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Imperium 15 - Seyar's first report |
Posted by: Seyar - December 15th, 2008, 07:55 - Forum: Tournament Reports and Discussion
- Replies (3)
It is my first report since I wrote it before I played the Impossible Psilon game.
Here goes nothing (I intended to wait until the closing message to post, but it turns out I have to leave the office soon and I won't be able to post before a day or two):
Pre-game analysis.
No factories... This will mean saving every single turn since I'm sure I'll miss one new colony and get 1 factory.
Also, I believe this means that Poor and Ultra Poor planets won't be too much of a hassle, and conversely, Rich and Ultra Rich planets won't be that good of a deal, so the best we can shoot for is planet size.
Computers will be important for stealing techs, and eventually for controlling the factories we capture.
Planetology will be king, aside from the production bonus, bigger planets mean more ants mean more production.
As for weapons, I'll have to see how much gropo techs I can scrounge up, this game should rely heavily on capturing planets with intact factories.
OK, now onto the game, 2 red stars in range of the col ship, I go for the east one since it's not close to the nebula. Sliders to full pop.
I'm in luck, Esper, the star I chose is a 35 desert (not so good) but the one I skipped is a rich inferno. Seeing a Meklar scout heading to my desert I make a scout in 1 turn and redirect it there. I send 22 colonists to get the homeworld to 1/3 capacity and start up the second planet in earnest (might have been better to keep the homeworld at half, but anyway...)
First mistake, the second scout got redirected to the same planet, not a big deal since I'm sure it can scout over there as well.
I keep producing a few scouts to check out the surroundings and keep the aliens away.
2306 I open up planetology and propulsion.
Controlled Barren (yes) and Improved eco
Range 4 and 5 (yes)
I chose range 5 because of the lack of range 4 habitable planets.
Scouting comes in, we have:
Willow, Desert 45 at range 4
Beta Ceti, Poor Fertile Terran 110 (YES) at range 5 with no habitables near to reduce the range, seems like the propulsion choice wasn't that bad.
Maalor, Steppe 45 at range 6, but Willow will put it in range.
The yellow east of Esper turns out to be Orion... Scratch 1 scout.
It will take a maxed out Kholdan 5 turns to churn out a colony ship, I start on them and leave Esper to do the research.
2319 Controlled Barren comes in and we have a choice between Controlled Tundra or Dead, and the old imp eco... I choose tundra since I haven't seen any dead yet and tundra is cheaper, about half price. We met 2 Meklar worlds, scouted one which is very interesting, Tyr, Fertile Terran 105.
2320 First colony ship arrives, no range to move yet. I put more priority on propulsion and help research with half of Kholdan's resources.
2325 We hit on propulsion and the new choices are:
Nuclear engines (yes), range 6 and IS.
The colony ship heads towards the fertile poor terran and we go back to full shipbuilding on Kholdan, equalizing the tech sliders between planetology and propulsion.
2330 Settling Beta Ceti puts us in contact with the 2 PE Meklar, start a minimal trade agreement and send half of Esper's population to start out the new colony.
2331 Another colony ship settles the desert, and a scout chases away a Meklar colony from a new arid in the south. I take a huge risk and send my next colony there, it's close to them and I'm in no shape to make any LR popguns. Still, I feel like gambling. I try not to forget to put all sliders on pop.
2336 The last colony ship is created, I start a barren Colship.
2339 We took Misha, the arid in the south, only I'm not sure I can hold it, I design a laser with a computer and make 15 in 1 turn redirecting to the new planet, hoping to be able to resist a bit. Back to Barren colony making, and resetting new sliders to pop.
2342 Colonize Maalor, we get the 6 planet announcement, and I decide to up my trade with the Meklars, doubling it from 25 to 50 BC. Send 7 colonists from Willow to seed Maalor.
2345 Make a new Barren Colony and send it north, I have a chance to take the new arid up there if I am fast enough and the barren close by is in my core, so I can take it whenever I want. I've been seeding the south arid from the fertile Beta Ceti, but I stop now to let it grow.
2351 Colonize Yarrow, the Barren 25, and send it 18 colonists from beta ceti, 10 turns away. The new colony ship is heading to Yarrow already to reach the arid north of it.
2354 Send the new barren to the border with Meklon, I don't think they have the tech to colonize it or they would have already. Make another barren, the last before Kholdan starts researching.
