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Part Two: Things That Go Bumo in the Nightmare

As we left Normal, a grateful townspeople offered to identify all our items. What we carried out of the game was as follows:

Roede.Orm carried out -- Saintly Gothic Plate, Ivory Gothic Shiield of the Wolf, a crown, Crimson Breast Plate of the Stars, an Iron Flail, a Mace of Vampires, a Mace of Speed, a Blade of the Stars, a King’s Dagger of the Stars (!!!, nice!), a Bow of Shock, a Staff of Heal, an Amulet of Precision, a Silver Ring of Power, a Ring of Vigor, and several pieces of lesser jewelry along with some scrolls (res and ID).

Taoni_the_Fell carried out -- Mail of Accuracy, Cobalt Small Shield of the Tiger, an Iron Blade, Helm of Eagles, An Ammy of the Titans, a Crystal Ring, an Ammy of the Tiger, a Helm of Sorcery, an Amber Full Helm, a Short Battle Bow of Fire, a Staff of Resurrect, an Azure Longbow of the Moon, a Bow of the Moon, and various pieces of lesser jewelry and some scrolls again.

As we entered Nightmare difficulty with our 64k of gold (the amount allowed into Nightmare according to KoP’s website regarding continuing Ironman games), we first checked with Wirt. He offered the rogue Rags of the Lion (bah!) and the warrior a Kite Shield of the Ages (Bah!).

Griswold’s pickings were also bad -- we actually mulled over not purchasing anything and saving the money to carry over to Hell difficulty, but since this contingency is addressed on KoP’s website we decided we shouldn’t try to set a precedent at this time. Instead, we bought various poor, cheap items hoping that Gris would replace them with better. It was not to be so. We finally ended up with some Mail of Sorcery, a Crimson Large Shield, and a Jade Long Battle Bow, along with various shields, helms, and swords of the ages that we were not planning on using. Then, while handling the Jade Bow while still in town, lag ATE it! This certainly did not bode well!

We also purchased the 16 potions allowed at game start, and 2 ID and 2 Res scrolls and recharged all our staves and repaired what arms and armor we could.


Seventh Session -- Dec. 4th 2001. Total playing time 8 hours.

Nightmare Level One -- the usual suspects. Shrines: none. Drops: book Heal, book CB, staff heal(34), ID scroll, ID scroll, ID scroll

Becasue the warrior eventually falls behind the rogue in getting experience, we had Roede solo this level (indeed, the whole Church). Roede’s gear brought over from Normal proved more than up to the task; as soon as a decent weapon dropped, Roede switched so as to spare the durability of his good gear.
Roede still 22; Taoni still 24

Nightmare Level Two -- Scavengers, Plague Eaters, Rotting Carcasses, Burning Deads, Fiends Shrines: none. Drops: ID scroll, ID scroll, ID scroll, staff heal (38), amulet (scavenger), amulet (Burning Dead), unique bow (Deadly Hunter by its stats, although we did not ID it; dropped by a plague eater), quilted armor (Butcher), Hunter’s Bow (Shadowbite).

Roede soloed except for the Butcher, who was stair-trapped and eliminated by the rogue.
Roede still 22; Taoni still 24(Taoni starts Level 5 solo at this tiime)

Nightmare Level Three -- Corpse Axes, Burning Deads, Skeleton Captains, Dark Ones Shrines: Magical; Purifying Spring! Drops: Res scroll, book FW, long battle bow, long war bow, short war bow, amulet (Corpse Axe), Crown (Leo).

Roede soloed entire level; even Leo was no contest.
Roede still 22; Taoni still 24 (Taoni starts Level Six solo at this time)

Nightmare Level Four -- Devil Kin, Dark Ones, Burning Dead Captains, Corpse Captains, Horror Archers, Black Deaths. Shrines: Glimmering (!), Blood Fountain(!!), Murky Pool. Drops: elix Str, res scroll, book TK, hunter’s bow, claymore, amulet (Horror Archer).

