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  Game report: Nomads without heroes, mixed Life Warlord
Posted by: Catwalk - February 22nd, 2017, 06:10 - Forum: Caster of Magic - Replies (54)

I'll be typing a lot less in this report, just the bare essentials so you can get a feel for what's going on. Feel free to ask for elaboration.


[Image: KiOsunE.png][Image: mQqMlCu.png][Image: 6hc8Y1V.png][Image: U3pEAhz.png]

Capital and research options
[Image: O3wmjTD.png][Image: sR8Gy3m.png]

This is an acceptable start, which is what I was going for. I'm rerolling if my starting capital is crazy good or crazy bad. This one should do nicely. The spell book is excellent, most of my high priority spells are in there. I decided to mix 1x Nature and 1x Sorcery in there for late game power, I'll be picking up a lot of spells from banished wizards. Also, there are many useful common spells so I'm content with rolling the dice and seeing which 3 in each realm I get.

Opening strategy: Sawmil => Forester's Guild => Stables => Settlers => Settlers => Horsebowmen

I will summon two magic spirits once Forester's Guild has been bought, mana stays at 100% and all crystals are converted to cash. I'll summon another two magic spirits by the time my capital reaches size 6, that's when I need extra unrest control.

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  Updating the format of the info threads
Posted by: Catwalk - February 21st, 2017, 08:12 - Forum: Caster of Magic - Replies (6)

Seravy has given me green lights to change the format of the info threads to be easier to read.
First and foremost, I plan on doing this by adding spoiler tags. For example, the race post would look like this:


Info goes here

Info goes here

High Men
Info goes here

Does anybody have any objections to that, or other suggestions for better organizing the vast amount of information presented?

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  Myrran AI Performace
Posted by: Seravy - February 20th, 2017, 17:04 - Forum: Caster of Magic - Replies (20)

I decided to run some tests with the self-playing patch to see how much the AI expands on Myrror. Always huge map and impossible.

These are the screenshots at turn 100 :


The Myrran AI clearly didn't do well expanding here (purple). Playing Dwarves who grow slowly and have expensive settlers which might explain it.
Red has nearly as many cities as Purple even though they came from Arcanus - Barbarians break towers easily and spread quickly as well. They are at war with purple, which probably slowed them down further - in fact some of the red cities might have been purple originally.
Yellow sent a lot of units through Astral Gates, but no settler managed to reach Myrror among them, as they were produced in cities not equipped by the spell or blocked by ocean. If they hit the neutral on the continent, they can start spreading.

This time it's much better - using Draconians-, but they still managed to fill only about 35-40% of the plane.

About the same as the previous, but a lot of space taken by an Arcanus wizard.

I'm not so sure if the AI is doing a bad job with settlers - sure, it didn't fill the entire plane but is the expectation to do so even realistic? 15+ cities in 100 turns is a lot. Either way, the next 3 runs will be these exact saves, but with a higher settler limit to see how much difference it makes.
A more alarming thing I see here is how 2 out of 3 games broke a tower before turn 100. We might want to strengthen those further? (Impossible of course means they do it earlier, but still it seems to early to me?)

With 4 settlers per continent and 6 per plane


Don't see any significant difference here. While Red hasn't taken away nearly as many cities from purple yet, the war has been declared and they'll be taken soon, resulting in the same game state as with fewer settlers.
It seems, for dwarves, the speed of producing settlers is more limiting than the number they can have at the same time - not that surprising.


Some improvements here - the territory filled is the same, but there are no gaps between cities, bringing the total cities to 5 higher than before. Unfortunately, the quality of these spots are horrible - they were left empty for a good reason, so it's not a real improvement.
...and now I realize draconian settlers fly so the continent limit wasn't affecting them much in the first place - it's unlikely for them to head to destinations on the same continent at a rate larger than 2 at a time anyway. ehh. Might as well not bother running the third one as that wizard was also a draconian. What a waste of time.

Instead, some dark elves, with the raised limits the next post as it seems I can't attach more then 5 in the same one...

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  Racial Unrest
Posted by: Seravy - February 20th, 2017, 15:47 - Forum: Caster of Magic - Replies (6)

I don't think I ever actually posted this so here goes, including today's changes :

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  Game report: Barbarians, Life, no heroes
Posted by: Catwalk - February 20th, 2017, 10:02 - Forum: Caster of Magic - Replies (6)

Following my success in the last game, I want to see if I can come up with a consistent strategy that works no matter how the dice fall. I also want to see if it was heroes or strong normal units with buffs that did it.