2356 Controlled tundra comes in and we get the new inferno and toxic techs. I choose inferno to advance cheaply and because we have a few infernos (one of which is rich) in our neighborhood. New engines are at 12%, as soon as they hit I'll open up all fields.
2357 21% and still no hit, Willow, Esper, Beta Ceti and Misha all maxed out and researching, a few others researching while growing, and only Kholdan is making colony ships, after this last barren I'll need 2 Tundras.
2358 Engines hit, the only new option is sublight drives, faster transports are a good thing so I choose it. I design a COLONY T2 and start making them.
2359 Colonize Aurora, the northern Arid 60. Seems I forgot to open up the new fields, I do that now.
2360 Let's see: ECM1 Deep Space Scanner (Yes for ship spying) and BC2, IIT9 s the only choice, Shield2 only choice, HyperV only choice. And we colonize Ryoun Barren 45 on the Meklar border, sending it 21 colonists from Beta Ceti and setting the latter to grow back. I also send half the popguns from Misha.
2363 Eventful turn, IIT9 comes in, take Duralloy as only option. Same turn we colonize Moro, Barren 30, and send it 15 from Beta Ceti, putting it on growing pop. Also the first Tundra 2 comes online and is sent to Aquilae, Tundra 35.
2366 Colonize Aquilae, contacting the 4PE Mrrshans, and I open up 50BC trade with them. Send the fresh Colony ship to Rotan, Tundra 30. Send 24 million from Beta Ceti, to my new tundra. Design a new COLONY B2 to send to the last habitable before we open up Inferno.
2368 Deep space scanner comes in, new choices are ECM 2 (yes) and IRC 3. Seems I messed up sending the last Tundra colony ship, and delayed it by 2 turns, send it now to Rotan.
2370 Shield2 comes in, Shield 3 only choice, HyperV comes in, new techs are HyperX and Fusion Bomb (yes). A Sakkra large chases our scout away from a toxic 10 way out north, not a big loss. Up the trade with both meks and cats to 100BC (double last value) and take IT10 for Deep space scanner from the cats. Terraforming at max everywhere except Kholdan who is set to finish my last barren colony in 1 turn, and Beta Ceti who's left on research.
2371 Send the new Colship to Xendalla, Barren 30 up north. All are max terraforming and growing pop except Beta Ceti.
???? Colonize Rotan, get the 12 star warning and meet the Bulrathi. Kholdan maxes which puts it on research and frees Beta Ceti to Terraform and grow. Send 17 colonists from Esper to Rotan.
2374 Trade 50BC with Bulrathis. Some planets max and go on research. Soon I'll put a base on each border colony, just as soon as I max them all (this is a losing race). We are the weakest in Technology, fleet strength and production, strongest in planet count (fickle) and population (could ninja a win if I can keep my friends happy). Can't quite make a LR colony to take Drakka, the Steppe 60 way down south. Since most colonies are doing well enough I initiate a little empire wide tax to fuel the reserve, 5 clicks mean 11 BC per turn.
2376 Colonize Xendalla. First council voting. Damn it! The humans are up against me. Meks give 4 to humans. Bulrathis 3 to humans. Apes 6 to themselves. Cats 4 for humans. Sakkras 1 for humans. 25 votes total, I vote 7 to myself and lose a diplomatic loss...
Result, Diplomatic Loss at 2376.
Here are the planets I scouted and the races I met:
Here is the power Graph:
And here is the variant compliance screenshot, the last planet is not on there because the pic was taken before colonization enabled the final vote:
Reloading the game from when I set the tax and donating techs to the bears, meklars and cats, only meklars voted for humans, bears and cats abstained and I didn't lose. Still, that's merely for my personal enjoyment, to try to see what happens, and won't be reported.
I had to reload again to get the power graph, since I forgot about it, without gifting techs, and amazingly this time Meklars abstained, so I voted for the apes, hehe.
Hope you liked my first attempt at a report. Would someone have tried to overcome the last war? Win by extermination?
As always, I'm eager to learn, so if someone has any criticism, please be blunt. I read the previous ones and I'm trying to adjust my play style accordingly. This game hasn't been influenced by the previous remarks since it was finished earlier.
Impossible Psilon, medium map, 4 opponents. |
Posted by: Seyar - December 9th, 2008, 10:00 - Forum: Master of Orion
- Replies (3)
I've been having a lot of trouble lately with Impossible, so I'll try to go for a Psilon Medium 4 opponents.
Here's the start, we have 2 reds and a white at range 3, 2 blues and a white at range 4, my opponents are the cats, birds, lizards and bears.
