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[PB67] Charriu promotes the arts |
Posted by: Charriu - September 17th, 2022, 02:27 - Forum: Pitboss 67
- Replies (153)
Welcome, welcome all.
Some of you might remember that in the end of my last PB (59) I said that I grow bored of civ4 multiplayer. That's still the case, but this is a diplo PB and I hope this will make things more interesting again for me. Actually this diplo aspect is the main thing I started playing here at RB. You know in all the years I played civ4 single player I always was a bit disappointed with the diplo aspect of the game. The developers made a good attempt at the AI diplo, but in the end it's no substitute for real people. You can imagine how disappointed I was at first to see that (almost) nobody likes to play diplo these days. So I'm very happy that I can finally play in one of these and cross another thing from my civ4 bucket list.
The reporting in PB59 was very enjoyable for me so I will keep it that way. Meaning:
- I won't report every single turn
- Same crazy micro managment spreadsheet
- (Almost) no sims: I will actually run almost no sims this game, because my spreadsheet can replace them fully. I remember back in PB52 I stopped running sims about T50 or so, but I used my spreadsheet up to T110 or so. Expect more of that.
- C&D: This is very tedious for me and the benefit is smaller. Even if we play with score I won't bother with this analysis.
- Of course this being a diplo thread I will attempt to write down the important diplo stuff down as best as possible.
Now you (and the other players) will be wondering: What's up with that thread title. Is he actually making an attempt at a culture victory here? Alas no, but I hope my idea will be as enjoyable for you. Some of you may know that I'm a huge fan of video game music and of course I'm listening to a lot of remixes and arrangement of that music in multiple genres. In the 15 years I'm listening to this music I started to collect an ever growing library of music of that sort. So for this PB I plan to add one music track to each turn report with a little write-up about it. I will concentrate on music that feels mostly like classical symphonic music aka your Beethoven, Gustav Holst, Debussy etc. (By the way VGM also brought me to this classical music). I will try to embed those songs as youtube videos most of the time, but unfortunately not everything is available there. So also expect a lot of links to bandcamp and other platforms. I will also note down, where you can buy that music. To give you an example of what I mean. Let me share one of those songs.
The song
Music: Eric Buchholz - Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Castle Town Market"
Eric Buchholz dropped this all around amazing album back in 2017. It consists mostly of songs from the Legend of Zelda series, but as you will find out later (it's not the last song I will promote) Eric also mixes in a lot of other music mainly from famous japanese animated movies.
The song here is from Ocarina of Time specifically the Castle Town theme when you enter Hyrule for the first time as a child. The original theme is very peaceful and cheerful, which is very fitting at that moment of the plot and the game overall. But what Eric manages here is to make this theme very more grandios and majestic fitting for a town with a majestic castle in the backdrop. Just listen to the beginning and you get a feel for what I mean. Still Eric keeps us grounded to the original theme even here if you listen to the bells at first and then the string. After this big opening we return to a very pure rendition of the theme at 0:40 on the flutes, but not for long as this is a town worthy of a king. So we return to the pomp and glory at 1:12 with the addition of brass, which culminates in the finale at 1:50 when the strings return in full. I also really love what Eric is doing behind the main theme like for example in the brass section at 0:19 or 1:50 or in the strings right at the beginning. All in all an excellent arrangement. I love arrangements that manage to bring something new to the table and do not just blindly transpose the song to an orchestra.
You can buy this song directly from bandcamp. Now I hate to bring this up here, but I better should before the beginning of the game. This album is sold by Materia Collective. I've brought a lot of great music in the past, but as I learned preparing for this PB, there is a bigger scandal around Materia Collective. Apparently they weren't paying their artists promptly or at all. This led some of the artist to remove their music from Materia Collective and Materia Community. We lost some great albums that way and I hope they will return some day in some form. Going back to this song and album, I contacted Eric and he assured me that it is fine to buy the music from bandcamp and that he gets his money.