I ended up changing my mind again. This time I'll be gambling on heavily enchanted cavalry and later berserkers, counting on them to be an invincible war machine around turn 40. With Endurance, Heroism, Holy Armour and Resist Elements I think even 2 units can take out most enemy wizards early on. I just ran 36 turns with Awareness on a random game, and sprites are exceedingly popular fortress defenders. Enchanted berserkers will chew them up for lunch.

4x Life

  1. Endurance
  2. Heroism
  3. Holy Armour
2x Sorcery
  1. Floating Island
Floating Island may seem like a curious pick, but I think it'll work for me. It gives me cheap, safe and instant access to other continents for my entire stack. I'll get enough power with the life buffs, I don't really need more. I wanted to go for Holy Weapon, but Holy Armour is far more valuable vs sprite garrisons and I saw a lot of those in my test game. I can lose Specialist for an extra Life book, but I think Specialist is worth the tradeoff.

Painful retort, especially when playing with Barbarians. I'm doubling down my gamble on enchanted berserkers by picking this, but I think it's strong enough to warrant that huge penalty. To diminish the luck element, I'll be razing all cities I didn't settle myself.

I need Archmage both for early game and late game benefits. It's very strong for an early fortress rush, allowing me to get all my buffs in place in a timely manner. Late game it's incredibly strong, giving me around 35% higher casting skill over time.

For a rush strategy, getting magical weapons is big. What's more, if I insist on using barbarians it's a considerable long-term advantage. Since I decided to use Inquisitor, Mana Focusing won't be needed.

Since this is hybrid strategy relying on both quantity and quality, Warlord is justified.

I almost discarded this one, but I was able to cut down on books to make room for it. I think it'll be worthwhile both short-term and long-term.


Intel: First order of business is to determine what targets are available to me, while building up my economy. It will be a while before I have to commit to a military build, I need my main continent scouted by that time. 2-3 magic spirits will be required, I may even speed them up with Alchemy.

Economy: I've made a spreadsheet to try to calculate whether building spearmen for purposes of increasing the tax rate is worthwhile. To my surprise, that does not seem to be the case. This is how much extra gold I get per turn from adding 2 spearmen to my garrison and increasing the tax rate accordingly:

(NOTE) I added Inquisitor to my wizard after making this analysis, so all benefits from unrest reduction are multiplied by 2.
Size 5 = 2,5 gold
Size 6 = 3 gold
Size 7 = 1,75 gold
Size 8 = 4 gold
Size 9 = 2,25 gold
Size 10 = 2,5 gold

2 spearmen cost 20 hammers and have an upkeep of 1 food (= 1,5 hammers). Gold will be used to rush things, so 1 hammer = 2 gold at this point. Meaning their upkeep is 3 gold, and they cost 20 hammers. My gains from building them is between 1 and 4 gold, so already it does not look like a good deal. However, what if I use 1 spearman and 1 magic spirit instead? Then my total upkeep is only 1 mana = 1 gold and my total cost is 10 hammers + 30 mana = 50 gold. The spirit can also be held in reserve while I determine how many spirits are needed for exploration. Or it can be sent out to scout one part of my continent and return after it's done. I'm picking at nits here, but I sense a profit! The equation is now 50 gold and 1 gold in upkeep for 1,75 to 4 gold per turn + 1 XP per turn on my spearmen + maybe 2 turns of exploration. I'll go with that.

Sawmill will go down first though, it has an excellent return on investment (ROI): 16 gold * terrain multiplier for cost of 200 gold and upkeep of 4 gold. At zero terrain bonus that's a ROI of 6%, and with an average bonus of 25% it's 8%.

Marketplace yields 8 gold for a cost of 180 gold and an upkeep of 1. At no trade bonus that's a ROI of 3,89%. With a 10% trade bonus it's 4,33%. Since my planned maturation is in around 30 turns, that's plenty time to earn it back.

Granary yields 2 food = 3 hammers * multiplier for a cost of 160 gold and upkeep of 2 gold. With a multiplier of 34% that's net 6 gold gained per turn = ROI of 7,5% + the added pop growth. I'm having a hard time estimating how much the pop growth is worth, but since the ROI before the pop growth is around the same as that of marketplace I can safely say that Granary is a better investment.

Farmer's Market is slightly better, yielding 4,5 hammers * multiplier = 9 gold * multiplier for a cost of 100 and upkeep of 3. With a multiplier of 34% that's a ROI of 9%.

