Verily! The small rodents that tend to jump from cliff sides and run down
beaches into water which will drown them are the topic of this variant!
Sadly, the only water in Tristram does not flow and appears to be very
clay-like. Remedy? The next best thing: Splatter yourself upon the hide
of Diablo!
One thing
you might ask about the Lemming Variant is why its strength is not affected
as hamster and squirrel strength is. Well, frankly, it's because of one
thing: Lemmings are insane and being such have no limits as to what they
can do. They always have a full surge of adrenalin running through their
veins so they will know for sure when they are dead. Lemmings can be a
bit mindless and at times can forget weather or not they are alive or
dead. This evolution has let the lemming realize when it's dead or alive.
Also, this adrenalin allows them to have immense strength for their size.
If you do not agree with this explaination then you are not fit to play
Lemming! You must surrender all logic at the door! Sanity is a weakness
Tag: (LEM)
DOTS!!!!! EVER! You may not kill that which is destined to kill you!
If someone is going to kill Diablo with you on the level, STOP THEM or
TP to town! A lemming with dots is no lemming at all! It is a sad
wretch of a rodent...
In general,
+stat shrines (abandoned, quiet, creepy, eerie) and elixirs are disallowed.
Certain quests, however, may allow you to use some elixirs and shrines.
are purists, to a point anyway. Basically this means no gifts (unless
Lemming depends on gifts such as SNOB or BNLemming) from anyone. However,
Lemmings are allowed to trade with each other, but they must be the same
Glory level to do so.
levels may be skipped... if you dare.
Fox, Jaguar, Eagle, Wolf, Tiger, Lion, Mammoth, Whale Raven, Snake, Serpent,
Drake, Dragon, The Vulture, The Bear, Hyena, The Jackal, The Leech
Step On You...
Soldiers, Lords, Knights, Masters, Champions, Kings, Giant, Titan
The Grizzly, Eaglehorn, Shadowhawk, Dragon's Breach, Falcon's Talon, Gryphon's
Claw, Sharp Beak
Step On You...
Overlord's Helm
cannot use the peg-legged nuisance! There are rumors that on that peg
of his is a blade... so he can stab you and stop you from gaining Glory!
You are
not allowed to recieve free healing from Pepin. He's not a veterinarian.
The Sot
(Farnham)... Keep away from him!! He's nude and drunk! That's a BAD combination!
Seriously, he's naked. Look closely. His face and body are the same color.
Duh! He's naked! His hands are a different color, so I guess he's wearing
First thing you need to know is that Glory comes in 4 types: Gloryless,
Glory 1, Glory 2, and Glory 3. Glory is achieved by being killed by Diablo,
although it isn't quite that simple. More on that later.
As for
your one-sided brawl with Diablo, it is insisted upon that you use telekinesis
on him to simulate waves of the ocean... going in... and going
out... until at last you can keep it away no longer and off you go, swept
into the billowing maw.
is how all Lemmings start out. Lacking Glory, you can't expect yourself
to be as well-dressed and as powerful as more Glorious Lemmings. Thus,
you're more restricted than they are.
Your base statistics may not exceed...
Strength: 25
Magic: 100
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 40
Useable items are listed below.
-Armor with 0 strength requirement
-Helms up to Skull Cap
-Non-staff weapons with 0 strength requirement -Staves up to Long Staff
-Shields with 0 strength requirement
unique items are restricted even though they fit the above criteria.
-Naj's Light Plate
-Thinking Cap
Spell levels are also restricted.
Your base spell level may not exceed level 4 on any one spell. Should
you accidentally "over learn" a spell you may not use that spell until
you reach the Glory Level which permits spells of that level.
Advancement: Gloryless to Glory 1
In normal difficulty, "Happy Red Man" aka
Diablo must
destroy one (1) item that you are wearing before he slays you. This item
must have at least 15 durability.
Also, you must, with gold pieces, create a circle and die within it.
Strength: 35
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 55
Expaning on what you may already use...
