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  Adventure 44 - Oh Mista Hart! - Now Open
Posted by: Griselda - March 29th, 2010, 01:01 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (37)

Click me for info!

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  Realms Beyond Statistics
Posted by: sunrise089 - March 24th, 2010, 12:49 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (21)

I was playing with the Advanced Search capability to the Members List and found some cool info. I set a threshold of members with more than 300 posts and a join date of before Jan 1st, 2008 (I was originally searching for old members) and compiled some data for the 25 members who qualify:

1) The following members have more than 1,000 posts (and yes, three of us are on the same RBP3 team):

regoarrarr 2315
Ruff_hi 1993
Sullla 1982
Sirian 1583
Darrrelljs 1387
sunrise089 1379
Dreylin 1330
T-Hawk 1084
Kylearan 1041

2) Members joined in clumps. 9 members joined during 6 months in 2004. 14 more joined during 9 months in 2006. Only Atlas and Regoarrarr joined in between, during 2005. And NO members joined between my join date (Sept. 2006) and the cutoff of Jan 1st, 2008. Obviously interest in Epics and Adventures had peaked by late 2006, and the Apoloyton Demogame and then RBP and RBPBEM events are primarily responsible for the post-2008 increase of activity.

3) We've only lost 2 members from the set of 25. Uberfish disappeared back in 2008, and Blake disappeared back in 2007 BUT lurked the forum as recently as January of this year.

Full list of members by join date:

Swiss Pauli

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  Imperium 28 - Shattered Worlds - Now Open!
Posted by: Griselda - March 22nd, 2010, 00:52 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (15)

Click me.

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  imp27 w/ embyonic patch report
Posted by: ignatius - March 21st, 2010, 18:16 - Forum: Tournament Reports and Discussion - Replies (3)

II've tried imp27 with kyrub's embryonic18 patch. Because of that and as I missed the deadline, this is an unranked result but might still be interesting as my game played out somewhat differently than most reported here.

My general game-plan was to keep NAPs with all races and rake in the peace dividend - in fact, an initial scout blockade (an an occasional spy ship with scanners) was my only fleet action until the final offensive. I would focus research on Computers, Propulsion and Planetology (in that order) relying mostly on espionage for the other fields after having secured some key defensive techs (like planetary shields and scatter pack vs).

When I made 1st contact 2364 with the Mrrshan at Paranar, I was researching 3rd tier tech in all field except FF and Weapons. 80 years later I had contact and lucrative trade agreements (most of the game, trade constituted more than 1/3 of my income) with all races. At this time I was already behind on all counts but technology where I managed to keep my lead throughout the game.

On the diplomacy front, it was bears v/s birds with changing affiliations for the other two and the vote was always neatly split between the two blocks.

Owing to the patch with its saner AI behaviour, apart from some minor skirmishes among the AIs (by which the Darlock dropped out of contact for some time) the game went entirely peaceful (no declared wars) until 2582 when the Bears chose unwisely and made a move for Meklon (the only attack in the whole game) after dissolving our NAP. While I managed to fight off the attack (losing half of my MBs in the process), the collateral damage of 6 Mio. innocent Meklars (and the fact that it was an unranked game) made me call the Birds for help who (as the cats which were allied with both Burathi and Darlocks) ended up in a 3-way war against the other AIs while I was busy researching AM drives with RC7 about to pop.

In 2597, the Birds also declared on me (most probably as a reaction to my very succesful espionage efforts). I then made my first experiments with an AM-bomber design but decided to wait when the Alkari got SP-vii. I stole sub space transporters and in 2632, Thorium cells finally popped. Not having built placeholders and just to play it save, I decided to wait for the next vote to make my final move. By then, I could fit Omega-V bombs + SS-transporters into a small hull.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=1317&stc=1&d=1269212669]

18 years later in 2668, all was over. My final tech screen:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=1318&stc=1&d=1269212734]



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  Lurker Behaviour
Posted by: Krill - March 21st, 2010, 11:23 - Forum: Pitboss2 - Replies (1)

[SIZE="4"]To all lurkers in this forum, that read more than one spoiler thread. [/SIZE]

This thread is here to outline the expectations of how lurkers will behave in this forum, for this game. Ideally, Realms Beyond is a self policing community that is capable of governing itself by consensus, but there are some unbreakable rules that it is not acceptable to knowingly break; nor is ignorance of the community expectations an acceptable excuse.