So now you know what you can expect. I will try to fit the music to what happens during the turn to add some immersion. As for the naming theme I will go into a similar direction as with the songs. I will name each city after some famous video game composers and do a little write up about the person.
Other then that expect the usual stuff from me.
Etiquette thread change to #6 Vote |
Posted by: Mjmd - September 16th, 2022, 08:38 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- No Replies
There has been discussion of modifying rule 6 in the etiquette thread.
Quote:Modify rule #6. Added portion underlined.
6. In a peace-time turn split (eg a settling or hut-popping race) the turn you realize there should be a split is when the order is established. If a player has double moved into, future turn order shall be decided by lurker dice roll.
Mig persuaded me that I should put this to a vote.
Quote: (September 16th, 2022, 00:12)Miguelito Wrote: (September 15th, 2022, 23:24)Mjmd Wrote: I would love for all settling races to be decided by dice roll, but I don't think I'm getting that, so went with more limited verb-age.
I also want that! And I believe Cornflakes also has said so. We should put it to a vote in Civ General!
Now to note if you want to go to war with someone prior to knowing about a settler race there isn't anything stopping you, but you are kind of giving up the information thing, so I think that is fine.
Sub for 17th-19th wanted |
Posted by: Mjmd - September 13th, 2022, 22:14 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (4)
Hello. I need a sub for PB65 and PB66 for this coming Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I should be back later Tuesday for normal play slot. Will leave extensive notes and for PB65 the sequential game I can at least do a little for 1 turn in advance.
Psillycyber's PsillyRevolution modded Civ4 adventure |
Posted by: Psillycyber - September 7th, 2022, 17:24 - Forum: Adventures and Epics
- Replies (8)
For the past 10 years I've been tweaking a personal mod of Civ4 based originally off RevolutionDCM as a base. I'm calling this mod "PsillyRevolution." I don't have the mod posted anywhere yet, but if there's interest, I could open a Moddb page for it and post it there.
The changes even from RevolutionDCM are too numerous to mention (I never kept a changelog). Most of the changes are minor, centered around balance. Where I do have major changes (to units, traits, civics, tech paths, etc.), those changes are motivated by a combination of balance, "realism"/flavor, and giving the player what I perceive to be more interesting choices/playstyles, especially early on in the ancient/classical era.
Anyways, I feel like posting a walkthrough of a sample game with this mod. I'll make sure to highlight the important changes as I go along.
*Emperor difficulty (keep in mind that, in reality, it's probably a bit easier than normal emperor because the AI has a tenuous grasp of the RevolutionDCM mechanics at best. I've actually beaten this mod on Deity before, which is probably analogous to Immortal in unmodded Civ4, but it was a nail-biter, so I'm going for a more relaxed game just to show off the features).
*Tectonics, 60% water
*Standard size
*Normal speed
*Raging Barbarians
*Revolutions ON
*Barbarian World (the map starts with ~7 barbarian cities already founded)
*Barbarian Civ (barbarian cities can spawn new civs after a random length of time)
*Random leader
...And our random leader is...
Hirohito of Japan (one of the RevDCM addons). Expansive/Imperialistic. Both traits in my mod are a little different than in base Civ4:
*Expansive does not give a health bonus, but instead gives 1 extra food for every 4+ food tile, kind of like how financial gives 1 extra commerce for every 2+ commerce tile. For most of the game (until biology), this will only apply to food bonus tiles. Expansive also gives +50% hammer bonuses to worker and settler production, but no production bonuses to any buildings.
*Imperialistic gives +50% great general emergence (I think the same as in the base game?), plus free Drill 1 on all archery, siege, gunpowder, trench, and armor units, as well as double production on courthouses and palace relocation.
