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  Help with
Posted by: Dymlos - December 20th, 2010, 01:12 - Forum: Master of Magic - Replies (8)

Hey, here's an off the wall request....

Didn't feel like retyping it, so I'll be copying it verbatim from my post on the DosBox forums:

""I have Master of Magic [link removed].

It is patched to its latest version 1.31

I also have Jay Barnett's Multiplayer Shell version 4.2:

I have tested this on two different computers, one running XP Pro SP2 32-bit, the other running XP MCE SP2 32-bit and I get the same error using the latest DosBox 0.72 on both machines. I've gotten the program to run fine on older machines without DosBox.

Now firstly, running Master of Magic works perfectly (yay DosBox). I just type magic.exe and hit enter. I set my CPU cycles where I want, and voila. The sound and music in this game are awful so I leave them off. The game runs perfectly.

Now, I don't care about starting multiplayer games using this shell, but one of the neat things is the editor that is included.

To use the editor on single player games, it is simple:

Run mm.bat in DosBox to open up the shell.
Click Editor to load the editor, this exits the shell.
Now you can run magic.exe and after hitting alt+f1 to activate the editor, you should be good to go.


When I try to run the editor, I get the error:

"Not enough free upper memory: Load aborted"


I checked through the config file and tried messing a bit with XMS/EMS/etc. memory true vs. false, but I'm not very savvy with all of that.

Does anyone know any solutions or is anyone willing to use the above files to troubleshoot a solution for me (and anyone else with this problem).

Essentially all I would need is for someone to tell me how I can get the editor to load without giving me the memory error. You can test it quickly and easily just by downloading the file from the above link. Unzip it, run mm.bat in the MoM directory (the link to MoM above is already patched).

Incase you are wary, I scanned all of the above files with Grisoft's AVG Free 8, and it found nothing. I still advise anyone to scan the links for themselves, but AVG says they're fine, as well, AVG's safe link search, Yahoo, and Mozilla Firefox 3.0.1 all approved of the sites that are listed above.

Thanks in advance. And let me know if there is any other useful information that I can provide.""


There are more replies in the thread from DosBox forum-goers.


In short, if anyone knows how to get the editor from this to work, I'd be really happy. I had a lot of fun messing with it back in the day. Thanks in advance.

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  [SPOILERS] Map Thread!
Posted by: Amelia - December 19th, 2010, 04:27 - Forum: PBEM13 - Replies (21)

To all players, beware, doom has come to this world!

Which means get out if you're a player!

Many line breaks to follow to avoid someone entering the thread by accident.

Like so!

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  FFH2 Adventure 1: Woops, I won?
Posted by: chaunceymo - December 18th, 2010, 17:21 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (1)

This isn't an official report, I finished the game weeks ago but spaced out on sending the report in.

So I'll preface this by saying I played one (1) game of FFH2 before this one. I managed an excruciatingly slow domination win in a test run with the Svartalfar, but at least got the hang of the basic game mechanics and the dark elves' specific strengths and weaknesses. Since this challenge I've played through two more full games, so it's already embarrassing to relate this given how noobish the game went.

Capital looks like an amazing commerce city. Set research towards Education, build another scout, and send out the starting units to explore nearby stuff.

Meet the slow-to-develop dwarves nearby, great target for first good kill!

Meet the orcs to the west, good perpetually backwards nearby ally

Yikes, Ljosfar to the north. That's going to get ugly fast, and they appear to have a very strong start, too.

Huts- Gold, gold, gold. Better than maps, I guess, but terrible luck with random stuff this game. Later when I explore dungeons/ruins I get nothing but heartache from it.

Ridiculously close call early: wandering Lizardmen show up with their two moves, not far from my undefended capital. They can make it to the capital in two turns, scout (which won't have great defending odds, anyways) isn't complete for three. Fortunately they decide to wander off rather than kill me turn ~35 and give me the honorable mention for "dumbest game".

Turn 51: after a couple minor annoyance-level bad events, I get a great one: 50 gold for a great prophet! Since I'm now beelining towards Fellowship of Leaves, this is a great get: I can either pop an early golden age if I'm afraid I might not found FoL, or I can save him until after founding for a quick shrine.

