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  Happy Halloween
Posted by: cynyck - October 31st, 2006, 21:07 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

Ya bunch o' ghouls!

It's 9:00 pm here on the east coast of the U.S. Not sure if everyone knows what Halloween is, but the kids in their costumes are quite a sight.

If you live in a different country, I'd love to know if you celebrate Halloween.

I used to spend this evening watching Rocky Horror with my little girl, but that hasn't happened for a few years now. Hope everyone who celebrates this holiday is having a happy one. Stay away from graveyards tonight!

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  Warlords Patch
Posted by: Galileo44 - October 31st, 2006, 15:02 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (20)

For those interested the Warlords patch is now up.

Bravo to Blake's official premiere! thumbsup
Plus a lot more stuff.

Download it here:

Warlords Patch on CFC

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  Adventure 15 - Paleman's shadow
Posted by: paleman - October 31st, 2006, 14:00 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - No Replies

Due to my extensive victories above Monarch (i.e., Epic 7), this'll be a shadow report. Thankfully, that means I can take my time writing it up - I'll probably post later in the week.

This was a fun scenario. For the opening moves, stonehenge was a no brainer due to the scarcity of calendar resources. Then I went with a Pacifism slingshot via the Oracle. My victory was by space race sometime in the 1970s. I controlled the lake, and all the rivers except that really icy one in the NW. Controlling that would've required warring against the Incas, but they were allies and I was kind of tired of warfare at that point, having eliminated Mongolia, Spain, and Germany, and gone through several wars with Catherine.

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  theGrimms Adventure 15 Dilly Dally
Posted by: theGrimm - October 31st, 2006, 04:10 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - No Replies

This was quite a nice premise, and so I played. Sadly, I didn't finish, due to time considerations, but it was tons of fun. But I thought I'd post a pictureless summary of what happened, anyway.

I took on a few extra variant rules:
-Must found a religion, must revolt immediately and never switch (The Religion of the Lake).
-May only found directly on the starting lake, and potentially on a connecting river. Cities on the lake may be captured, but any other cities must be razed rather than captured.

I had a slow start, founding one city on the stone south of the starting point quickly, then building stonehenge, the pyramids, the great lighthouse and the colossus.

Build a decent military using the whip for the first time ever. Messed around with the exploitative 2 pop whips on the island with three seafood resources.

Fought off attacks from Gengis, only at Paris. I was mostly working oceanic resources, so I let him pillage (roads and a mine) to his little hearts delight, while I holed up in Paris with spearmen. He lost about 15 keshiks (no losses on my side) before he accepted peace.

My diplomacy was shoddy, since I didn't push my religion. spain, German and Mongolia would never be friends, since I would be killing off their lake cities, but I didn't do enough to foster the friendship of other civs.

I stopped in about 1000AD. i was in third place (from the bottom!), but with excellent commerce from my lighthouse / colossus combos in my lake cities, I was leaping ahead in GNP and founding cities quickly. The plan would be to beeline to rifling, take the rest of the lakeside spots by force, and build a spaceship. I just never got around to it.

Thanks for a cool game, though.

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  Adventure 15 : Dawn-ing a new age
Posted by: Dawn - October 30th, 2006, 22:10 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (9)

Realms Beyond Civ Adventure 15 – The French Riviera

While this is my third attempt at an RBCiv scenario, I was determined to make it through to the end – even if it was “just Prince” and I haven’t played above Noble. Scoring wouldn’t count as I played with Blue Marble active, but it was more about the challenge than the score.

Given the starting location, I drop down where I can reach out into the sea to grab the fish and crabs. Figuring from what I’ve read of others, I’m going to need some health bonuses as this progresses. Also, let’s make the most of this by researching Fishing first.

Around 3640BC Buddhism is FIDL and we see that the land is much better looking off to the East.

[Image: FindingitsbetterintheEast.jpg]

2880BC - I run into Fredrick and pop a scout. That scout will remain through the entire game and provide much info throughout the world.

1880BC – I find Khan to my west. Not the civ I wanted to be dealing with that close to my borders.

1760BC – Finding Cathy to the south and Hua to the east. Not sure how that will work out for me. Saly shows up a little later.

1360BC – Bronze working finally comes in (after going through Hunting to work the deers). What?!? No copper in the visible space, at least for me. On to Sailing to get more from the sea.

1160BC – Find Izzy to my south. Ah, what a wonderful relationship this would turn out to be.

975BC – Found Lyons and grab that rice! Needed the health.

875BC-650BC – Freddy picks off the Pyramids while Stonehenge is BIDL. I, on the other hand, am working to get the GL so I start my first lighthouse.

325BC – Iron working on to Math. Need to get to Construction as I’ll need those cats later (boy was I right about that one).

300BC – GL BIDL! Missed another one.