OK, so this is a leader that will want to REX and get to Code of Laws for courthouses. Of course, you gotta be careful about REXing with Revolutions on. 1st-ring expansion away from your capital is not a problem. 2nd-ring expansion can be a problem if you have financial troubles, foreign religions, or other problems in your empire. Early 3rd-ring expansion (12+ tiles from your capital) can work in exceptional circumstances, but probably ought to wait until the Renaissance Era or until you have a fairly stable situation and can easily deal with an occasional revolt. Note that imperialist-boosted courthouses will not only reduce maintenance costs, but they will also help quell revolutionary instability in my more distant cities. (By the way, if you are wondering what Organized adds bonus production to in this mod, it is lighthouses, aqueducts, harbors, customs houses, and airports).
Imperialistic helps a little bit too if I need to do some early warring.
And here's the starting position, after moving my warrior:
OK, I already know that I'm not going to settle in place. I'm going to settle close to that barbarian city and snipe it with some early archers before it can spawn another full-fledged civ. (When that happens in RevolutionDCM, the spawned civ usually gets a free golden age, a free great general, and some free era-appropriate units, and I'd not like to deal with that).
I went hunting --> agriculture while building a worker and exploring with my warrior. I'm actually gonna rely on camps from hunting mainly in the beginning, but I'll eventually want to improve that corn too.
Huh? Camps, you say? Yes. In my mod, camps can be built on any forest or jungle tile. By default, they only give +1 commerce, so they are not stellar later in the game, and get outclassed by lumbermills or just clearing the land for towns. But our starting labor civic is...
Communalism. Long-term, it's not a civic we want to stay in. The larger and greater in number our cities become, the more crippling the increased city maintenance costs become. The production, commerce, and worker speed penalties are also a drag. But this labor civic supercharges camps and pastures. Pastures can actually be built on any cleared land with at least 1 base food, and ordinarily they'd just give +1 food, but with communalism it's another +1 food, and with expansive I'd get another +1 food on any grassland pasture tiles (because they'd have 4 food), so potentially 5 food total on any grassland tile if I want. However, I don't think I'll need that much food. I'd rather have the slight food bonus, and big riverside commerce bonus, from building and working camps on the riverside forests and jungles. Those tiles with be 3/1/2 while I'm in communalism.
Here's how things like after founding my city and exploring for a few turns:
I have some nice backlines, a goody hut I can take my time getting with a scout (I chose to not pop it with my warrior), and I can already see where my backline cities will eventually go. One to claim the westernmost fish, one to claim the crab and sheep in the first ring on the east coast, one to the NE to claim the sheep, and maaaybe one more city on the far north peninsula by the river to slow-grow and just work cottages (unless the map wants to throw in some seafood up there in the fog, in which case that would be even better).
Techwise, I'm probably gonna go archery, then wheel, then mysticism for border pops (because by then I'll probably be expanding to new cities and/or conquering that barb city), then animal husbandry, then...I'm not sure.
Mining and bronze working would be nice at some point to see if I have gold/silver/gems and copper, respectively, although I'm not in a huge rush to swap into slavery because I have quite a bit of REXing to do, and communalism is actually perfectly fine for that with the food bonuses and being able to build ALL units (not just workers and settlers) with surplus food. But if I ever want to start building libraries or other infrastructure, I'm gonna have to swap into slavery eventually. I'll want to start chopping my trees anyways too. You can get a bit of production into infrastructure under communalism using high surplus food into units, and then using overflow production into buildings, but it's not ideal.
There doesn't seem to be any happiness resources in my neck of the woods, except for spices, which will be a while before we can get online with calendar, so an early-ish religion is a possible play. Hinduism is already taken, but notice that Buddhism comes a bit later and is roughly contemporary with Judaism in this mod, albeit on a different tech path. Code of Laws and Confucianism is not too far beyond that either. And we know we'll want Code of Laws for cheap courthouses.
