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  Difficulty levels?
Posted by: TheArchduke - December 29th, 2006, 08:31 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (6)

From the sticky thread on the top came a good idea which is already used by GotM and WotM on the CivFanaticsForums. An oppurtunity to join more difficult games (Emperor for me, I tend to win good positions on Monarch but in the middle of a tundra/desert no chance) and to make Adventures more interesting (Especially noble for instance). Namely including two more saves, with one worsening the start position and the other one giving a slight head start.

Apart from that I hugely enjoy playing the games here on Realms Beyond and more then that reading the funny exploits by Sulla and Sirian. Especially Adventure 4 was great fun to play, despite my mistake to read the reports before playing the game.

Hello everybody by the way.

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  Who's your favourite Great Person?
Posted by: Raven_Lore - December 28th, 2006, 12:54 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (21)


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  Heroes in Prophecies
Posted by: theGrimm - December 27th, 2006, 03:10 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (8)

Am I too assume they're not encouraging one to pop over for some heroes as soon as you reach Lions Arch with a prophecies char? Level 24 monsters for the Olias Quest, and for the Suspears in Kryta? My level 15 Necro just has time to see the monster level before going down, and the hencies are dead before that even! lol

Ah, well...guess I will just have to live with the frustration of a monk henchie who just LOVES to go wanding the biggest baddest monster in the pack for the rest of prophecies...

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  Who got Warlords for Christmas?
Posted by: regoarrarr - December 25th, 2006, 11:49 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (7)

Me! Me! Me! Of course, when you're the dad, you have a bit more control over what you get for Christmas lol

Looking forward to taking part in a Warlords epic / adventure

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  Top 10 list of things that can end a Survivor run
Posted by: KingOfPain - December 23rd, 2006, 15:38 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (7)

#1 - PUG
Ugo Phurst Indomitable Survivor, solo'd all the way (the ONLY WAY to go), decided to go back to Dasha and cap Angelic Bond since the cut scene prevented capping when he did it the first time. I was in International district and feeling sorry for the 2 guys unable to find a group, so I joined. Everything went fine til the end when one guy decided he really should go to bed soon. We had 2 bosses aggro'd and we were handling it just fine. That's when one of them thought he can hurry it up and grab the Searing Flame boss too.

I sat at the comp in silence for a few minutes in disbelieve, can't believe what a stupid thing I have done - PuG with a Survivor, WTH[Image: huh.gif][Image: rant.gif][Image: huh.gif][Image: rant.gif]

#2 -Bloodlust
I guess I could have avoided the death if I play Survivor for the title only, aka, exit game thru various means as soon as something goes wrong. I don't.

Playing back the scenerio in my head, I guess maybe, just maybe I could have survived if I ran as soon as I see the other guy went for the Ele boss. But by then the Der boss just went down and the Para boss was on its last few breaths. I had to finish the job - That's when all at a sudden 3 of the party went kissing the ground and I was the prime target. Too late to run.

#3 - Lag
Kind of realated to Bloodlust - you just keep on going when you know you should stop. Cat On The Ninth Survivor (1) died to video lag farming the Deparated Measures (Farming exp by killing the huge mobs but not finishing the last boss) for the fifth time.

#4 - Heroes/Hench Control
Iam Sodead Survivor (1) planted the flag to recall the group aggroing the wrong mob, fine. Sodead then proceeded to call the target for the next mob and went charging, and only realized too late when no one is coming to help. Crippled, poisoned and hexed to death. Duh! Forgot to release the flag[Image: mad.gif]

... More to come, I am sure.


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  Am I the only one (WOW-Related)...
Posted by: Cyrene - December 22nd, 2006, 09:35 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (4)

...who sees the headlines on CNN--BLIZZARD LEAVES THOUSANDS STRANDED and thinks, "dang, that last rolling server update must have bugged the flight points and/or zepplins and ships"?

I hope so.

I really hope so. lol

Happy Holidays to all and to all a good gaming night.


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  Warlords Two Our First No Show
Posted by: Sirian - December 20th, 2006, 04:10 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (71)

Nobody reported a result for Warlords Two. This is an RB first. I'm sure some of it is my doing. Perhaps the only ones clamoring for Warlords games were high difficulty players and I failed to notice, thus setting up for a dud by making it a Gentle Adventure. Nonetheless, a zero turnout.

We've had a good number of views on the Adventure Sixteen reports, and a healthy level of discussion and debate on other issues. Perhaps the well intended OCC sponsor games drew the crowd away?

You folks will have to tell me what you want in the form of events. I hope the answers are not all over the map, because we need decent turnout for most events to uphold the constrast-and-compare element that is the core of our approach here.