This thread is posted so that newcomers to the community can quickly understand the community ideology, which is simple: No Spoilers.

Below is a basic list of what lurkers should and should not do. It is by no means an exhaustive list, and is written to illustrate basic ideas of idealised lurker behaviour. Failure to follow the rules may result in a warning via PM (mistakes happen). Repeated failure to follow accepted behaviour will result in the incident being referred to the site admins.

All posts in this forum are read by multiple posters, players and lurkers alike. If anything untoward is posted, it will be brought up, and commented on.

Ultimate administrative responsibility for RBPB2 resides with myself as game admin, i.e. I keep the game running and sort out out of game issues. If any spoiler issues arise, I am the one that deals with them. If you have any issues about something that you want to post, or that you think someone else has posted it, do 2 things: 1) quote it in the No players thread, and ask for other peoples opinion, or 2) Contact the original poster and myself, and we will take it from there.

As someone else has said, "And within PB2, Krill speaks ex cathedra: It's true because he said so. That's the way assigning him admin was set-up".

Quote:1) Lurkers may respond to civ4 mechanics questions (eg how many turns for a worker to chop a forest? Why didn't my cottage grow? How does the AP work?)

2) Lurkers may congratulate players on achieving a goal (eg Well done on getting that city spot)

2a) However, don't reveal unnecessary information on your comment (eg Well done on getting that city spot - I really thought that Greece was going to get it)

3) Lurkers may participate in option discussions but only after the player has articulated the options and only to the extent of pointing out additional strengths / weaknesses of options that the player might have missed.

3a) Lurkers should NOT suggest additional options that the play might have missed - do not give strategic or tactical advice that isn't known previously
3b) Lurkers should NOT express opinions about various options - ditto

4) Lurkers may express opinions on player agreed rules, but should also point out that rules agreed by the players should be discussed by the players

5) Lurkers may ask a team to explain their opinion about in game situations and developments, but must do this without writing leading questions, or implying information gained from other spoiler threads. It may be wiser to ask how to phrase such a question in the no players thread already, before posting it in a spoiler thread. Basically, be careful.

6) Lurkers may not ask sequence questions - bang

7) Lurkers may ask for screenshots.

8) Lurkers shall not contact players regarding RBPB2 outside this forum by any means.

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  Lurker Behaviour
Posted by: Krill - March 21st, 2010, 11:23 - Forum: Pitboss1 - Replies (1)

[SIZE="4"]To all lurkers in this forum, that read more than one spoiler thread. [/SIZE]

This thread is here to outline the expectations of how lurkers will behave in this forum, for this game. Ideally, Realms Beyond is a self policing community that is capable of governing itself by consensus, but there are some unbreakable rules that it is not acceptable to knowingly break; nor is ignorance of the community expectations an acceptable excuse.

This thread is posted so that newcomers to the community can quickly understand the community ideology, which is simple: No Spoilers.

Below is a basic list of what lurkers should and should not do. It is by no means an exhaustive list, and is written to illustrate basic ideas of idealised lurker behaviour. Failure to follow the rules may result in a warning via PM (mistakes happen). Repeated failure to follow accepted behaviour will result in the incident being referred to the site admins.

All posts in this forum are read by multiple posters, players and lurkers alike. If anything untoward is posted, it will be brought up, and commented on.