Roede soloing. The Horror Archers create some problems, but with a Purifying Spring and a Blood Fountain in the maze, Roede drinks whenever he needs to.
Roede lups to 23; Taoni still at 24.

Nightmare Level Five -- Hiddens, Horror Captains, Dark Ones, Shadow Beasts, Stone Clan Mace Goats. Shrines: Fascinating, Goat, and Goat (ignored). Drops: Elix Mag, book Heal, book Heal , book Heal, short war bow (noted: high durability), studded leather, great axe (Shadowdrinker), ring (Shadowcrow).

Taoni solos most of level, calling to Roede for help when she ran into bosses. Some desynce here, with Roede and Taoni seeing different drops from foes, and bookcases that remained “active” after being used by one or the other party member. Roede drops turned out to be “ghost drops”, in that when he would attempt to pick them up they would simply disappear.
Roede at 23; Taoni at 24.

Nightmare Level Six -- Flesh Clan Goats, Sone Clan Goats, Familiars, Bone Gashers, Acid Beasts. Shrines: Creepy(Taoni)/Holy(Roede). Drops: book HO, book TK, book Inferno, tower shield 13, amulet (dog), amulet (Deathspit), kite shield 15 (Deathshade).

Taoni successfully soloed most of the level, but our first death occurs here too. Taoni is handling the opponents well when she sees a tell-tale boss glow in a very small room. She opens the door and no foes are activated. She quickly tosses in a stone curse and steps in. The curse was good, it got Deathshade Fleshmaul, but a single Familiar is in the room also. As Taoni begins shooting Deathshade the Familiar attacks. Taoni -- health already low due to other encounters -- has to switch to the Familiar and quickly guns it down. But she isn’t quite quick enough, as Deathshade comes out of stone curse and steps up next to the rogue. From that point he pummels her (with stunlock) to death. Roede hears the deathcry and comes geared to the max. When he enters the level, Deathshade moves to try to intercept, but instead walks to the end of a dead end corridor. Roede finds Taoni’s body and resurrects her. Together they hunt down and kill Deathshade -- sweet revenge!
Roede at 23; Taoni lups to 25

Nightmare Level Seven -- Acid Beasts, Familiars, Stone Goat Archers, Fire Goat Archers. Shrines: Religious. Drops: book Heal, book CB, book Flash, book MS, book Inferno, elix Vit, ID scroll, ID scroll, amulet (dog), Axe (Blightfire).

Taoni started solo on this level while Roede returned to finish level four, but the archer goats pretty much kicked her @ss. She would engage in one battle and then have to go to our fountain/spring to drink. Adding to this the fact that the opponents were severely damaging the durability of her armor, we decided Taoni should wait until Roede can help out and hopefully “freeze” some of the archer opponents. This frees Taoni up to work over the goats at long range without receiving return fire. The rest of the level is complete classic teamwork, with no incidents. Even Blightfire and his minions are befuddled by the warrior/rogue combo set at a doorway.
Roede at 23; Taoni at 25.

Nightmare Level Eight -- Familiars, Night Clan goats, Fire Clan Archers, Night Clan Archers (ouch!). Shrines: goat, weapon’s rack. Drops: book Fb, book Fb, book Fb, book Fb, book Heal, elix Vit, Elix Vit, Elix Str, ID scroll, short war bow, gothic plate, amulet (Night Goat), ring (Night Goat), Maul (weapon’s rack).

Classic teamwork defeats all foes -- except Mr. Murphy! Just before we finish the level, Taoni (game creator) loses her internet connection, and since Roede plays from behind a firewall, this means we cannot bring in mules to “mule out” any of the major items we have found in levels One through Eight! Doh! In order to know if we should make room in our inventories for some specific items, and to try to get an edge for the upcoming levels, we decide to ID 4 shields (looking for a “fast block” shield) and some jewelry. Our luck is bad -- no fast block, and the jewelry is nearly all crap. We do keep and pack a topaz Tower shield, a snakes ring, and a ring of zest.
Roede to 24; Taoni to 26.
End of session.