Turn 75: after a huge flurry of barbarian activity, Orthus spawns about equidistant from me and the dwarves. Fingers crossed I don't have to try to take him down with warriors.

No luck: Orthus marches up to our capital as I frantically crank our warriors and ship one down from our northern city. He's smart enough to plant himself on the forest south of the city. The bad news is that gives him a fat defensive bonus and takes away our best commerce square, as it's where our oldest cottage is. The good news is he wastes some time pillaging.

Unfortunately the barbarian horde keeps up, and between their attacks and Orthus', the city can do nothing but crank out warriors. Orthus is smart enough to sit there and heal, won't be baited by a worker dangled in a square without defensive bonuses, and I don't have anything close to enough firepower to kill him from full health.

I really started hating Orthus this game, to the point that I was ready to put down FFH2 in frustration. In subsequent games I learned that a decent number of warriors ambushing him in the open before he's heavily promoted can take him down fairly painlessly.

FINALLY, after he has a relatively unlucky attack against the city I manage to take him out with a stack of forester promoted warriors. Just hope I can recover from the ridiculous handicap he gave me, as my capital has seen its best plots pillaged and built nothing but warriors for the last ~40 turns.

One bit of good news, though: the forest hill SE of the capital got a random +1 food/+1 trade bonus, making it an insanely good cottage square. If I survive long enough to exploit it, hoorah!

And just as I'm starting to recover from the Orthus rape, the Calabim are nice enough to cast their UA and re-cripple me. Thanks, guys! So far this has probably been the most frustating and least fun game of Civ4 I've ever played. Hopefully that will make my eventual turnaround and victory all the more satisfying?

Turn 136: Found FoL. Go back to picking up all the worker techs I skipped.

Turn 138: found Nameless Tower in a nice denial spot against the dwarves, and the FoL shrine in my northern town. Hopefully the religion will enable quick expansion to claw back up from my terrible start.

Turn 139: Newly founded city "rightfully" requests to be ceded to the dwarves. Any way to turn this mind-bogglingly stupid annoyance popup off? Has any player, ever, in the history of BtS said yes to it?

Turn 168: Four barbarian warriors come within a couple combat rounds of capturing a city defended by three max fortified, highly promoted bronze-wielding warriors, two of which have +40 vs melee. Uhm.

Turn 237: Captured all but one of the barbarian towns, finished poison, switched to conquest/apprenticeship to start a push against the dwarves.

Turn 257: Army assembled, I make the stupid mistake of demanding the dwarves' map and gold. They comply, and thus I am blocked from declaring for 10 turns. Doh. Don't know if this was a BtS addition, but I don't remember tribute forcing a peace treaty like this before. I find out shortly afterwards that the Calabim are absolutely tearing through the dwarven cities, and I'm going to be lucky to get scraps.

Turn 264: The orcs declare on the MUCH stronger Ljosfar! Great news for me no matter what happens.

Turn 267: My army is camped outside of a small dwarven city that Alazkan has long since depopulated. The same turn the peace treaty ends, the Calabim take the other remaining dwarven city and leave the one I'm camped outside of as the capital. That's a freebie!

The dwarves die turn 268. Same turn an adept hits level 6 from free xp. And while it's not part of the scoring, Alazkan is level 8 and climbing quickly.

At turn 268 our economy has fully recovered from our initial expansion. Very quick research with only a small deficit at 70%. That of course means time for more expansion! There's still some room in the southeast corner, past Yggdrasil, and it looks like the Calabim haven't moved much into the northeast of the continent. Since they are the current score leaders and I don't want to fight them any time soon, it seems like a logical move to start cranking out settlers to send up there, figuring our Summer Palace and/or City States can keep the maintenance from killing us.

