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Followup 2 - The Little Things Count
- Apr/24/2000

Here are some things that a D1 player is going to like...
- Game exists briefly after lag out - you can return even if no one else is there
- Multiplayer games have all the quests
- If game crashes mid-item-recovery, next new game will have a corpse in town with all your gear
- You can sell any of your items, wpns, pots, at any shop in town, same price, at your convenience.
- Scrollback log for msgs in game
- Animated graphics are just sweet
- Mouseover health or mana balls for popup "74/74" like msgs
- Shared party exp, don't worry if you're weaker or just learning, exp doesn't all go to the fastest. Gold also shared
- You can colorize spoken text, or make it appear over your character's head
- Free mana as well as health recharge in town
- 'Trading' screen is great for risk free showing off "hey! look what i found" or "want one of these?"
- Automap shows location of other players, waypoints, portals, key locations
- Remeber the sadness of no friendly-fire? Trust me - it's a very good thing! (D2 game is played on server, NOT your computer, so FF dmg would be ten times what you're used to in D1)
- Multiplayer games are NOT more laggy than single player, your lag to server and processer speed determine all for you
- The 'ALT' key to highlight dropped items is SO nice
- Lack of buyable mana potions, initially thought of as very harsh, is a KEY and a very, very good balance item Any of you LoL or Ironman players will have a huge initial advantage over the bnet masses. Likewise, to train now, play a Geezer or BNM. Learn to run like a chicken while fighting.
- Coop combinations skyrocket. Each game is totally different with different style characters, even if classes the same.
- Level loads really are almost instant
- Autoequip of all items, not just weapons, if slot empty
- Instant equip of all items on recovery as soon as you hit corpse
- Ambient sounds, thunderstorms, are stellar
- Eight hotkeys, for right and left click (this takes getting used to)

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First Impression
Followup 1
Followup 2
Followup 3
Followup 4
Followup 5
Followup 6
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Followup 8
Followup 9
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Hostile Coop
D2 Ironman

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