Eighth Session, December 12th, 2001 -- 3 hours 45 minutes

Nightmare Level Nine: Horned Demons, Gargoyles. Shrines: none. Drops: long battle bow, long sword, falchion.

We have a nice set spot right next to the entry stairs; it’s where a wall, lots of barrels, and a peninsula lead opponents to a point where we can finish them off with bows. After about 40 foes were dispatched in this way, we call it a warrior’s level and have Roede finish it.
Roede at 24; Taoni at 26

Nightmare Level Ten: Lava Lords, Toad Demons, Pit Beasts. Shrines: none. Drops: elix Mag, elix Str, elix Dex, staff lightning, cape, falchion, small shield, amulet (dog).

From this level onward Roede has to use his “iron” weapons for better results. We had troubles at the start of this level, where the rogue accidentally triggers too many opponents, who then spill past the warrior’s set point to engage and kill her. Roede managed to fight a retreating battle and kill them all, but uses up his entire belt of reds doing so. We are warned, and take the level very slowly after that.
Roede lups to 25; Taoni at 26

End of Session

Ninth Session, December 11th, 2001 -- 5 hours 15 minutes.

Nightmare Level Eleven: Cave Vipers and Lava Lords. Shrines: none. Drops: book FWave, book Fb, elix Dex, long war bow, ring (ground), amulet (Fangspeir).

Roede drops down the stairs first and finds a Cave Viper waiting to greet him. The combat with that single foes drops his life by 1/3! Today will be tough going. We carefully work from set to set, encountering some heavy desync along the way. Eg.#1: A Lava Lord approaches, and for Roede it looks like he is appearing/disappearing like an Advocate! It eventually ends up BEHIND Roede, pounding on Taoni; Roede steps back from his set point to engage. Then BOTH the foe and Taoni disappear; Taoni reappears three tiles away, and the Lava Lord one tile away. Roede finally engages it and kills it. Taoni complains the Lord ignored Roede almost the entire time and pounded on her. Roede can only shrug, saying he can’t fight what he can’t see. Eg.#2: when Taoni activates Fangspeir and crew, Roede steps up to a fence to attract them while Taoni runs down the fence, through a gate, and closes the gate behind her. From this point, both adventurers break out bows and begin culling the horde. When Fangspeir falls and there are only three foes left, however, the remaining minions walk the fence and then come THROUGH the closed gate! As the warrior has only his bow ready, they quickly slay him. For Taoni it’s a wild chase-and-stone scene, with her finally dispatching the last foes and then retrieving a res for Roede. Bizarre.
Since we still lack decent rings (our amulets are ok), we ID the ring found on the ground. Ring of Precision, +13 Dex! Nice! Warrior to wear it for increased blocking.
Roede at 25; Taoni at 26

Nightmare Level Twelve -- Storm Riders, Maelstorms. Shrines: none. Drops: elix Dex, short bow, mace, full helm.

Tough going right from the start, with numerous foes pouring in from our right side. No decent trap spot, no narrow passage to funnel foes into, no short alleys to activate only a few opponents. Lag and desync were everpresent. Bad news. However, early on the lag works to our favor in one situation: we face five foes, and when Roede and Taoni cut them down to three, the warrior drops out of the game due to timeout! However, his “ghost” still appears on the screen, and the Storms furiously attack it. In the meantime Taoni slays all three, and Roede returns to the game asking what happened. Taoni politely thanks him for his ghost. But more frequently this would happen: for Taoni, three Maelstorms are brought to the set point in sequence to be dispatched. For Roede, all three appear simultaneously and swarm him under. Dead warrior. Or: two Maelstorms approach and stop just outside the warrior’s set point and begin throwing lightning. The warrior can’t move into the rogue’s line of fire, and the rogue can’t dispatch the foes fast enough. Game disk begins to spin; in the next instant the warrior is dead due to lightning, and the rogue must resort to Stone Curse to dispatch the foes. (Why not use SC all the time? -- after all, there is a Purifying Spring for recharges. The rogue cannot do this as the warrior has to get experience to level up to face Diablo, so the rogue HAS to let opponents attack and then be killed by the warrior.)