Turn 275, my modest attack stack is in place to start hitting the Ljosfar, but it looks like the first Orcish incursion into their lands did little to nothing. Their border city still has decent defenses, and they have a huge roaming stack of their hero and a bunch of swordsmen and hunters to worry about. I figure it's safer at this point to slowly add to my stack (with my assassins and soon-to-be illusionists trumping their hunters and adepts soundly), and wait for the Orcs to either send in another attack force, or invite me along for the diplomatic boost (they are only at cautious, as they founded Octopus Overlords and don't want to convert). I content myself with depopulating their border city of defenders with Alazkan and his shadow.

Turn 277: The Calabim declare on Ljosfar! Feeding frenzy on the good civs!

Turn 280: Alazkan has taken out the last longbow(!) guarding the closest Ljosfar border city, and the Calabim have succeeded where the Orcs couldn't and brought down another. I figure it's now or never and declare myself.

Turn 281: I finish the Tower of Necromancy, bringing my Death Mana count to a healthy 4. My specters are going to lay some hurting on the stupid goody two-shoes elves!

Turn 285: Alazkan kills Gildaen Silveric in single combat! Well, two against one, but both of the two were Alazkans. Next turn the Ljosfar burn a huge attack stack against me, proving entirely futile against my strength 8+ specters sitting on an Ancient Tower and Alazkan's defensive strikes.

Turn 291: Capture a big Ljosfar city, their army is badly depleted. Bribe the orcs to switch to FoL. At this point a diplomatic win is looking very feasible.

Turn 292: Walk into the Ljosfar capital after spectres, assassins and Alazkan make short work of the longbows protecting it. Gets me the Great Library, which the stupid goody goody elves kept building even after the entire rest of the world had declared on them. They have one more semi-threatening stack roaming around but are otherwise done. Only question now is how many cities I can gobble up before the Calabim and a newly arrived Orc stack.

I pause the offensive briefly at this point so Alazkan can kill off some highly promoted Calabim vampires that got separated from the main stack. Sorry, guys, we ARE evil you know!

As the war against the Ljosfar winds down, I look at the diplomacy screen an notice something disturbing: the Calabim are friendly with the orcs, and only pleased with me.

The Calabim have a humongous military. While I'm certain I can outpace them economically with my forest cottage spam (Priests of Leaves have coated almost my entire core area with forests, many of which are ancient by now), I don't want them to send their scary stacks at me after the Ljosfar fall. So, I decide to change gears and bribe the Orcs BACK to Octopus Overlords. They become more dangerous to me in the process, but also lose their religion bonus and are no longer friendly with the Calabim, who I figure I can sic on them later.

296: Found Council of Esus, immediately revolt to Undercouncil and, belatedly, Foreign Trade.

Unfortunately the stupid Ljosfar managed to send a settler off into the ice to the north, conveniently right next to the Calabim troops. I take what I think is their last city, and instead the Calabim get the kill on the interturn by walking into their size one icebox.

At this point I figure there must be a final good civ on an island or something. Then a scouting Satyr reveals some cities with suspiciously non-Calabimmy names. I check, and sure enough those were Elohim cities. Looks like they had an awful start, got eaten by the Calabim very early and I entirely missed it, since all the scouts I tried to send east were gobbled up by giant spiders. So with the fall of the Ljosfar, that's it for good guys.

Around this time I notice something that I was utterly unaware of: my religion is very close to winning me the game! FoL is at 69%. If I had realized that was a victory condition I would've been more aggressive about spreading it, and the game could've ended right around the same time that the Ljosfar died off. So I switch all my cities to missionaries and hope I can convert enough population to finish the game soon.

I Purge the Unfaithful from my cities and send out Inquisitors to my neighbors. After the purge FoL is 79%, so close! I have inquisitors working in enemy cities and I have all of my own cities going full speed ahead growth in a golden age.

Turn 317, between inquisitions and population growth, FoL hits 80%.

Strange victory option. I feel like it was absolutely handed to me, as FoL had managed to spread to the religionless Calabim without my help, and they proceeded to spread it to all of their own cities while neglecting to spread AV (which they founded) or RoK (whose holy city+shrine they conquered from the dwarves) at all. They were ahead in score and massively ahead in power at the end of the game, it likely would have been a matter of out-racing them for the empty Ljosfar and Luchuirp lands and growing fast enough that I could win a diplomatic victory with the votes of the orcs. If it had come down to war, there's no way my defensively weak civ could have stood up to their ridiculous hordes.

