Ironman for Diablo 2
In Diablo, a core
of dedicated gamers seeking extra challenge played a variation called
"Ironman". A team of typically 3 players, one of each class, would enter
the dungeon and never return to town (or at least use its services) until
they or Dialbo were dead. Restart in town was not allowed, only resurrection.
One game, done with each level in order, start to finish. Despite thousands
of such game attempts, scant few, known as Ironman Champions, have succeeded...
Diablo 2 incorporates a feature that should delight the challenge seeker
- "Hardcore". In this, death is final. A character slain is forever dead.
They can of course go at their own pace, replay sections, buy what they
like in town, etc. The question arises... is "Hardcore Ironman" a feasible
option?! While there would be many options and differing thoughts on the
details, the basic idea would be to successfully complete all quests and
defeat the boss monster, without making any use of townsfolk (other than
as absolutely required for the quests themselves), and WITHOUT redoing
any sections.
There are several variations possible, and some details have to be worked
out. It's (way) too early to tell the implications of some of the rules
on the later Acts, but Act I seems surely possible. Some of the key issues:
full clear of the entire dungeon world for that act, just the quests,
or just the final boss? Would lack of repair be too brutal? Act I or the
whole game? What about NPCs that you run across that are not original
Let me spell out some of the Variations.
HC (Hardcore) - Death is final. Use of the "Hardcore" flag at character
creation time enforces this. Otherwise, NO restrictions whatsoever.
OLO (One Life Only) - Each section/level/area of the game may be
played once and only once. It's as if you played three games, one Normal,
one NM, one Hell difficulty, without ever leaving. (In reality it can
be over several days/games, but each area may be visited just once). OLO
would normally be played with quests. Other than not being able to repeat
sections of the dungeon to' build up your character, it's unrestricted.
LOL (Living Off the Land) - not necessarily a Hardcore option,
but has features similar to that described below. LOL characters make
no use of townsfolk whatsoever - they are rugged individualists who want
no ones help. For this reason they will not use NPCs, Akara (free regen),
Cain (ID), Charsi (Imbue), etc. Many quests will not show up as done (although
visiting for the sake of finishing the quest but not using benefits would
not harm the character). Unlike OLO, LOLs do tend to repeat areas to ensure
they are not in over their heads. *n.b. The biggest downside to LOL in
D2 is the lack of warrior repair ability, Religious shrines to repair,
and unknown at present) the lack of indestructible items. For this reasons,
LOLs tend to use whatever gear they happen to find and save lower durability
'good stuff' for tougher bosses. On the other hand, bows and javelins
are essentialy indestructible in D2.
... Ironman - several options, which add restrictions to the above
play styles and move them into the "ironman" realm. The basic idea of
ironman is to enter the dungeon and don't return to town until you or
the boss is dead. In D1 they make their own repairs, make tough decisions
on what to ID, and manage resources very carefully. In Diablo 2, with
no resurrection, once a player dies, he is eliminated from game. Hence
a Hardcore character is recommended. (If you want option later to give
away items you found, though, use a regular character. He may restart
in town to mule or allow looting of his items, but he is eliminated from
the game.) In general, corpses of dead party members can (and should)
be looted. It is allowed to break a game into different playing sessions
(as it an ironman game could take quite a while) - to continue later be
sure not to revisit or kill anything in a previously cleared region. Note:
When a player dies, he should permanently leave the game, since the monster
difficulty in D2 is actually affected by the number of people sitting
in game. Thus those in game should only be the ones actually playing.
VIM - Voyager Ironman - each Act is like a town which has been
decimated of resources apart from the townsfolk and NPC's. The shops are
laid bare and little assistance is available. A Posse of brave adventurers
is chosen to send to the dungeon and save the town. Quests are allowed,
as are NPCs and rewards which do not involve gold. (Free imbue, free ID,
the free rogues are all ok, even Akara,
*BUT* you may only visit them to start and complete a quest. No hopping
up and down for ID or mana dumping. The townies need your help and you
go on these missions on your own.) Non-quest areas are optional - viewed
as extraneous to the mission at hand, but allowed if you want the extra
EXP/reward/risk. The roads and waypoints must be thoroughly cleared (again,
for the sake of the town). At each new act/town you are greeted with a
hero's welcome, and the townsfolk use up their remaining resources to
help you with the next phase. ie Act II, III... you can repair/buy/sell
at the very start, as their honored guests, but no further gold-based
interaction. Use of town portals and waypoints are fine.
RIM - 'Regular' Ironman - a *first* cut at baseline rules for Ironman.
All quests are done, and any benefit from NPCs or townsfolk must be taken
immediately. You accept Cain's thanks by letting him ID what you
have on you when you rescue him, but never use his services again. Akara
is not visited for regeneration - it's just a side benefit from the few
quests you must see her for. The Charsi imbue must take place immediately
- no waiting for a better item or higher clvl. At a minimum, each waypoint
must be found, every quest done, and every road cleared. Beyond that is
not required, BUT the optional areas (pits, etc) are allowed if the players
desire. Not only must the waypoints and road be cleared, but each area
'required' for a quest must be cleared (e.g. Stony Field, required for
Tristram quest, must be cleared. Tamoe Highlands, not needed for any quest,
need not be touched). It is recommended to kill all non-random bosses.
