recorded, but your score
will be zero.) *
You must always cultivate the king's wines and weeds. Do not ever mine or forest
over any of the tiles that begin the game as irrigated. (Don't let automated workers
do this, either!) *
You must offer wines (as a gift!) to every civilization you meet who is led by
a woman. *
You may not give away cities by any means. *
The only governments you are allowed to switch to are Monarchy (it's good to be
the king!) or Democracy (Women dig that whole "equal rights" thing,
don't you know). Saved
Games: Save your game at 1500AD, in case a question rises about scoring. 
pts - Achieving a Diplomatic victory 20 pts - Each civilization led by a woman
who votes for you 1 pt - Each civilization led by a man who votes for you 10
pts - Complete the Great Lighthouse (Precious shipments of wines must not be sunk
on the reefs and rocks along the shores of the Holy Vineyards!) 10
pts - Build JS Bach's Cathedral (Sweet sweet sounds of music!) 10 pts - Build
Universal Suffrage (Duh! This will impress the ladies, sire!) 2
pts - EACH civ led by a woman who is supplied with your wines and furs in 1500AD. 15
pts - If the Royal Palace is the most cultured city at the end of the game. (Note:
if you attack a city that was ranked in the top five at the time of the attack,
you do NOT score any "city culture" points!) 5 pts - If the Royal
Palace is not the top ranked city, but is on the top five list. 2 pts - EACH
additional Babylonian city that ranks in the top five list at game's end. 10
pts - If your civ has the most total culture at game's end. (Shown on the F8 screen). PENALTIES -10
pts - EACH female-led civilization eliminated from the game. 
Date: This Epic opens in 450BC, upon the discovery of Polytheism. We recommend
that you examine your situation before you begin to make your moves. Good luck! Closing
Day: Monday,
August 1. Reports due by Tuesday August 2.
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