I still haven't seen a list of these anywhere so I figured I might as well start one. These are the various skills for each profession that you can get at the NPCs with the tag [Hero Skills]. I don't know of any that are in explorable areas, so I think these are all of them.
Something to note is that not all of the new NF skills for the core professions are available at these trainers after all, so you'll have to spend a few plat on those. Also, there's one assassin elite available and I'm not sure if it's supposed to be there or not, considering it's in the Sunspear Great Hall.
Edit: It seems as though Shattering Assault is a mistake since you can't learn it from the hero trainer.
Pikin in Kamadan, Jewel of Istan
Assassin: Feigned Nutrality, Signet of Twilight, Deadly Haste
Mesmer: Energy Burn, Empathy, Wastrel's Demise, Signet of Clumsiness, Shatter Enchantment
Necro: Animate Bone Fiend, Ulcerous Lungs, Feast for the Dead, Signet of Lost Souls, Barbed Signet
Ele: Aftershock, Meteor, Lightning Bolt, Glowing Gaze, Blinding Flash
Monk: Retribution, Watchful Healing, Reversal of Damage, Blessed Signet, Mending
Warrior: Hammer Bash, Gash, Counterrattack, Critical Chop, Disrupting Chop
Ranger: Maiming Strike, Dual Shot, Toxicity, Screaming Shot, Throw Dirt
Dervish: Aura of Thorns, Eremite's Attack, Rending Sweep, Guided Hands, Enchanted Haste
Rit: Wielder's Strike, Warmonger's Weapon, Empowerment
Paragon: Awe, "They're on Fire!," Zealous Anthem, Song of Concentration, Mighty Throw
Shiloh in Sunspear Great Hall
Assassin: Malicious Strike, Shattering Assualt (elite), Lift Enchantment
Mesmer: Power Spike, Leech Signet, Web of Disruption, Hypochondria, Fragility
Necro: Parasitic Bond, Death Nova, Vocal Minority, Animate Shambling Horror, Unholy Feast
Ele: Lightning Orb, Ice Spikes, Ebon Hawk, Glyph of Restoration, Steam
Monk: Divine Boon, Supportive Spirit, Pensive Guardian, Signet of Devotion, Guardian
Warrior: Warrior's Cunning, Steelfang Slash, Soldier's Strike, Berserker Stance
Ranger: Whirling Defense, Hunter's Shot, Disrupting Accuracy, Storm's Embrace, Disrupting Lunge
Dervish: Mystic Vigor, Zealous Renewal, Signet of Pious Light, Twin Moon Sweep, Harrier's Haste
Rit: Spirit's Gift, Empowerment
Paragon: Hexbreaker Aria, Enduring Harmony, Signet of Return, Aria of Zeal, Unblockable Throw
Libeh in Command Post
Assassin: Spider Strike, Augury of Death, Death's Retreat
Mesmer: Shatter Enchant, Power Drain, Spiritual Pain, Symbolic Celerity, Ignorance
Necro: Dark Pact, Suffering, Mark of Fury, Putrid Flesh
Ele: Air Attunement, Earth Attunement, Fire Attunement, Water Attunement, Storm Djinn's Haste
Monk: Shielding Hands, Strength of Honor, Balthazar's Aura, Healing Seed, Heal Party
Warrior: Counter Blow, Savage Slash, Thrill of Victory, Agonizing Chop, Overbearing Smash
Ranger: Barbed Trap, Precision Shot, Read the Wind, Hecket's Rampage, Trapper's Speed
Dervish: Attacker's Insight, Intimidating Aura, Rending Touch, Meditation, Dust Cloak
Rit: Anguish, Sight Beyond Sight, Vocal was Sogolon
Paragon: Aria of Restoration, Merciless Spear, Remedy Signet, Aggressive Refrain, Energizing Chorus
Warden of Whispers in Chantry of Secrets
Assassin: Golden Fox Strike, Disrupting Dagger
Mesmer: Arcane Mimicry, Epidemic, Frustration, Arcane Conundrum, Hex Breaker
Necro: Vile Touch, Barbs, Taste of Death, Rip Enchantment, Order of Pain
Ele: Lightning Touch, Armor of Earth, Maelstrom, Stoneflesh Aura, Frigid Armor
Monk: Dismiss Condition, Rebirth, Judge's Intervention, Draw Conditions
Warrior: Axe Rake, Dismember, Heavy Blow, Burst of Aggression, Frenzied Defense
Ranger: Forked Arrow, Call of Haste, Savage Shot, Favorable Winds, Barbed Arrows
Dervish: Wearying Strike, Mystic Twister, Dwayna's Touch, Test of Faith, Heart of Fury
Rit: Ghostmirror Light, Renewing Memories
Paragon: Finale of Restoration, Godspeed, Anthem of Envy, Vicious Attack, "Fall Back!"
