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  Solo-Rogue Ironman Victory Report!
Posted by: X9ss - June 27th, 2010, 21:45 - Forum: Diablo - Replies (10)

Kahlan Amnell - Rogue
Started 11:49 June 22nd, 2010
Solo Classic Diablo Cave-In Ironman

Since summer is finally here and I have some free time, I decided to have another shot at Ironman, I've made it through Normal so far, and hope to continue onwards into Nightmare soon!

Pre-Game Thoughts;
I've played rogue ironman before and made it to Dlvl 16, never Cave-in though, should be interesting. The lack of inventory space is a rather worrying point..

Town: ID scroll

Level 1; ID scroll, Short Bow (12/30 dur), ID scroll, Fascinating Shrine, Mag Short Staff, Club, Saber, Rags (AC 2)
Leveled to 3, 10 pts to Dex. Nothing special.

Level 2; Zombie, Fallen, Corpse Axe, Skeleton Archer
Soulpus- mag mace, Short bow, Pukerat the unclean - mag spiked club, Short Bow, book of firebolt, Deadeye - book of firebolt, Rags (AC 6), Cap (AC 2), Bonehead Keenaxe- mag spiked club, book of charged bolt, Rotfeast the hungry - mag mace, Scroll of healing, Butcher's Cleaver
Butcher was disposed of with grate, otherwise uninteresting level, gotta love being a rogue. Level up to 5, 10 to dex.

Level 3; Burning Dead Captain, Shadow Beast, Black Death, Devil Kin, Skeleton Captain, Dark One
Staff of healing (21 charges). hunter's bow, scroll of healing, scroll of healing, book of telekinesis, book of firebolt, Mag Hunter's bow, mag long bow, ID scroll, book of firewall, book of holy bolt, staff of healing (22), mag ring (Iron ring of the sky, +7% cth, +1 all), Purifying Spring

Broke my first short bow half way through the level and with the staff drops in order to keep inventory room I upgraded to first a long then hunter's bow, Level up to 8, 2 to mag, 8 to dex, 5 to str. The purifying spring was found in the last room unfortunately, but with only lvl 1 firebolt at my disposal, it wouldn't make much difference anyway.

Leoric Chamber;
Book of Telekinesis, Staff of Holy Bolt, Mag Ring Of Might, Undead Crown (unidentified), Hunter's Bow, Mag Ring, Book of Town Portal, Quilted Armor 10 AC, Scroll of Healing

Ring of might +6 str was a notable drop, I considered Id'ing the third ring, but with only 2 ID scrolls left, I decided to wait. Level up to 9, 5 to dex.

Level 4; Plague Eater, Corpse Bow, Flesh Clan Archer, Horror
Magic Ring, Enchanted Shrine, Gharbad the Weak - mag robe & mag flail, Enchanted Shrine, Mag Ring, Book of Charged bolt

Two more rings, no more ID's, I think I'll wait.. not much challenge on this level. Level up to 11, 10 to dex.

[Image: screen08.gif]

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Level 5; Burning Dead Captain, Horror Archer, Horror, Winged Demon
Eldritch Shrine, ID Scroll, Leather Armor 12 AC, Scroll of Healing, Book of Healing, Sacred Shrine, Hunter's Bow, Amulet of the Jaguar (+17 HP)

Nice amulet ID, Level up to 12, 5 to dex.

Level 6; Acid Beast, Fire Clan Archer, Flesh Clan, Bone Gnasher
Deathspit- unique small axe, Mag ring, ID Scroll x3, Short Battle Bow, Edlritch Shrine

Chamber of Bone; ID Scroll x2, Amulet of the moon (+4 all), Leather Armour AC 12 (24 dur)
Suprised to see two Eldritch in one game..Deathspit gave me a fright when I opened a small room at the end of a hall to meet his crew, with a quick side step and a even quicker retreat to out of range though, they were sniped off one by one with ease. With my limited inv space I Id'd the second amulet, nice reading glass, plus it boosted me a full damage point. Given the excess of ID's, I considered ring drops, but one ID scroll on a nice bow could change the whole game,and I've learned I can't cound on ID drops so I left behind 2 unid rings to make room for my second heal staff, and moved on to 7. Level up to 15, 15 to dex.

Level 7; Horned Demon, Acid Beast, Stone Clan, Illusion Weaver
Book of Inferno, Book of Firebolt, Short battle bow (23 dur), Magic ring (azure ring of the dark), Eldritch Goat Shrine, Optic Amulet

The sheer volume of ring drops has lead me to ID one more, an interesting drop to say the least, from now on it shall be my enter-level equipped ring..And another Eldritch, what is this game coming to? The SBB came at an excellent time, with no backup bows my equipped long bow was about to break, thank you RNG. Lup to 16, 5 to dex.