I was a pretty distant second in all demographics except crop yield, thanks to having ancient forests over my entire core area.

I did learn a lot this game. First and foremost, build LOTS of warriors early. I started my first settler way too soon, and then wasted some time on inessential buildings. Even without Orthus making my life miserable, if I had the warriors to spare to fogbust I would've had a lot fewer barbs running around pillaging my agonizingly slow-to-build forest improvements.

Secondly, scout really aggressively. I got frustrated when a few of my scouts were ett, and ended up missing out on the Elohim entirely because of it.

Attack earlier. Militaries seem to grow in power very slowly early, and it's hard to cast aside the Civ4 idea that warriors aren't any good as attackers. I probably could have had parity with the out-of-control Calabim if I had rolled over the pokey dwarves after cranking out a dozen or so warriors.

Thanks for running this, Square Leg, got me interested in FFH2 and I'm really loving it! Look forward to the next FFH2 adventure!

edit- I was banking on a diplomatic victory most of this game, and just noticed that there isn't actually a diplomatic victory in FFH! I would've hopefully figured out eventually that the undercouncil wasn't going to elect me Supreme Evil Being any time soon and gone for Tower of Mastery, were the religious route not there. Also remotely possible I could've eventually out-militaried the vampires.

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  I declare 1.40j a success
Posted by: Dymlos - December 18th, 2010, 16:44 - Forum: Insecticide Patch - Replies (12)

I was able to play my usual games without issue. w00t

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  Gauging Interest (or, RBO-??: The Fate of the Imperia?)
Posted by: RefSteel - December 17th, 2010, 18:12 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (12)

So, the number of reports on the last few Imperia have dropped off a bit, and of course the most recent was just me. Though I have some more ideas I'd like to try out for Imperium games, I want to make sure the interest level is there.

This MoO forum was originally created by Sirian ages ago as a way we could tide ourselves over between the end of Civ3's longevity and the release of Civ 4. Sullla started up the new Imperia to tide the community over between Civ4 and Civ5. Well, Civ5 is out, and though it isn't currently generating much interest of its own in the RB community, it seems to have rekindled some in new ways of playing Civ4 - MP games and FfH, and even some modding. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry; I'll shut up about civ now; just providing context.)

Especially with the new energy emerging for MoM, it might be best to table the Imperia until something changes: When kyrub's patch develops further, or when interest flags in other games again. (Or if someone comes out with a MoO app for the iPhone, as I believe Zed mentioned once upon a time....) Or it might just be that everyone hit a time sink at once, and there's lots of interest in trying a new Imperium game!

So, let me know if you have an opinion: Keep the Imperia going for now? Try some at lower or impossibly-high difficulty? Or just let it go for now and wait until time brings interest back to this age-old gem?

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  Some MP tonight?
Posted by: scooter - December 17th, 2010, 15:32 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (18)

Anyone interested in some MP tonight? I'm thinking a little more than 2 hours from now, 7pm-ish eastern US time. Is there any interest in this? The time can obviously change if some would like to play at an earlier/later time

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  [SPOILERS] Frederick of Sumeria
Posted by: Pegasus - December 16th, 2010, 13:59 - Forum: PBEM13 - Replies (94)

Welcome to my PBEM13 thread where I will attempt to play Frederick of Sumeria. If you are a fellow player in this game then please do not read any further. For those of you that are interested in what I have to report then welcome. I hope it's a worthy read and not a complete waste of your time.

Feel free to pass comments / judgement on my play [as long as it is not spoilerish]. I don't claim to be a master of this game and probably fall a long way short, but I have to admit this game and this community certainly welcome all standards to come and enjoy themselves which is my No1 priority, and I hope you do too in joining me in my adventure.

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  Pitboss 4 Signup
Posted by: Gold Ergo Sum - December 15th, 2010, 23:24 - Forum: Pitboss 4 - Replies (382)

So Sunrise has graciously offered to host another of these shindigs, and thus it is time to sign away almost a year of your life to Civtacular goodness.