After both times, Taoni fells the foes and gets the Res staff.

Finally, after Taoni has drawn the entire map and declares the level clear, Roede steps out from his set point and nine (count ‘em, NINE) Storms appears out of nowhere! Literally, they materialize out of thin air! Luckily we’ve each set portals at separate spots, so we each fight retreating actions and make it to our portals. Afterwards we both come back down via the stairs and ambush the foes. From then on we have to “double scout”, as although the level is clear for Taoni (the first scout), as soon a Roede walks into areas, more foes appear lag /desync/ Mr.Murphy at work here). It’s a mixed blessing: further chances to be killed weighed against further possible drops and more experience to be gained.
Roede lups to 26; Taoni to 27.

End of Session

Tenth Session, December 12th, 2001 -- Seven hours, 20 minutes.

Nightmare Level Thirteen: Maelstorms, Snow Witches, Lava Maws (Argh!). Shrines: none. Drops: elix Vit, composite bow, broadsword, small axe, amulet (dog), shortsword (Witchmoon), Field Plate (Doomcloud).

We are fortunate to have a very good set between the stairs and the wall, funneling opponents down to single file and given some protection against ranged attacks. Roede starts the level with his King’s dagger, and then after the set is established switches back to the blade of the stars for the melee opponents. Witches are Taoni’s responsibility; they end up mostly frozen by the warrior anyway, their shots ineffectively hitting the staircase up.
Roede at 26; Taoni lups to 28.

Nightmare Level Fourteen: Black Knights, Fire Drakes. Shrines: two cauldrons (both ignored). Drops: res scroll, staff Fb, breast plate, rags, shor bow, short bow, blade, amulet(viper), amulet (chest), ring (viper).

We are cut down to size right at the start: a Knight and Drake together kill the warrior at the set point. Taoni has to Stone Curse and dispatch them, then raise Roede. We decide to use the Religious shrine at this point, as Taoni’s bows are all getting well worn and a dead warrior can’t use his repair skill. Repaired are: the Saintly Plate, mail of accuracy, crimson plate of the stars, helm of eagle, helm of sorc, cobalt shield, Leo’s crown (unided still), the King’s dagger, blade of stars, iron blade, and the unided short war bow found on level five -- it must be “of plenty” as it’s durability is 165!
Now, with Roede using the King’s Dagger, it’s much easier: no foes can stand against him. When the dagger turns “yellow” he must put it away and break out the iron blade. The going gets much tougher immediately, and Taoni break out the “Bow of Fire” to cut opponents down more quickly. Still, when five Black Knights follow after a poor scouting sortie, they slay the warrior and even put the rogue to the test. Lots of running, drinking, and stone cursing finally dispatch them all.
Roede at 26; Taoni to 28

Nightmare Level 15: Doomguards, Snow Witches. Shrines: a cauldron (ignored), and a weapon’s rack. Drops: elix Dex, elix Vit, elix Str, warhammer, hunters bow, small axe, short battle bow, ring (knight), broad axe (weapons rack), Messerschmidt’s Reaver (Bloodlust), gothic shield (indestructible; from Black Jade, quilted armor (Red Vex), book of Guardian (Lazarus).

