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  War Declarations - Mod Testing
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - May 21st, 2013, 18:42 - Forum: CFC Multi-Team Pitboss - Replies (34)

(May 21st, 2013, 09:23)Sullla Wrote: We could still use some time spent experimenting with the war declaration rules of this particular mod. Is it possible to set up a Pitboss game to test this?

With that in mind, I am available this Saturday (May 25th) to test the various war declaration options under this mod - I cannot host the mod, but I can be the player representing the teams. Note that if it is only me, then I cannot test concurrent log-in war declarations.

Here is what I know (or think I know) about war declarations (and related items) ...
  • You cannot declare on someone that is currently logged in
  • turn times are concurrent when teams are not at war
  • turn times are sequential when teams are at war
  • you can only log in to the game when it us your 'slice' (not using turn as that has other Civ means)

Now, assume there are three teams - Team RB, Team WPC and Team Germany - and that we want Teams RB and WPC to be in the same slice of the turn with Team Germany in the other slice.

As I see it, here are the various tests that we need to run.

  1. RB and WPC declare war on Germany just after turn rolls
    • RB logs in soon after turn rolls, declares war on Germany
    • WPC logs in, declares war on Germany
      • Assumed Result: RB & WPC are in the first slice, Germany is in the second slice
  2. RB declare war on Germany just after turn rolls, WPC declares war some time later but before RB ends turn
    • RB logs in soon after turn rolls, declares war on Germany
    • RB logs out without ending turn
    • WPC logs in, declares war on Germany
      • Assumed Result: RB & WPC are in the first slice, Germany is in the second slice
  3. RB declare war on Germany just after turn rolls, WPC declares war some time later but after RB ends turn and before German logs in
    • RB logs in soon after turn rolls, declares war on Germany
    • RB ends turn and the mod kicks RB out of the game
    • Germany does not log in
    • WPC logs in, declares war on Germany
      • Assumed Result: Unsure - could have RB and WPC in same slice, could have 3 slices
  4. RB declare war on Germany just after turn rolls, WPC declares war some time later but after RB ends turn and after German logs in
    • RB logs in soon after turn rolls, declares war on Germany
    • RB ends turn and the mod kicks RB out of the game
    • Germany does log in
    • WPC logs in, declares war on Germany
      • Assumed Result: Unsure - could have RB and WPC in same slice, could have 3 slices
  5. Germany finish there turn, RB and WPC do not - RB and WPC declare war on Germany
    • Germany logs in, plays and ends their turn
    • RB / WPC does or does not log in
    • RB / WPC do not end their turn
    • RB / WPC declare war on Germany
      • Assumed Result: RB & WPC are in second slice, Germany in first
  6. Germany finish there turn, RB or WPC do end their turn after Germany does - RB and WPC declare war on Germany (either before or after they have ended turn
    • Germany logs in, plays and ends their turn
    • RB / WPC do log in
    • RB / WPC does end their turn
    • RB / WPC declare war on Germany
      • Assumed Result: RB & WPC are in second slice, Germany in first
      • can you declare war after finishing your turn?
  7. Germany finish there turn, RB or WPC do end their turn before Germany does but log back in after German finishes their turn and declares war on Germany
    • RB / WPC logs in, plays and ends their turn
    • Germany logs in, plays and ends their turn
    • RB / WPC log back in and declare war on Germany
      • Assumed Result: RB & WPC are in second slice, Germany in first
      • can you declare war after finishing your turn?

The last two are pretty dicky declarations and we might not have to test them (assuming that we wouldn't use them) - however, it would be good to know how the mod reacts in these situations.

Tests #1 and #2 might be functionally identical.

Are there any situations that I have missed?

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  The Game That Really Matters - PBEM 50 Banter Thread
Posted by: Ichabod - May 21st, 2013, 11:22 - Forum: PBEM 50 - Replies (53)

lol at all of you discussing at the Tech Thread.

Can't you see how Seven's Mapscript work?

If Player name is SevenSpirits:
- Place 2 irrigated corn
- Place riverside plains hill gold
- Place grass cows

If not:
- Delete all food.
- Place plains cow.

It's true. nod

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  [SPOILERS] SevenSpirits plays a civ game, dun dun dun dun dun!
Posted by: SevenSpirits - May 20th, 2013, 17:14 - Forum: PBEM 50 - Replies (190)

Welcome all. Well, all the good ones anyway. This thread is specifically for everyone who isn't Ichabod, Krill, Kyan, Serdoa or Thoth. Those people aren't allowed here! Cool kids only.