The nice thing about the early religious path in my mod is that Bureaucracy comes at Priesthood. Don't get your hopes up: it's +50% hammers and +50% GOLD in the capital, not commerce (kinda like Godking in FFH2), and +50% city maintenance (which becomes fairly crippling beyond 6 or 7 cities). But it is a nice way to run a little ancient-era Palace economy while you have a small empire, and is a nice consolation prize even if you miss out on the early religions.
My CoM effective strategy |
Posted by: GMBarak - August 31st, 2022, 07:01 - Forum: Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM II)
- Replies (21)
Hello friend,
After many hours of CoM gameplay I want to share with you the strategies I use to get superiority in the game quickly in the hardest difficulties.
1. So, let me present the setup I use:
Almost in all my games I take:
High elves, 4 Life books, 4 Sorcery books, 1 Nature book. Arch-Mage, Artificer, and Astrologer.
The reason for 4 life books is that in my personal opinion, life has the strongest spells in the game, additionally, I want to create super strong heroes and life books provide the best artifact enchantments, namely: invulnerability, lion heart, divine protection, and overall the best hero buffing and protecting spells (heroism, holy armor)
The reason for 4 sorcery books is that they provide the best tactical advantage, spells like, for example Aether Binding, Wind Walking, Mind Storm and more... provide much needed protection and tactical ability of speed and protection, also they enable the invisibility enchantment into an artifact.
The reason for 1 Nature book is first of all the chance to get or trade the 'Web' spell, and additionally make use of 'resist element' and in some cases 'earth to mud'
2. overall strategy:
using an online damage calculator, I can predict the outcome of trying to clear a node with an army, you can use any of these online calculators:
for spells I pick:
1. Heroism - useful for heroes and when defending your cities from rampaging monsters.
2. Guardian spirit - I send Guardian spirit to all the nodes I take
3. Just cause - is important for me first because it increase the chance to get fame 10 heroes from July 1502. which can become very powerful very quickly with the correct strategy as will be shown, but also decrease unrest - more money and decrease army spending.
1. Floating island - is important to transport units quickly right from the start.
2. Blur - very strong spell by itself it's in-fact decreasing the to-hit of enemy units by 20% which is substantial. also is a good trading spell since most AI will not have it and will trade any of the other lvl 1 spells for it (except web).
3. Confusion - is a very strong spell which is in-fact "incapacitate and destroy enemy unit with -2 resistance penalty"
The actual gameplay:
So, from the start of the game, first I make 5 magic spirits and send them to explore the map, usually 4 will go to find enemy wizards checking nodes/lair content on the way for potential targets and 1 magic sprit will check the nearest nodes/lairs.
in the main city - build order: Market, library, Forester's guild, barracks, alchemist guild an repeat longbowman.
usually the regular (level 1), magical weapon (+1 to hit) longbowmen will be ready to be sent to defend your cities before the first monster attack. a single longbowmen should be able to defend a city for the next 4/5 years with no problem. when attacked you just cast heroism/discipline/holy weapon. and in the case of skeletons attacking you, buff up the swordsman instead.
Also, once the first longbowmen are ready you can clear the easy lairs with you for money:
to kill 1 magic spirit/3 phantom warriors/ 1 fire elemental you will only need 1 longbowman.
send a spearman first to the nearest easy lairs nodes and another spearman to guard it.
finding other wizards soon is of supreme importance, because each spell you get in trading is such a huge boost. even if it's not a good spell, it decreases the chance of you getting that bad spell from a node/lair and speeds up your research.
after the magic spirits I cast just cause, right after just cause I adjust the taxes (just cause = -1 unrest) and cast enchant item: chain, 3 defense, 3 resistance. you should plan it so that by July 1502 you will have 400-500 gold. so you don't miss up on a chance to get a good hero. usually the item will be ready by July 1502 just in time for the coming hero to use it.
if you get a "bad hero", kill him/her ASAP to increase your chances to get a better one quickly. for me a bad hero is:
Orc Archer
unless they come with guiding beacon - in such a case I keep them because the +1 attack is a huge boost to the longbowmen.
