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  Bulwarks Report - Adventure 11
Posted by: Bulwark - September 18th, 2006, 14:21 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (4)

I wanted to write a full blown report for this adventure, since it was a really fun and interesting game.

I do have some web hosting problems at the time however. I have a set of 20 Mb accounts at my ISP and it is quite a hassle to store some reports on one place and other reports in another place. I have earmarked a “slot” for my Epic 8 report and decided to not create a report for Adventure 11.

It felt strange though, to not create a report, so I decided to make this summary.

The Report
I founded Hinduism with the hope of spreading the faith to my neighbours as soon as possible. This plan was successful as both Catherine and Alexander converted to Hindusim shortly after the discovery of Writing.

I went whole heartedly into a specialist economy in this game, building the Pyramids as well as the Great Library and adopting Representation. I did not, however, build TGL in my capital but in my second city, which was placed west of Mecca, with Fish, Pigs and Horses in the fat cross, as well as several grassland tiles for cottages. The huge amount of food made this city ideal perfect for specialists.

Mecca built Stonehenge, the Pyramids and the Hanging Gardens.

My science output was significant, but I was still beaten soundly by my opponents. I was completely stunned by how fast the other teams rocketed through the tech tree, building wonders left and right. eek

I managed to reach Liberalism first in 1260 AD and picked Nationalism as my free tech to enable defensive pacts. A Great Engineer from Mecca’s wonders rushed the Taj Mahal.

Inciting defensive pacts and permanent alliances was an area of game play that was completely unknown to me before this game. It became quite clear though, that I needed to be at friendly level with the civilization I wanted for partner. Catherine was at pleased at the time, but a couple of unconventional manoeuvres rolleye , including selling Copper and Silver for Clams swiftly brought the lovely Catherine over the threshold. Alexander was easier to please, mostly due to that the border tension with him was much lower than with Catherine. It would have been much easier to please both, had I adopted Hereditary Rule, but I did not want to abandon Representation.

Anyway, as soon as I signed a defensive pact with Catherine, Alexander dropped down to Pleased because I had signed a DP with his rival. This obstacle would never be cleared during the remainder of the game. rant

During the game, I was extremely cautious to sign any deals whatsoever with any of the other teams. The risk of war declarations was imminent, especially with the erratic Napoleon as a member of the biggest team. To further reduce the possibility of hostile actions, I caved in to any demands from any of the other teams different civilizations. A real coward I was…
This strategy paid off however and the only declaration of war during the entire game came in 1838 AD, when the fearsome foursome (Gandhi, Napoleon, Roosevelt and Bismarck) attacked the troubling threesome (Victoria, Mansa and Huayna).

Two Great Engineers rushed the Statue of Liberty in Mecca in 1630 AD. The Pyramids and the Hanging Gardens kept on contributing all the way into the modern ages with great person points. nod

I settled many cities in this game. If a spot had the potential to grow a city beyond size 5, it became settled.

Communism was discovered in 1730 AD and I immediately signed a permanent alliance with Catherine. One thing I discovered immediately was that Catherine’s research plan was quite different to mine. I had to tell her every time what she should research.

I may have had a chance to pull of a cultural victory, had I pursued it harder earlier. At this stage though, my only hope of winning was by launching faster than the fearsome foursome.

Alexander discovered Taoism and in 1795 he had spread it enough to convert. This brought our relations to cautious instead of pleased. I was quite worried that a sneak attack might come, but it never materialised.

The war between the two superpowers of the world was not the clash between giants one could have expected. The mighty four tore a hole into the ranks of the threesome with fervor almost legendary. eek It appeared that Mansa Musa’s settlements were the most sought after and he suffered one loss after another.

The race for space became a true nail biter story. Catherine and I were almost constantly behind in the tech race, which was quite strange. Directly after forming the permanent alliance, I was on par with the opposition. The longer I played however, the further ahead of me they became. To compensate I had to do some drastic things like using three stored great scientists to light bulb Fission..

To further my problematic situation, I failed to get the Space elevator. Maybe burning two great engineers on the Statue of liberty was an unwise move.

In the end, we were both building the last part of the spaceship, the Stasis Chamber. I had planned to build it in my Iron works city, but I did not get the choice since Catherine somehow started building it in Moscow. I sent a squadron of workers down to improve her city surroundings to maximise the hammer output. After that, all I could do was press enter and hope.

In 1969 (what a fitting date by the way) I pressed enter for the last time and when 1970 AD dawned on men, the unbelievable underdogs, RBCiv-adventure-11 & Catherine had beaten the mighty quadruple and emerged victorious!!! thumbsup

What a blast!!

I must have made a gazillion of mistakes but somehow I managed to pull of a victory.

Thank you very much Sirian for this gem.

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  Mbuna120's barely existant report
Posted by: mbuna120 - September 18th, 2006, 09:46 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (7)

I am writing this from work, I wasn't going to post anything, but I might as well admit I played it wink I started my game with poly and churned out a few warriors and my worker. I attempted to be peaceful, as the rules seemed designed to go that way, and I was determined to see how I would fare in this scenario. I built stonehenge and oracle but missed pyramids by a few turns. I spread my religion like wildfire with the help of an early prophet building the shrine. Both Alex and Cathy were friendly with me by early ad I think. But at some point, cathy dropped to pleased... and decided that was enough to attack. We were still both hindi! :mad: I had been doing reasonable in teching and economy, and had just reached longbows. I lost many units, as I was not prepared for my friendly people of the faith to sneak attack me. I did not lose any cities though, as longbows held off the influx of axes and swords. I was irritated that she had declared on me, because I was happy with my game so far. But I became further irritated when she pillaged EVERYTHING and I wasn't allowed to smash back at her cities. She stayed at war for a while. I finally got peace out of her and began to rebuild my improvements with my workers. I was unable to get alex into the war, because she slowed me down so much economically and with techs. After rebuilding for a while, I had just had enough of this scenario. I wasn't having fun. frown I didn't really feel like climbing out of the whole, as Cathy had expanded around me a little while I was in impotent defense mode, plus I was now behind in techs. So I crapped out. Sorry guys.