Ultimate administrative responsibility for RBPB2 resides with myself as game admin, i.e. I keep the game running and sort out out of game issues. If any spoiler issues arise, I am the one that deals with them. If you have any issues about something that you want to post, or that you think someone else has posted it, do 2 things: 1) quote it in the No players thread, and ask for other peoples opinion, or 2) Contact the original poster and myself, and we will take it from there.

As someone else has said, "And within PB2, Krill speaks ex cathedra: It's true because he said so. That's the way assigning him admin was set-up".

Quote:1) Lurkers may respond to civ4 mechanics questions (eg how many turns for a worker to chop a forest? Why didn't my cottage grow? How does the AP work?)

2) Lurkers may congratulate players on achieving a goal (eg Well done on getting that city spot)

2a) However, don't reveal unnecessary information on your comment (eg Well done on getting that city spot - I really thought that Greece was going to get it)

3) Lurkers may participate in option discussions but only after the player has articulated the options and only to the extent of pointing out additional strengths / weaknesses of options that the player might have missed.

3a) Lurkers should NOT suggest additional options that the play might have missed - do not give strategic or tactical advice that isn't known previously
3b) Lurkers should NOT express opinions about various options - ditto

4) Lurkers may express opinions on player agreed rules, but should also point out that rules agreed by the players should be discussed by the players

5) Lurkers may ask a team to explain their opinion about in game situations and developments, but must do this without writing leading questions, or implying information gained from other spoiler threads. It may be wiser to ask how to phrase such a question in the no players thread already, before posting it in a spoiler thread. Basically, be careful.

6) Lurkers may not ask sequence questions - bang

7) Lurkers may ask for screenshots.

8) Lurkers shall not contact players regarding RBPB2 outside this forum by any means.

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  Lurker Behaviour
Posted by: Krill - March 21st, 2010, 11:23 - Forum: Pitboss3 - Replies (8)

[SIZE="4"]To all lurkers in this forum, that read more than one spoiler thread. [/SIZE]

This thread is here to outline the expectations of how lurkers will behave in this forum, for this game. Ideally, Realms Beyond is a self policing community that is capable of governing itself by consensus, but there are some unbreakable rules that it is not acceptable to knowingly break; nor is ignorance of the community expectations an acceptable excuse.

This thread is posted so that newcomers to the community can quickly understand the community ideology, which is simple: No Spoilers.

Below is a basic list of what lurkers should and should not do. It is by no means an exhaustive list, and is written to illustrate basic ideas of idealised lurker behaviour. Failure to follow the rules may result in a warning via PM (mistakes happen). Repeated failure to follow accepted behaviour will result in the incident being referred to the site admins.

All posts in this forum are read by multiple posters, players and lurkers alike. If anything untoward is posted, it will be brought up, and commented on.

Ultimate administrative responsibility for RBPB2 resides with myself as game admin, i.e. I keep the game running and sort out out of game issues. If any spoiler issues arise, I am the one that deals with them. If you have any issues about something that you want to post, or that you think someone else has posted it, do 2 things: 1) quote it in the No players thread, and ask for other peoples opinion, or 2) Contact the original poster and myself, and we will take it from there.

As someone else has said, "And within PB2, Krill speaks ex cathedra: It's true because he said so. That's the way assigning him admin was set-up".

Quote:1) Lurkers may respond to civ4 mechanics questions (eg how many turns for a worker to chop a forest? Why didn't my cottage grow? How does the AP work?)

2) Lurkers may congratulate players on achieving a goal (eg Well done on getting that city spot)

2a) However, don't reveal unnecessary information on your comment (eg Well done on getting that city spot - I really thought that Greece was going to get it)

3) Lurkers may participate in option discussions but only after the player has articulated the options and only to the extent of pointing out additional strengths / weaknesses of options that the player might have missed.