Send the colony to the coreward red.
2303 Wow! Paladia is a 90 jungle, GREAT second colony. Second red is an ocean 70 and the white is an arid 70... This is too good to last Send in 14 from Mentar.
2308 By now i've sent enough to get Paladia to a third, I put Mentar on a few Newscouts and start maxing it.
2313 More scouting, Arid 55, Arid 60, Barren Rich 70, if I lose this one, I deserve to be shot at dawn. I need 6 more Newscouts and make them in Mentar.
2314 Ouch, ocean 70... This is gonna be HARD! I start sending people from half filled Paladia, keeping it at half and helping Mentar with the extra pop.
2315 First inferno 20 scouted
The yellow star at the corner is a terran fertile 115, red to the east is a desert 40, yellow northwest is minimal 50, yellow southwest is jungle 80... If I get half those stars i'll win by a landslide.
Attack the guardian with my last scout. It's the blue in the center, star to its north has no planet.
2326 Mentar is fully populated, it will max factories next year, I micro it to start on a new colony design. When Paladia hits 90 factories i'll put it on research.
2330 Paladia at 87 factories, I micro it to get to 90 next year and put the rest on research. This I split evenly on propulsion, planetology and construction.
2331 Colony ship done. RW80%, Imp Eco, Range 4 (chosen) and Range 5 are the techs. Send the colony west to Mu Delphi ocean 70, if I had relocated to Paladia I'd have preferred to go to Darrian in the north, settle closer to the core. Although the prudent thing to do is to turtle up, in my opinion. Put Paladia on full research, since I hit 90 factories.
Cats try to scout the northern yellow minimal, denied by the mighty Newscout.
2334 Mu Delphi colonized, send it 23 from Paladia.
2339 Range 4 hits, nuclear engines (chosen) and Inertial stabilizer are the choices. At the same time, a colony ship is done, send it to the southern arid 60 to get in range of the jungle 80
2340 Darrian colonized, send it 23 from Paladia, should get there fast since it's right next door. Range 4 didn't get any other stars in range, so no need for more scouts yet.
2343 Collassa colonized, new colony ship sent south again to the Arid 70 to put the Fertile 110 in range 4. Paladia sends 17 to Collassa
2346 Drakka colonized, we get the 6 system warning, still no alien contact, send Drakka 6 from Mu Delphi, 16 from Paladia, 5 from Darrian. I'll need 4 more colony ships from Mentar, and I'm not sure if I should seed them or not.
2347 RIW80% comes in, auto rearrange spending, and get IIT8 (yes) and Duralloy. Next 2 Colony ships will go for the farthest stars in my backyard, to give some time to grow colonists.
2351 Improved eco comes in, Tundra (yes) and Dead come in. I don't have anything but 1 Barren so I go for the cheap one. One more Colony comes in
2353 Draconis created, all the other colonies except Mentar send enough to get to half pop. Micro the sliders so no waste goes uncleaned.
2356 Last colony ship done and sent north to the Arid 55, we'll need Tundra or more miniaturization to expand more...
2358 Seidon Jungle 80 colonized. Send it 35 from neighboring colonies, leaving half pop everywhere I transfer from.
2359 Firma Desert 40 colonized, Mu Delphi sends 13, no more is needed.
2360 Volantis arid 55 is colonized, nuclear engines come in, Sublight is the only new choice, I take it for faster transports. Darrian sends 16 and Paladia sends 6. I design a faster scout to get to the new places opened up by all my colonization. I'll need 9 of them.
2364 Controlled Tundra comes in, enhanced eco, IT30 (yes) and toxic come in. Since I had both clean up techs in the first level, I take terraforming 30.
2365 Kakata gets the bad weather random event, phew! The fertility gods still love me.
2366 Retreat from a cat armed colship in the north. Meet and retreat from 3 missile bases and 21 fighters and get IIT8 Battle suits (yes) and ARS are the new tech choices, I take Battle Suits to protect myself and hope for a newer armor than Duralloy. I equalize techs now, I think I'm late. Design and start building Colony T2 in Mentar, to get the rich Barren in my borders. The minimal 50 that's out of reach can now be reached by the new LR Colony2, same as the jungle 80 way to the west which is to be produced before the Colony T2, while other colonies start preparing some LR Beam2 mediums for defense.
2369 Selia up north taken by an armed colony ship, the LR produced gets sent to the far west, along with a couple of LR Beam2. Set Mentar on Colony T2 for my rich world.