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  Adventure Fifteen : Kodii's Unfinished Canadian Riviera
Posted by: Kodii - October 30th, 2006, 19:06 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (1)

A great lake and rivers? This couldn't be the French! Certainly Sirian got Quebec French and French French a bit mixed up. lol

So I started the game. I founded Ottawa on the spot and began to explore. Before long, I realized that this map was much larger than I would have like. I was off to a pretty good start. I had explored the entire lake, and found the four rivers branching out from it. One of them (which I named the St. Lawrence) extended FAR to the west. The other three were named the Fraser, the Churchill and the Mackenzie. Unfortunately, I ran out of time to complete the game, so I stopped. (It was a shame though, I wanted to found enough cities to found my hometown of Abbotsford lol ) Here is a screenshot:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0060.jpg]

(Vancouver is the city on the east side of the lake)

Incomplete : 500 AD

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  Adventure Fifteen - Closing Day
Posted by: Sirian - October 30th, 2006, 17:26 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - No Replies

Please post your Adventure Fifteen Reports. Thanks. smile

- Sirian

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  Mod Approval Process: Blue Marble v2
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - October 30th, 2006, 09:02 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (8)

Firstly, sorry for starting another thread on this. I did so as the other one has become 5 pages long and (to my way of thinking) is now full of redundent and confusing material.

I've finally completed my comprehensive review of BlueMarble (see attached) and now submit it for approval. The final document is a 17 md pdf and I'm assuming it is too big to attach. It can be found at ... Mar...rocess.pdf

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  Hero Elite Armors
Posted by: Seijin - October 30th, 2006, 04:19 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (1)

Okay, I came across this today when going through one of the outposts.

At Dajkah Inlet, there is an NPC named Bahldasareh [Hero Armor]. It turns out he can upgrade the skin of several of your Hero's armors.

And this is from the GW update page, I skimmed most of it before and didn't notice it until now:

Hero Armor NPCs, located in the outposts of Challenge Missions in Elona, can craft upgraded armor for your Heroes in return for certain items that you can acquire inside the Challenge Mission. Players can find enough of these items to upgrade their own Heroes, but not an unlimited supply, so we encourage players to spend these items on their own Heroes rather than selling them or giving them away.

So I assume you can get enough for your character's heros. Its not like ecto or something that drops rarely and can be sold for a high price. In fact it seems pretty easy to get. I went through the challenge about 10 times and got 4. Of those 10 times 3 got screwed up, so I'd say it was more like 4/7.

Anyways, when I saw the NPC, I checked guru real quick to see if it was just impossible to obtain the item, Stolen Sunspear Armor, and found that most people found it relatively easy to aquire. Most people didn't really know when they got it because it just showed up in their inventories as they played the challenge, so I just tried the challenge.

The upgrade item automatically will appear in you inventory under some conditions which I don't really understand yet. It seems the only info I found was people saying you need around 40 kills.

Here's what I've observed when doing the challenge:
1. If you get an upgrade item, it will be after defeating a Guild Lord.
2. This may be random, it may not be, but each time I've gotten one, its been after killing the 2nd or 3rd Guild Lord I've faced.
3. At each point in time I had 40+ kills and 50+ kills respectively.

There's lots of archers, annoying Doctors and some Necros. Its good if you have at least one interrupter. The Doctors run away a lot, so try snares or cripple attacks. The Necros cast some type of well that causes you to miss %50 of your attacks while in it. Considering the area is mainly in forts or caves, its hard to avoid the wells.

I don't have all the Heros, but apparently it only works for Koss, Dunkoro, Melonni, and Jin (so maybe Sousuke as well). The others get upgrades elsewhere.

Sorry for the green hero flag being stuck in them, but it was the easiest way to make them keep still and apparently shift-PrtSc doesn't get rid of the flag. cry

Also I wouldn't mind seeing how far we could get in this challenge as a group. thumbsup Its really easy and straight forward. Get past the enemies kill the Guild Lord/s and move to the next area. The timer starts at 10 min, and you gain an extra minute for each guild lord you kill. Don't bother looting. Most loot you can get when the challenge ends in that little window that pops up at the end of missions when you missed anything.

[Image: Koss.jpg]
[Image: Dunkoro.jpg]
[Image: Melonni.jpg]
[Image: Jin.jpg]

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  Warlords Game?
Posted by: mbuna120 - October 29th, 2006, 23:40 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (9)

I started this game on the Warlords expansion pack. The settings are Emporer level, with random number of civs, and random map. I was Gengis Khan (randomly of course smile ) I am posting the initial save and my final save from when I just got tired of the game. Short attention span, I guess. Anyone want to take a stab at playing this one? I would like other opinions on city location and early game research path if anyone cares to try it out... I would tell you map type and stuff, but I don't know how to check that info after starting. And how do you access the event/combat logues again?

Initial start

Last save...still winnable?

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