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  Imperium 28 - Closing Day
Posted by: RefSteel - April 19th, 2010, 02:11 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (2)

Reports can go up in the tournament reports and discussion forum, as always!

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  PBEM4(?) Map Design - No Players
Posted by: Speaker - April 18th, 2010, 14:31 - Forum: PBEM4 - Replies (9)

Speaker's text can be viewed with mouse-over, and contains some spoilers, so here's some random non-spoilerish text from Wikipedia to remove it:

The "Morotai Mutiny" was an incident in April 1945 involving members of the Australian First Tactical Air Force based on the island of Morotai, in the Dutch East Indies. Eight senior pilots, including Australia's leading flying ace, Group Captain Clive Caldwell, tendered their resignations to protest what they perceived as the relegation of Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) fighter squadrons to strategically unimportant ground attack missions against Japanese positions that had been bypassed in the Allies' "island-hopping" campaign. A government investigation vindicated the "mutineers", and three high-ranking officers at First Tactical Air Force Headquarters, including the commander, Air Commodore Harry Cobby, the Australian Flying Corps' top-scoring ace during World War I, were relieved of their posts.

George Odgers summed up the cause of the incident in the official history of the RAAF in World War II as "the conviction of a group of young leaders that they were engaging in operations that were not militarily justifiable—a conviction widely shared also by many Australian soldiers and political leaders." Odgers concluded that the ensuing inquiry "made it clear that almost everyone concerned acted from the highest motives, and was convinced that, in the crisis, he acted wisely".

Now back to your normal post!
- Sullla

Here is the map I have designed for the PBEM (#4 I think?) game. Here were my overall design ideas:

1) Green Inland Sea, no tundra or ice
2) No horse within 5 tiles of any starting location. Easy horse ruins CTONs.
3) Everyone has easy availability to copper, to mitigate the choking factor. PBEM is meant to be a long, fun game, and getting choked because you have resources is no fun. Everyone should at least have a fair shot.
4) No ivory anywhere on the map, for obvious reasons.
5) No gold or gems in starting plots to slow down the early tech
6) Everyone has access to all the strategic resources, and some happiness

Here are the six players:

1) Pacal - China
2) Victoria - Babylon
3) Catherine - Maya
4) Darius - Ottomans
5) Peter - Egypt
6) Suleiman - Inca

And here's my twist: Every player begins on a two-hammer plains hill, with an Animal Husbandry resource in the starting spot, and an Agriculture resource two-tiles away, but NOT in the starting 21. So the choice is to plant in place and take advantage of the two-hammer, which is very powerful on quick speed, or move and get two food, but lose the two-hammer.

So, please take a look and let me know if you see anything wacky, or anything unbalanced. Thanks!

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  Replacement needed (again) for PB1
Posted by: Twinkletoes89 - April 16th, 2010, 13:24 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (1)

Hi all,

I'm sorry guys but I don't feel it is fair if I continue to play in this game when I am not 100% committed to it.

To be honest, it is very difficult to come into a game so developed with its entrenched alliances and the such like. It has never really felt like it is 'my civ' and as such, doing turns has become more of a chore than a pleasure.

With the position my civ is in, it would be massively unfair and possibly game-breaking if I was to gift my cities away or just give up playing and get steamrolled. I want someone to come in and takeover and run things through to the end. The diplomacy is pretty much out of the way for the forseeable future and is not too great to handle for someone keen to do this game - and my civ is not involved directly in a full on conflict, so you are not thrown into the deep end!

From my time in the game, I have too much respect for the guys who have put so much effort into the game to let it be spoilt by me not being committed to the endgame.

I will continue to do the turns until a replacement is found, to prevent a further pause to the game.

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  Dark Side Of The Loon
Posted by: KingOfPain - April 14th, 2010, 17:31 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (90)

Just thought I'd share a little humor.
I have wanted to get something out of this ever since I saw SoulFlayer came home with this bottle of wine, and it finally came together a couple of days ago.

[Image: work.4987533.3.flat,800x800,070,f.jpg]

Dark Side Of The Loon :dancing5:

While I am at it. I have put together a bouquet of garnishes (named Priapos' Temptation) I don't think I have shown here. Read the description for a little humor shhh

Priapos' Temptation

Despite the work that was put in Priapos' Temptation, This little number is more popular 3 to 1 duh
Chicks just love this, right, Shadow?

You can be so much more!

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  SG, anyone?
Posted by: darrelljs - April 11th, 2010, 14:22 - Forum: Succession Games - Replies (31)

T-hawk Wrote:(Not a signup; multiplayer Civ is not for me. I'm the obsessive type and would rather not sink hundreds of hours and a year of real time into a single game. And I travel too often, though could probably cook up some remote-access solution like sunrise's.)

I've been jonesing for an SG for a little while now...this sounds to me like you would be up for one too. I'm sure we could put together a good team ready to take on a nice, high level challenge nod.