2370 Deep space scanner, shields2, Hand lasers, Gatling lasers and HyperV rockets (yes) are the new techs.
2372 Colonize the Rich world, get hit by a nice virus who only took 245 RP from shields, whew! Drakka maxes factories, spend a little on pop growth here to max it faster.
2374 Settle Phantos, the 80 jungle to the west, and we get the 12 system warning. More planets max out.
2377 Scanner and HyperV come in, ECM2, RB3 (yes), BC3, NPG, Ion Cannon (yes)
2378 Shields2 come in, PDS (yes) and Shields3 new choices. Propulsion is at 9%
2380 Impulse drives come in, Energy Pulsar (yes), Range8 and Warp Dissipator are the new choices. I chose Pulsar because the Cats are ranked first in fleet strength and I see a lot of smalls around.
2382 Scout Celtsi, a new Terran 80 south west, and I can now reach it with a LR COlony2. Set Seidon to make 1
2384 RC3 comes in, Improved scanner (yes) and BC4 are the new choices. All planets start refitting their factories, except Seidon who has to make a colony ship first.
2385 Seidon finishes and takes over research until other planets get maxed.
2386 Battle Suits come in, Zortium and IIT6 come in, take Zortium since I don't have armor and IIT6 won't come in before the next round of factory making anyway.
2389 Celtsi, Terran 80 gets colonized and I send half of Seidon's population. Still no AI contact. Micro all colonies due to max next turn to do so and put the rest on research, freeing Seidon to work on pop and factories.
2390 PDS and Ion cannon come in. Planet 5 is the only new choice, which I gladly take. Mass driver, Merculite (yes) and Neutron blaster are the weapon choices.
2391 IT30 comes in, all stars start upgrading. Soil and IT40 new choices, I go for soil.
2396 Most planets are working on Terraforming, get a scout chased away from a star and finally contact, with the cats.
They even beat us in Tech! Only planets are our strong point. I start trading 525 BC to get better relations, and start putting up a few bases on border worlds.
2403 Planet shield comes in, Repulsor and shields5 (yes) are the choices. We get a spy in catland, I stop spying and see this tree... Their bombs worry me a little.
ISS energy pulsar and merculites all hit ECM4 (yes) RC4, Range9, Impulse drives(yes), Stinger, Hard Beams, Fusion Beams (yes) come in.
Shield building goes everywhere, Zortium comes in, IIT5 (yes), Exoskeleton new choices.
2411 Soil enrichment comes in, cloning, atmospheric terraforming (would be insulting to my good luck), advanced eco (yes) are the choices. Up the trade with cats to 1100.
2417 Remaxing planets, ECM4 hits, Adv scanner, BC6 are the new ones, go back to RC4.
2418 Shield5 comes in, new choices are planetary10 (yes) and shield6. Cats threaten us not to expand, weird, we haven't been.
2422 Fusion beam is in and all planets are now shielded, those on the frontier have a few bases. Ion stream projector, Anti matter torpedos and Megabolt cannon (yes) are the new choices.
2423 IIT5 comes in (nice, before RC4) and the only new choice is Andrium armor, which I take.
2425 Impulse drives come in, range9 and ion drives are the new techs, but I go back to range8 since I feel like taking some cat worlds. I send a tundra colony to a forgotten tundra 30 in my borders. Tsk tsk tsk. Computers are at 10%.
2427 Advanced eco and RC4 hit on the same turn, I take the new scanner and the new planetology techs are IT50, Doom virus, and Gaia (yes). Colonize Dolz the tundra 30 and send it 15 from celtsi, all planets refitting.
2429 Cats threaten again for expansion... My new tundra scared them.
2430 Plague hits Paladia. Set it on research and send some reserves.
2431 Meet the lizards, start some trade with them, to the tune of 250 BC
We penetrate computers, planetology, construction and weapon on the cats, I take computers since it helps future espionnage, get ECM mark 1, heh.
2434 Planet10 megabolt hit, get class 7 shields as the only upgrade, auto blaster, pulson missile (yes) tachyon beam.
Range 8 hits, we take Ion drives, and the plague is finally over. We meet the bears.
2438 Andrium hits IIT3 tritanium and reduced waste 20% (yes) pop up. Now the lizards threaten for expansion. 200 BC area agreed upon as trade deals with the bears.
Best space scanner comes in, ECM6 RC5 BC7 (yes), my bases need to have some computer.