- Sirian

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  Adventure 16 - Swissabella's Song
Posted by: Swiss Pauli - December 19th, 2006, 13:21 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (10)

Adventure 16 – Let It Snow (Cahn/Styne/Swiss Pauli)

Oh the barbs outside are frightful / But Madrid is so delightful
Since we’ve got an empire to grow / Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

[Image: civ4screenshot0075pr2.jpg]

Now it’s Maths we are researching / For Philosophy we’re yearning
For Taoism we long to know / Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

We get given Judaism / But fear it’ll cause a schism
We don’t dare adopt it, so / Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Our Scout is out a-roaming / Strange people he is meeting
And Techs we need to know / Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

[Image: civ4screenshot0080du5.jpg]

Once Barca is in place / To the Oracle we’ll race
And since the AI’s kinda slow / Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

We’re taking Metal Casting / For Colossus since you’re asking
And trade fodder don’t you know / Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

[Image: civ4screenshot0086he2.jpg]

Thanks to Axemen so intrepid / We capture lovely Gepid
Cy and Mao helped us, though / Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

[Image: civ4screenshot0092lf2.jpg]

Monty gave young Cyrus a beating / From help I was retreating
Into peaceful expansion, you know / Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

With Taoism duly founded / And Colossus finally completed
Christian was the way to go / Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

[Image: civ4screenshot0096yy6.jpg]

Mao founded the Christian order / But he’s a mean tech hoarder
But I’m not one to crow / Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

[Image: civ4screenshot0099jo3.jpg]

To Liberalism a beeline / With a cashbomb will be fine
Persia ain’t that far to go / Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

[Image: civ4screenshot0114ji6.jpg]

Our research is simply thrilling / But Monty’s keen for a killing
But it’s Cy feeling the blow / Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

[Image: montyoncywaryk6.jpg]

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  Adventure 16 - Smacky's Report
Posted by: Smacky - December 18th, 2006, 02:37 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (7)


I did poorly, having no real gift for planning; but being my first monarch game ever I did manage to survive to the end of the space race.

Loss (Space / Mansa / 2030 AD); Score, 2652.

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  Adventure 16 - sooooo's report
Posted by: sooooo - December 18th, 2006, 02:30 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (10)

Adventure 16 - Let It Snow!

This game was on the ice age map. Standard size, monarch difficulty, no tech trading enabled. The variant is that the players have to come up with their own variant - but I'm too much of a dullard to do that so didn't bother.

I think I must have got a corrupted version of the savefile because I did not have the scout seen in the starting pic posted. The archer 1 and worker were there though.

[Image: startju6.jpg]

I started with a work boat and since we have 2 food resources, I set research into masonry to enable slavery and let us build the national wall for some GP points and barb defence.

[Image: masonryip9.jpg]

The religion of Qin was founded in Madrid, and we also met Mao in the north who had founded Zhao. Our second city of Barcelona claimed wheat and horses.

[Image: barcase2.jpg]

You can see I am researching Filial Piety, mainly to go for the Great Classical library. Not quite as good as the Civil Service slingshot, but I still think T-Hawk would be proud of me for this one:

[Image: gcldf5.jpg]

Ignore the IW selection, we took Philosophy. A few more techs were learned and we adopted new civics enabled by them:

[Image: civics1ki4.jpg]

That Daoism civic is pretty awesome. +1 happy from every forest? Don't know why that isn't talked about more often. Pacifism should be good too, because I have lots of GP points from the national wall, great classical library and later Sun Tzu's art of war. Most of my GPs would lightbulb techs. Seville was founded to use the floodplains and silks:

[Image: sevillevp0.jpg]

Then I change civics again - it's fun being spiritual!

[Image: civics2gc2.jpg]

With the Underground Tomb wonder I built (this gives +1 free specialist per city and -75% war weariness in case you've forgotten), each city of mine gets 4 free specialists. GP points are increased by 200%, or by 300% in my capital which has the Book of History (and all the specialists). That's some powerful civics!

Another couple of cities were founded, and a chinese artist did some work in getting a few more:

[Image: culturebombap6.jpg]

Everyone had their own religion and I couldn't open many borders, so I still couldn't meet my competitors. But one of them had heard about me!

[Image: secgenoa9.jpg]

I'm sure I don't need to tell you that Roosey voted for me thanks to our nation's love of Educated Elite.

But the American from across the ocean's love wasn't enough - I would have to teach our nearby dissenters a lesson. I guess you could say they "chose unwisely". It was time to make a final civics change:

[Image: civics3zx5.jpg]

And the war(s) commenced!

[Image: war1iw5.jpg][Image: war2gy2.jpg]
We still had no iron to build swordsmen, but catapults and heavy cavalry were very powerful in cleansing our continent of Persians, Aztecs and Chinese. The future techs were helping my drafting habit smile

[Image: ourcontinentuq9.jpg]

We were just short of getting a backdoor emperor's council victory before time ran out. Spain are the winners!

[Image: timevictoryaz8.jpg]

Thanks for the fun game Sirian! I was disappointed not to get a diplo victory, but I think 246BC should be a competitive date in the Time Victory category. Fingers crossed!

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