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  Am I the only one....
Posted by: Chad - December 9th, 2006, 20:37 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (7)

Who can't seem to win 1 single game? I swear, I've even played on Settler and lost. It starts to go evil on me after a while. I get to around 1900 AD and I'm in first place (At this point I'm thinking that I might actually win) then somebody will declare war on me and I'll go falling down into second-to-last-place.
My question is: What should I do? What's the best settings to have to really ease me into the game? Civ 4 rocks, but I'd like to be able to win once and a while. tongue

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  RBW2 SG Signup.
Posted by: Blake - December 8th, 2006, 13:31 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (26)

Since it probably wont get much attention buried in the patch thread here is my idea for a SG.

It will be played using my Better AI mod, the latest version should always be used and it should be used by simply dropping the DLL in your custom assets folder.


If you are a avid (rabid?) Warcraft 3 player, you may know of a player named ANGRY_KOREA_MAN (AKM). Now AKM is infamous for two things, firstly and very appropriately, the fact that he always plays a "Variant" his playstyle is unconventional to say the least. He shuns the popular heroes and unit mixes, in fact he refuses to use Footmen, the basic human unit, always immediately teching to advanced spellcasters and siege units. It is most daring to play a variant in a competitive multiplayer game all about optimizing cookie-cutter strats.
The second thing AKM is infamous for is being ANGRY. Whenever anyone tries to talk to him in a game he either ignores them or says SHUT UP I HATE YOU, repeating SHUT UP I HATE YOU until they cease trying to communicate.

Most people tend to either love AKM, or think he's a bad-mannered idiot, or both.

We play as Wang Kon of KOREA, obviously! He is Financial/Protective and starts with Mining and Mysticism. And he's Angry.

We are ANGRY! And we HATE everyone! Here are the rules of diplomacy:
Never Initiate Communication.
When someone calls us, first refuse their request also yelling loudly at the monitor "SHUT UP I HATE YOU" (ok you can whisper it if your wife is talking to you at the time), there are then 3 options:
1) Demand something from them / bully stuff from them for peace.
2) Hang up without talking.
3) Declare war on them.

* Unless they are an AKM Fanboy. This is defined as "Someone who persists in liking us despite the fact we keep telling them that we hate them." Should we somehow accidentally acquire a fanboy we can reluctantly engage in some limited trade with it.

** Okay. If you play an entire turnset and no-one calls you then on your last turn you can call up someone and yell "WHY DO YOU CHEAT", remember to then demand something or declare war on them, war would be a great gift for the next player!

We are unconventional!
We may not build Melee Units except Warriors! No axes, spears, swords, maces or pikes! Honestly we'd rather lose than resort to training such units!
We must tech straight to Construction (Siege Weapons) and Theology ("Spellcasters"). Small diversions are allowed, any tech from the first 3 rows may be researched earlier if it seems fairly essential, we can research the techs leading to Construction/Theology in any order.

The Purpose?
Diplomatic Manipulation is a large part of victory against these improved AI's. So lets see how they do when not being manipulated.

Map Settings:
Map size will likely be Large, so I can examine the AI behavior on a larger map.
It is likely there will be extra civs and possibly low sea level.
I'm thinking Continents, that'll help reduce the number of civs who dogpile onto us. Or maybe a natural Pangaea. Help me decide!

Other Stuff:
Like I said, it will be played with the latest Better AI mod, dropped in the Custom Assets folder. Get it here.

This is the Holiday Season and everyone is busy. It's a hectic time. As such I favor this SG not having a fixed schedule. I would go basically with:
If you wish to play the turn and can play post a "Got It". Proceed to play and post within about 36 hours (don't post the got it if you can't!), avoid playing more than about once a week or so and may common sense guide us!
Play from 10 to 15 turns depending on the pace of the game and how long you feel like playing (initial turnsets will go 30/20/15 or something). There's no need to be conventional here.


Oh? You wanted a festive theme?

These Christmas Songs are making me ANGRY!!!!!! :mad:

Difficulty will be Monarch.

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  Warcraft III
Posted by: demonslayer21 - December 7th, 2006, 17:10 - Forum: Off Topic - No Replies

I just recently opened my Warcraft III page. Hope you enjoy! ~Drahcireid

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  George Bush
Posted by: demonslayer21 - December 7th, 2006, 17:05 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

Here He is...enjoy! ~Drahcireid

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  New Website Location
Posted by: Sullla - December 7th, 2006, 16:29 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (2)

In case you've tried to access my website recently and been getting an error message, that's because it's been moved to a new location. The new address is as follows:

Feel free to update any bookmarks/links/whatever. I'll see if I can also go through some of my old report posts and edit them to have the correct new address. smile

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Posted by: Raven_Lore - December 4th, 2006, 18:48 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (6)

Anyone feel that when you try and ask for something it sometimes get's redded out. That kinda of defeats the whole purpose of demanding. For example if you are their worst enemy, all their techs will be blotched out. So you can't even try to demand. And they can demand anything from you, and if you don't give it, you lose a penalty. Anyone feel that the Games should fix that?

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  The Total Perspective Vortex
Posted by: cynyck - December 3rd, 2006, 22:15 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (5)

This will make you feel small. Unless, like Zaphod Beeblebrox, you believe you are the most important being in the universe.

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  Railroad Tycoon - Free
Posted by: Griselda - December 3rd, 2006, 12:18 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (2)

Now that Railroads is out, 2K has free downloads of Railroad Tycoon available. You have to go to the downloads section.

I never played it the first time around, but I think I may check it out now. smile What have I got to lose? thumbsup

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  Survivor update
Posted by: KingOfPain - November 30th, 2006, 15:30 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (23)

Ugo Phurst now 13-14, got Jin. Didn't mean to go go far ahead, but mapping does that - trying to do it all in one go so I can follow the dots and see the coverage. All area travelled completely mapped smile

Go ahead and catch up to the point. I can always go back a bit to help smile


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  The Worst Quest award goes to
Posted by: KingOfPain - November 30th, 2006, 12:54 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (6)


Being somewhat of a quest whore I am still doing this quest after 20 minutes of mindless mouse clicks and watching the quest indicator flashing madly here and there even when I am standing still. This quest got more cursed (by me) than a twinked BNM. Sure I swore I will never do that quest again, but I will probably do it again ;p

Flamingo-ing...going...gone wins the worst quest I have ever seen award, hands down. And to think the devs actually let this slip into release amuse more slightly more than the quest itself. Oh well, maybe it's just me. I mean, some designer came up with plaid leisure suit and some bossman actually like it enough to manufacture it... and the masses bought it, wtf?!

Can anyone think of a worse quest, GW or otherwise?


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