2441 Gaia comes in, IT60 (yes) complete eco are the new choices.
Ion drives, pulson come in. High energy focus is the only new one, Gauss autocannon for weapons.
Shields7 come in, Zyro shield, planet15 (yes) Shields9.
2452 Mid level penetration on bears, we take Fusion bomb and set up the cats.
2453 Bears declare war, BC7 comes in, go back to RC5, I design a small bomber, Bomber 6.0. Hyades my rich barren has been on Reserves since it maxed, only leaving to upgrade shields and factories, I put it on a few bombers to get some fleet rating, maybe it'll impress the neighbors.
The bears are pretty weak technologically, so I think I can take them on the ground, all they have are lasers and duralloy. I have Andrium battle suits, PDS. I'll need to send big fleets. I make a Beam 6.0 Medium to go with my bomber fleets, and put Hyades and a few other colonies on them. 1 starts making the bombers and I relocate all to the closest ursa border. Bears are a 1 PE with an alliance with cats and lizards... Either wiping them out is gonna get all the heat on me (I think I can take it) or remove the alliance pressure to declare on me as well.
2454 We steal construction from bears and blame the cats, reduced waste 20% comes in, auto allocate sliders. We have advanced damage control and powered armor (yes) as new techs.
2455 Steal another construction tech and blame cats again, who are having trouble with their now poor Kakata colony.
2456 Lizards want to play, I send the Ursa intended transports to Ssla, ships will follow next turn to get there together, check and find that cats have no more alliances, and won't declare on lizards for less than energy pulsars, which I don't give them.
2457 IT60 comes in, I stop shipbuilding to remax all planets. Universal antidote, IT80 and bio terminator are new, I choose atmospheric terraforming because I seem to be the only one who has it and my rich star is Barren, also, it's cheap.
2458 Steal IS from bears, lose a few bombers to take Ssla, the ground troops take the battle with 19 remaining. Hand lasers, controlled dead, ARS, controlled inferno (nice) are the spoils. Cats threaten expansion, we meet the Alkari and lose contact with lizards (massive incoming fleet). Put Ssla on defense and send it reserves.
2459 Steal IT10 from bears, blame cats, withstand an attack, our beamers are making quick work of the enemy larges.
2460 trade 22 BC with Alakari, beat off another attack on Ssla, still no shield or bases. Send 50 more pop from Phantos and put it on full pop regrowth.
2462 Gauss autocannon comes in, particle beam and hercular missiles (yes) are the new choices. Make a Colony I2 at Darrian, no need for a faster engine since it's that close to Gorra, Inferno 20.
2464 Time for the bears to go bye bye, I am annoyed at their fleets running around, and all they have is 1 planet... I'll take it and face whatever comes my way.
2465 High energy comes in, anti matter drives (yes) and Ionic pulsar are the new choices. Settle Gorra after killing the cat colony ship over it. Bears try to sue for peace... Yeah, right.
2466 RC 5 Atmospheric TF, planetary shield 15 all come in, I put everyone except the hostiles on factories. we beat the bear world and the troops land. Hyperspace comm (yes) BC8, ECM7 are the choices. Stasis, PBS (yes) and Shields11 are the FF techs, go for IT80 next. 184 vs 102 bears we had Andrium and pds on them and they still survived with 2! Send a lot more, to stand the colony up fast, and adjust some sliders.
4 Bulrathi kill 14 brains and I capture 298 factories, not bad, buh bye bears. Death Spores, Neutron Blaster, Anti missile rockets are the spoils.
2469 Plenty of planets max out again, some on pop other on factories, Ursa is fertilized, going on gaia now. First vote comes in, I have 25/41, cats 14/41, not enough to win, I abstain.
Powered armor comes in, industrial waste elimination is new and chosen.
Hercular comes in, Disruptor and Pulse phasor (yes) are the new choices.
2475 Second vote comes in, I win... Very very easy try for impossible... but I'd like your analysis anyway.
For those who'd like to play an over easy Impossible Psilon game, I attached the save, just rename the .zip to .gam, don't try to open it in a zip manager, it's not zipped.
Players needed for Apolyton BtS Demogame |
Posted by: mostly_harmless - December 8th, 2008, 11:20 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (1)
Team Banana at Apolytons BtS Multiteam Demogame has fallen apart.
In order to keep up the fun for every team involved we are urgently looking for committed players to take over the team.