Yeah, I know you guys are jealous about not being a part of the best thread. Ha ha!

Protip: use empty vertical space to make the uncool folks leave. I learned this from experts exchange.

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  Imperium 37 - Declaration of Independence
Posted by: RefSteel - May 20th, 2013, 13:51 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (27)

Sponsor: RefSteel
Opening Date: Monday, May 20, 2013
Duration: Four Weeks
Patch: OPTIONAL! (Official version 1.3 OR kyrub's patch 1.40M)

Gentle vs. Extreme Imperium 37: So I decided to try something different this time. Instead of setting up an entirely separate map, I'm giving everyone an in-game choice of whether to play the same game as an Extreme or Gentle Imperium. Although the game is set to Impossible difficulty, any player who feels unequal to playing as Mrrshans on Impossible will have the option to make the game much, much easier while still getting a sense for the rate at which an Impossible AI expands and builds up and uses its military. The option in question is this one:

[Image: rbo-imp37-teaser3.jpg]

The variant for the Extreme game is simple: No use of the planetary reserve for any reason. The option to make the game a (relatively) Gentle one is even simpler: Ignore this variant rule, thereby allowing you to (in addition to playing a less restricted game later on) double the production of your homeworld (and, if you so choose, your first new colony) for a large portion of the critical early game. This will speed up your growth curve enormously - giving you a faster start than even Average Klackons while the reserves last. It's not going to make the game easy - not against Impossible AIs - but if you're new to this difficulty (or tried the extreme game and got crushed so early that you want to try again and get revenge) it should give you a major boost against the AIs.

Details on the map, along with the save file, are posted below. For more information on the Imperia, including the rules for how we play, see the following pages:


Note that exceptions to the rules can be made for each individual Imperium, as in this case when we're allowing kyrub's 1.40M patch to be used instead of 1.3 by anyone who so wishes.

Also please avoid the tactics banned in our exploits list (a list of ways we've found of taking advantage of bugs or massive and obvious holes in the AI which we've agreed not to use since they're not in keeping with the spirit or fun of the game).

On closing day (and please, please not before!) you can post your report as a new thread in the Reports and Discussion forum. If you finish early and won't be able to post then, however, you can send your report to me by PM or e-mail.

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  [SPOILERS] The Ministry of Truth. A factual account of Thoth's PBEM 50
Posted by: Thoth - May 20th, 2013, 10:47 - Forum: PBEM 50 - Replies (90)

Everything I post in this thread is true.

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  La Plaisanterie, C'est Moi - Ichabod's Spoiler Thread
Posted by: Ichabod - May 20th, 2013, 08:04 - Forum: PBEM 50 - Replies (160)

Yeah, I'm playing in this game. That's a pretty nice joke right there. lol

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  [SPOILERS] Serdoa - A.E.I.O.U
Posted by: Serdoa - May 20th, 2013, 07:59 - Forum: PBEM 50 - Replies (19)

If you wonder what A.E.I.O.U means, it is not just the list of all vowels. For an Austrian it has more meaning. See the Wikipedia-explanation:

Wikipedia Wrote:AEIOU, or A.E.I.O.U., was a symbolic device utilised by the Habsburg emperors. Emperor Frederick III (1415–93), who had a fondness for mythical formulae, habitually signed buildings and objects with the acronym.[1] Frederick III did not explain its meaning at the time, though shortly before his death, he claimed it stood for (German) "Alles Erdreich ist Österreich untertan" (MKL 1890)[2] or "All the world is subject to Austria." However other interpretations have been put forth. Most interpretations proceed on the assumption that it was meant as a political slogan, from the Latin phrases:

Austria est imperio optime unita (Austria is the empire best united).
Austria erit in orbe ultima (Austria will be the last (surviving) in the world) {MKL 1890}.[2]
Austriae est imperare orbi universo (It is Austria's destiny to rule the whole world) {MKL 1890}.[2]

These versions refer to Austria of today, as well to the huge Habsburg empire.

Well, I think that's a good slogan for a AW-game played by an Austrian lol

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  [SPOILERS] Krill smokes some weed - PBEM50
Posted by: Krill - May 20th, 2013, 06:32 - Forum: PBEM 50 - Replies (290)

Yeah yeah I'll change the thread title when I pick my civ/leader combination.