These are Sullllllla's proposed rules for a new PB game:

Quote:Written assuming a 24 hour timer with 12 hour clock splits.

1) Settling Races: When settling in a disputed area, teams must wait 12 hours after moving a settler before the same unit can move again. You cannot move at the end of a turn, and then immediate re-move at the start of the next turn.

2) Declaring War: When initiating a new war, the attacker must declare war during the first 6 hours of the turn. Once 6 hours have passed, no new wars may be initiated by any teams. Upon declaring war, the attacker immediately takes the first 12 hours in a 12/12 hour timer split. Because these rules make it impossible to gain the element of surprise - the defender will always have a chance to play the second half of the turn - the attacker should make every reasonable effort to declare war at the very start of the turn, to avoid confusion.

The attacker must also move their units during the first 6 hours on the turn before declaring war, to avoid a double move.

When a player at war occupies the second half of a turn-timer, that player may declare war at any time during the second half of the turn-timer. The Civ who is declared on then occupies the first half of the turn-timer the following turn. If the Civ who is declared upon has yet to move during the turn of declaration, that Civ can still move their units during the second half of the turn-timer for that one turn only.

3) Joining an Existing War: Teams joining an existing war on the attacker's side must take the same half of the clock timer, the first 12 hours. Teams joining an existing war on the defender's side must do the same, and take the second 12 hours. Teams must synchronize their turn with their respective side (first half attacker, second half defender) on the turn before declaring war.

4) Turn Actions during War: During their half of the timer split, teams can take all normal civ actions. Once the attacker(s) have all ended their turn, or after 12 hours have passed, their turn is over and the defender(s) turn begins. When it is not their turn in wartime, teams may log into the game, but cannot take any actions whatsoever. This includes moving units, whipping or drafting cities, changing research, changing builds or reassigning tiles in cities, promoting or upgrading units, adjusting espionage or the research/culture sliders, and conducting any diplomacy other than chatting (no gifting or trading units, gold, cities, etc.) Think of it this way: IT IS NOT YOUR TURN. Teams can watch what the other teams are doing, but that is all.

5) Gifting: Teams should act in good faith when gifting units, cities, techs, and/or gold to one another. Gifting and re-gifting back cities (to build a unique building) and units (for Heroic Epic purposes) is strictly prohibited. Gifting cities away as part of a peace treaty is allowable, but gifting cities away to third parties to prevent capture in war is forbidden.

6) Phony Wars: Phony wars instituted between teams for purposes of training Heroic Epic units or manipulating the clock timing rules are strictly forbidden. Don't be a jerk about this.

7) Fair Play: Teams should show good sportsmanship and act in good faith. Play to win, play to survive, and avoid moves that artificially unbalance the game.

Sullla essentially summarizes the rules thusly:

* When you attack, you have to do it at the start of a turn, and take the first 12 hour half of the timer split.
* You have to join your allies' time split when entering a pre-existing war.
* You can't change anything when it isn't "your half" of the turn split.

Everything else is just written to try and avoid cheese play: no cheesing with city/gold gifts, no phony wars for clock manipulation, no cheesing with settler double moves, etc. The main criticism from our earlier round of comments was that this system slightly disfavored the attacker, which I agree that it does. However, because we can't create a round of production in the middle of the turn, someone has to be disadvantaged, and if we have to choose between attacker and defender, I say it makes more sense from a gameplay perspective to give the first half of the turn to the attacker. The effects should be pretty minor though on the whole.

Advantages to this ruleset as opposed to Pitboss 1-3 games:

+ No double move sucker-punch attacks.
+ No incentive to run down the clock/other timer manipulations.
+ Cannot whip/draft/change builds on other person's half of the turn (removes incentive/need for more clock games).
+ Removes cheese play elements.
+ Relatively simple system to understand (a major problem with other rulesets).

Tradeoff is that it makes it slightly more difficult to attack on the initiation of wars.