3a) Lurkers should NOT suggest additional options that the play might have missed - do not give strategic or tactical advice that isn't known previously
3b) Lurkers should NOT express opinions about various options - ditto

4) Lurkers may express opinions on player agreed rules, but should also point out that rules agreed by the players should be discussed by the players

5) Lurkers may ask a team to explain their opinion about in game situations and developments, but must do this without writing leading questions, or implying information gained from other spoiler threads. It may be wiser to ask how to phrase such a question in the no players thread already, before posting it in a spoiler thread. Basically, be careful.

6) Lurkers may not ask sequence questions - bang

7) Lurkers may ask for screenshots.

8) Lurkers shall not contact players regarding RBPB2 outside this forum by any means.

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  Adventure 43 Reverse Mod
Posted by: T-hawk - March 20th, 2010, 20:59 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (10)

Completely different topic than Pitboss 2, but perhaps it's even more timely if the game is to be paused...

Compromise and I were discussing the Adventure 43 mod in reverse. The alien civ would eat commerce, build with food, and research with hammers. I went ahead and did the coding for it. I've only done minimal mod testing so far, so if anyone finds a problem, let me know.

- I fixed the Palace to give 8 science instead of 8 commerce so the AIs aren't broken.
- Chopping a forest creates gold. It should create commerce but there really isn't any mechanism to do that. Gold is close enough. The quantity is affected by Mathematics and by hammer modifiers in the city. (I can't figure out why the game is using the food icon. You get gold.)

Mod is too big to attach, so here:

Also here's a save if anyone wants to play it. I bumped the difficulty up to Monarch but it'll probably still be pretty easy. Small Pangaea map, unedited and unspoiled. I rolled starts until one came up that's coastal and with a commerce resource (else growth will be very slow.) It's Isabella again, who is still the best civ to use for the same reasons. Settling 1N on the wines will give 2 commerce to the city center square.

Sullla, apologies if I'm treading on any Epic to open this week. smile But I think there's only minor interest in playing another game of this type, and it's a timely topic after the actual Adv 43 but not worth another full blown event. Feel free to post any reports or comments back to this thread.

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  More fan art / redesigns
Posted by: Arne - March 20th, 2010, 18:25 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (30)

So, it's that time again.

Here's an even more cartoony take on the MoO aliens. Not sure if the style fits. It's a little rough, I might get around to touching it up and adding the rest of the aliens, even though I really should be doing other things.

I was thinking the Sakkra should be small since they reproduce fast, and the Silicoids should be big, because they're slow. The Bulrathi are beefy. I like this Alkari better than my previous attempts, although I won't know how much Alkari it feels until I've colored it.

[Image: moo_chibi_lineup.jpg]

I also had some ideas for drawing the planet surfaces. I never really understood what's going on with all of the Terraforming, Sizes, Climates, Eco systems... so I made my own structure. The idea is to allow a flow with pictures from Hostile climates up to Gaia.

[Image: moo_planet_types.jpg]

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  Pitboss 2 - Time Out
Posted by: Griselda - March 20th, 2010, 18:02 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (52)

OK, I realize that I'm hardly ever here, and I apologize that I don't catch stuff like this more quickly. One of the reasons that this works as well as it does is that RB players, by and large, are a respectable bunch that tend to moderate themselves.

However, with the current drama that's going on in Pitboss 2, I don't feel that the game can be continued until we work some things out. The forum is still there, but password protected. I ask that everyone stay out of the forum until we come to some kind of consensus.

I haven't had a chance to read through all of the threads yet, but I wanted to remind everyone here that RB players have always acted on the side of caution with regard to spoilers! The reason this community works as well as it does is because we trust one another. We don't very often have to come down and police people, or check save files, or try to figure out who did or didn't say what via PM.

Until we are able to reestablish that level of trust, and until we have an understanding of what is expected of both lurkers and players, then the game will have to be on hold. Sorry.

In this thread, keep discussion to the general. DO NOT mention specific game information when replying. We need to come up with a list that will work for all games, including future ones, so there's no need to post anything specific to this game!

I want to come to a consensus here, then let the dust settle, then we can talk (somewhere else) about anything that might or might not need to be removed from PB2.

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