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[no players] Lurker Thread

luddite Wrote:Well the only reason you were involved at all was because you got the advantage of going after mackoti and seeing him make peace with you and then declare war on us. Getting screwed over on the diplo order just balances with getting the advantage in turn order.

He's got a point there.
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Can't even read the tech thread anymore, too many fuzzy arguments and half-baked points...

(Warning, the rest of this post is probably inflammatory.)

Look. 7Nospace offered a deal involving two terms: peace for 10 turns, and a city gift. The deal was not piecemeal, but a single package. Due to the game engine working in a manner clearly not intended, and in a manner that 7Nospace had no way of anticipating, Luddicator was able to accept a version of the deal completely different than what 7Nospace proposed.


He may not have made the argument in a great way, but Seven is absolutely right: it's the principle of the thing. It's ridiculous that people can even argue against it being a bug, just because the team being affected is ahead.
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As pointed out by others the defensible part of the issue is that no7 were taking advantage of the vagaries of how a sequential turns multi-player game handles in-game diplomacy by making the wardec in the first place. That they then turn around and get screwed by it could be argued to turnabout being fair play.

I'm not sure I agree with this per se, ultimately I probably think that its hard to get past the idea that it's a bug, but since the tide seems to be that no7 are getting screwed here I think so its worth pointing out the luddicator position is not completely indefensible.

I also think lurkers should stay out of tech threads - its really none of our business unless they specifically ask for our input and at least one of the lurker posts in the tech thread was definitely beyond the appropriate level of input for a global lurker.

At the end of the day I think its an issue that probably could have been resolved amicably if both parties hadn't completely lost their heads in the tech thread. More interestingly to me, I think Seven's diplo shenanigans this whole game have sold me that I'd just rather have a true CTON, not this silly AI diplo nonsense. As much as I've grown to loathe real human diplo between players the idea of having 97 trade screens pop up on my turn where I have to whip out my Rosetta Stone to try and figure out what someone is trying to tell me is worse even than a Lord Parkin special condescending diplo novella.

Always War/Always Peace for the win. smile
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

So NS7 finally cashed in Lib... but still none of their rivals was even close! I like their choice, but its scary to think they could have probably snagged Assembly Line with it if they wanted!

SevenSpirits Wrote:Hi, it turns out that in the last turn we took, almost all of our actions (unit moves / city micro) didn't take. I even have the save from just before ending turn to prove it! I don't want to make all you guys replay it though so I'd just like to know which of our diplo offers went through. That seems pretty important to know in this game.

Please all PM me what diplo offers you received from me last turn. Thanks!

What the hell?

Luddicator builds lots and lots of knights, and hope to manage to use them against either Mackoti or N7? smoke

Did they miss the showdown a few turns earlier between Mackoti and N7? If Mackoti failed to do anything worthwhile with 20+ knights five turns ago, what can they hope to accomplish in another five turns with the same type of force?

Also, what remaning holdings does Sian have? It sounds like some islands, but I'm not sure.

Sian still has 3 core cities, plus a couple on the Treasure island to his North:

The core is visible on the right side of this pic. Yuri seems undaunted though, it won't be long.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0373.JPG]

luddite Wrote:Well, if mackoti won't give us open borders, then it's pretty simple. We have no choice but to attack him!

If he does, I think we should stage all our troops inside his territory, so he'll see what we're doing and (hopefully) join us.

This could be interesting to watch, if he gives them open borders. smile Currently he says he's preparing for a two-front war.
If you know what I mean.

Mackoti seems to have been quite diplomatically active. He's gotten OB with YNL, and cozies up with Luddicator. Wonder if he can manage a dogpile on N7?

mackoti Wrote:I decided to have complet trust in Ludicattor, we exchanged world map, next turn i will gift 1 galeon, and 2 after I will gave them a frigate and perhaps a privateer so they can chase seveno's caravels.

Might be some some life left in this game yet smile A Luddicator + Mackoti teamup could make things difficult for N7. Now if only Yuris would join in from the other side...

On that note, the Sian-Yuris war; I expected Yuris to steamroll the weakened Sian. However, by not bringing enough cataphracts to the fight and frittering away the ones he does have, the war has deteriorated into a stalemate. With Sian's growing horde of pikes, I don't expect to see the Byzantines claim any more land. Imho, they would be wise to seek a favorable peace with Sian and turn their cavalry around.

EDIT: Crosspost with kjn

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