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  RPB3 SPOILERS Bismarck of India (regoarrarr, darrelljs, sooooo, sunrise089)
Posted by: regoarrarr - January 25th, 2010, 08:45 - Forum: Pitboss3 - Replies (1542)

Spoiler thread for Bismarck of India.

You know the drill - if you're one of the players in this game, you don't belong here so click elsewhere.

If you're not playing, then you are welcome to add thoughts advice and comments, though please keep spoiler-free (i.e. don't post information that you saw in someone else's thread, or even comments based on information that you learned elsewhere).

With this being the 5th PB / PBEM game going on, I don't expect to have many issues with this but just in case!

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  [Spoilers] darrelljs (FDR)
Posted by: darrelljs - January 25th, 2010, 08:35 - Forum: PBEM2 - Replies (167)

Okay, this is my spoiler thread for PBEM2. I've queued up a few posts which will follow shortly. Lurkers are welcome smile. If there is something specific you'd like to know, just ask and I'll post screenshots, etc.


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Posted by: Sandover - January 25th, 2010, 07:44 - Forum: Pitboss3 - Replies (504)

Welcome to the lurker thread of Team SsS. If you're playing for another team in RBP3 you're being very naughty right now.nono If not, I hope you'll have a pleasent read!

Team SsS:
Square Leg

As team leader I will be responsible for making sure turns are played, diplomacy is handled and that the superior letter "s" is given proper tribute within our civilization. scooter and Square Leg will act as my advisors, which means that their main job will be to stop me from doing anything stupid. They will also serve as my escape goats, but don't tell them that.shhh

Our Configuration:
Kublai Khan (Agg/Cre) of Rome (Praetorian, Forum).

We ended up having the 12th position in the snake pick out of 17 teams. Pretty much everybody and his cat went for a builder approach in this game so our team is a black sheep with our military setup. Considering our position in the snake pick I'd say we did pretty well to land this combo, and we hope to kick some serious builder-butt using our aggressive praetorians!bash

General Strategy:
We're going to sacrifice early exploration in order to emphasize growth, hoping it will pay off in the long run. From there on we'll basically beeline to Iron Working once we've grabbed the needed worker techs, aiming to get our praetorians out as soon as possible. Our main challenge will be to tinker the diplomatic situation into our advantage in order to avoid a pre-praetorian rush or a dogpile. If we can handle that we're pretty much set to conquer one of our neighbours - after which we'll shift into economic mode and develop ourselves into a super-power.jive

Stay tuned to follow the action!

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  [Spoilers] Luff_Hi of Japan
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - January 25th, 2010, 06:21 - Forum: PBEM2 - Replies (208)

[Image: Japan_Tokugawa.jpg]

I'll be back later to actually post something. Note that I will be channeling Tokugawa and so you won't see much from me smile.

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  [SPOILERS!] Pericles of Babylon. Kyan, Twinkletoes, Whosit.
Posted by: Kyan - January 25th, 2010, 06:20 - Forum: Pitboss3 - Replies (767)

This page will be left empty just in case of mis-clicks.
More info will be added to this thread tonite.
Pictures to take up room![/SIZE]

[Image: eagle2.jpg]

One for you lurkers! (I'm just gonna pretend someone other than me is reading this. Sound good? Super.

[Image: hmsexeter.jpg]

This is a ship very close to my heart. HMS Exeter.

[Image: cricket4.png]

That one was for you TT :neenernee

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  RBP3 [SPOILERS] National Pastime (Rapoleon_Hi of the Aztecs)
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - January 25th, 2010, 06:14 - Forum: Pitboss3 - Replies (206)

Welcome to my spoiler thread. I probably will not be as active as others will be but I will provide regular global updates on things from my point of view. Look for fairly wide ranging posts about every 10 turns or so. I'll also be using this post as an index.

Firstly, let me introduce myself ... I am Rapolean_Hi, Ruler of the Aztecs, Light of the World and Supreme Arbiter. My personal motto is "I haven't met a person that I cannot sacrifice".