-Medium armor up to 35 str requirement
-Helms with up to "Helm" type
-Non-staff weapons that has 35 or less str req
-Shield with up to 25 str req
-Staves up to Composite staves
some uniques are disallowed even though they fit the above criteria.
-Naj's Light Plate
-Thinking Cap
Base spell levels may not exceed 8 or else they become unusable until
the glory level that permits spells of that level.
for Glory 1 (optional)
You might try going itemless in normal difficulty and use no offensive
spells while you try to make your way to Arch-Bishop Lazarus. If you get
to Laz, you must kill him and only him. Then get to level 16! Clear out
a single room on dlvl 16 (there are 4 rooms, pick one) and get Diablo
alone. Now let him splatter you into lemming-bits!
You may return to town as needed.
If you do this before getting Glory 2, you are allowed to use either Mindcry
or Thinking Cap. If not, you must wait until Glory 2 to use these uniques.
Advancement: Glory 1 to Glory 2
In nightmare difficulty, Diablo must destory two (2) items that you are
wearing. These items must have at least 20 durability each. You must then
die in the middle of a Pentagram crafted out of gold pieces. (If you're
having trouble making it, clear out D's room and park D. There's a pentagram
on the floor in there. Drop gold until it's covered and die on top of
Glory 2
Strength: 40
Magic: 200
Dexterity: 65
Vitality: 70
Armor with up to 40 strength requirement
-Helm up to Crown type
-Non-staff weapons up to 40 str req
-Staff up to Quarter Staff
-Shield up to 35 str req
again disallowed...
-Royal Circlet
-Naj's Light Plate
Spell levels may now be raised to base 11. If the base of any one spell
exceeds 11, that spell becomes unusable until Glory 3.
for Glory 2 (optional)
You might try the same mini-quest for Glory 1, but this time do it in
nightmare difficulty.
You may return to town as needed.
If done before Glory 3, you are allowed to use either Royal Circlet or
Naj Light Plate. If not, you must wait until Glory 3 to use these uniques.
Advancement: Glory 2 to Glory 3
In hell difficulty, you must create a snowman out of gold pieces and other
items. Use a blunt weapon to give him as a Broom and any crown for his
hat. You then must cast a firewall under the snowman and stand in when
you die. Diablo must kill you while you are on the fire wall. That way
your body gets cremated. (Note: Be sure to name the snowman!)
may now max your statistcs!
helm, shield, and weapon type are no longer restricted.
for Glory 3 (optional)
It's time to go itemless once more and streak to Laz in hell difficulty!
Then get Diablo alone again and have him splatter you into lemming-bits.
You may return to town as needed.
You're more Glorious than your predators! You may now use items with the
names of your predators!
are a LOT of quests to help you along, if you want their help, that is.
Quests are all optional, but they're a lot of fun so give them a look.
rewards may only be gotten one time even if you re-do the quest.
1) Quest of TFoS
If you find Torn Flesh of Souls, you must sieze them, wear them around,
and brag about the mightiness of TFoS until people threaten to kill you.
After that, give it away to someone.
You may use 1 Eerie Shrine, even if it boosts your magic above the allowed
total for your glory level.
2) The Quest for Griswold
Speak to Griswold until he tells you of his "axe." Get him some hemorrhoid
salve (Vitality Elixir). You must leave the elixer at Griswold's feet
and not let anyone drink it until the game closes.
You may use Vitality Elixirs if you pay 1,000 per elixir to Griswold.
3) The Sottish Quest
1: Paralysis
Find an item "of Paralysis" which has no strength requirement. Take it
to the Naked Sot. The guy's drunk and nake! As I said before: BAD combination!
You must give him the paralysis item as insurance that he won't become
too... excited. Also give him some rags (NOT TFoS! That would defile it!)
to wear.
2: Fortune
Speak to the Sot until he tells you of the gold in the dungeon. He'll
jabber something about large piles of gold... play until you find a room
in the Normal Difficulty Church levels which is full of at least 50 gold
pieces. Collect the treasure and take it gold back to Farnham. Leave Sotty
with the gold.