Level 8; Gargoyle, Night Clan Archer, Poison Spitter
Book of Stone Curse, Long battle bow (17 dur), Mag studded leather armor 15 AC, mag ring >.<, Book of healing, Mag ring, Long Battle bow (27 dur), Short War Bow, Book of Firebolt, Mag Ring, Enchanted Goat Shrine (hit inferno)

Such a sad state that I cannot keep the book of stone curse or use it, but I moved onwards anyway. Second acid spitter boss was lured to just out of range for easy bowing, dropped book of telekinesis. Enough with the magic rings, I have three perfectly good ones ID'd, I left all the new ones and the old unid ones on the ground, not worth the ID's or space imo. I've also been playing it fast and loose with the goat shrines, so far I've hit both that came up, I think I've pushed my luck almost to the limit, I think one more or a cauldron and I'll stop. Lup to 17, 2 to dex, 3 to str

[Image: screen15i.gif]

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Level 9; Toad Demon, Poison Spitter, Red Storm
Slain Hero- mag long battle bow, Brokenstorm - mag short battle bow, Oozedrool - book of chain lightning, Composite bow, Long bow

Nice bow drops this level, not much else of interest though, Brokenstorm was gated when found so the bowing was easy, VERY thankful for the Azure ring of dark I found earlier, made this level a heck of a lot easier, storms dual-attack is very painful. liberal healing used on this level. Lup to 18, 5 to dex.

Level 10; Toad Demon, Obsidian Lord, Night Clan Archer, Poison Spitter
Elixer of Dexterity, Short War Bow, Composite Bow, Blackstorm - mag ring

Pretty straightforward level, used up my first heal staff, more for inventory room than real need of that many heals, I've been using heals liberally rather than rejuvs. Level up to 19, 5 to dex.

Level 11; Blood Claw, Red Storm
Mag short war bow, Splint mail 31 AC, Mag ring
Not many opponents, not much exp, not much items, not much challenge =/. Still 19

Level 12; Storm Rider, Maelstrom
Mag ring, long bow, mag composite bow
Level up to 20, 5 to dex. Getting pretty tired of the double attack to be perfectly honest, 6 or 7 heals needed this level.

[Image: screen23.gif]

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Level 13; Cave Viper, Counsellor
Mag Splint Mail (Obsidian of Giants! 39/16), rags, scroll of infravision, elixer of str, spiritual cauldron
Counsellor's are my old nemesis, they ended my monk triple crown run in hell/hell, but the amazing split mail drop was nice of them, sunk 2 str points to weild it, as I had been running without armor since 11 when my studded leather broke. Fairly small level, or atleast low foe density. Lup to 21, 2 to str, 3 to dex. Looking for more bow drops..quickly please, I'm down to 20 dur on my last one.

Level 14; Blood Knight, Succubus
Staff of SC (16), Scroll of infravision, Short battle bow ( 21 dur), Scale Mail, mag short bow, mag hunter's bow

BK's were not too tough as a rogue with plenty of room to run, Succubus are annoying at times however. Not much else to say. Lup to 24, 10 to dex.

Level 15, Soul Burner, Steel Lord
Short war bow, Creepy shrine cauldron, mag war staff, mag cap, mag large shield
Laz Chamber;
Mag composite bow, mag long bow, Black Jade- mag short bow, Red Vex -,mag skull cap, Laz- mag long sword
Level up to 24, 5 to dex, pretty much the same fight as 14, just different colors.

Level 16
composite bow, mag full helm, Sir Gorash - mag large shield, elixer of dexterity
Nothing too strenuous but a long level, I had some worries early on about potion useage but in the end I still had all my full rejuvs and atleast 3 minors for Big D. By the horizontal walking trick advocates were slowly gunned down, and single's were rushed as flash hurts much less than fireball. BK's were already dealt with in 14, and so I knew what to expect, without stun damage it was a retreating level though.

[Image: screen30.gif]

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Prior to fighting diablo I decided to pop my last two ID's hoping for a damage boost, I ID'd my amulet and ring, Amulet of Power (+12), and Ring of Giants (+16), a nice boost, still my was damage only 32-36, not enough for perfect stun, but I managed! It was an easy fight, as soon as D walked around the corne, I peppered him with arrows, hitting and nicely stunning most of the time, I didn't even get hit once, and it was over suprisingly quickly. Normal Difficulty Falls!

[Image: screen29.gif]

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Ended run at 11:53PM, June 27th.