In Civ4 terminology, I am Napoleon (Charismatic & Organized) of the Aztecs (Jaguar & Sacrificial Altar).

  • Charismatic
    • +1 happiness per city
    • -25% XP needed for unit promotions
    • +1 happiness from Monument, Broadcast Tower
  • Organized
    • Civic upkeep reduced 50 percent
    • Double production speed of lighthouse and courthouse
  • Jaguar
    • replaces swordsman
    • 5 strength (regular sword is str 6)
    • 1 move
    • 35 hammers
    • Requires Iron Working technology, but not Iron
    • +10% city attack; starts with Woodsman I promotion; Upgrades to Maceman
  • Sacrificial Altar
    • -50% anger duration from sacrificing population
    • Costs 30 hammers less than Courthouse

I'll have thoughts and ideas on my selection and initial strategy later today / tonight.

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  RB PBEM #2 Sitting Bull of the Native Americans
Posted by: Square Leg - January 25th, 2010, 05:14 - Forum: PBEM2 - Replies (145)

Spoilers thread for my PBEM game!

If your name is Krill, Ruff, Dreylin, Yaz or Darrell...nono

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  RBP3 [Spoilers] Capac of Mali
Posted by: Swiss Pauli - January 25th, 2010, 05:13 - Forum: Pitboss3 - Replies (677)

This is where Broker33, dsplaisted, and I will be hanging out for this game.

Better late than never...


Worker names:


Time to show the lurkers some love, and give an insight into our choice of civ and leader. With Broker & Daniel busy in other games, so it was me doing most of the talking lol

Quote:We have 17 civs, Emperor difficulty, normal speed, standard starting unit, NTB (so tech alliances will play a role, even if we limit them somehow), and no spies. Based on the current pitboss games, all civs will have similar yielding food specials, horses, and a source of metal near their starting position for balance.

I think the following leaders are of first rank (in no particular order): Willem (CRE/FIN), Liz (FIN/PHI), Mansa (FIN/SPI), Darius (FIN/ORG), Pacal (FIN/EXP) & Peter (PHI/EXP).

Second rank: Fred (PHI/ORG), Mehmed (EXP/ORG), Bismarck (EXP/IND), Zara (CRE/ORG), Capac (IND/FIN), Pericles (CRE/PHI).

Third rank: Roosy (IND/ORG), Ramesses (IND/SPI), Louis (IND/CRE), Alex (PHI/AGG), Gandhi (PHI/SPI), Stalin (AGG/IND), Ragnar (AGG/FIN).

If one can get good synergy with the civ, then leaders of the 3rd rank can also work really well, so moving to the civs:

First Rank
India: fast worker (warrior)
Rome: Praets (w)
Ottoman: Janissary & Hammam (w)
Byzantium: Cataphract & Hippodrome (w)
England: Redcoats (w)
Inca: Terrace (w)
Korea: Hwacha & Seowon (w)

Of these, Rome, England & Byz are at risk from a kill-them-before-they-get-their-overpowered-UU-in-play attack.

Second Rank
HRE: Rathaus (scout). Pair with ORG, and one of EXP, CRE, FIN for maximum expansion.
Mali: Mint & Skirmisher (w). Pair with IND for an Oracle gambit for cheap, early Mints.
Maya: Ball Court (w). +2 happy
Aztec: Sac. Altar (scout). Cheap without ORG, and great if you have enough food for regular whipping.
Spain: Conq (w). Really want a lake to guarantee a religion.
Egypt: War Chariot (w). Risky rush.

Third Rank
Zulu: Impi (s). Scout means warrior-first opening.
Sumeria: Ziggurat (w). Cheap without ORG.
Greece: Odeon (s). +1 happy
Ethiopia: Oromo (w). Drill is flaky until IV.
France: Musketeer (w). Extra movement is good.
Carthage: Numid/Cothon. Strong on the right map...
Khmer: Ballista/Baray. Strong with Ivory.

I don’t think there’s anything too controversial about my groupings into first rank, but the 2nd & 3rd are considerably less clear-cut (e.g. Spain as 2nd rank might just be smoke ).

When the snake pick was announced, we were 17th and last. Although this gives the opportunity to get a synergetic leader & civ combination, it meant we were not likely to get any of the first rank. To make the most of the pick, one has to analyse a multitude of possible combinations with the foreknowledge that most of these will be off the table by the time the pick would reach us: hardly a great incentive to debate, but it seemed like the pick wouldn’t go too rapidly based on the previous PB game, except…

Quote:Wow guys, the picks are going fast and it looks like we will be up tomorrow! The picks so far are:



One half-decent combination I noticed is Zara of Mali (I'm probably partial to Mali due to RBP1 though).


This certainly caught me napping or, more accurately, sound asleep :zzz: because most of the picks were made through the European night! We’d not even discussed any combinations at this point, so I hastily drew some up…

Quote:Zoom. There's three teams still to pick before us, and my pool of strong leaders looks like:



Mali (wheel/mining)
England (fishing/mining)
HRE (mysticism/hunting)
Korea (mysticism/mining)
Ottomans (wheel/agriculture)
Maya (mysticism/mining)

Of the civs, I think Ottomans are the best because they have a strong, early-ish UB, a solid UU, and excellent starting techs for MP (one tech away from pottery/AH). Mali would be next: 'unrushable' skirmishers, and decent starting techs; the UU works best with an IND civ to get it cheaper, and into play sooner (Oracle). Korea has a soild UU, and a great (if slightly late) UU if one is Phi. Maya's main selling point is the UB, but it's still weaker (if cheaper) than the Hammam. England is all about getting the UU, and I think HRE must start with a scout, making worker-first a risky choice on a possibly crowded map (and warrior first is very meh).

My preferred combinations are:

Mansa of Ottomans
Capac of Ottomans
Capac of Mali
Bismarck of Mali
Zara of Mali
Zara of Maya
Peter of Korea
Fred of Korea
Mansa of England
Capac of England
Zara of HRE

What do you think of these, and do you have some other combinations in mind?

In retrospect, I think I should have promoted Maya a bit more: whilst their Ball Court isn’t as strong as the Hammam presenting it in this negative light made it seem worse than it is. I didn’t mention the Holkan at all, and whilst it’s nothing special it is early, and resourceless, so it’s good for barb duty (without copper) and deters a chariot rush. How I didn’t select Mansa of Maya as one of the options in my long-list is beyond me smoke

With Broker out of town, it came down to Daniel & I to decide. Ottomans fell 15th cry (though I find it remarkable that they went unpicked for so long), so Daniel went for:

Mansa of Mali
Zara of Mali
Capac of Mali
Mansa of England

And I had:

Capac of Mali
Zara of Maya
Mansa of England

We picked Capac of Mali in preference to Mansa of England because both the UU & UB come into play early...time will tell whether this choice pays off!

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  RBP3 [SPOILERS] - Zara of the Ottomans
Posted by: WarriorKnight - January 25th, 2010, 04:44 - Forum: Pitboss3 - Replies (790)

Greetings all. This is the spoiler thread for the awesome foursome (A4) featuring ad hoc, Pegasus, Sockboy and myself. If you are playing in this game and are a member of another team please do not read any further on.

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  RBP3 - [SPOILERS] - Team DIM (Mehmed of HRE)
Posted by: Ilios - January 25th, 2010, 04:41 - Forum: Pitboss3 - Replies (713)

Greetings and salutations!

A very warm welcome to the official spoiler thread of Team DIM, steering Mehmed of the Holy Roman Empire to probable victory!
Team DIM is made up of the Terrific Triumvirate - Dazedroyalty, Ilios and Meatbalz.
Our lack of experience in MP Civ will be more than amply made up with our micromanagerial zeal, bismarckian diplomacy and sharp reflexes.

And to savour the irony of our Civ/Leader pick, guess which army is laying siege to this city smoke

[Image: siege.png]

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