The knights are brought to the set and the warrior takes them; the witches are “frozen” by the warrior and are the rogue’s business. The warrior switches between the King’s dagger and the iron blade. Laz’s bodyguards are brought to the set and stone cursed and killed. Laz himself is frozen by the warrior standing north of the room; the rogue kills him from long range shots from the south. After the Laz room is cleared we decide that the warrior needs to take part in more kills, and so Roede breaks out a bow while Taoni readies a sword and shield. This proves unworkable as Taoni can block a knight but not kill it, and a bow-wielding Roede misses too often and can’t outright kill a knight either. When Witches show up on the scene, it becomes life-threatening. Taoni stone curses everything in sight and bails out a scrolled TP, while Roede switches gear (back to S/S combo) and runs to the far edge of the screen. By the time everything gets un-cursed, they have lost track of our heroes. Roede carefully walks back and teases the witches one by one, then runs them into corners and kills them. The knights are also activated single, and the King’s dagger dispatches them all. When it’s all clear Roede sends Taoni a TP to rejoin him; we stay with our traditional roles and finish the level.
Roede lups to 27; Taoni at 28.

At this session’s end we use the Glimmering Shrine and come up with the following: buckler of skill (good!), crimson crown (from Leo), gold blade (very good!), silver falchion of slaying (again, very good!), plate of the wolf, shield of the wolf, massive mace of slaying, and a bunch of cheap jewelry, mostly dex adders and magic adders (glasses).

Eleventh Session, December 18th, 2001 -- Six hours

Nightmare Level Sixteen, part one: the usual suspects. Drops: elix Str, book FW, staff TP, kite shield, long battle bow, tower shield, short bow, buckler, long war bow, crown (Sir Gorash).

Dungeon setup had the long corridor running North-South, effectively quartering the entire level.
Since Roede’s Saintly Plate is useless against these foes he goes to an “all dex” setup, readying the mail of accuracy, buckler of skill, and various dex-adding jewelry that we have. Our set is between the stairs and a wall and could be used in both directions. Knights were lured to the set point and dispatched; Advocates were handled by Taoni alone. Sometime Roede could “freeze” Advocates across a wall into another room -- this was very helpful for Taoni. Sir Gorash brings a friend with him to the set point, but three stone curses and lots of bashing and it’s all over. We immediately ID the crown -- Of Vigor, +18 Vitality (bah!). Only one bad incident: Taoni brings back too many guests to the party, and Roede falls under a flurry of sword strokes. Taoni stones, slays, and then resses our warrior.

Before attempting the last room we set two portals, one near the third (two lever) room and one in the corridor itself but to the North. Taoni begins working the bodyguards, bringing them back to Roede and his set point. When Diablo gets activated Taoni gives a yell, and we both take off running for the North portal near the top of the corridor. Diablo obligingly give chase. We bail out the top portal, relax in town a bit (allowing big D the time to “cool down”), and then return via the other portal and take out the rest of the bodyguards in the fourth room. No noteworthy drops.

Part Two, the finale.

When only Diablo himself remained, we went back to town to load up mules, ready our setups, and have Roede repair whatever looked like it needed repairs. The rogue wanted better equipment, and since we still had five unused ID scrolls with us we used four and identified: Cobalt Tower Shield, Long War Bow of the Giants, Long Battle Bow of the Heavens, and a Short War Bow of Vigor.
Since we found no shield of blocking, we agreed that Taoni would act out her role as rogue, while Roede was the warrior. We stocked potions in our belts from our inventory, wished each other luck, and went back down.

Pre-Diablo, Nightmare setting:

Roede.Orm, Level 27 Ironman Warrior
Str 126/175
Mag 10/19
Dex 60/111
Vit 32/59
Life 190/190
Mana 45/45

AC 59, to hit 199%, damage 49-57, resistances all zero. Equipment: ring mail of accuracy +14 dex, Crown of vigor +18 vit, Buckler of skill +10 Dex, amulet of titans +29 Str, Ring of precision +18 Dex, Silver Ring of Power +17% to hit and +11 strength, King’s Dagger of the Stars (+77 to hit, +168% damage, +9 all)

Taoni_the_Fell, Level 28 Ironman Rogue

Str 32/62
Mag 47/57
Dex 129/139
Vit 20/30
Life 250/250
Mana 123/123

AC 53, to hit 119%, damage 29-42, resistances 0/21/0. Equipment: Crimson Plate of the Stars (+10 all), Helm of the Eagle (+27 life), Ammy of the Tiger (+49 life), Long War Bow of the Giants (+20 Str), Ring of Vigor (+17 life), Ring of the Wolf (+35 life).