Warden of Whispers in The Kodash Bazaar
Assassin: Shadow Walk, Assassin's Remedy
Mesmer: Spirit Shackles, Arcane Echo, Price of Pride, Diversion, Mirror of Disenchantment
Necro: Soul Feast, Putrid Explosion, Well of Silence, Signet of Sorrow, Blood of the Aggressor
Ele: Glowstone, Flame Djinn's Haste, Enervating Charge, Stoning, Fireball
Monk: Purge Conditions, Holy Haste, Restful Breeze, Scourge Enchantment, Divine Intervention
Warrior: Balanced Stance, Distracting Blow, Barbarous Slice, Shield Bash, Bull's Strike
Ranger: Roaring Winds, Choking Gas, Scavenger Strike, Energizing Wind, Concussion Shot
Dervish: Eremite's Zeal, Staggering Force, Mystic Sandstorm, Veil of Thorns, Mystic Sweep
Rit: Gaze of Fury, Death Pact Signet
Paragon: Blazing Finale, Glowing Signet, Angelic Protection, Wearying Spear, "Brace Yourself!"
Godaj in Lair of the Forgotten
Assassin: Swap, Signet of Toxic Shock
Mesmer: Illusion of Haste, Mantra of Flame, Mind Wrack, Signet of Humility, Drain Delusions
Necro: Dark Bond, Mark of Pain, Rigor Mortis, Weaken Armor, Poisoned Heart
Ele: Deep Freeze, Obsidian Flame, Conjure Flame, Elemental Flame
Monk: Infuse Health, Judge's Insight, Signet of Mystic Wrath, Aegis, Renew Life
Warrior: Staggering Blow, Hamstring, Counterrattack, Defensive Stance
Ranger: Called Shot, Winnowing, Determined Shot, Tripwire, Pestilence
Dervish: Winds of Disenchantment, Balthazar's Rage, Mystic Corruption, Mirage Cloak, Pious Concentration
Rit: Renewing Surge, Wielder's Remedy
Paragon: Ballad of Restoration, Purifying Finale, "We Shall Return!," "Can't Touch This!," Harrier's Toss
Hoju in Gates of Torment
Assassin: Deadly Paradox
Mesmer: Cry of Frustration, Soothing Images, Ether Phantom, Persistence of Memory, Mantra of Resolve
Necro: Demonic Flesh, Well of the Profane, Rotting Flesh, Well of Darkness, Meekness
Ele: Immolate, Rust, Stone Striker, Chilling Winds, Blurred Vision
Monk: Purge Signet, Smite Hex, Zealout's Fire, Healing Ring, Mending Touch
Warrior: Endure Pain, Swift Chop, Seeking Blade, Enraging Charge, Flail
Ranger: Nature's Renewal, Debilitating Shot, Keen Arrow, Antidote Signet, Arcing Shot
Dervish: Banishing Strike, Reap Impurities, Lyssa's Haste, Pious Restoration, Mystic Healing
Rit: Recovery
Paragon: "Stand Your Ground!," "Never Give Up!," "Can't Touch This!," "Never Surrender!," "Help Me!"