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  Newbie questions
Posted by: CujoQuarrel - December 28th, 2017, 21:51 - Forum: Caster of Magic - Replies (16)

A few trivial questions. Note: I'm playing on a Linux machine under DosBox.

1) Could someone point me to installation instructions. I have 1.5 downloaded (And an Official MoM) so how to I get it to work.

2) In general curiosity do you have the source code for the game or are you hand editing the binaries? Either way it's an impressive accomplishment.

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  New Civ 6 Sucession Game - Cheap Districts
Posted by: Ichabod - December 28th, 2017, 08:27 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (15)

Hey all, I'd like to propose a new Sucession Game for Civ 6, one that delves into the recently discovered District Discount mechanics. Here's the proposed variant:

Civilization: Japan

*We can only build districts with a discount, never at full cost (clarification: Japan's half cost districts are always allowed, since they are already discounted).
*By the end of the game, we need to have built at least one of every district that exists in the game.
*Spaceports, aqueducts and neighbourhoods don't receive discounts and work in a different way than the other districts. We may choose to allow building them or disallow, but they will not count to the second rule (nor to the first, if allowed).

To make the game harder, we could add some additional rules, up to everyone's consideration:

*We must achieve a peaceful winning condition (because those require way more districts than just spamming units and conquering the poor AI). I really favour adding this one to the list of rules.
*We have to place a district as soon as a spot is avaiable, meaning, as soon as a city is founded or reaches size 4, 7, 10 and so on. That would make some more micromanaging needed, since we need to have a cheap district avaiable when we reach those milestones.
*We can't keep captured enemy cities with districts, since we don't know if they were properly discounted or not.

All the other settings are open to discussion, from difficulty to map type and size.

What does everyone think? Any interest?

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  dtay pb38 [spoilers]
Posted by: dtay - December 28th, 2017, 03:13 - Forum: Pitboss 38 - Replies (51)

spoiler thread

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  [Spoilers] Autonomous Bureaucratic Barons Alliance
Posted by: Mr. Cairo - December 27th, 2017, 18:32 - Forum: Pitboss 38 - Replies (53)

Yes, this will be ABBA themed.



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  Adamantium on Arcanus ?
Posted by: m59gar - December 27th, 2017, 17:42 - Forum: Caster of Magic - Replies (3)

Just had a game with a starting city on Arcanus with Adamantium... what's up? O.o

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  [Spoilers] AdrienIer wonders how he got there (feat Taotao)
Posted by: AdrienIer - December 27th, 2017, 16:12 - Forum: Pitboss 38 - Replies (253)

What ? How ? What ? When ?

Edit : For convenience, proposed city names (credit to Taotao) : Maoli, Periluz (perilous?), Suleimance, Pergustus (pegasus?), Genghis Celt (/cult?), Charlemongol, Kublai home, Mehgypt, Qinhage, Just inca, Salarus (Lazarus?), Byzao, Naptecs, Tokan (toucan?), Khmecca, Hachi, Vikingsros, Gretshup (Gretchen?), Pamay, Cyrab, Koshak (Cossack?), Ceamany (sesame?), Zameria, Native hill, Holy Rag. Qin Chi Na, Montezulu, Boudutcha, Victhage, Louindias, Stalindia, Huayztec, Musa, Biskhmer, Joaopan, Asokorea, Persicles, Lincelt, Hannibylon/Kubylon, Speterain, Viskington, Otto von Bisman, Suryassia, Suryottoman, Ethioranje, Isabyzantia

Password is maoli.

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  [SPOILERS] Donovan Zoi Tries to Stay Above the Fold in - Demented Avengers!
Posted by: Donovan Zoi - December 27th, 2017, 14:35 - Forum: Pitboss 38 - Replies (147)

Welcome to my spoiler thread!  I'll be changing some things this time out, in terms of reporting and gameplay:

--less long-winded and compulsively-formatted posts that eventually wear me out and cheat you out of updates.  I'll make an attempt to present my strategy to you ahead of time, instead of just telling you what I did once it happens.
--more going to the panel for insight from prior RBxx threads that may help me perfect any gambit that interests me.  I am finally committed to learning our history so I am not repeatedly doomed to repeat it.