Comments: Cyneheard brought this up and I don't have a good enough sense to know if some modification need be made to the rules--
One possible exception for late-game air raids and/or spy sabotage: Workers should be able to re-connect resources/improvements during the 2nd half of a turn, even if it isn't their half. Again, this is to keep the "when I move" and "When the game does some critical things" gap from being a major issue. Note: that's workers only...not any escorts that they may need. This is to keep a back-line, say, oil, from being continually bombed or sabotaged and the player who goes 1st has no possible recourse. Whereas if I can capture any workers you may be using to fix that tile, well, that's sufficient grounds for "you don't get that resource".


1. No Tech Trading
2. No Nukes
3. No War Elephants or related UUs
4. 24-Hour Turn Timer
5. Unrestricted Leaders
6. No Pauses
7. Amount of Land/Water Up to Mapmaker
8. No AI Takeover
9. No Duplicate Civ/Leaders
10. No Huts
11. No Spies/Missions
12. No Random Events
13. Settle or Golden Age all Great Spies
14. No Permanent Alliances
15. No Vassal States
16. No Changing Builds/Research Late in Turn in Bad Faith/Consistently
17. The Heroic Epic and West Point can only be built once you have a qualifying unit that has always been yours, and if joined to a GG, the GG was one you spawned yourself
18. Snake Pick
19. Default Starting Units
20. Normal speed
21. Monarch difficulty
22. No diplomacy until players meet in-game
23. 10 teams
24. Tatan's Leader/Civ Ban List (plus HC & Vicky) in play
25. No Barbarians
26. Map-trading at first contact
27. Ivory is Krill's decision (no 'Phants)
28. Cylindrical World Wrap


1. Plako + DL-antisocialmunky: Catherine (CRE/IMP) of China
2. WarlordDr: Washington (EXP/CHA) of Greece
3. Mackoti + Ioan76: Roosevelt (IND/ORG) of the Dutch
4. Sleeping Moogle + DL-Sciz: Louis (CRE/IND) of Babylon
5. Nakor + Gaspar: Asoka (SPI/ORG) of the Vikings
6. Luddite + Atlas1998: Bismarck (EXP/IND) of Sumeria
7. Locke + Cervantes: Isabella (EXP/SPI) of England
8. Adlain + DL-Mania Muse: Wang Kon (FIN/PRO) of Arabia
9. Lord Parkin + DL-Senseless + DL-Irgy + DL-Yamps + DL-adrianj: DeGaulle (IND/CHA) of Egypt
10. sunrise + DL-Regoarrarr: Shaka (EXP/AGG) of the Zulu

EXP: 4
IND: 4 (!)
CRE: 2
SPI: 2
CHA: 2
ORG: 2
AGG: 1
IMP: 1
FIN: 1
PRO: 1


Selection order w/ snake pick:

1. Mackoti + Ioan76
2. Adlain + DL-Mania Muse
3. plako + DL-antisocialmunky
4. Locke + Cervantes
5. sunrise089 + DL-Rego
6. Luddite + Atlas1998
7. Lord Parkin
8. WarlordDr
9. Nakor + Gaspar
10. Sleeping Moogle + DL-sciz
11. Sleeping Moogle + DL-sciz
12. Nakor + Gaspar
13. WarlordDr
14. Lord Parkin
15. Luddite + Atlas1998
16. sunrise089 + DL-Rego
17. Locke + Cervantes
18. plako + DL-antisocialmunky
19. Adlain + DL-Mania Muse
20. Mackoti + Ioan76

No one else has stepped forward so I will be the final say in rules disputes. I will consult the arguments made on both sides and the veteran lurker opinions. Play fair, play reasonably and remember that it is just a game.

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  SPOILER - Louisrence of Arabia - Ad Hoc
Posted by: ad hoc - December 15th, 2010, 12:55 - Forum: PBEM13 - Replies (16)

[Image: a.jpg]

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  [SPOILERS]Novice, Spacemanmf and Athlete4life10 are HUYANA CAPAC OF CHINA
Posted by: athlete4life10 - December 15th, 2010, 08:22 - Forum: PBEM13 - Replies (1741)

Place holder until I find something irrelevant to put here.

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