and unless you need a spell caster to kill a high value node/lair and you got a spell caster.
or you need temporally arms-master to get high level longbowmen quickly to kill a node/lair.
druid - if you don't have web or have very hard nodes around you keep him. his web spell is very strong and effective and his ritual master might help.
a good/effective fame 0-10 hero to keep:
huntress - can reach a huge damage value very quickly and so can be a very good node/lair cleaner.
war monk - the agility* is very valuable. if he comes with luck/blade master even better.
warrior mage - agility, web spell, spell caster, range attacks - all makes him a very good hero.
assassin - the to hit from blade master*, 4 movement, stealth, makes him good, if he gets luck/agility - even better.
thief - combination of agility, luck will make her very hard to kill, combined with holy armor, 15 defense and she is a very durable hero.
bard - has the +1 attack holy bonus, a strong boost to the longbowmen + she is a spell caster
using regular, magical weapon 9/8 longbowmen, you can clear almost all low level nodes around you and place guardian spirit in them.
with spell casters and web and buffed longbowmen (discipline, holy weapon) you can clear sky drake/great drake/phoenix/angels/vampires/gorgons by also using the web/earth to mud spells.
a single 15 defense, holy armor with blur hero (which you can create by create item) can single handily clear unicorns/cockatrices/giant spiders/nagas (resistance 11 is required)/night stalkers (cast resist magic/bless) lairs/nodes.
for water elementals you will need something like 20-25 defense (which you can get with the help of create item and resist element) with holy armor and cast blur.
for air elementals you can send a number of spearmen and try to cast a couple of psionic blasts (usually 2 will kill an air elemental). rinse and repeat until you clear the air elementals.
for phoenix without angels/guardian spirit you try to cast confusion with spearmen a number of times to decrease their numbers, once only a few of them left you can clear them with longbowmen and also web if you have the spell.
this way you can very quickly right from the start clear all the nodes except the extremely hard ones and place many guardian spirits in them. with the astrologer you can beat or match all the AI in spell power in the first years of the game.
more tips:
you can create pathfinding item right from the start for 31 mana to give your hero.
That's it for now...
Thanks :D
Forgot to mention:
1. Right from the start increase tax rate by 10%
2. buy markets as soon as possible as they will return their value quickly as long as you keep 400-500 gold always for a hero.
3. Set in magic mana to max (not research and not skill) until you have guardian spirit in 1-2 nodes.
4. You can also create cheap artifacts to increase movement by 1, once the hero reaches his target switch back to the fighting artifacts.
5. don't mess with Djinns, Efrees, colossus ,unless you have a really strong hero/army/ raise dead.
6. to kill spiders + strong non shooter unit, try to send magic spirit (which is immuned to web) (maybe magic spirit with flight) kill them with spells (phantom warriors/psionic blast) then kill the strong monster.
7. a single shooter hero with 7 movement or teleport can kill 9 vampires/9 death knights/ 9 wrights
8. a hero with about 13 defense and holy armor can kill shamans city by itself. a hero with 15 defense and luck/holy armor or 20-25 defense (resist element) with only holy armor can kill a city of magicians defenders.
9. all these hero are easy to get/create with artificier and create item.
10. if you get the holy word spell, you can easily create -6 save artifacts to give a spell caster hero to cast the spell, if you get morgana the witch, the artifact "The Dark Pact" or 1-2 death spell books with black prayer, you can also cast black prayer and have holy word with -10 save to destroy any fantastic unit and about -12 save to kill any undead fantastic unit
11. an interesting strategy to meet other wizards is to not defend a node you cleared. the other wizards will send their magic spirit to the node. just remember to protect the node before they occupy it. also. remember you don't want chaos wizards to scout your cities, once they scan any of your cities they can cast harmful spell to the city and it's surroundings.