Arathorn Opening Date: Monday, August 5 Duration: Four Weeks Map Generation:
Random Difficulty:
Deity Civilization: Japan World Size: Standard Opponents: Seven
Terrain: Continents 70% water Climate: Random Barbarians: Rampant
Rules: Standard Variant Rules: None
Conquest only Epic
Goals: Survive, Conquer. Scoring:
Defeating the AI opponents is a BIG victory, surviving to 2050 is a victory, and
playing it out to the bitter end is a moral victory. Closing
Day: Sirian's Birthday, Monday, Sept 2. Reports due by Sept 4 (due to
holiday weekend in USA). Additional
notes: Remember, 2050 is a long ways away. Don't get overzealous going
for too many opponents at once. The longer the game goes, the less the AI's opening
advantages matter and the more time human intelligence has to overcome those failings.
This *should* play slightly easier than a typical deity game, simply because there
is no space or diplo ending to cut things off just as you hit your stride. Good
luck to all who participate!
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