3): The Request
Return to Sotty. Speak with him until he speaks of liquor. Now you must
find him a Fecal Vial (Dex Elixir). Take it back to him. He will tell
you of how he hates Wirt and has become so upset that he will not respond
to anything you do until you have smote Wirt for him. There's just the
little problem of the boy killing you and tacking you to a corkboard if
he catches you, however... There must be some way to appease him! If only
spells worked in town you wouldn't have to go through this mess...
4: Gillian's Task
Gillian! Wirt loves Gillian. If you help her maybe he'll be nice to you.
Gillian lives with her grandmother. She's really old and has digestive
problems which cause her to have hallucinations. You need to find her
some good medicine. Find a (non-curse0 prefixed Staff of Heal Other. Take
the staff to Gillan and leave it with her.
5: Wirt's Task
Having helped Gillian, Wirt is willing to listen to you without killing
Give Wirt 50 gold and find out what he has. Buy it if it has no requirements,
but if it does then you must try again. When you do get an acceptable
item, give it to Gillian and tell her that it's from a "secret admirer."
Ask her if she wishes to meet her admirer and take a message to Wirt saying
that Gillian invites him to supper. When you get back to Wirt, cast staff
recharge skill on him and he will be knocked out! Quickly obtain an ordinary
"club" and impersonate Wirt at Gillian's House. (Do this in a public game
for psycho-fun!) She throws you out of the house and you go back to Wirt.
When he comes to you tell him that he went to the dinner he just isn't
remembering because he had such a good time. He then hobbles off to Gillian's,
gets smacked, and comes back to try to kill you. Quickly cast staff recharge
skill again and run into the Caves. TP to town and tell Griswold that
Wirt has become homicidal. Wirt is then beaten by Griswold for his behavior
and Farnham is insanely happy!
6: The Smite!
The Sot still has ill will toward Wirt. He wants you to smear the contents
of the Fecal Vial (from part 3) all over Wirt, something he's wanted to
do for a long time. Sadly, he hasn't been able to because of his incontinence.
He wets whenever he stands up- and it doesn't stop! Anyway, sneak back
to Wirt and hide behind the tree where Wirt is standing. Drop the Fecal
Vial there. Make a taunting remarks to Wirt so that he turns around, then
scamper through his legs and he'll try to grab you. Wirt loses his balance.
Take advantage of this and while he's teetering on his peg, push the boy
backwards and onto the Fecal Vial!
7: End
The Sot is now very pleased with your deed and says that the cows know
a secret about Cheese!
You may now do the Quest for Cheese!
4) Quest for Cheese
Yes, the almighty force which drives the universe... CHEESE!
1: Bovine Shopping List
Speak to the cows until they let you know telepathically that "I am no
milkmaid." Now go find these items:
-Cheese Oil (Magic Elixir)
-Thinking Tea Cup (Thinking Cap)
-15,000 gold pieces
those are obtained, place the Cheese Oil near Belle (top cow),
the Tea Cup near Belle (middle cow), and the 15k neat S***-Spot (bottom
cow) Leave that game without the aforementioned items; they most close
with the game.
2: Bovine Thirst Quenching
Go back to the cows. Speak to them until they let you know that "You are
not thirsty." Go find...
-3 more vials of Cheese Oil
-3 vials Mold Culture (Strength Elixir)
-3 vials of Feces (Dexterity Elixir)
each cow 1 of each elixir. Leave that game, thus leaving all the elixirs.
3: The POWER of Cheese
Go find a unique item that you don't have yet, and break it! Why? Because,
it is willed to happen. This shows the POWER of Cheese! Restrictions
on the unique item:
-It must be an item that you can use (i.e. not restricted)
-It must have a minimum of 50 durability!
-It may not be a helm or armor.
4: It is done
Tell the Sot of your deed and he will chase you out into the cow field
for being so reckless. Hide among the cows for a minute. Farnham will
then realize that he has wet himself. Full of much bitter embarassment,
he leaves. The cows now are giggling. They've always had a suspicion that
Sotty was incontinent, and now they know it for sure. They are very happy
and much obliged that you finally showed them. In gratitude, they tell
you that all the Cheese Oils you find will be magically made into
Pure Cheese just for you!