Ending thoughts;
Cave-In rule added a greater challenge than I was used to, having to decide which resources to keep out of potions, ID's, healing staves, bows, jewelry at each level was harrowing, and I was constantly left with less than a "classic" game, the wonderul selection of shrines and timely drops however accomodated for this fact. I don't know that I would continue this through nightmare if given the choice, but since I've made it this far, I might as well try :D.

Onward to Nightmare!

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Posted by: Strike700 - June 26th, 2010, 13:54 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - No Replies

Anybody feel like getting a game in today sometime?

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  New SG anyone?
Posted by: regoarrarr - June 25th, 2010, 07:23 - Forum: Succession Games - Replies (26)

Okay so after our bitter failure in RBtS10 (Gandhi the Giving), we have decided to seek our revenge on Isabella.....

In style.

We will be reprising a SG from our own sooooo called Beat the Clock. The concept is that we will start in the middle of a Hub map, surrounded by a bevy of foreign civs. At a given year, each civ's "time is up" and we must declare war on them.

Here is the original clock

[Image: clock19di.jpg]

We're going to modify things a bit and throw in a 7th civ. And.... we're going to have them all be Isabella lol Oh and we'll WB them all in a different holy city at the start, just to spice things up. lol lol

We'll add the 7th civ in between England and America. And we'll mix a few civs up just for fun. The original game was in Warlords, so we'll add a few of the new BtS civs in there. As in the original, we are choosing the civs to (at least try and) simulate when these civs were somewhat in power, as well as have some nasty UUs. Remember, just like soooo in the original, "I'm not a historian; in fact I learn most of my history from wikipedia" lol

0 AD: Turn 173 - Isabella of Rome
700 : Turn 220 - Isabella of Holy Rome
1200: Turn 265 - Isabella of Byzantium
1500: Turn 320 - Isabella of Portugal
1750: Turn 385 - Isabella of England
1850: Turn 440 - Isabella of Germany
1900: Turn 490 - Isabella of America

Some thoughts on settings - these, like most things are up for negotiation.

Speed: Epic
Difficulty: Emperor
Map type: Hub, high sea level
Map size: whatever fits best with 8 civs.
Huts: On
Events: On
Unrestricted Leaders
Our civ: Up for negotiation - we can also choose unrestricted if we want.
Extras: No Vassal States
Victory: All but domination are on, but we aim for conquest

* You may never make peace with a civ who's Time Is Up. If a civ who's Time Isn't Up declares war on you, you may not enter their territory. If you happen to have a peace treaty on the date you are due to declare war, you must declare at the next available opportunity. You may not declare war on a civ who still has Time.
* Each Isabella starts with a holy city (so the mapmaker may need to give us a WB'd save at Turn 1 with everyone's capital already founded)

So we're looking for signups for the team, as well as someone to volunteer to make the map for us. Darrelljs has agreed to reprise his role as captain (is that a good thing?!? lol), and spots will be held for anyone from RBtS10 that wants revenge. We are going to be a little stricter on the 24/48 rule though. This promises to be a pretty challenging game, so buyer (signer upper?) beware!

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  Anyone want to substitute for pitboss?
Posted by: DMOC - June 21st, 2010, 20:11 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (4)

Hello everyone,

Is anyone here at Realms Beyond interested in substituting me for a pitboss game I'm in? The game itself is the Team Mavericks pitboss game, which is composed of members from the Civ Fanatics demogame II. The CivStats record for the game can be seen here. (Note that I have a significant score lead - perhaps that is an incentive? lol)

The time that I need a substitute for is from June 27th to July 15th. You as the substitute would be taking over Huayna Capac of the Inca from about turn 60 to turn 80. I will provide a detailed plan for the substitute.

Let me know if you're interested.

Best Regards,


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  CIV 5 makes the front page on the BBC
Posted by: dathon - June 17th, 2010, 07:32 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (2)

Be sure not to miss their description of the evils of stacking units at the end of the article. lol


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  Adv. 45 Mukha Cuts Cookies (West Point/Pentagon)
Posted by: Mukha - June 12th, 2010, 00:47 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - No Replies

Actually finished this game a while ago but had to go away for a bit so I missed the reporting period. Here's a few shots from the end anyway, Conquest in 1645AD.