Shrine gives the above calculated 3 gold per turn + 2 power (worth 2 gold to me at present) for 240 gold and 2 in upkeep. That's terrible. If I consider power to be worth 2 gold each instead, that's still terrible. They become worthwhile when my assessment of power goes up, and when I have multiple cities. Whether I use unrest reduction to escape actual unrest or to increase the tax rate gives very different results.

Forester's Guild gives (2 food = 3 hammers * terrain multiplier = 6 gold * terrain multiplier) + 10% * base production + 10% * 6 gold * terrain multiplier. With base production of 10 (4 workers, 3 farmers) and a terrain multiplier of 25%, that's a ROI of 9,25%. Also excellent.

Miner's Guild gives base production * 25% for a cost of 150 and a cost of 2. With the same base production of 10, that's worth 2,5 hammers = 5 gold with 2 upkeep= 2% ROI. If I double my base production my ROI goes up to 4%. Still a bit low, not worth it early on.

Stables are surprisingly worthwhile. I get 2 hammers = 4 gold * multiplier for a cost of 60 and upkeep of 2. That's a ROI of 5% for a multiplier of 25% and access to cavalry. I always passed up on Stables previously, they're starting to look a lot better now. I might even rely on Cavalry for my first assault force, then gearing up to berserkers for the second wave. I notice that they don't have pathfinding unlike all other barbarian units, is that a mistake or intentional? I'll probably use them anyway, 5 normal is about the same as 3 pathfinding and with speed 6 in combat they're fast enough to make an attack on the enemy's frontline on turn 1. A unit of barbarian cavalry with Warlord + Tactician + Endurance + Heroism was able to wipe out 9 hell hounds without Alchemy. Brutal. I think I'll use those as my main primary means of exploration, summoning only 1 Magic Spirit early on which can then go back for garrison duty once I have Cavalry ready.

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  Codenames 19
Posted by: WarriorKnight - February 18th, 2017, 18:43 - Forum: Codenames Archives - Replies (199)

I missed the sign up for 18, anyone willing to play another round now that it's over?


El Grillo

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  Heroes killed on the overland map bugs!
Posted by: Seravy - February 18th, 2017, 14:54 - Forum: Caster of Magic - No Replies

There are spells capable of killing heroes on the overland map.

Final Wave : First, the items are removed from the hero and stored in a list, but the slot is not marked empty, instead "item 0" is placed in them. This explains why "item 0" gets corrupted in some games - a bug I already fixed by making the game never generate an item with that ID. Then the hero dies and finally the items are presented to the player to redistribute.
Great Unsummoning : same as above, except first the items are given back then the hero dies. This makes the hero still show up alive, and wielding 3 copies of "item 0" - after my fix, these appear as blank swords with no names. The player can then remove the invalid items from the hero, and equip it with something else, only to have them disappear when the hero is deleted.
Fire Storm, Blizzard : These do the same thing as Final Wave, except they gather all items from all the heroes killed at the same time and give them to the player at once. The list capacity is 18 items, which is the maximal amount you can have on your 6 heroes at a time, so this works correctly. It's worth saying though that the ORIGINAL game only allowed up to 6 of those items to actually show up on the player's screen, the rest got forgotten - not deleted but not returned to the player either. Fortunately this has been fixed a long time ago.

So I present two options :

1. Items on "unsummoned" heroes get erased. It's a "Banishment" type spell - all other, combat versions of this effect cause irrecoverable damage and the items cannot be regained.
2. I try to somehow rearrange the code to execute in the correct order (this is hard to do).

Note that the only way for Great Unsummoning to affect a hero is if the hero is Chaos Chanelled or Undead. The Chosen does not count as a fantastic unit on the overland map - he/she does in combat though.
The other two spells work correctly and need no changes except from replacing "slot 0" with the correct -1 constant for an empty slot.

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  Possession, Creature Binding, Confusion
Posted by: Seravy - February 18th, 2017, 13:38 - Forum: Caster of Magic - No Replies

I. Possession and Creature Binding timing
Current behavior :

If the defender casts these spells, they can move the stolen enemy unit immediately, as the attacker hasn't taken a turn yet. The stolen unit can immediately attack the remaining enemy units, significantly increasing the power of the spell.
If the attacker casts these spells, the unit already moved during the defender's turn and cannot be moved. The enemy gets a turn first, and can deal with the stolen unit before it gets a chance to attack - as an example, the stolen berserker won't backstab two units of magicians in this scenario, but get killed by them. we like this?

Pros :
It provides advantage to the defending player which is a good game mechanic.

