Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Nicolae Carpathia goes Noob Stomping

Well, I found a theme. it's not great, but I do enjoy the series, so...

[Image: p43t52empire.JPG]

harry fights against impossible odds all the time. of course, he A) is a wizard and B) has the author on his side.

Demos and victory screen:
[Image: p43t52demos.JPG]

[Image: p43t52empire.JPG]

What I read from this is that we aren't losing... but we aren't winning. I think what we need to do is expand, expand, expand... and build cottages, cottages, cottages. Eventually, we need a couple of good military cities, of course... but expand, expand, expand and pay, pay, pay... Ignore wonders.
Completed:  PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57

Current:  PB 52.  Boudicca of Maya

Damnit. 19 more days.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

I must be stupid but I'm not sure what Harry Potter has to do with those city names.

[Image: futurama_fry_meme_432x125.jpg]
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

holy crap. people are actually reading this pile of garbage? I mean - I had just assumed NobleHelium tripped on his way to the good players threads...

This is an interesting map, in the sense that I'm used to Commodore's handrolled "every early luxury in easy distance" maps and it's disorienting to have such a low happy cap wink

On the off-chance that NobleHelium does not, in fact, know the harry I am talking about - it's not the wizard harry who speaks in mangled latin - er... not the harry who had a troubled childhood... damn. not the harry who flies on a broom!! it's harry dresden, the protagonist of the dresden files, magic's answer to the world weary detective. if you like fantasy, take a read. They are quite good.
Completed:  PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57

Current:  PB 52.  Boudicca of Maya

Yeah, I didn't think there would be another wizard series with a protagonist named Harry so I figured that had to be it. I think I've heard of the Dresden Files before but not the first name of the protagonist.

Remember the Gaspar rule: I am always the straight man.

Dresden Files is more written in the "what's the worst thing I can do to this character?" sense. Those city names, btw, are the names of the 1st 4 books of the series. And the next book (#13 or 14, don't remember, comes out at the end of november) I don't anticipate it quite as much as A Memory of Light
Completed:  PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57

Current:  PB 52.  Boudicca of Maya

(November 8th, 2012, 22:34)NobleHelium Wrote: I must be stupid but I'm not sure what Harry Potter has to do with those city names.

This made me guffaw loudly at work. lol
And yes, I've read them. I blame my mother; she's always pushing the popular fantasy / sci fi stuff at me. I returned the favor by getting her hooked on Game of Thrones last summer.

@ATM - Dresden does speak in mangled latin too, although I think that's intentionally poking fun at himself.

yeah, I was trying to be funny there (pretending to forget immortal spells like "flickus bickus"), but it didn't come across well wink

my mom got me interested in harry potter some years ago. somehow, though, i don't think she'll like Game of Thrones...
Completed:  PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57

Current:  PB 52.  Boudicca of Maya

I have another settler comign out in 3 turns and a worker. I'm debating either somethign near the silver (seafood and happy) or over on the sugar, SE of the cap. I think the sugar spot is the right one - faster and can become a nice military city if I need it - it'll probably be a primary worker/settler pump at first (sugar, cow, and hills)
Completed:  PBEM 34g (W), 36 , 35 , 5o, 34s, 5p, 42, 48 and PB 9, 18, 27, 57

Current:  PB 52.  Boudicca of Maya

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