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  Hello, sort anoob here
Posted by: Nanbe1st - October 17th, 2006, 14:59 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

hello ladies and gents!I've been kind of lurking around.I love this site! thanks for having me smile

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  Hey Guys!
Posted by: Uca Firewind - October 16th, 2006, 18:32 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (13)

[Image: eventbannerdeep1jk8.jpg]

Hey Hey Guys from Uca at ZoS! In preparation of Nightfall being released next week, we're planning an Alliance-wide Deep Day on October 21st!

When: Saturday, October 21, 2006 2pm Pacific
Where: The elite Luxon Mission The Deep!
Who: All ZoS Alliance members are welcome!
Why: To reintroduce ourselves and spend some time making new allied friends!

As an added bonus, ZoS has decided to provide keys for the first gold chest in the Deep!

There's a thread on the ZoS Alliance Forums, but I thought this would be a tad more personal :P Hope to see you guys there!

Edit: omg, different icons! Sweeeeeeet! cry rant eek huh tongue thumbsup

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Posted by: Raven_Lore - October 16th, 2006, 16:30 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (12)

Ok, i'm new here and while looking through your reports on the games, many players used dotmaps..... Are they in the game, or do u make them urselves?

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  Epic Nine - Horse Feathers - Info Thread
Posted by: Sirian - October 15th, 2006, 21:15 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (63)

If after looking over the info sheet for this game you should have any questions, this is the place to ask them. smile

- Sirian

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  "Worst Enemy"
Posted by: Qwack - October 14th, 2006, 18:53 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (1)

I was recently playing a game so let me just give a overview of what happened...

Its 1200 AD, and I know ill probably be going after diplo victory. I have 2 friends, isabella and saladin, and I need one out of either monty or churchill. Churchill is both saladin and monty's worst enemy, so I decide its probably favourable to develop monty into a friend. A few turns go by, and churchill adopts monty's religion. And then suddenly im monty's worst enemy at -2 relations rolleye. I gift monty a tech some turns later for +4 fair trade modifiers, and then suddenly isabella becomes monty's worst enemy because she traded with his worst enemy (me)..... And because I was heavily trading with isabella, I get -4 modifier with monty for trading with his worst enemy WHO became his worst enemy because she was trading with his previous worst enemy... twirl

Eventually, I end up having to get both monty and isabella involved in a war against churchill so they can get mutual military modifier with eachother. Fair enough, 120 turns go by, everything happen's superbly. Churchill vasallizes to Wang Kon which puts all of us in a war against wang kon(My opponent in the UN). I build UN and at +11 relations, monty abstains from voting because I still have the -4 "You have traded with our worst enemies" from 120 turns ago. GREAT! So I have to research up to fascism and adopt police state to win the game... rant

Theres 3 problems I think with this worst enemy thing..

1. If you meet someone and you have been trading with thier worst enemy from before, you automatically get the modifier sometimes. Same case if an AI changes worst enemy, you automatically get the modifier.
2. It seems like an AI civ always has to have a worst enemy... I can see the logic behind this but its too sudden IMO.
3. The worst enemy modifier doesnt fade away or atleast not fast enough.

Heres a couple of screens from this game that people might find interesting.. this war continued from around 1600 AD all the way until the end in 1806 AD. lol


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  The happiness thread.
Posted by: Hureg - October 13th, 2006, 05:08 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (4)

How's about we start a thread to keep each other updated on what we have to be happy about smile

If it falls through, then oh well but I like the idea smile

I expect lots of smsmileilsmileeysmile fasmilecsmilees! smile

And hopefully those of you feeling a little glum will be boosted by the others of us who are feeling extra happy smile

I am extra super and unbelievably happy because I'm leaving for Europe in less than 3 weeks!~

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  'False OCC' to try
Posted by: Iustus - October 12th, 2006, 19:26 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (25)

I have been wanting to try this idea. This game is not a true one city challenge, you can settle more cities.

However, you will not be getting to any other cities without Astronomy. I guarantee it.

This start is doctored to be super amazing, but without a good plan, you will still fall behind of the Monarch AIs on their own continents.
[Image: FalseOCC1.jpg]

There are only 3 opponents, but they have full continents to spread out to. There is at least one continent that has no AIs on it, so if you get to Astronomy quickly, you there is plenty of land to claim.

Or, you can play this as a strict one city challenge if you like, but you will not be able to build most of the national epics.

No barbarians.

The resources on this map were altered by a script I am working on. There will be less resources than normal, but they will be clustered in large clumps.

The settings:
[Image: FalseOCC2.jpg]

Yes, this is a Warlords game.

Edit: Added much more challenging game. This is a different map, tropical climate, more resources for the AIs, different AIs, less food at the start.


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  Triple Green Weekend - Post what you want
Posted by: Lurker Wyrm - October 11th, 2006, 19:08 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (30)

Edit: Updated Master Wants List:
Wing's (x2), Razorfin's, Ugly Stick (x2), Vera (x3), Reefclaw's, Tarnen's, Sunreach's, Rajazan's Fervor (x2), Ironclaw, Kaolin Blade (x2)

Swiftscale's Shortbow (x0), Nundak's Recurve Bow, Ryver's Shortbow

Rien's Sacrifice, Jayne's Staff (x0), Stormray (x2), The Scar Eater (x0), Kaolin Protection Staff, Ssuns' Staff, Stoneweaver (x0)

Kaolin Accursed Staff

Wingstorm (x2), Deeproot's Sorrow, Milefaun's Staff (x0), Kaolin Domination Staff

Amadis' Air Staff, Kunvie's Air Staff (x2), Abor's Earth Staff (x2), Zamas' Wrath, Koosun's Fire Staff, Kaolin Water Staff (x2)

Chkkr's Pincers, Darkroot's Daggers (x0), Everthorn's Chakrams (x0)

Ritual Lord's Staff (x1), Sseer's Wish, Spirit Garden's Repose (x1), The Pain Eater, Ssyn's Staff (x0)

I think I got everything. It's a big list. I added links to the bosses that drop them. Some of them look pretty tricky to get to, so we'll have to see about those.