Stole a ridiculous number of early workers from Rameses with successive war declarations with just a solitary warrior. Steal a worker or two each war and then camp by his city asking for peace. Rameses was therefore never a threat and was eliminated around 100AD I think. Made terrible mistakes managing economy with military expansion, also wasted a lot of turns trying to keep some cities (Justinian's power cities mostly) and having to stick around to prevent a revolt. This game really should have been over 50 turns earlier. Note the crazy overkill in the power graph. My multi-promoted units were so powerful that an even power match is a cake-walk so little dips in Greece and Roman power (and subsequent capitulation) should have quickly followed the Justinian dip and capitulation but I had to keep every spare cavalry sitting defending cities I really didn't need smoke

Looking over things, now a month after I actually played this game it appears I got the oracle. No idea what I got with it though. Can't really report much else with this game as I have mis-managed my screenshots and saves and they all have been overwritten. These screenshots are all from the final 2 turns. I remember popping Silver and building a heck of a lot of workshops.

By the end Carthage had 105Hammers/turn towards 21 XP Cavalry (3 Military Instructors, WP, Pentagon, Theocracy, Vassalage, Barracks, Stable). Screenshot of Carthage is 1t post win to show post anarchy. No idea why I was in anarchy or why I'm working a spy specialist there.

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  Realms Beyond World Cup Predictions
Posted by: Twinkletoes89 - June 11th, 2010, 09:11 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (835)

In the absence of any sort of 'Off Topic' thread/discussion area, I was wondering if anyone would like to join me in a little friendly World Cup prediction competition.

There is one rule: You must make your prediction for a match at least 30 minutes before the kick off of that match.

Points: 1 for correct winner, 3 for correct result

You have 1 JOKER DAY which will earn you double points for your matches on that day


scooter 58pts
Sullla 55pts
Swiss Pauli 54pts
Jowy 53pts
SleepingMoogle 52pts
mostly_harmless 48pts
Cyneheard 47pts
Krill 45pts
seifer_md 42pts
Twinkletoes89 40pts
Adlain 40pts
T-Hawk 39pts
athlete4life10 38pts
Rowain 38pts
Sareln 36pts
Jabah 36pts
Dicorion 35pts
pocketbeetle 32pts
Shoot the Moon 30pts
Square Leg 29pts
Nakor 28pts
novice 21pts
Cort 8pts
sunrise089 7pts
Kyan 6pts
Ilios 4pts
Kylearan 4pts
Cull 1pt
Cjreynol 1pt
darrelljs 0pts
Pling 0pts
Lobo.Thibron 0pts


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  PBEM5B - Lurker Thread - No Players
Posted by: Krill - June 10th, 2010, 16:36 - Forum: PBEM Duel Games - Replies (22)

Enjoy the ride guys smile

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  Krill - PBEM5B - Return of the King!
Posted by: Krill - June 10th, 2010, 15:42 - Forum: PBEM Duel Games - Replies (139)

So...regoarrarr and Darrell got me thinking: what easy 1v1 game could we play that would be an interesting alternative to small archi. Well, there is one simple answer to that:

A huge all land expansion game. Still with a space win though.

And who better to lead us on an uber expansion game than Joao of the Incans?

So, here we are, me and Cyneheard trying to play the ultimate REX game. Always Peace, No barbs, No Tech Trading, No vassals, No Events, Noble for easy growth, and a couple of custom edits: no metal pops, no WLTKD, no tech bonus from other civs, and NO WORLD WONDERS!

This will be a straight up game involving no in game luck, just pure number crunching and proper old school city spamming. And the really nice bit, to force us to expand?

Our lands are connected, if one does not expand, they will have to get to space on inferior land quantity. But expand too fast, and lose valuable turns in the race.

It is going to be a very fun game. And thanks to T-hawk for checking the map over for use thumbsup

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  Cyneheard - PBEM5B - Return of the King!
Posted by: Cyneheard - June 10th, 2010, 15:41 - Forum: PBEM Duel Games - Replies (34)

King REx, that is.

Krill and I have created our own PBEM. This is a pure rapid-expansion challenge; first one to space wins.

This one might be a little different.

Joao of the Inca (Exp/Imp, Quechua/Terrace, Mysticism/Agriculture).
Always Peace. Only Space Race is enabled.
Normal Speed (We'll pass the save along quickly enough).
Huge Map. yikes Yes, you read that right.
No Barbarians, No Tech Trading: Fairly obvious.
No Vassal States.

I also modded the game slightly, removing the following things:
The 2nd civ teching bonus.
World Wonders (Didn't remove Versailles, because I was afraid to remove the Forbidden Palace instead; we're not going to be building Versailles, though)
Global Warming
Resources Popping from Mines
Intercontinental trade bonus
We Love The King Day

Also, we've agreed not to build any of the corporations (which makes State Property the obvious late-game civic).

If you're Krill, shoo. We don't need you in this thread any more.

Oh, and yes, we are crashing this sub-forum. It needs more threads. lol

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