players are welcome to use our Teamspeak server...
a real life friend of mine, has generously offered to host a Teamspeak
server for gaming use. We're using it for the Rogue Revival team
variant, and it has become indispensible to our operations. I suspect
it will be of comparable value to Guild Wars, not to mention that
it's fun to use.
known ME0003, or "me three", for over fifteen years now.
He's the one who introduced me to Civ (Civ1, that is), and my first
game of Civ was played in his bedroom. I bought Diablo in January
1997 while staying at his home, so my first game of Diablo was played
in his living room (on my computer). Oh, and I got the Descent demo
from him, so my first game of Descent was played at his place, too.
Wow, where would I be without him?
is Teamspeak? This is a voice communication program, which is capable
of running parallel with games to provide voice chat during play.
There are other uses, too, but gaming is our chief concern here.
I first
learned of this program through friends who are still playing Descent.
FPS players of all stripes -- Quake, Unreal, Descent, etc -- make
frequent use of programs like Teamspeak during gaming. Many RTS
players do the same. Team games see the most use, but free for all
gaming can be fun too, to talk with one another while playing, to
hoot and holler like you would at a LAN.
of the reasons I like Teamspeak is voice clarity. The quality is
really good, sound is about on par with telephone. Another is the
Press to Talk feature, which is compatible with almost anything.
I set up one key to key my mic, and then sound is sent out only
when I want it to be. Less disruption, less distraction, and no
dropped remarks if someone's voice quiets. Another important reason
I like Teamspeak is that it is completely free for noncommercial
use. Finally, I like Teamspeak for reliability. The program is stable,
battle tested for demanding types like FPS players, and with minimal
setup and acclimation, it's ready to use.
chat properly demands broadband. This is the chief reason you haven't
heard about this before -- when I was on dialup, I needed every
ounce of bandwidth just to enjoy a game. No room left for voice.
Now that I have cable, I'm happy to finally start making use of
voice capability.
is the Teamspeak
Website where you can learn more, download the software, etc.
the server is up and he has it running on his network and media
server at home, where he has commercial DSL, it's available 24/7.
The current user limit is set to 16 (max 16 logged in at a time).
I'm also a server admin, so if you have any requests, forward them
to me or post them in this thread.
You Need To Run TeamSpeak:
* Windows
or Linux
* Microphone
* Headphones
* Broadband Internet
mic is obvious.
headphones are for reduction of noise pollution. Folks are going
to be hearing the game they're playing, so there will be game sounds,
possibly music, so any spoken communication needs to be clear to
be heard over the game sound, and we don't want voice echoes from
somebody's speakers, nor do we need to hear THEIR sound and music
broadcast to us.
broadband restriction is not one of permission but of practicality.
Dialup users are welcome to TRY to use TS if they wish. Perhaps
tweaking the performance to minimal latency at the expense of sound
quality will help, but I wouldn't count on that. Use at your own
To Use TeamSpeak:
* Install
the client software.
* Set
up your Connection. Go to Connection, Connect, and add a server
to your local address book.
Label = Realms Beyond
Nickname: (Input your nick)
Login: Anonymously, until we've given you permission to register
on the server. Once registered, then login as registered.
Server Password: The RBD password. If you don't know it, email me,
or Gris, or KoP.
Default Channel: Realms Beyond
Other channels: for specific uses, including a Guild Wars channel.
users can create their own channels if they wish. If anybody wants
a permanent channel created for a specific purpose, just ask.
* Connect.
* Set
up Push to Talk. Go to Settings, Sound Input, and activate Push
to Talk. Then choose a hotkey and set it. I've chosen X, which is
the nearest key to my normal Diablo hotkeys. However, X doesn't
work well with Guild Wars, so for Guild Wars I moved my hotkey to
the Ctrl key. (I have to move it back to X to play Rogue Revival.)
You can set any key you please.
* Enter
the correct channel. You will only hear the voices of others in
the same channel. Which channel to use depends on what you're playing.
I've set up some registered channels to start:
Beyond - main lobby, general chat.
RBD2, RBD3 - Diablo rooms, available for general Diablo play. Find
yourself in a game with fellow RBers? Some or all of you want to
give TS a try while you play? Each room is for a different game,
so up to three games can be running TS, one game per room.
Obviously, Teamspeak is of no use if there's nobody else in the
channel. Also, the server is provided "as is" and we cannot
be responsible for what folks say and do while connected, except
to ban those who behave abusively. Here's hoping that will never
be necessary.
* No
excessive foul language.
* No deliberate harassment of others.
* No deliberate disruption of games, channels, or activities.
* Exercise common sense.
* The server is for RB use only. If there are less than two RB community
members involved, that is not RB use.
rules go without speaking, but I thought I'd spell them out anyway.
If you have a complaint about anybody's behavior on the server,
please email it to me. Thanks.
the chatting begin.
- Sirian