--More settlement during the expansion phase! Addressing a common mistake throughout all of my recent performances, always ending with the expected result.
--Troops over Buildings!  No more gazing in awe while my neighbor scales Mount Everest (or the Burj Khalifa) on the Powergraph.

Naming protocol: Lyric snippets from Pink Floyd songs.  This was hinted in my last game at when San Tropez was founded amongst a bunch of Alaskan cities, but I didn't commit since the writing was on the wall in that venture.  There are 30-odd names I have so far to keep myself entertained.

The password is: syd
I am fine with a lurker playing my turns in a way that makes sense for the first 100 turns, though I will likely not leave the game hanging like that.

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  Having fun with new research costs
Posted by: m59gar - December 26th, 2017, 19:35 - Forum: Caster of Magic - Replies (3)

I know I've whined a few times smile but  I have to say that the new research costs have appropriately slowed the game on an important vector. As a 10 Nature Alchemy Conjurer + Barbarian, I've been able to wage war on all of Arcanus with my summons and Berzerkers without my opponents teching into unbeatable tiers of units. The race is to actually finish them before they can get there, which they're doing a decent job of doing, but I'm able to try to keep up

In previous games this simply wasn't possible. By the time you reach Wizard 2 or 3, it used to be that they'd have buttloads of high end summons.

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  rules for spells found in ruins
Posted by: crusader.mike - December 25th, 2017, 18:20 - Forum: Caster of Magic - Replies (13)

What are the rules for spells received as reward for taking a lair/tower/etc?

1. are they random? I.e. reloading and taking tower again will give you another spell
2. does it matter how many books of given color you have? or you could get Armageddon even with 1 chaos book?
3. how strength of defense correlates to rarity of spell? what if you already have all spells of given rarity?

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  [SPOILERS] Rusten prepares to face the music
Posted by: Rusten - December 25th, 2017, 11:02 - Forum: Pitboss 38 - Replies (243)

I'll try to find the time to update this thread often once things get underway.

Civ pw:


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Player lineup:
1) dtay - Genghis Khan (Agg/Imp) of Celtia
2) superdeath - Churchill (Cha/Pro) of the Native Americans
3) Mr. Cairo - Saladin (Pro/Spi) of Russia
4) B4ndit - Zara Yaqob (Cre/Org) of Sumeria
5) Rusten - Cyrus (Cha/Imp) of Arabia
6) Donovan Zoi - Pacal (Exp/Fin) of Maya
7) Gavagai - Mehmed (Exp/Org) of Egypt
8) Shallow Old Human Tourist - Augustus (Imp/Ind) of Persia
9) GermanJoey - Charlemagne (Imp/Pro) of Mongolia
10) Dreylin - Roosevelt (Ind/Org) of the Vikings
11) OT4E and Chumchu - Qin Shi Huang (Ind/Pro) of Carthage
12) Dark Savant - Joao (Exp/Imp) of Byzantium
13) 2metraninja - Napoleon (Cha/Org) of the Aztecs
14) Mackoti - Suleiman (Imp/Phi) of France
15) The Black Sword - Pericles (Cre/Phi) of Zulu
16) AdrienIer - Mao (Exp/Pro) of Mali
17) Pindicator - Hammurabi (Agg/Org) of China
18) WilliamLP - Tokugawa (Agg/Pro) of Japan
19) Commodore - Kublai Khan (Cha/Cre) of Rome
20) naufrager - Julius Caesar (Imp/Org) of Germany
21) plako - Justinian (Imp/Spi) of Inca
22) elkad - Shaka (Agg/Exp) of Korea
23) spacetyrantxenu - Hatshepsut (Cre/Spi) of Greece
24) Boldly Going Nowhere - Boudica (Agg/Cha) of Khmer
25) Aretas - Ragnar (Agg/Fin) of Holy Rome
Summary of key ideas from pre-game brainstorming:
Summary of pre-game brainstorming or: How we will win this game if all goes according to plan

No plan survives contact with the enemy, but here's a list of our current tactical and strategical advantages (as I see it). The overarching game plan.