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  PBEM4 - Email and Technical Issues
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - April 7th, 2010, 05:18 - Forum: PBEM4 - Replies (1365)

Wasn't there quite a few extra signups for pbem3? If there are another 6, they could play on the same map as pbem3. Or beg another map design.

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  SGOTM 11
Posted by: Compromise - April 7th, 2010, 00:37 - Forum: Succession Games - Replies (30)

Is anyone interested in playing Civfanatics' SGOTM 11? Maybe we could put together an RB team? I don't imagine there will be many more of those for Civ4.

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  2010 Easter Eggs
Posted by: ShadowHM - April 5th, 2010, 16:08 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (2)

We just got back from an amazing Easter Weekend at the cottage. The weather was unseasonably warm. Saturday was actually shirt-sleeve weather!

And, of course, we made Easter Eggs. Or, more accurately, we made Easter Weekend Pike Bay eggs. lol

I have photographs of this year's crop here.

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  [SPOILERS] Sandover(cre/spi) of Egypt
Posted by: Sandover - April 2nd, 2010, 06:04 - Forum: PBEM3 - Replies (511)

This is where the action is (or will be soon enough). I guess I should fill this post with some sort of spam just to be safe, so here's a random chat between the winner (Dreylin) and the runner-up (Ruff) of PBEM1;

Quote:Ruff.Hi: I have the turn
anything to discuss?

me: Hmmm
you mean other than whether to accept mh's peace proposal?

Ruff.Hi: yeah - which way are you leaning

me: I really don't know

Ruff.Hi: who do you trust?

me: neither of them

Ruff.Hi: one more than the other?

me: maybe
exchanged a couple more e-mails with mh

Ruff.Hi: well - I certainly trust one more than the other
just wondering if we are leaning in the same way

me: he says that he didn't know about athlete & my NAP

Ruff.Hi: do you need to make a decision this turn?

me: & it sounds like his and athlete's agreement included a mutual-defense

Ruff.Hi: oh - and what is the turn order ... you, ath, mh or the other way around?

me: I can probably hold off for 1t

Ruff.Hi: I trust mh much more than athlete

me: mh counter-attacked and my stack is injured
need to see how much, but I don't think I can take Vienna this turn

Ruff.Hi: do you have compass?

me: no
but you can't trade it anyway

Ruff.Hi: well - I popped it and cannot trade it
stupid game mechanics

me: meh
I tend to agree with your assessment
athlete has clearly been hedging his bets for a while

Ruff.Hi: I would give it 1 more turn ... basically give athlete some rope to hang himself with
I have a sneaking feeling that he will attack you

me: He should have done it last turn

Ruff.Hi: and if he does, NAP is gone and you can team up with mh and turn on athlete

me: However, if I don't sign Peace with mh this turn
and athlete does attack, will mh still be willing to sign peace next turn now his ally has joined in

Ruff.Hi: good pt

me: What is athlete's cash reserve like?
he had 300-400g last turn

Ruff.Hi: 508
he is buring about 80 per turn
I need to talk pesky dog for walk
but I haven't finished my turn yet

me: Oh, does mh have RP yet?
athlete should have finished it, but I don't know if it'd have been handed over yet
508g means that athlete hasn't upgraded anything to Currassier

Ruff.Hi: doesn't say
but he can tech rifling
he has mil trad

me: Can mh reserach RP?
or Rifling?

Ruff.Hi: mh can researech RP
sooooo can research RP

me: OK, so i hasn't changed hands yet

Ruff.Hi: athlete can research rifling
could be on its way around
sooooo is on compass

me: indeed

Ruff.Hi: you just finished PP?

me: will this turn
you will get it not next turn, but one after
So this turn and next you save gold
turn after start teching
& I feed gold as needed

Ruff.Hi: you put a big dent in mh power
I think that you should take the mh offer
athlete power is lowest

me: 93,000 soldier points

Ruff.Hi: who gets to keep Vienna?

me: mh
his offer is conditional on that

Ruff.Hi: if he gives that up, he is totally shielded from athlete

me: plus I stop killing his doods

Ruff.Hi: and you ask him to trade me iron
then we can start preparing for an athlete and sooooo war

me: I've actualy asked him to trade me his Iron as part of settlement

Ruff.Hi: ok
ok - need to go for walk
will forward the turn when I get back

me: OK

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  PBEM3 Spoilers - timmy827 of Khmer
Posted by: timmy827 - April 2nd, 2010, 00:40 - Forum: PBEM3 - Replies (182)

Welcome! This is the spoiler thread for PBEM3, my first active foray into the RB multiplayer community. I've been doing epics and adventures for a while, and it's been interesting to see the MP games draw in a lot of new people, which seems to cover most of this game's other participants. It should be fun.

I will update this soon with the generic "random information in case another player accidentally opens the thread" and the start position once I get the first turn email.

EDIT: well I have managed to screw up before even seeing the save (to go with my error in leader selection lol). Could a moderator rename the thread to fit the established convention, something like
[SPOILERS] - timmy827 of Khmer


[COLOR="Red"]EDIT: Done!
- Sullla[/COLOR]

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