As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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That is true, I stopped reading and playing in German years ago, so far back that I never played CIV4 with German localisation.
So most of the abbreviations are riddles to me, probably another reason why I stopped slogging through the threads


Also the official German translation of civ 4 is comically awful. The power graph is labelled electricity, rival best in the demos reads "to challenge the best", Persian Immortals are called sabre fighters because that's what they were in civ 3 I guess (but here they have spears ffs), and the list goes on...

There is also a German community translation which is much better than the official one. However, it makes the confusion even worse as there now three set of terms and abbreviations.

Looks like Carthage had been convinced to attack their other neighbours instead,  but then naufragar tried to war-peace them, and the declaration triggered Pericles to declare on naufragar and straight up take a city from him.  And that has convinced Hannibal to seize the dogpile opportunity and go for nauf as well crazyeye .

Nauf just keeps on giving this game.

Naufragar's suspicision he was going to be attacked was reasonable regardless. It's what Carthage should have aimed at (probably).

When Pericles declared Mansa declared on him and razed one of his cities with a culture bomb no less. :D This was briefly a fourway deathmatch. But it looks like things will cool down a bit again.

(September 27th, 2020, 06:01)Miguelito Wrote: Looks like Carthage had been convinced to attack their other neighbours instead,  but then naufragar tried to war-peace them, and the declaration triggered Pericles to declare on naufragar and straight up take a city from him.  And that has convinced Hannibal to seize the dogpile opportunity and go for nauf as well crazyeye .

Nauf just keeps on giving this game.

rolf rolf rolf

(September 25th, 2020, 17:09)Miguelito Wrote: Does anybody read and enjoy this type of report?

I do 

(September 26th, 2020, 03:46)Charriu Wrote: It's funny I don't need translate, but still it's harder to understand because of the different German terms and abbreviations

Some of those aren't even really "proper" German terms  lol. "Gluehbirnen" for example is pure "Civspeak" and not used anywhere else in the language. What it means is researching a tech by sacrificing a Great Scientist (bulbing).

I'll gladly provide translations of "funnier sounding" stuff, just post here if you come across something common translation software can't make sense of.

(September 26th, 2020, 06:56)Miguelito Wrote: Also the official German translation of civ 4 is comically awful. The power graph is labelled electricity, rival best in the demos reads "to challenge  the best", Persian Immortals are called sabre fighters because that's what they were in civ 3 I guess (but here they have spears ffs), and the list goes on...

Good example for "Civspeak"! So if you read something about "Strom ablesen" it basically means that another player saw your power graph and now attacks you because you appear to be too weak.

(September 27th, 2020, 06:24)civac2 Wrote: When Pericles declared Mansa declared on him and razed one of his cities with a culture bomb no less. :D 

The "fun" in that is partially that in the predecessor game Mali (played by me) got culture-bombed by their Greek neighbor while Mali's army was off fighting their French neighbor.

pic of the day:

translation should be self-explanatory.

Byzantium doesn't report, but to my understanding the player is supposed to be competent, but evidently had a terrible early game. The theory is that he aimed for Hinduism first (losing it to Spain on the oasis), and therefore started a settler at size one, and everything else just follows. He has like 3 cities, no idea how he pays for this stack. Asoka (red) nearly killed him, and at the time Ragnar snatched a scouting worker of his, and since then he's been seeking revenge for that, first sending a ~20 axe stack out of the blue towards SE Asia, and now this. Register the turn number crazyeye

That image is broken.

Well I have to say that despite my distaste for Cultural Victory it's probably the best way to win a game like this.

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