The game is currently at turn 90 in a normal standard sized game. (48hours simultaneous pitboss)
As far as the other teams know, Banana is not actually doing bad but might have one or the other jewel hidden in their civ.
We are willing to halt the game to allow newcomers to familiarize with the settings and go through the team's forums to get up to speed.
Please have a look at
Wintersday Wonderland |
Posted by: FoxBat - December 5th, 2008, 20:18 - Forum: Variants
- Replies (1)
So here's an off-the-rocker idea to entertain us until the next "real" team variant gets set up, and get into the holiday spirit.
Where/When: A blitz through Eye of the North normal mode primary missions/quests, starting around the wintersday festivities (tuesday evenings starting with 16th? Maybe earlier in the day depending on holiday schedules?). Hopefully either completing books or pushing through characters who need to progress. This is doable in a month, clearing one section of the hero book per session. The idea is workable in other settings like a UW or slavers run, albeit significantly harder. If people need to come or go it's not a huge deal with the heros we can add, we will press on regardless.
Equipment: Candy Cane/gingerbread weapons/shields and a Holiday Hat (preferably wintersday related) are the only items that can be used in those respective slots. But don't worry, you can use whatever armor you like in the other slots. Bonus points for dying in holiday colors!
Consumeables: Candy Canes, Tonics, and Alcohol only. If a new wintersday consumeable is added this year, we can consider it.
AIs: Heroes using the indicated templates below and candy cane weapons are allowed. Freezie Henchmen are also allowed, and at least one should be used if possible.
Skills: each class has one specific template you may use with 6 skills. The last skill is a specific PvE-one, but you can substitute the indicated class skill if you don't have or are running a hero. Attributes are merely suggestions and can be distributed as you wish.
There are two open slots on each template, you can put whatever skills you want in there, including PvE or secondary profession skills. Some of the team should probably bring rezes. (or we could use res scrolls?) - but EotN missions have res shrines in the event of full wipes. Additionally you can play one of the bars as a "secondary", IE, a mesmer running the Mirror of Ice bar, but you don't get to pick substitutes for any of the templated skills.
The skill sets are a little silly and themed around Wintersday, but also to keep casters in check compared to their candy-cane wielding weapon users. We can argue the templates in thread but I'd rather they be set in stone once the variant starts. (perhaps a test-run through Secret Lair the week before?) The bars aren't exactly optimal, but neither should the variant be head-bangingly (aka nudist) frustrating in EotN NM. Consider it a "test run" for larger fixed-bar variants.
More creative template suggestions are welcome - there's a little logic or trick behind them. The monk for example, "Tis better to give than to recieve", has no self-targeting skills, and needs to get in close for healing whisper spam. The ritualist offers people "weapon gifts", while the mesmer is returning unwanted "gifts" such as yet another sweater. The necro, ele and sin are inspired by snowball fights, while the ranger, para, and derv come from some famous christmas carols. The old steady stance warrior is tenously relevant by reminding me of a fat laughing santa- but any better ideas should be similarly weapon-universal so that swords, axes, and hammers are equally welcome.
Adv 34 - The Dullest Variant |
Posted by: Swiss Pauli - December 2nd, 2008, 14:09 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (2)
Decided to play a game where I couldn't settle cities beyond the borders generated by denonating a Culture Bomb immediately after settling. Move a few tiles inland first, of course:
![[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0001.jpg]](http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u113/Swiss_Pauli/Civ4ScreenShot0001.jpg)
To give us these possibilities:
![[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0003.jpg]](http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u113/Swiss_Pauli/Civ4ScreenShot0003.jpg)
Didn't get to the pigs in time and lost the site As a change, I decided to go for a Space win. All is going well, and I even have Alu in my lands:
![[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0066-2.jpg]](http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u113/Swiss_Pauli/Civ4ScreenShot0066-2.jpg)
(top right of the screen on the desert hill)
Sadly, Liz was winding up for a CV, and laid down a massive culture smackdown. She stole my Alu of course...
![[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0092-1.jpg]](http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u113/Swiss_Pauli/Civ4ScreenShot0092-1.jpg)
I quit when it became impossible for me to land on AC before she would claim her CV
Why the dullest variant? Well, with neither of my traits being useful at the best of times, and the UU and UB also being useless under my variant there wasn't much to do but hit enter for this Charlemagne! I might consider similar variants in future though, as I could have done better (settled pigs, founded AluCorp) and might have squeaked the win.
Thanks for the game, Archduke!