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[SPOILERS]PB83: Krill was...
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[SPOILERS] DaveV is not c...
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Teamspeak/ventrillo question |
Posted by: CelticHound - November 29th, 2006, 04:45 - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (3)
I'm just finishing up an online class (on music and healing) where we've had weekly conference calls. There are seven students in the class and we've all expressed a wish to be able to get together and talk again.
I was thinking that teamspeak might be a reasonable way to do this.
Since at least a couple people in RB have set up servers, I was hoping to get the scoop on what to do. Should we use teamspeak or look at other options? Do I need to set up a server, or can we create a channel on a public server?
-- CH
Sunspear General in Two hours |
Posted by: Drasca - November 28th, 2006, 05:42 - Forum: Builds and Templates
- Replies (8)
For those interested in simply getting to general with 2,500 sunspear points asap, follow the order of quests and pathing in this thread. It took me two hours starting with a level 17 rit and level 14 heroes + sunspear sanctuary henchmen.
Main points:
Avoid (Run past or around) battles with mobs you do not have bounties for
Bee-line toward Priests with Bounty blessings
Collect quests in order and all at once for one area (done if this guide is followed)
Henchmen used:
Devona: Charge makes running around a lot nicer.
Mehnlo and/or Kihm: Healing's nice, feel free to substitute.
Cynn: Firepower. Fire. Power.
Sousuke: Mark of Rodgort, Searing Flames, Glowing gaze, Meteor shower, A.echo, E management, Res.
Koss: Tactics W/R. Shields up, Watch yourself, Apply Poison, Cyclone axe.
I should've brought charge on Koss.
Dunkoro: Illusion/Domination mesmer
In short, any firepower from heroes is appreciated, which includes MM's. Devona's charge is also essential for cutting down time.
Memory Requirements for larger maps |
Posted by: Dantski - November 26th, 2006, 14:07 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (12)
At the moment my rather poor 256 MB of RAM can only handle tiny maps well in the modern era. I'm going to get some more memory soon though and wondered how much others are using here and what kind of performance they get on the larger maps.
Help a newbie, donate an opinion!
Getting online again |
Posted by: CelticHound - November 25th, 2006, 21:13 - Forum: Diablo
- Replies (10)
Hey all,
Just rebuilt my D2 install and decided to go online for a bit tonight. (My account had evaporated so I'm starting fresh.)
Will be in rbd1 (or 2 or 3) with the last password, I remember...
-- CH
Random news - Lately I've been playing the harp to accompany . . . belly dance!
Hey everyone |
Posted by: Zande - November 23rd, 2006, 04:59 - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (4)
Hello! I'm Zande, here to join your interesting community and I see many good times in the future . When I read what this was about it caught my interest immediantly because of our extraordinarily similar perceptions on video games. Video games are challenge, so when one gets old challenge yourself. Heck, it doesn't even need to get old for you to put yourself to the true test. Keep pushing limits until they can't be pushed further. Keep video games fun. The way they were meant to be .
About me, i'm a young male who thorougly enjoys video games(obviously), history, books, writing, learning, (studying) religion & war, comedy, many television series, and travel. Currently my game i'm spending the most time with is Civilization IV, as to be honest is my first time playing any Civ, or Firaxis game for that matter ... bbbuuttt i've fallen in love with it. I recently came upon Civfanatics and am spending almost more time on that then, well, Civ! Haha. That's how I got to this place, also. I come from the MMORPG side of the industry, however. I still wish to delve deeper into fun times here.
I have an odd habbit of staying up till 7 A.M and sleeping 'till 2. But I guess it's just 'cause it's Turkey Break and we got a week off.
Speaking of which, it's 3:54 A.M here in Dallas,(TX).
Happy Thanksgiving for you Americans! :hat: :hat: :hat: :2dance: :2dance:
Yyeaahh. I'm going to a place to meet all of my relatives so i'll be gone all, technically Today. Anyways, ciao my friends!
NF Endgame items |
Posted by: Seijin - November 23rd, 2006, 01:53 - Forum: Guild Wars
- Replies (3)
Here's some of the Endgame greens you can get for trading in a Book of Secrets.
I didn't bother to do the staffs or scepters. They're all pretty much the same.
Staff of the Forgotten
Energy +15
HRT Spells 20%
Golden Boar Scepter
HRT <attribute> 20%
The only difference on some of these is that there are actually staffs or scepters that have Restoration, Healing Prayers, and Protection Prayers requirements instead of spawning power or divine favor.
Keeper of Nature
Keeper of Shadows
Keeper of Steel
Keeper of the Scythe
Keeper of the Spear
Seijin - Prayer of the Forgotten (Spear)
Wyrm - Claw of the Forgotten (Scythe)
SF - Forgotten Shield (Paragon)
Don't know what anyone else has chosen yet if you want to look at it first hand.