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Spiritual Industries by Mackoti

Ichabod Wrote:By the way, if NobleHelium is R2-D2, does that mean that Gaspar is C-3PO?

With that analogy, chewbacca would be more appropriate.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

Quote:Hey mackoti, I think Krill just said that you should rank yourself after him. Are you going to take that?

As i said i will not rank myself because everyone know how great, we male , consider we are, but if someone wants to find how good he is he can always drop a line in duel league and i am more than happy to accept.I even have a small belt to gave away(well you have to win).

I dont know if that was clear but i was writing that competion for secon place its between Novice and Krill , after thinking second place go to :

Krill becasue civ its not just a builder game but a war gane to.

So third place will be Novice.

Like a turn update finished pristhood, will start oracle next turn.

Here its a picture of the empire:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0046%20%286%29.JPG]

I was considering doing a HA rush , yep taking HBR with oracle and atack the guy which i didnt met yet( he couldnt seen in time my power graf) and i know where he is because of al this miror map. But after taliking with seven i declined thsis decision.

Now i have to start thinking about 4th place(I think Sulla Speaker) qualifies like just 1 place, never seen them playing multiplaye by themself.There is Kyan with alot of wins, LP which played a strong game in pb4, i dont count pb7 where well someone gifted to him land.

Short update : finished oracle thsi turn altough was painfull, not working the pig just to get 1 more production but after loosing stonehenge at 1 turns this looked a good thing to me.

So in the rankings 4th place go to SS team(sulla speaker) ,I can say i learn basic civ reading Sulla walktrow , i feel about them they are solid old scholl like Krill, played to few games her so i can realy see what they can do.

5th place its going to Kyan - great micro skill; lots of pbem won, he put me some problems in our duel, nice person, great diplomat.

weak point: war whats good for.

Mackoti said he would be absent this weekend so I played the latest save. Hope it's OK.

I will report tomorrow.

Shots from the second turn I played, t46:

[Image: p41t46_3.jpg]
Suruk is much less developed than it should be given its age, because it tried to build stonehenge at size one working the plains hill (mine), and got to 79/80 hammers before the wonder was stolen out from under it. Note, there was no way to speed it up other than to bring in more workers, to finish the plains hill mine faster or chop another forest.

So now, it finally built a monument, still yearning to claim the gold since forever, and has overflowed into a granary which will be whipped to completion soon.

Also it just got Judaism founded in it. Mackoti had found himself with 79 extra gold and OR looking like a fantastic civic, so he teched masonry and I continued by powering through monotheism. Er, it should be noted that I actually don't know for sure if this was his intention, he just told me to do whatever I think its good. But, this seems pretty obvious, so I am telling it like it's one continuous plan. Next turn I will swap over to OR...

[Image: p41t46_2.jpg]

And whip the granary here, growing back shortly after. With the oracling of metal casting, the rather obvious ramesses of sumeria synergy will be rearing its head, with just about every city receiving a granary, forge, and ziggurat at delightfully efficient prices.

[Image: p41t46_1.jpg]

And here are the other two cities, commerce beauties. Last turn I worked two forests instead of cottages in Furuk to finish the workboat a turn early, while still being able to grow to size 5 this turn. Bluruk is happy-capped and I'm not totally sure what I will do with it. Happiness is a problem right now. In 6 turns the gold will be online, and worth double in cities with forges. Cheap temples are an option, monarchy is also an option (it can be researched in 5t if desired), and looking ahead a bit, calendar would be really nice, 3 or 4 happiness. Iron working could unlock gems for another 2 happy with forges. Sailing could potentially result in another happy resource being discovered, too. And there is the possibility of pyramids, though recently they've been falling near t50.

In terms of overall position, GNP is top, population is top, crop yield is a bit low, MFG is mediocre. Certainly seems to be the position to beat right now.

What's up with the -uk names?

Let's try something new for the spam thread.

mackoti, what separates the best players from everyone else?
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

Quote:mackoti, what separates the best players from everyone else?

Good question Krill, and lurking so much time i have a clue right now ,but giving examples its like taking on people.For example once i treyd to help Atheltele and i said something like: no libraries? and he started cursing at me...

I think micro its very important too, but planing one city will get setled in 20 turns its very important too.

In some games in which i was involved i looked back to see what other done wrong and i found enough such as:

-lack of focus
-getting multiplier to late(like libraries ,markets)
-neglecting corthoses;
-and some times not understating the real situation of the game.

Thats for now, more latter.

Quote:Macedon: hi
me: hi
Macedon: i will be missint till sunday
do you think can cover few turns?
me: yes, no problem
Macedon: the task its to setle asap
the jungle city
and road towards its
me: where does it go?
Macedon: wel near rice and bananas and with border pop to get
the gems
me: ok

Like last time, here are shots from the second turn I played. First turn I spent too much time making plans. This turn I could just coast and take pictures.

[Image: p41t52_7.jpg]
We have the largest capital in the game and it can still grow one more size since the gold was just hooked up. So grow it shall.

[Image: p41t52_6.jpg]
I'm getting the settler Mackoti commissioned out of here. I have arranged for 3 workers to build the road, chop a forest into the settler, and prepare to immediately improve the new city. Here we see a few overflow hammers accumulating from a warrior build so that wonruk can grow before 1-turning the rest of the settler.

[Image: p41t52_5.jpg]
City #3, great for commerce and Mackoti was building a library there. I'm assuming that was to get a scientist, and the city was unhappy (last turn, without gold around), so I whipped it last turn and let the library complete. Once it grows back one more size, I'll hire 2 scientists. This turn I allowed the overflow to exactly complete a workboat for scouting. There seems to be at least one island nearby, and I think a quick sailing + galley + settler will be called for, so the workboat should be useful to hook a resource fairly soon.

[Image: p41t52_4.jpg]
Just grew, I think I'll let it grow to size 3 in 2t, working gold on one of those turns. The other FP should be farmed ASAP.

[Image: p41t52_3.jpg]
Here's the future jungle city Mackoti has planned. Rice will be farmed on the second turn of the city's existence, using only 3 workers.

[Image: p41t52_2.jpg]
And a bit of new scouting info. This is the first spotted city of Nakor, who is Pericles of Korea.

[Image: p41t52_1.jpg]
Demos. We are behind on food and city count, but are tied for highest pop and have a strong GNP.

Anything new in the world? Also, anything else we should thread spam while we wait? smoke

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