Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS] Scooticator and Pindooter give a sporting try

So, perhaps this is a stupid question, perhaps it get's me strung up in the courts of the lurkers, but you've made the comment in the document.

You definitely going to get that work boat out of the capital in time?
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Yeah, I did a quick chat with scooter and we swapped the capital to a workboat right away. Capital needs to finish the work boat by t106 in order for it to reach the 2nd fish in time, which should be no problem working cows & iron for 4 turns.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

UCLA is really trying to win my heart today
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Dang pindicator, that's a rough game to lose. alright

But why does your coach hate kicking field goals on fourth down? By my count your Beavers had a chance for 6 points on field goal attempts they didn't take. At the end of the game they'd have only needed one more field goal to win it. Is your kicker terrible?

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

Just got to the car after watching that awful excuse of coaching. Two hour drive should get us home by two in the morning...

Anyway that has to be Riley's worst coached game of the year. He's always been awful at clock management and it really bit them at the end of the first half. And i liked the first time he went for it but i hated the play calling. The second half was better for mixing things up on offense, but they were actually having success running but never stuck with it. Then six minutes to go and he's taking his sweet time and punting down two scores. That's when i started leaving the stadium, and when things gor nuts. Spent the last four min of the game standing above the end zone right where all the action was.

This is being an Oregon State fan, not being able to win the big game. But so fucking close...
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Got home with lots of upset energy from the game, so I played turn 103. Nothing exciting, continued the plans that we had talked about yesterday scooter. In the world abroad, Mostly_Harmless built Colossus for Mackoti, and Black Sword got dtay a shrine for the Hindu holy city.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Popped in just to look around for 5 minutes. Got this from Mack:

[Image: t103_mack_offer.JPG]

I closed out. But I think we should re-offer since we're about to hook online another spices.

Now, an alternative would be to reject that, and then when we have our second spice hooked, we try to trade it to Bacchus for his world map, hoping that completes circumnav for us. Thoughts?

I ran through and did a quick city count of everyone we have contact with. Things look like this:

Quote:Commodore: 12
Lewwyn: 10
Mack: 10
Scoopin: 9
Azza: 9
Nakor: 8
Black Sword: 7
dhalphir: 7
WilliamLP: 7
Bacchus: 6
suttree: 5
retep: 3

Commodore, yeesh. IMPing it pretty hardcore. Actually Victoria is pretty great for him - with FIN coast he can afford to skimp on tile improvements and go settler crazy, which I assume is what he is doing.

In terms of MH building Colossus, given that mackoti somehow got ALL the land in between them, maybe MH should have built the "settlers" wonder instead. wink

I'd rather trade for Commodore's gold than Mackoti's. Or does Commodore not have more than one in his territory?

And Vicki of Portugal in RBMod is scary if it gets late-game. All those half-cost feitorias....
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Turn 100 Power Rankings

Link to previous Power Rankings:
A little late for turn 100, but here are the power rankings! You'll see some big changes as we've now met most of the teams and have a far better idea of who is really good and who just had a lot of early points on the scoreboard

Biggest Gain: +7 Commodore
Biggest Drop: -13 Black Sword

1. plako as Ragnar of Maya
Prev Rank: #4
City Count: ??
In one of my bigger "what was I thinking?" moments, I dropped plako from #1 last power rankings. (More Doh worthy was who I dropped them for!) But plako now has 2 superb wonders in Great Lighthouse and MoM, and we know he doesn't have any strong neighbors, unless Ichabod can give him fits.

2. Mackoti (& Yuris) as Mehmed of the Ottomans
Prev Rank: #6
City Count: 10
Mackoti is the only player I've seen with enough land to launch a spaceship. And he doesn't have to go to war to boot. Maybe mostly_harmless could have built a few more settlers but we really don't know what his situation is yet. As it is, mackoti has the best demos in the game, at least until we find out what plako's are.

3.  Pindicator & Scooter as Darius of Vikings
Prev Rank: #2
City Count: 9
Losing out on MoM may end up being more of a blessing than we thought, as Pyramids helps us now while MoM helps us later. Not trying to underrate MoM as a wonder at all, but we can now grow our cities like crazy with all our Calendar and Rep happiness. And that may be enough to get an advantage over our neighbors. We're also pole position in the race for circumnavigation - bonus: the map edge is between our continent and black sword, so we should be able to circumnavigate with galleys.

4. Bigger, Lewwyn, & Qgqqqqq as Gandhi of China
Prev Rank: #3
City Count: 10
This was the Wow-Demo team until we met mackoti. Instead it looks like these guys are having the same kind of relationship with Azza that we are with Commodore: a different kind of war wearniess, if you will. Close borders may cause tension, but so far no spark.