When we came back down, Roede set in a corner of the third (double lever) room while Taoni searched for Diablo in the corridor proper. (Comic relief: a single knight had followed with Diablo and followed Taoni back to Roede as a “training run”. We creamed him.) Taoni then activated the Demon Lord with bow shots and high-tailed it back and ran past Roede. Diablo turned the corner, hesitated, tossed off an apocalypse (Roede blocked, Taoni almost killed, drank a large yellow), and then attacked the warrior BUT stepped to the warrior’s flank rather than engaging him head-on. This means that Taoni had to run another 90 degree to flank Diablo and not hit the warrior with
errant arrows. Wasted time! Meanwhile, our valiant warrior was slashing madly with his dagger, pulling grunt after grunt from Big D. Taoni began lending artillery support. Roede was blocking madly, but since his blocking was not perfect, Diablo slipped in a punch. That one punch almost killed the warrior, draining his life ball almost entirely! Roede quickly quaffed a red and continued, as did Taoni, slashing and stabbing until the fiend began spewing blood. Waa hoo! Nightmare Diablo defeated!

Final Comments:
Taoni, the rogue. The finding of both the purifying spring and the blood fountain made this game a winner. We saved over 75 potions to carry over to Hell difficulty! I still think the Caves are the hardest levels to clear, as the enemies are so close and the quarters so confined -- definitely not made for rogues! And our warrior can’t handle it when more than two foes show up at a time, while scouting is very difficult with so many turns, passages, and corners leading into open spaces. Still, I really liked the fact that Roede was confident enough that he could take on Diablo that I was able to play the role of bow-weilding rogue, rather than the role of “punching bag” that I usually am. I know I played only a minor role in defeating Diablo himself, but I feel that the warrior wouldn’t have been able to GET to Diablo without me along the way! Great game!

Roede, the Warrior. On this game we were a little luckier with the shrines. Still, only one stat adder (Creepy only seen by the Rogue), but the PS and BF, Glimmering, and Religious sure helped. For the warrior, that Saintly Gothic Plate from level 15 Normal and the weapons we brought from there really made a difference. His AC was valid all the way to the Hell levels, as was his damage and to hit %.

With that equipment mentioned above and the additional stuff revealed by the glimmering, we had the option of change our gear/tactics for the finale. We put Roede into an all Dex setup, pumping his block up to 75% (as opposed to the 44% we could get it up to in Normal), and using the King’s Dagger meant that he was hitting 95% of the time and with stunning power. That gave us the confidence to let the rogue do what she does best -- fire arrows -- while the warrior fought Mano y Demano, one on one, with the Dark Lord himself. Although Diablo hit much harder, he didn’t hit more frequently, and after the battle started, the issue was not in doubt.


You Call This Normal?

Things That Go Bump in the Nightmare

What, the Hell?

Ironman Rules

Ironman Strategy Guide

Victory Reports
Meet a Demigod Friar.Fuk, Gumby, and Ksira's winning tournament game
Charisycho and KoPsycho Warriror and Mage victory and Nightmare continuation
Roede and Taoni Warrior and Rogue victory
The Continuing Saga of Roede and Taoni Another victory for Taoni and Roede- this time all the way into Hell Difficulty
KoPhanTom A Warrior reaches Hell Difficulty
Cy_2K Solo rogue victory
The IM Game at the End of the Universe Solo rogue victory with game seed info and screenshots
The Tale of Iron_Tao Single Player Rogue victory
Attica(SNOB) Victory of a Snob Ironman warrior
Roede and Taoni Ironman Triple Crown!
Plague, Hariel and Shade Lock In Ironman Triple Crown!



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