Codenames is a team-based party game based on cluegiving with limited communication between a team's spymaster and his fellow agents.
Players will be divided into Red Team and Blue Team. At the start of each round, each team will select a team leader, or spymaster. The two spymasters will be told secret information about a grid of words, which they will need to convey using limited clues to their teammates. The team leaders will take turns giving clues and taking guesses from their teammates. Once all of one team's words have been guessed, that team wins the round. The spymaster changes from round to round. The first team to win two rounds wins!
Each team's turn is broken up into two steps: giving a clue, and pointing at words.
Giving a Clue: The spymaster will post a clue to get teammates to guess a word or words of their color. He does so by giving both a one-word clue that is related to one or more of the words in the grid, and a number which tells his teammates how many words are related to that clue. For instance, he might say "Delay 3." That means that there are three words that are related to the word "Delay". He can say ONLY those two things: one word and one number. They must bold this to make it clear that is their official clue. After that, they are done posting for that turn.
The spymaster may give a clue as above, but offer no further commentary while a round is ongoing. If you are a spymaster, take care to review the typical-ish rules for giving clues in word guessing games listed below.
Pointing at Words: Now the rest of team must select words to guess at, one at a time. Players must bold this pointing action to make it official (eg, "Point to America"). They can guess up to a max of one more word than the number stated by the spymaster (To try to catch up from missing past clues, see below).
Once they point to a word, the moderator or one of the spymasters reveals the color of that word. If the word is the color of the guessing team, the team may continue guessing words (up to the number given in the clue + 1). If the color of the word is either Grey, or the other team's color, the turn immediately ends and the other team takes a turn (Though players can try to guess any words they had missed on a later turn).
If the color is Black (Assassin) then the round immediately ends and the other team wins the round.
The team must make at least one guess; after this, the team may stop at any time by posting the word "Pass" in bold in the thread.
Any player on a team can make a guess, unless the team decides at any point to use a different system (one official guesser, vote for guess, etc).
Win Condition: The first team to have all 8 or 9 of their words revealed (by either team) wins the round. If this is that team's first winning round, the starting team switches and another round is played. If this is that team's second winning round, that team wins the game.
PDF of the official rulebook, if you wish to read it.
Round #1
Red (SevenSpirits & Commodore, ipecac, Bacchus, DaveV) vs Blue (novice & Bobchillingworth, Psillycyber, Molach, David Corperial)
9 Red
8 Blue
Clue History:
Red's 1st: 'Enveloped 4' - Check
Round #2
Red (Bacchus (Spymaster) & Commodore, ipecac, SevenSpirits, DaveV) vs Blue (novice (Spymaster) & Bobchillingworth, Psillycyber, Molach, David Corperial)
2 Blue
2 Red
Clue History:
Blue's 1st: Cool 3 - Fan, Water, Server
Red's 1st: Scythian 3 - Horseshoe, Bow, BAND
Blue's 2nd: Doggie 2 - Bark, Lab
Red's 2nd: Compile 3 - Bug, File, Time
Blue's 3rd: Cupboard 3 - Wall, Mug, Mercury
Red's 3rd:
Players will be divided into Red Team and Blue Team. At the start of each round, each team will select a team leader, or spymaster. The two spymasters will be told secret information about a grid of words, which they will need to convey using limited clues to their teammates. The team leaders will take turns giving clues and taking guesses from their teammates. Once all of one team's words have been guessed, that team wins the round. The spymaster changes from round to round. The first team to win two rounds wins!
Each team's turn is broken up into two steps: giving a clue, and pointing at words.
Giving a Clue: The spymaster will post a clue to get teammates to guess a word or words of their color. He does so by giving both a one-word clue that is related to one or more of the words in the grid, and a number which tells his teammates how many words are related to that clue. For instance, he might say "Delay 3." That means that there are three words that are related to the word "Delay". He can say ONLY those two things: one word and one number. They must bold this to make it clear that is their official clue. After that, they are done posting for that turn.
The spymaster may give a clue as above, but offer no further commentary while a round is ongoing. If you are a spymaster, take care to review the typical-ish rules for giving clues in word guessing games listed below.
Pointing at Words: Now the rest of team must select words to guess at, one at a time. Players must bold this pointing action to make it official (eg, "Point to America"). They can guess up to a max of one more word than the number stated by the spymaster (To try to catch up from missing past clues, see below).
Once they point to a word, the moderator or one of the spymasters reveals the color of that word. If the word is the color of the guessing team, the team may continue guessing words (up to the number given in the clue + 1). If the color of the word is either Grey, or the other team's color, the turn immediately ends and the other team takes a turn (Though players can try to guess any words they had missed on a later turn).
If the color is Black (Assassin) then the round immediately ends and the other team wins the round.
The team must make at least one guess; after this, the team may stop at any time by posting the word "Pass" in bold in the thread.
Any player on a team can make a guess, unless the team decides at any point to use a different system (one official guesser, vote for guess, etc).
Win Condition: The first team to have all 8 or 9 of their words revealed (by either team) wins the round. If this is that team's first winning round, the starting team switches and another round is played. If this is that team's second winning round, that team wins the game.
PDF of the official rulebook, if you wish to read it.
Round #1
Red (SevenSpirits & Commodore, ipecac, Bacchus, DaveV) vs Blue (novice & Bobchillingworth, Psillycyber, Molach, David Corperial)
Sentence | Check | Pants | Reimbursement | College |
Cloak | Model | Gem | Yard | Opaque |
Scubadiver | Chicken | Drink | Bark | Aircraft |
Copper | Charge | Space | Ivory | Ginger |
Key | Web | Life | Dominoes | Europe |
9 Red
8 Blue
Clue History:
Red's 1st: 'Enveloped 4' - Check
Round #2
Red (Bacchus (Spymaster) & Commodore, ipecac, SevenSpirits, DaveV) vs Blue (novice (Spymaster) & Bobchillingworth, Psillycyber, Molach, David Corperial)
2 Blue
2 Red
Clue History:
Blue's 1st: Cool 3 - Fan, Water, Server
Red's 1st: Scythian 3 - Horseshoe, Bow, BAND
Blue's 2nd: Doggie 2 - Bark, Lab
Red's 2nd: Compile 3 - Bug, File, Time
Blue's 3rd: Cupboard 3 - Wall, Mug, Mercury
Red's 3rd: