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  Adventure Forty-Two: Closing Day
Posted by: Sullla - January 4th, 2010, 00:08 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (3)

Adventure Forty-Two is now open for reporting. Please post your reports in the Tournament Discussion subforum. [Image: smile.gif]

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  RBP3 (Realms Beyond Pitboss) Planning Thread
Posted by: sunrise089 - January 1st, 2010, 15:46 - Forum: Pitboss3 - Replies (800)

Test Game -

Welcome all!

In fine RB tradition we're going to play another pitboss game.

Pitboss is a type of Civ IV multiplayer that allows players to connect to a game hosted online at their own pace. Unlike PBEM turns happen simultaneously, so players can take as much or as little time as they would like to play. The game will be played with a timer of between 12 and 36 hours per turn, and we anticipate the entire game will take between 6 and 18 months to complete.

Once we're finished with the setup process the individual civilization threads will appear in the Pitboss 3 subforum, so prepare to follow all the action there when the game goes live.

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  GotM on fastmoves with video analyses afterwards
Posted by: jobe - December 29th, 2009, 09:56 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (8)

I wanted to point out to the lovers of GotM games around here that down at fastmoves we have established our first "challenge".

It´s basically a GotM with the difference that it has a more "multplayerish" setup and is designed to be played in around 20 minutes in order to allow repetition more easily. Most importantly we´ll be providing a video analysis of "how to do it perfectly" two weeks after release, also explaining general game mechanics that played a role in the challenge.

I´d love to see you guys try, maybe we can learn from each other. It´s fun in any case wink

Fastmoves Challenge #1: Robinson Crusoe´s Thirst for Knowledge


map: small, low sea, tropical Equal_Islands
leader/civ: Elizabeth of Netherlands
goals: 100science per turn without negative income, at least 4 cities, at least 4 workers
rules: Great Library banned, no starving a city to get a “one turn result” which doesn´t represent the real situation, no “building” technology in cities
deadline: January 10th, 2010

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  Best Adventures & Epics for New Guys
Posted by: Twinkletoes89 - December 27th, 2009, 15:20 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (1)

Hi all,

I've been a long term reader/lurker in this forum and I finally decided to register. I've had Civ 4 Complete for about 3 months now and I'm just about cracking Noble difficulty now.

I was just wondering if anyone could recommend some of your previous Epics and Adventures which might be suitable for a relatively new player like myself.

Thanks :-)

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  Results of 2009
Posted by: T-hawk - December 23rd, 2009, 11:39 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (6)

Since there is jack all nothing going on at work two days before Christmas, I did something else productive instead. smile It seems that the main site is close to a year behind in posting results from our tournament games, so here are the Results of 2009. The links are to the discussion threads, and should be pretty easy for Griselda to convert to HTML links for the main site.

Epic Twenty-Three: Focal Point

Olodune - Domination in 1330 AD
T-hawk - Domination in 1585 AD
invy - Culture Loss in 1958 AD

Ruff_Hi - Domination in 1724 AD - shadow game, sponsor, illegal mod
Fenton Denton Smith - Apostolic Victory in 1903 AD - shadow game, reported late
timmy827 - retired approx 1200

Epic Twenty-Four: Pax Americana

Score chart here:

All scored results achieved Time Victory in 2050 AD.
Olodune 3623
timmy827 3538
Ruff_Hi 3190
T-hawk 2743
Ronald 1803
Ug 1419

Retired games:
Fenton Denton Smith

Epic Twenty-Five: This Is Sparta
mostly-harmless - Domination 1965 AD
LiPing - Conquest 1802 AD
Compromise - Conquest 1360 AD
Olodune - Domination 1933 AD
T-hawk - Conquest 1746 AD
Zeviz - Retired 370 AD, shadow Conquest victory 1706 AD
Kylearan - Domination 1888 AD
timmy827 - Conquest 1700 AD

zeka - Retired 1680 AD
dsplaisted - Retired turn 230 (whatever date that is)
Mortius - Retired 1295 AD
sunrise089 - Retired 1000 AD

First Odeon: T-hawk 500 BC
Highest XP on a Phalanx: LiPing 85 XP
Great Generals by 1500AD: T-hawk 9
Highest XP on Naval Unit: mostly-harmless 22XP
# techs stolen by Espionage: LiPing 2

Adventure 34: The Greatest Person
T-hawk Great Engineer (Pyramids). Space Race win in 1852 AD. Normal speed.
invy Great Engineer (Pyramids). Domination win in 1595 AD. Epic speed.
Ares Great Prophet (settled). Conquest win in 1930 AD. Epic speed.
Athlete4life Great Scientist (Academy). Culture win in 1752 AD. Epic speed.
sylvanllewelyn Great Engineer (settled). UN Diplomatic Victory in 1706 AD. Epic speed.
timmy827 Great Engineer (Pyramids). Retired in 1200 AD. Epic speed.
Swiss Pauli Great Artist (Great Work). Retired circa 1875 AD. Epic speed.
Fenton Denton Smith Great Engineer (Pyramids). Retired. Date and speed not reported.

Ruff_Hi Great Engineer (settled). Retired in 1725 BC. Epic speed. Shadow game with BUG mod.
McClure Great Prophet (settled). Religious Victory (backdoor domination) in 1690 AD. Normal speed. Shadow game with BUG mod.
TheArchduke Great Engineer (settled). Retired in 1250 AD. Epic speed. Shadow game by sponsor.
Dawn Great Scientist (Academy). Culture Loss in 1942 AD. Epic speed. Shadow game with BUG mod.

Adventure 35: Mach Five

Diplomatic victory:
Selrahc 1665 AD

Spaceship victories:
timmy827 - 1655
zeka - 1690
Olodune - 1710
T-hawk - 1720 (sponsor shadow)
Swiss Pauli - 1725
haphazard1 - 1750
shpoko - 1750
LKendter - 1765
Ruff_Hi - 1785
Ronald - 1840
Kodii - 1860

Adventure 36: Terror of the Seas - No games reported!

Adventure 37: Seven Tribes of Egypt

timmy827 - Space Victory 1952 AD

T-hawk - Culture Victory 1806 AD
zeka - Culture Victory 1808 AD
Swiss Pauli - Culture Victory 1860 AD
Thy_Spellcraft - Culture Victory 1968 AD

Fenton Denton Smith - retired late game

Adventure 38: Farmer's Gambit

All victories Diplomatic
LiPing - 1915 AD - 1503 points
timmy827 - 1826 AD - 1386 points
T-hawk - 1834 AD - 1319 points
Compromise - 1925 AD - 1265 points
Olodune - 1850 AD - 1148 points
Dark Savant - 1936 AD - 1034 points (1162 votes -11% time penalty)
zeka - 1715 AD - 810 points
kjara - 1860 AD - 810 points
scooter - 1890 AD - 782 points
Swiss Pauli - 1700 AD - 569 points

mostly_harmless - retired 1925 AD

Ruff_Hi - Apostolic victory 1535 AD - 0 points - Shadow game with BUG

Adventure 39: Fortune Favors the Bold

Olodune - Domination Win 1838 AD
zeka - Culture Win 1765 AD

T-hawk - Culture Loss 1790 AD
timmy827 - Conquest Loss 2320 BC

regoarrarr - Retired 1 AD
Ruff_Hi - Retired 1180 AD
Kylearan - Retired 780 AD
darrelljs - Retired 425 BC

Adventure 40: The Illuminati

Dantski - Space 1980 AD
T-hawk - Culture 1790 AD
TurfIt - Diplomatic 1908 AD
Olodune - Space 1926 AD
Ronald - Domination 1690 AD

Adventure 41: The Forbidden Fruit

Square Leg - Gandhi - Culture 1670 AD
Shoot the Moon - Gandhi - Domination 1795 AD
Swiss Pauli - Gandhi - Culture 1635 AD
T-hawk - Gandhi - Space 1810 AD
Olodune - Gandhi - Culture 1535 AD

TurfIt - Saladin - Culture 1830 AD

VoiceOfUnreason - Isabella - Diplomatic 1824 AD
Pegasus - Isabella - Culture Loss 1956 AD
Ruff_Hi - Isabella - Diplomatic 1910 AD (sponsor shadow)

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  Borderlands Info/Screens (mini wiki)
Posted by: KingOfPain - December 15th, 2009, 15:58 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (15)

WB, feel free to use anything you find useful here for the official wiki.

A Comparison Of Zoom Ranges

[Image: ZoomCompared.jpg]

- Different gun types have their own inherited base magnification, ie, snipers have +300% the base magnification of SMGs (Enlarging the 2.4SMG picture by 300% matches the 2.4Sniper picture exactly)

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  A couple early development Qs from a noob
Posted by: haphazard1 - December 14th, 2009, 12:54 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (6)

I have just started playing MOO again after a lengthy break, and had only played about a half dozen games in the past (back when the Imperium first resumed). So I am mostly still a noob, although I have won a few games on Average and one game at Hard.

I started with an Average game as the Humans, and it was ridiculously easy -- mostly because I got an amazing draw on territory and AI distribution. I ended up with the entire NW qudrant of the galaxy, about 3/4 of the SW quadrant, and a chunk of the center. The only AI to start in the western half with me was the Sakkra, who got blocked by several hostile environments from expanding anywhere but towards me. And I took all the worlds between us early, including a lovely fertile 85 4 parsecs from Sssla. (Later ruined by the toxic waste spill event, grrrr.)

Anyway, this first game was totally unrepresentative: I won on the first diplo vote, having gotten the 3/8 GNN warning that turn from settling 3 worlds. (Had just gotten Controlled Radiated and was grabbing all the remaining Silicoids obviously). Never fought a single battle, had not even met one of the AIs (who turned out to be my opponent in the vote). Had 18 of 37 total votes, and I was still claiming new worlds.

Despite the stroll in the park, it was enough to shake some rust off. So now I am trying a Hard game as the Meklars, large galaxy. I am slightly north of dead center in the galaxy, and after about 10 turns I am already seeing signs of another fantastic land draw. I sent my colony ship to a second yellow and got a size 90 second world, and my scouts have fanned out and found 3 more worlds of size 80, 85, and 110 (!) all within 3 parsecs. No range tech needed. yikes

So my noob questions (sorry for the long-windedness getting here!):

1) When to start building colony ships, given that I can reach these three excellent worlds without any tech at all? I need to build factories on the homeworld first, and get the time per ship down a lot. But being the Meklar I could build factories for a long time. How short should I get the colony ship build time before I start pumping them out?

2) When to open tech, again given that I do not need any tech to grab three excellent worlds? I am tempted to just ignore tech for some time, building factories and grabbing these initial worlds, and then open tech later once my Meklar have built up the economy a bit more. Probably should not wait for maxing the homeworld, though, as that will take a long while and I will need to start getting some techs. Clean up techs especially! Sure hoping at least one of the early clean ups is in my tree....

I have never played as the Meklar before (only about half a dozen games total), so I am hoping for some advice from more experienced players in the RB community as I get back into this fascinating game. This time I intend to get to Impossible and learn to win!

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  Are automated workers this bad?
Posted by: sunrise089 - December 9th, 2009, 17:58 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (7)


In addition to RBP1 and RBP2, I am also playing in a third pitboss game with 6 hour turns and no rules (double moves, spies, etc all allowed). I just killed my neighbor on T103 (we're playing Epic speed) at a point in the game where I have 4 cities with at least their special resources all improved. Let me show you the guy I eliminated's land:

[Image: civ4screenshot0690.jpg]

The SE city ruins were his cap. The NW ruins were his only other city (Which has no early food resource. I cut the map off because I didn't want to include any of my units, but the rest of a fat cross was just grassland and jungle.). I assume the reason I have 4 cities and units and he had 2 cities, 2 archers, and 3 warriors was because I am the amazing combo of Exp/Cre India and I log in almost every turn, while he only logged in once every three turns or so. Even with queued actions you lose a bit missing so many turns. However that does not explain, at all, the condition of his tiles. Note the following:

*Grassland Iron in his cap's first ring, not roaded or improved.
*Grassland Pigs, mined!
*Grassland Farm built at cap despite irrigated corn and clams.
*Second city has only a grassland hill as an improved tile.

So my question is, is it possible automated workers did this? If not then I think this surpasses the Templars for worst slow-paced-game terrain improvement scheme of all time.

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  Adventure 42 - Joy to the World
Posted by: Griselda - December 7th, 2009, 02:15 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (19)

It seems like we've had a game by that title before, but I can't find it! In any case, enjoy. bowbowbowbowbow

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  Interesting MP Style Game Available
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - December 5th, 2009, 23:06 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (5)

Dreylin and I have been running a team game where I concentrate on coin, Dreylin concentrates on beakers and our third team member (an AI) concentrates on military.

Unfortunately, the AI sucks at the military side so we are looking for a 3rd who would like to join in this team concept (we'll start a brand new game).

Our current game is a pbem, but we would be willing to play as a pitboss game (host required).

Game details up for discussion and lurker input also considered. So - any takers to run the international relationships (war, peace, espionage, trade, etc)?

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