5. dtay as Alexander of Germany
Prev Rank: #11
City Count: ??
dtay has waged a successful war against Black Sword, but we really don't have a way to guage if he's keeping gains or razing. Either way he looks like he's going to be the big winner in the north half of the east continent (yay Calendar; I can tell that the continent to our west is really the eastern continent because the map split is between our two lands).

6. Ichabod & Wetbandit as Shaka of Greece
Prev Rank: #5
City Count: ??
I hope he can give plako a hard time... Well, maybe this rank is more wishful thinking than reality. Truth is all I know is Ichabod is #8 in score.

7. Commodore & Kurumi as Victoria of Portugal
Prev Rank: #14
City Count: 12
Commodore has gone chasing the settlers wonder and so far is winning that race. He's doing very well with IMP, and I imagine he is settling as many coastal cities as he can to take advantage of being FIN. Probably should be ranked higher just for having 12 cities.

8. Azza as Joao of the Dutch
Prev Rank: #10
City Count: 9
Having currency and 9 cities is a good start, and I can definitely understand not wanting to go to war with Lewwyn. But if it ever goes to a war, I would put money on Lewwyn coming out on top. Still, both parties have a good amount of islands, so maybe it never comes to that.

9. Fintourist & Old Harry as Montezuma of Babylon
Prev Rank: #8
City Count: ??
dtay's southern neighbor, what little we can see of Fintourist shows that he has a lot of grassland, but most of it is jungled. Hopefully he's making the most of dtay's aggressive expansion.

10. mostly_harmless as Qin Shi Huang of Sumeria
Prev Rank: #12
City Count: ?? but will find out soon
Go go Colossus! I hope he gets to enjoy the benefits of it for a long time.

11. WilliamLP as Isabella of Inca
Prev Rank: #7
City Count: 7
Scoring buddhism is a nice little feather in his cap!

12. Dhalphir as Mansa Musa of America (previously Serdoa)
Prev Rank: #9
City Count: 7
Owner of stonehenge and the inheritor of Serdoa's civ. He's been roughed up a bit though.

13. Nakor & CFC Jester as Wang Kon of Rome
Prev Rank: #15
City Count: 8
Climbing up the rankings...

14. The Black Sword & Jowy as Pacal of India
Prev Rank: #1
City Count: 7
It's a big drop for the previous #1, but they've had a lot go wrong. Evidence of a city being razed and clearly seeing another one has hurt them, but they do have a shrined religion and nabbed The Oracle. So perhaps this is an overreaction.

15. Bacchus as Suryavarman of Carthage
Prev Rank: #16
City Count: 6
I'm guessing Bacchus is one of our early warmongers. Mostly because of the low city count combined with being retep's neighbors. Otherwise I have no idea where those hammers are being spent.

16. Slowcheetah as Ramesses of Mongolia
Prev Rank: #13
City Count: ??

17. suttree as Huayna Capac of Spain
Prev Rank: #18
City Count: 5
Being mackoti's neighbor is a rough way to live.

18. retep as Sitting Bull of Khmer
Prev Rank: #17
City Count: 3
3 cities. Ouch.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Jumped into the game to take a look around, was greeted by this:

[Image: t104_blacksword-offer.JPG]

I think he canceled our previous deal now and just re-offered this. I didn't immediately accept because we're several happies away from needing more, and I figure that gives us the flexibility to look around first. Anyway, pindicator you may need to revise you rankings because...

[Image: t104_comm_hg.JPG]

Commodore just got +12 population. Nicely done by him. Also, we met someone new:

[Image: t104_mh_wherecities.JPG]

Okay, timeout. He's at SIX cities still? Yet he built Colossus? So that mackoti can just have all the land he wants? Sigh. Why can't we have neighbors like this? Okay maybe he's been in a bunch of wars an-

[Image: t104_mh_meetings.JPG]

Okay he's basically met nobody. I don't know, weird stuff. Compounding the weirdness is that he already has alphabet (and Metal Casting of course), so I quickly offered OB:

[Image: t104_mh_ob.JPG]

We're quite far apart, so this would be pretty valuable for both of us. Anyway, I went ahead and offered this to Bacchus too:

[Image: t104_bacchus_mapoffer.JPG]

We'll see if he says yes, but a 10T spice gift sounds good for a potentially quicker circumnav. I offered MH 10g for his map as well, but I'm expecting he'll say no to that. If Bacchus rejects, we could just offer this same deal to MH. We could actually offer him our spare gems instead for his map, but I didn't want to do too much without discussing it further. Let me know what you think.

Anyway, I poked around a little bit more, but I had to run, so I couldn't do much else. I should be around tonight, though.

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