Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Always war vets game?

With four assents and an "I'll go with whatever you choose while I'm gone", I'll declare the settings finalized. So all we need is the starting screenshot and a player order. Then we'll be able to pick a starting player and begin selection.

Oh and I guess a forum for pbem43 would be nice. please

Is the dropbox link for your script still valid?


Super, that means it's on my end that it's not working.

If you want help, I'm scmccarthy on gmail.

Okay, I got it.

I'm living on a university campus with sucky internet is all. It dropped really low there for a sec, I couldn't log in to pitboss, d/l your script, or even load GMail. But it seems to be working now.

Nicolae 1000-1400 / 2100-2200
Serdoa 1600-2000 / 1700-2100
Novice 1800-2100 / 1900-2200
Seven 0600-0800 / 0700-0900

Daylight Savings change applies for me of course as well.

I guess playing order should be Seven -> Nicolae -> Serdoa -> Novice -> mackoti, as I think I remember that he comes from Romania, which is an hour later then my (and novices) place of living and that he also plays normally in the evening.

There ya go, fun fun starting screenie.

Uh, wouldn't being in a timezone that's one hour to the east mean he should get the save first?

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