Machinery bulb:
Inland start without fishing. MC is cheap in this mod. Crossbows are a great answer to the beefed up RtR swordsmen on the defense as well as great stack defense in enemy territory. Discourages dogpiles (easier to defend on multiple fronts so we can go attack with less paranoia). Speeds up guilds (knights are great and CAs only add to their strength).
Early religion:
Perfect starting techs means it barely slows the early game. Guaranteed shrine later. Theocracy combined with IMP/CHA may result in important promotions later on (blitz and commando). OR is a strong civic and encourages early forges.
Early aesthetics:
CHA+ SoZ. Early happy surplus (can beeline). Build GL for early machinery bulb followed by GA. Could consider grabbing aesthetics with the Oracle, but I imagine there will be competition for it. Not willing to sacrifice the early game too much for this. Will reassess Oracle timeline after the first ~40 turns.
~52 hammer library with CHA. The +4 culture will pop borders in no time and win potential "culture wars" where we share border with rivals. If we plant a hill city on a natural border and put crossbows in garrison it will dissuade attacks.
Golden ages:
Easy access to priest slots means it's a piece of cake to start our 2nd GA. Does not require extreme planning or turns of caste. As a result we can possibly do an early 1st GA. A Vassalage+serfdom (on the path to guilds) and possibly theocracy swap together with first GA comes to mind as an option. Prepare UBERmills in advance (RtR watermills and windmills). Run priests during GA for shrine+2nd GA priest.
Cheaper settlers free up hammers for wonders and/or working commerce tiles.

Quick IMP expansion into aesthetics+lit wonders into machinery bulb into guilds path. Can eat an "easy" opponent with xbows+siege+swords --> attack a more difficult target with CAs (possibly with tech advantage).

Thoughts on early settling (pretty scattered but this post gives an idea)
As this thread is currently functioning as a monologue I will take on the role as the concerned bystander. Some of this will be repeated information, but it's useful for me to write up the big picture.

Question: Why settle the first two (!) cities so close? Aren't you worried about missing out on land? You're hardly picking up new resources in the short term.

My argument is that settling cities such as this (crab lake into corn-copper) is very strong with the imperialistic trait. When settlers come so cheap it's more of a case of available worker turns and not crashing the economy. I will still have aggressive plants at a suitable time, together with units.

These two cities would be settled at some point anyway so the city count maintenance is not an issue. They have good commerce output and will be a net gain for the foreseeable future. But most importantly they have a resource already improved from T1, thus requiring much less worker turns. Worker turns are extremely valuable at this stage and then decreases in value as the game goes on.

Imagine a scenario where I settle corn+gems early, which is still pretty close. Say I bring 1 worker. Then I need 3-4 turns to reach the corn tile and then 5 turns to farm it (yes I know, tile effectively ready after 4). That's 8-9 worker turns. You know what else could be done with 8 worker turns? I could chop 2 forests for 40 hammers, that's more than half the cost of a new settler.

Now look at the output. Corn city does not have a network (-1) and no riverside tiles (-1). That's already 2 commerce less per turn from the first turn it's settled.
It would also be behind on production. A city with wet corn already improved will grow to size 2 by the time the corn is ready to be worked in the corn+gems city. Now of course this tile is taken away from Kaputt rather than being added to the empire, but that's of little concern until Kaputt wants to grow again, and by that time these cities have their own independent resources. Working a 5F rice for instance is WORSE than working a mine for settler production*. So taking this tile away (temporarily) does not bother Kaputt.

TLDR: Overlap cities get off to a much quicker start. Cities settled close are productive so much sooner that they can contribute to the early settling phase rather than being a burden and requiring protection (whip axe/spear on size 2). They'll also be able to work cottages for Kaputt.

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