You may use Pure Cheese when you finally become Glory 3!
These must be Pure Cheese vials that you find for yourself, not
gifts or stuff that Adria sells. The witch has cheap individually bottled
cheese and it's horrid!
5) Challenge of the King
You are challenged to a duel with Leoric, the Skeleton King. Destroying
him will bring down his evil reign and make the world free once more...
Well, maybe not. He isn't actually ruling anything.
reaching level 30 , you may choose to challenge Leoric, in Hell Difficulty,
to a duel to the DEATH... or re-death in his case. To fight him, you may
use no weapon except for a shield and/or bare-handed attack. You are allowed
these spells in the duel:
-Telekinesis, Mana Shield, Phase, Golem, Stone Curse (from scrolls only)
You may
not return to town until the duel is over. You are allowed up to use 8
mana, healing, or rejuv potions during the duel.
You may use items in the King's range! You are the King!
If you lose, you may not challenge him again until you reach your next
level. If he defeats you at level 35, you have lost and may not try again.
6) Butchery
You must defeat the Butcher... in an odd fashion.
you are level 11, 21, and 31 you may challenge the Butcher on normal,
nightmare, and hell difficulty respectively.
-You may use no items other than jewelry and a unique or basic axe.
-You must fight him in his room with the door shut.
-You may use these spells: Telekinesis, Mana Shield, Healing, Phasing,
You may
not return to town until the duel is over. You are allowed up to 5 heal/mana/rejuv
Victory is attained in either Normal, Nightmare, or Hell and is only obtained
You may use 10 strength elixirs!
If you lose at level 11, you may try again at level 21. If you lose at
level 21, you may try again at level 31. If you lose at level 31, you
may not attempt again.
7) The Quest of Pepin
Pepin is not a veterinarian... so lets make him one! You'll need to find
him a few things first:
-Some appropiate Vet tools
-A book from which he may learn
-A certificate of his ability.
1: The Search for Tools
He's gonna need a good slicing tool, so find him the Bonesaw. It must
be sterilized to prevent infection, so identify it at Cain (no dirty identify
scrolls or nasty glimmering shrines for its identification!). Well, it's
still not sterilized yet, you must find a Purifing Spring. It cannot be
too deep within the labyrinth; deeper pools may be tainted. Find a Purifing
Spring on Church Level 1. Make sure your mana is at 0 (All used up, that
is. You do NOT have to make your base mana 0!), hold the Bonesaw in your
hand (even if your glory level does not permit it yet. Do NOT swing with
it.), and drink until your mana ball is full. Walk back to the steps without
taking any damage and get to Pepin. Give Pepin the sterilized Bonesaw.
2 The Search for Veterinary Books
Find Pepin a book of Heal Animal (Other), Appendage Split (Bone Spirit),
and Lab Assistant (Golem). These must be found in the Hell levels because
there is more available knowledge down there. Adria does not carry the
books Pepin needs because she is not a vet either. Once these books are
found, deliver them to Pepin.
3 The Diploma
Pepin needs a diploma to put on his wall! Find a Scroll of Healing, take
it to Pepin, and the quest is finished!
Pepin is now allowed to heal you for free (in all difficulties)!
You may max out your Healing and Heal Other spells at 15 before Glory
More Reward
Yeah, for a mage, these rewards kind of stink. Here's something to sweeten
it up:
If you find the Protector, you may use it during your mini-quests for
Glory 2 and 3.
8) The Quest to Avenge the Boy on the Altar that isn't
Ack! Curse that Lazarus!! This isn't Albrect! It's just some smelly, dead
kid that Lazarus took into a dark room and killed! He might have done
other vile things to him as well! Furthermore, nobody gives a rat's ass
about this guy! Who was he? How did Lazarus kill him? Did Lazarus in fact
kill him? Lets play autopsy!
-Find a surgical instrument such as The Bonesaw, any non-blunt weapon
with "Sharp" enchantment, or Black Razor.