  • Alexander (Agg, Phi) of China (Agriculture, Mining)
  • Genghis Khan (Agg, Imp) of France (Agriculture, The Wheel)
  • Asoka (Org, Spi) of Netherlands (Agriculture, Fishing)
  • Augustus (Imp, Ind) of Babylon (Agriculture, The Wheel)
  • Louis XIV (Cre, Ind) of Persia (Agriculture, Hunting)

  • Napoleon (Cha, Org) of Rome (Fishing, Mining)
  • Charles de Gaulle (Ind, Cha) of England (Fishing, Mining)
  • Julius Caesar (Imp, Org) of Viking (Hunting, Fishing)
  • Justinian (Spi, Imp) of Spain (Fishing, Mysticism)

  • Zara Yaqob (Cre, Org) of Celts (Hunting, Mysticism)
  • Suryavarman (Exp, Cre) of Germany (Hunting, Mining)
  • Lincoln (Chm/PHI) of Aztec (Hunting, Mysticism)

  1. Ichabod - Louis XIV (Cre, Ind) of Persia (Agriculture, Hunting)
  2. Thoth - Charles de Gaulle (Ind, Cha) of England (Fishing, Mining)
  3. Seven - Zara Yaqob (Cre, Org) of Celts (Hunting, Mysticism)
  4. Serdoa - Julius Caesar (Imp, Org) of Viking (Hunting, Fishing)
  5. Kyan - Suryavarman (Exp, Cre) of Germany (Hunting, Mining)
  6. Krill - Asoka (Org, Spi) of Netherlands (Agriculture, Fishing)

  • 3 - ORG, CRE
  • 2 - IND
  • 1 - SPI, CHA, IMP, EXP
  • 0 - AGG, PRO, FIN, PHI

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  Kyan's PBEM50 Thread [SPOILERS]
Posted by: Kyan - May 20th, 2013, 05:50 - Forum: PBEM 50 - Replies (76)

Subsistence agriculture is self-sufficiency farming in which the farmers focus on growing enough food to feed themselves and their families. The typical subsistence farm has a range of crops and animals needed by the family to feed and clothe themselves during the year. Planting decisions are made principally with an eye toward what the family will need during the coming year, and secondarily toward market prices. Tony Waters[1] writes: "Subsistence peasants are people who grow what they eat, build their own houses, and live without regularly making purchases in the marketplace." However, despite the primacy of self-sufficiency in subsistence farming, today most subsistence farmers also participate in trade to some degree, though usually it is for goods that are not necessary for survival, and may include sugar, iron roofing sheets, bicycles, used clothing, and so forth. Most subsistence farmers today live in developing countries. Although their amount of trade as measured in cash is less than that of consumers in countries with modern complex markets, many have important trade contacts and trade items that they can produce because of their special skills or special access to resources valued in the marketplace.[2]

Subsistence grain-growing agriculture (predominantly wheat and barley) first emerged during the Neolithic Revolution when humans began to settle in the Nile, Euphrates, and Indus River Valleys. Subsistence agriculture also emerged independently in Mexico where it was based on maize cultivation, and the Andes where it was based on the domestication of the potato. Subsistence agriculture was the dominant mode of production in the world until recently, when market-based capitalism became widespread. Subsistence horticulture may have developed independently in South East Asia and Papua New Guinea.

Subsistence farming continues today in large parts of rural Africa,[3] and parts of Asia and Latin America. Subsistence agriculture had largely disappeared in Europe by the beginning of World War I, and in North America with the movement of sharecroppers and tenant farmers out of the American South and Midwest during the 1930s and 1940s.[1] As recently as the 1950s, it was still common on family farms in North America and Europe to grow much of a family's own food and make much of its own clothing, although sales of some of the farm's production earned enough currency to buy certain staples, typically including sugar; coffee and tea; petroleum distillates (petrol, kerosene, fuel oil); textile products such as bolts of cloth, needles, and thread; medicines; hardware products such as nails, screws, and wire; and a few discretionary items such as candy or books. Many of the preceding items, as well as occasional services from physicians, veterinarians, blacksmiths, and others, were often bought with barter rather than currency. In Central and Eastern Europe subsistence and semi-subsistence agriculture reappeared within the transition economy since about 1990.

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  [No Players]PBEM L for the Lurkers
Posted by: Ceiliazul - May 19th, 2013, 21:11 - Forum: PBEM 50 - Replies (114)

My lords, My ladies, and everyone else here NOT sitting on a cushion...

Today you find yourselves equals, for you are all equally blessed. For I have pride, nay the pleasure, to introduce to you:

The lurker thread you've all been waiting for: Krill vs Seven... and some other poeple too!

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