Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Nicolae Carpathia goes Noob Stomping

Nicolae Carpathia Wrote:Oh wait, Mack quit on us frown No idea of his replacement is as terrifying.

There's pretty much no replacement who would qualify.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Sorry, been a tad busy to update. Not the best for a high level game.

Found Seven. A strange flatland mine. A pre-mined copper? Dunno.

I should know the location of copper before my second city appears, and I can make a decision about war charioting it up. If that's the location, then I might harass Seven. If copper gets revealed at the fort, then don't commit.

Another question. Should I reveal my presence to Seven? No hills on his east, hence I can skip around 2 tiles away. In that case, T15 move scout 11 next turn, effectively scouting Seven's south without getting vision on his actual culture. T16 move 14. T17, I have the option of going temporarily touching Seven's vision, without actually ending turn within it, just to confuse Seven a little. I might not take that option, and actively hide by going around to the opposite side, and then entering Seven's culture to get vision on his capital.

I expect Seven to have a warrior finish T16 just before me. Afterwards, I dunno, will he build another worker at size 2 or keep growing on warriors? My feel is the former.

What about Seven's techs? He needs Ag first, but does he then go for BW or AH? Normally you'd go for BW, but Seven is India and chopping becomes relatively stronger. And this is a great early chop map.

Agriculture is 5 turns for Seven. BW is another 8 turns. Seven started his game on T4. He gained his first point increase on his EoT8, consistent with Ag. The issue is, it's impossible for me tell if he went for BW or AH after Ag, because they both seem to take the same number of turns to complete.

Okay, decision reached. sweep around outside Seven's vision, appear at an odd angle, try to gain vision on his capital (if possible), do not try to end turn next to Seven's capital on T17. I don't know where Seven's scouted, but methinks he's interested in either the southeast (1 move warrior through 1 move jungles), or the northeast (around the horses).

Alternatively, I swing around to the north, and scout out Seven's horses myself. That way, I can send my warrior south into the jungles. Hmm, no, because if I expect to settle for horses, then I'll want a warrior up north anyway to zone defence my plant. And my warrior should hopefully find a food resource near my horses as well.

Capital. We have food near the horses! I'm undecided between the flat tundra (frees up mine for +1h, effectively a plains hill mine) or the tundra hill (for defence, useful in AW).

My sims haven't been particularly detailed. Haven't really had the time (or motivation). Anyways, worker 1 is moving 4 next turn, to put some turns into a road before BW comes in. I'm beginning to wonder if building a 2nd worker at size 2 was a mistake, before BW even came in. Or not, he can sink some turns into roads in anticipation of BW.

Whether worker 2 will road the corn or the forest 9 of capital will come down to whether I settle the flatland (road corn) or the hill (road forest).

When BW comes in, I have an option between mine-chopping (more efficient, lets me 1-turn a worker, gives a good 1/3 tile), or chopping then mining (speeds settler by a turn). Hmm, I'm beginning to like the latter, even if it costs me a worker turn in improving the forest grass hill, because because I can revolt while my settler is moving and my worker is still capable of chopping.

From my tests, this second option settles on the same turn (because in the former case, I can put 1 section of road up to the flatland), but in the latter, I can instead spend the time otherwise roading into moving up to the forest tundra deer.

Delayed my contact with Seven, just to confuse him. That way, he thinks I'm to his south-south-west.

Fine, here's an update. Sorry about my terrible updating schedule.

Settler completes at End of T24. So 20 turns from settle to first city, okay for a lush map. Quicker than what I'm used to.

Location of my new city. Rather awkward, as the only way to get resources in my 1st ring is to settle with no tiles shared with my capital. I think I'll need to insert a cottage-stealing filler city somewhere 888 or 887 of my capital, to take the capital's corn and get some bureaucottages going.

And there's an extremely sexy site to the north. Keep that location in mind, I'll talk about it later in this update.

The problem with settling the filler city north of my capital is, if I do that, where to settle my wet wheat/copper city? I really need to scout out the land west of my capital.

Seven's south, aka my south. Some decent resources, no rivers is okay when I'm FIN to make the terrain pay off quickly, but no really cool sites adjacent to my capital. Yet again. Briiiiccck! I hate you for this!

Some really sexy land to my southwest.

But oh my, that road looks familiar...