Cons :
It's inconsistent - the player often expects to be able to move the unit even if they are the attacker.
The defender already has an advantage by taking the first turn, so an additional, spell specific advantage is redundant and overkill.

Solutions : either make the unit always lose movement so it can never attack, or make it refill their movement to max so they can always attack (I think I prefer this one). Note that Confusion doesn't suffer from this problem - the effect is rolled at the beginning of the next turn, and if "change control" was rolled, it cannot be moved by the other player even if they get their turn first.

II. Confusion timing

If the defender casts confusion, the attacker can still use the unit for that turn without being affected. The effect is rolled at the start of each new turn, which isn't until the attacker finished their moves.
If the attacker casts the confusion, the end of their turn ends the entire turn so the defender already suffers the effects of confusion.

A similar inconsistency as the other two spells, except the benefit is reversed : The attacker gets a free turn to remove the confusion from their unit before they do harm, while the defender does not.

Solutions : The only one I can think of is making the spell force a roll when applied immediately, so it has effect on the attacker.

III. Dispelling

Confusion can be dispelled, regardless of which side the unit is on, and by the correct player. Dispelling it returns the control of the unit.
Creature Binding and Possession cannot be dispelled, except by the one who cast them but even then the unit won't revert control.

Solutions : None that I know of, dispelling for these two spells is not implemented at all and it involves a lot of code (display of "has been dispelled" windows, a resistance roll, etc) which there is no space for. I do like how control changing spells are an "upgrade" to "target unit dies" spells anyway - not only is the unit irrecoverably dead for the other player, but you also get to use it against them for the battle. Creature Binding is a level higher than Banish in the same realm so if it came with the drawback of dispelling, it wouldn't really be all that good as it's supposed to be - a Banished unit is gone and can't return to the enemy side. Possession has a similar relation to Black Sleep, although the sleeping unit does need to get hit once to actually die and it can be raised.

Edit : It seems to be Creature Binding only  - Possession cannot be dispelled.
Edit 2 : The loop for dispelling checks 14 effects, but there are only 13 spell IDs stored for it. If Possession is on the creature, it'll also get dispelled (it's the 14th spell flag) but the resistance roll will not look at Possession itself, instead it'll use an unset variable, so both the resistance and spell name to display will be undetermined - I'm surprised this hasn't caused crashes so far, and might be another source of the "None has been dispelled" messages.

IV. Regeneration

Confused units disappear at the end of combat and cannot regenerate.
Bound and Possessed units do so only if their new controller's side wins the battle. If they lost (died but regenerated or battle timed out), they return control to their original owner.

Solutions : For consistency and also for the same "control change should be superior to killing" reason Bound and Possessed units also die and cannot regenerate at the end of combat. This is already done and ready for the new version. It looks stupid when the enemy regenerates your unit and then gives the control back to you after they took the effort to steal it.
However, if the spells were dispelled, this effect cannot trigger - and as the spells can't revert control without being there, the unit has inconsistent owner data. I have no idea what happens in this case - either it crashes the game, or the unit stays in play under the control of one or the other player, but it certainly does not die unless already dead and has no regeneration. To fix this, the buggy dispel of the spells needs to stop happening.

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  Donation event
Posted by: Seravy - February 18th, 2017, 12:18 - Forum: Caster of Magic - Replies (4)

I think the amount of gold rewarded by this is too low.

It's 100+5*random(100) so 105-600 gold. Compared to the gift event handing out 2k value swords and a lair with a few war bears having this much or more gold, I'm pretty sure it should be higher.

(compared to pirates which is a set percentage of your gold, so often thousands, it feels even more unfair)

I'm thinking about making it 500 to 5500. (5*(100+random(1000))).

(note that events cannot happen before turn 50 so the high gold won't give a too unbalanced start to any player)

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  Stacks on the overland map - unit shown on top?
Posted by: Seravy - February 18th, 2017, 11:10 - Forum: Caster of Magic - Replies (1)

I found how the game sets which unit is shown on top for stacks.

It's the unit with the highest BASE (attack+ranged) stat, but transports add +50 to it so they are usually show on top. That's all. Levels, equipment, enchantments are ignored and I don't think I can add those.

Do we want to add any improvements to this?
A few I can think of
-show heroes on top?
-show spirits on top? (so they can't hide among units and meld nodes unnoticed)
-show most expensive unit instead of strongest attack power?
-show settlers on top?
-Use a predefined priority order, like X unit is always on top of Y unit? If yes, what sort of order?

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