-Hire a lab assistant. (Golem)
-Make your way to the chamber of Lazarus and clear it out. Cast Golem
and get your surgical instrument ready!
Now start
slicing! Chop, chop, chop, choppity chop! (You could also chop to a musical
Gasp! You've found something! The body seems to be impaled with "item
Lazarus had that game" and you feel that you must bury it in the cemetary.
(You would bury the body in the cemetary but then you would have to touch
a corpse! Eww!)
2 Dental Identification!
You now must identify the boy by using his dental records. Go find something
on which you could make an impression of his teeth:
-Find an item with 1 base durability. (This tells you that it is a very
soft item seeing how it has only 1 durability.)
It should
be easy to get an impression of the boy's teeth now. Take it to the boy
and get a dental impression. Now take the item to Cain and he will identify
it for you...
You may call yourself a Lemming-Dentist and a Mortician. Oh no! You forgot
to make sure you were disinfected! Now you are a Diseased lemming What's
that mean? Well, it means that whenever you feel the need, you may send
a damage spell hurtling at a friend and say "Sorry, my 'disease name'
is acting up. I think I caught it while I was doing that autopsy."
You are allowed to use 5 elixirs of your choice. Dex and Str may be bought
if you wish to use them, but magic must be found for Adria does not sell
Pure Cheese
9) Quest of "Snowman's Name Here"
Your snowman friend noticed how you distracted Diablo and let him live.
He is grateful and wants to repay you. Alas, he has no money. Instead,
he will give you a quest!
Snowman wants you to find The Protector, any fire-resistant magical Crown,
and a Unique Armor which is made of metal. This may be NLP, Scav Carapace,
Sparkling Mail, etc.
Now construct a Snowman in the field north of the Town Portal Area. Put
the crown at the head area, armor in the spot under the helm, and protector
in the area of his hands. And be sure to sprinkle gold around to make
it look like it's snowing!
for Part 1
Your Golem is henceforth replaced with your snowman friend! (Ok, so that
does nothing but it does personalize him a bit!) A lemming who has completed
this task is most Glorious! Add Snowman Glory to your Glorious list of
Your snowman wishes to kill Diablo in Hell Difficulty! Have him fight
Diablo to the Death... or evaporation. Each time Snowman dies, re-cast
him until the job is done! When Diablo screams PRESS NEW GAME AS FAST
AS POSSIBLE! You do NOT want DOTS!!!! EEP!!
Snowman must do the attacking by himself. You may not assist in damaging
Diablo. This counts as Snowman killing Diablo, not Lemming killing Diablo,
Write down the number of snowmen it took to kill him. Your goal is to
get it down to very few. (Note: Recasting golem so Diablo doesn't kill
snowman still counts as a snowman death!)
Yay!! Snowman has gotten his REVENGE for... uh... Diablo's crappy band
of creatures that wasn't even able to keep Wirt and tear him apart! THOSE
You may now add Snowman's Revenge Glory to your Glorious list of Glory!
You may also do quest 10 in hell difficulty using whatever armor you got
for snowman!
10) Snowball Fight in Hell
Ok, this is it... the Snowball Fight in HELL!
works just like the mini-quests for Glory 2 and 3. You go itemless (except
for any items you may have gotten the premission to use during this quest),
and no offensive spells except vs Lazarus. Rod of Onan may also be used
during this quest. You may clear any one room on level 16 so you can be
alone with D.
Create snowmen all over the place! Here, there, over here, over there...
Anywhere! Just don't let Diablo touch 'em and don't let them touch Diablo!
The "fight" is to pop up as many snowmen as you can without them being
killed by D or D being killed by them. The fight ends when D kills ya.
You may use only 8 potions during this fight.
Record the number of snowmen you were able to create before you ran out
of mana and Diablo kills you. The Most Glorious of Lemmings have had many
snowmen fall before Diablo's hand before their own ascension into Gloriousness.
(Lemming Euphemism: Death)
For any
interested, a Lemming has reached clvl 50 before. :o]
rodent variants: Hamster(warrior),
thanks for the help from Xandar aka LemmingDrops