Town portals and waypoints may be freely used to drop off items, but a
t.p. escape should not be used to sit around
and wait for regeneration.
QIM - Quest-only Ironman - absolute minimal townsfolk interaction,
no NPC benefits (Cain, regen). Imbue a junk item and toss it away, make
no effort to heal or protect NPC rogues, etc. As before, all waypoint,
road, and quest areas must be cleared, and all quests done. Town portals
may NOT be used to escape. A waypoint must be used for passage to town
(t.p. from Tower, end of Monastary or Tristram is ok though)
NIM - Non-Interactive Ironman - full clear of dungeon, no interaction
with townsfolks at all. You leave town, and game ends when you or the
Act boss dies. For NIM, no more than one each class (hence 5 max) may
be in the game. No use of town portals or waypoints (except for admin
purposes, ie if a player lagouts of game, or is forced afk)
*Preliminary* Tips/Thoughts
The caveat is that this is based on Act I, and just a few Hardcore and
Ironman attempts. But here is what we've seen so far:
Each class has something VERY significant to bring to Ironman:
- BAR - Find Health Potions
- SOC - Warmth, and Freezing opponents
- NEC - Resource free, non-draining fighters for the party
- PAL - Prayer and protective auras
- AMA - Good death-from-a-distance, and versatile
Differences to Ironman in Diablo 1:
- No res, just ONE life
- No self-repair options
- No glimmering or religious shrines
- Bows need arrows
- *MANY* more tough bosses, and Champions. Well over a dozen nasty boss
mobs just in first Act
- FAR more than 16 levels to clear to win
- Cold and Lightning Enchanted bosses (you'll see what I mean later)
- Server side games make effects of lag worse. One can literally die before
he ever sees what monster hit him
- Regeneration of mana (and in some cases, hit points)
- Bows and javelins are indestructible
- Books need NOT be found to gain skills
- The only scrolls are TP and ID, so ID are more common
- Cain is free (avail in Act I and II, unsure on III)
- More useful 'rare' items
- Five very different characters may join a party
Initial games showed an interesting pattern of top-of-the-world and getting-whooped-on-like-daisies.
At one point, shortly after we got the NPC rogues helping us, it was like
a small army. They were mowing down everything on screen, and we began
to wonder if it was way unfair. That was before... Rakanishu... He is
'Lightning Enchanted' which means that each time he is hit, his body automatically
unleashes eight charged bolts (ow!). That battle was by far the most nerve-racking
one our characters saw. Two party members can to within a few life points
of permanent death, and each and every rogue was slain. The battle was...
such fun :) Likewise, we would handle most normal monsters with little
difficulty, but the boss packs and champions led by Treehead Woodfist
and others left little doubt we were on the cutting edge of survivability
and would need all the help we could get. When trouble and death-prone
situations came, they came VERY fast. In fact, that fast pace and some
lag led to our ultimate demise in the first D2 Ironman game. The Countess
and her minions slew two lagged partners who timed out JUST after their
death. Alas, one was the Paladin (with his Prayer) and the other the Sorceress
(master blaster with Ice), and the rest of the party could not recover.
Overall, a very fun game, and one which showed (Act I) Ironman is do-able,
but certainly a challenge.
Note to those in the early games: We played something between RIM and
VIM - using Cain freely but never Akara. We also forbade side-quests,
but by popular demand, they are now optional - and a very wise option
to take for those with time to do the extra quests. Note the RIM rules
carefully, I think it's a good compromise to let Cain ID everything found
at-the-time-of-rescue, but not allow unlimited ID for the duration of
the game (choosing WHAT to ID is such a Major component of Ironman strategy
in D1 it would be bad to throw that away completely.) Special thanks than
to members of that game: Bolty(NEC), Locke(PAL), Llorac(SOR), Jarulf(BAR),
Zed(BAR) who joined Charis(AMA).
Appendix: below is a list I'm working on of the specific Act I
areas, which are 'required' and which are optional. It needs to be updated/fixed...
For Act I, areas required for quests are: (req'd for RIM, QIM, NIM)
1. Blood Moor
2* Den of Evil (DOE)
3. Cold Plains
4. Burial Ground (Blood Raven)
5. Stony Field
6. The Cave
7* Tristram
8. Underground Passage
9. Dark Wood
10. Black Marsh
11. Forgotten Tower - Level 1
12. Forgotten Tower - Level 2
13. Forgotten Tower - Level 3
14. Forgotten Tower - Level 4
15. Forgotten Tower - Level 5
16. Monastery Gate
17. Outer Cloister
18* Barracks
19. Jail Level 1
20. Jail Level 2
21. Jail Level 3
22. Inner Cloister
23. Cathedral
24. Catacombs - Level 1
25. Catacombs - Level 2
26. Catacombs - Level 3
27. Catacombs - Level 4 - Andariel :)
Similarly, SKIPPED areas are:
3B. The Cave
4A. Crypt
4B. Mausoleum
9B. The Cave
10B. The Hole
15B. Tamoa Highlands
15C. The Pit