Ah, its the same road from picture 2! However, it's in a natural expansion direction of whoever's to my SSW. In other words, I am at an extremely high risk of getting pink dotted, or at least aggressively settled, by Serdoa.

Luckily I have war chariots smile Best I get a WC in that direction. But oh no, if I do that, what will I do to annoy Seven with???

Just about to WC rush Novice because he settled in my face! Let's hope this works!

Novice's aggressive city. No copper, no strategic resources, in an AW, against War Chariots. To be fair he hadn't scouted me out before settling there. He just saw "triple food, river grass, holy city, good enough!".

My first WC. I might whip the next one next turn.

I made a decision to send my initial scouting warrior past Beach Ball, in order to interdict Novice's copper. This is a gamble, no guarantee it'll work. The trade off was that Novice could improve BB's wet corn, making it harder to kill.

Here is the area I need to interdict.

Another thought, I just realised I'm missing terrain info of the area south of the jungle pigs.

So. That's the rub of it. Jesterfool, do you want to take this over? Catch me in chat, if I have some time over the week, we'll have a quick run down of the micro. Alternatively I try to take care of the next couple of war turns, and hand the game over once the battles have finished.

The southern battlefield. Novice has 4 warriors in total. Potentially 5 next turn. He also has a warrior guarding the forest road (as predicted, he wasn't going to allow me to simply pillage it).

Both Chariots have 89% odds next turn. Enough for 2xp, meaning I'll be able to heal-promote the turn after. I'm also going to bite the bullet and move my warrior onto the sheep and block the road, forcing Novice to take a 50% battle to get another warrior into his city. If it wins the first time, it's still useless for defence, he'd be better to move the warrior north.

Another thing of note. Novice had whipped a settler last turn (his T34). His T35, he has moved his settler 998 of my warrior, probably intending to settle his copper. Hmm, how to disrupt it?

There's a warrior guarding the forest hill worker. Ain't stealing that. He's probably got 1 turn into a road on T35, and will complete on T36. Novice also has 2 workers on the fort. Therefore, if I move my worker 4, it's quite possible for Novice to be able to road the tile 6 of my current location and attack with both warriors.

So what should I do? Should I move towards the copper with an eye towards choking it? If so, that means I can't threaten Novice's workers. And then he can double-team me if he's confident (of course, if he screws up both attacks, I can snatch a worker). And where will Novice settle for the copper? 6 or 9 or on top of the copper? If on top, he only needs 2 worker turns to connect copper to his empire. 9 of the copper, I won't be able to fork the copper and his city with just the single warrior. And if he does that, he'll need to guard his workers with 2 warriors (he has that). And he'd only need 2-5 worker turns to connect copper, he has 3 workers in the vicinity. So yeah, this had better be quick.

If I remain in place, Novice will move a warrior onto the hill labelled "disrupt copper" and the other one onto the forest hill, cutting me off from threatening his copper, and forcing me onto flatground to be double-teamed.

Argh, I should have built my 1st WC before I built my 3rd worker. It wasn't as if I needed those worker turns!

Finally, someone had a big power spike over my T35 to my T36. That's probably Novice. Does he have archers? Ugh. This wasn't a very well run war. I ain't confident.

Novice traded a warrior for my warrior at BB, dying on the first one, leaving the second at S1.6. I killed his two stronger warriors with 2 chariots, and they should be able to promote heal to S4.3 and S2.6 next turn.

Novice has 2h in an unknown build, let's hope it isn't an archer. Because they defend at S5.1, and I don't think my 2 chariots is going to be enough. I do have another war chariot coming in 2 turns behind, but that's not going to be enough.

The likelihood of me winning this game has gone from 1% to 0%.

Novice managed to stuff another 2 warriors into the city. I attacked with one WC at 80% odds, lost. FUCK! There go my chances of taking that city before Novice connects copper.

Somehow, the million warrior defence is working! Call it the Novice defence from now on. Get into a bad strategic position, spam so many shitty units your opponent can't even kill them off fast enough, buy time for better units to come online.

I thought spamming warriors was always the novice defense. wink

Ugh what the fuck lost another 75% War Chariot vs Chariot battle. It wasn't crucial, I just wanted to get rid of Serdoa's chariot before it could apply pressure, but noo, I just had to lose it.

Worse thing is I moved a chariot out of supporting range just earlier, because I am stupid.

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