If you don't know by now, this weekend (10/13-10/15) all Canthan boss monsters are going to be 3x as likely to drop a green item when killed, so now is the time to go after any greens you want. Some of us who don't really have anything they need to do in the game anymore (hint: me) have found ways to solo farm quite a few bosses (thanks to the farming section on the Guru forums). So here is your opportunity to post your wish list, and if I can manage it I'll try to get one for you. There are a few out there that are going to require an actual team so if there are other people out there who don't have anything else to do, we can team up to go after the elusive ones.

You can check the list of greens on Wiki, the list of all Canthan greens is here. Just remember that the ones located in Divine Path aren't dropped from monsters but are the end-game ones you get with an Amulet of the Mists. Also, the Kanaxai and Urgoz weaopns won't be affected by this weekend since they always drop anyways.

The list of greens I'd like to go for (and use for myself):
W - Wing's Axe* (done)
W - Vera (not because of the stats, but because I like Firefly)
W - Rajazan's Fervor*
W - Kaolin Blade (not a high priority, but I like the look)
R - Swiftscale's Shortbow** (done)
Mo - Stormray**
Mo - The Scar Eater (done)
Mo - Jayne's Staff (done)
Mo - Stoneweaver**
Rt - Spirit Garden's Repose
Rt - Ritual Lord's Staff* (done)
Rt - The Pain Eater
E - Kunvie's Air Staff
E - Arbor's Earth Staff
E - Kaolin Water Staff

Edit: added a couple E staves in anticipation of Nightfall. Also added another sword.

* - These are possible to solo farm
** - These might be possible to solo farm, I'll have to check it out though.
The others are going to need at least one other person to help out with getting them. I also saw a few others on the list I know I'll probably go for to get for other people.

Well, that's my wishlist for the weekend, feel free to post yours.

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  Damn You Sirian!
Posted by: Speaker - October 9th, 2006, 16:48 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (29)

From the finals of the Medieval event in the CCC (Civilization Clan Championship):

[Image: badland.jpg]

Some of the worst starting land I have ever seen. The only river anywhere in sight is behind, away from the enemy. I managed to eek out a pretty good MFG, but GNP was impossible, even after building Colossus and a lighthouse. My capital has 7 coast and 3 plains tiles, and a plains cow for a food resource! Thanks for nothing Sirian! [Image: lol.gif]

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  Epic 8 Results
Posted by: Kylearan - October 9th, 2006, 06:03 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (13)


here are the results from Epic 8 - Potluck, grouped by civilization and sorted alphabetically. Not that I've had the chance to read them, as I'm still in catch-up mode... rolleye


Compromise: retired

eYe: Domination Victory 1820AD

Galileo44: Space Victory 1980AD

paleman: Cultural Victory 2025AD]


Atlas: Cultural Victory 1873AD

Carl Friedrich: Diplomatic Victory 1841AD

Gideon: ?

Mitsunobu: Space Victory 1947AD

Ruff_Hi: Space Victory 1910AD

Strauss: Diplomatic Victory 1873AD

Striker: Space Loss 2019AD

Zeviz: Space Victory 1923AD


Benno: Domination Victory 1848AD

blid: Conquest Victory 1808AD

Hadrian11: Space Victory 1935AD

Harleqin: Domination Victory 1928AD

playshogi: Diplomatic Victory 1790AD

Qwack: Domination Victory 1442AD

uberfish: Domination Victory 1571AD


Blake: Diplomatic Victory 1667AD

Bulwark: Domination Victory 1852AD

Darrelljs: Domination 1589AD

Jonottawa: Domination Victory 1589AD

Kodii: Diplomatic Victory 1869AD

LKendter: Domination Victory 1896AD

mbuna120: Space Victory 1985AD

Meiz: Domination Victory 1756AD

NeonElephant: Cultural Victory 1893AD

pling: Space Loss 1986AD

Sourdough: Conquest Loss 1760AD

Sulla: Diplomatic Victory 1727AD

sunrise089: Domination Victory 1806AD

Swiss Pauli: Domination Victory 1556AD

The Judge: Cultural Victory 1950AD

Ug the Barbarian: Domination Victory 1685AD


Dreylin: Space Victory 1935AD

Drugged Unholy: Space Loss 1966AD

Iainuki: Cultural Victory 1891AD

kryszcztov: retired

Kylearan: Domination Victory 1664AD

mucco: Diplomatic Victory 1905AD

notoptimal: retired

ThERat: Domination Victory 1448AD


Carrot: Diplomatic Victory 1784AD

Garath: Space Victory 1878AD

Rowain: Space Victory 1984AD

Snaproll: Domination Victory 1637AD


Jabah: Space Victory 1899AD

Kronoz: Domination Victory 1730AD

mostly_harmless: Domination Victory 1935AD

Ronald: Domination Victory 1568AD

sooooo: Domination Victory 1595AD

Stagnate: Domination Victory 1718AD

T-hawk: Diplomatic Victory 1813AD


Antoninus: Cultural Victory 2007AD

DaveV: Domination Victory 1619AD

pindicator: Domination Victory 1655AD

theGrimm: Domination Victory 1634AD


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