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  Adventure Eleven - Sullla's Game
Posted by: Sullla - September 18th, 2006, 08:26 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (31)

My game looked NOTHING like any of the reports I've read so far... smile

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  Qwack's Mini Mini Adv 11
Posted by: Qwack - September 18th, 2006, 07:49 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (2)

smile Well, 3 days ago I try to make a go at this game, going for a very fast cultural victory since this would be easiest to finish fast Real Life time-wise. Start off going for buddhism, miss it by 2 turns, go for hinduism, also miss that. I eventually end up getting Judiasm though, but my research situation was hurt bigtime having to go for all the religious tech's. My hope was oracle -> CoL and than taking theology from a prophet. I make a straight tech path picking up Animal husbandry and mining along the way to oracle. I end up missing oracle in 1360!!!! BC and the AI pulls off a philosophy slingshot. At this point I decide to stop lol

Lesson Learned? Dont start a game with only 3 hours to finish it.. AND NEVER go Buddhism first smoke

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  Adventure 11 - Uberfish report
Posted by: uberfish - September 18th, 2006, 07:21 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (6)

At the usual location:

Many of my games here go 'exactly according to plan' which unfortunately doesn't make for terribly exciting reports, but this one was quite the opposite. Tech trading off ruins the diplomatic game IMHO.

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  Jabah's Adventure 11
Posted by: Jabah - September 18th, 2006, 05:09 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (4)

Executive summary (game not finished)


1. went for an early religion to 'secure' a commun one for the island
--> done with Hinduism (3480BC), it spreaded to Alex (975BC) and Cathy (1560BC) soon after.
2. 2 fast settlers to seal the rest of the island (Medina south in 2440Bc and Damascus west in 2040BC). Then CLOSE BORDERS until the entire island is mine, since having friendly enough relationship (religion + free gift every now and again)
--> everything according to plan (obviously in a long time to be able to financely support all this cities).

[Image: early.jpg]

Early miscellanous
Peacefull in island builder expansion, trying for Wonders while waiting for finances to be able for new cities, priority is absolutely keep the East for me from Alex and Cathy to have a Civilization big enough to deal with the others teams.

Wonders : missed Stonehenge by 5t (1280BC), Pyramids by 5t (300BC), Great Lib by 3t (150AD), then paranoid I whipped to finish (for 2 or 3t) Great Lighthouse (175AD), Hanging Gardens (475AD), Colossus (580AD), missed Chichen Itza to Alex for 5t (800AD), get Angkor (980AD)

Relation : Meet Victoria, Capac & Mansa in 550BC (Confuscianism spreaded into a city), they had several different religion.
Meet Bismarck, Napo, Gandhi and Roosevelt in 1060AD (through religion as well). They are a united Jewish bloc.

Religions : Get Taoism as well but keep it for me.

Research : after a little delay (very backward around 1000AD), able to catch up to be :
- first to Philo (760AD)
- first to Liberalism (1460AD) for Replacable Part. (Gandhi and Co had Nationalism+Economy).


Get TajMahal (1585AD) then Statue of Liberty (1620AD, thanks to a welcome GE)

Get bored, decide to go after Victoria, Capac, Mansa for a limited war before they have astro, since they can't reach and I have a slight military tech advantage.

Turn short because:
- Cathy signs OB with them (so I had to deal with boats in the southern pond)
- they discovered astro quickly after
- Gandhi Sneaked attack !!! in 1670AD.

[Image: sneak.jpg]

That is quite nighmarish as
1. it costed LOTS of luxuaries importing for happiness.
2. they have a good military tech (cavalry)
3. That was a clever landing as I am not able to reinforce the city.

-> Gandhis landing is luckily dealed (thks to lucky victories and him prefering pillaging than attacking with cavalry first), but Roosevelt landed next turn in the same spot and raze the city.

That will be hot spot number 1 (the 4 AIs having to galleon full of cavalry/grenadier landing within 10t) and I rebuild and get enough troops and navy to intercept (more later).

The English war
Went ok, but stop soon after capturing 3 cities on their mainland, because all spare troops had to go defending our eastern shore and Capac was starting to get enough troops to be a danger (and I had no longer a military tech advantage).
After a long pause, because of cultural pressure (and new military advantage : tank), I restarted this war, and conquered quickly most of England North-West (including London) before signing peace again.

The American war.
Defending against landing was easier with naval superiority, so Destroyers were a top priority (Ironclad too slow and unable to intercept anything).
The Eastern shore was almost always safe, with the few landings being crushed under superior numbers (sometimes very bloody, since attacking with inferiors troops).
On the West after several alerts, I had this nasty surprise

[Image: attack2.jpg]

The island city was captured, some AIs bombers were based there and were wrecking havocs in England until I recapture the city (lots of suicide cannons, followed by City Raiders tanks and infantry, thanks to 'un-attackable' squares in Russia next to the city were I could stack units).

After that I set a proper anti landing defenses, with warning destroyers/battleships + a reserve of 6+ battleships always ready to intercept before landing.

I also send a task force of Battleships+marines (+later carriers) to raze every cities on their (western) coasts, but that stopped in 1926 when I had this kind of defence waiting for me (+stealth bombers attacking the stack every turn).

[Image: landing.jpg]

Even if my shores are secure, the situation is quite hopeless.

Roosevelt is controling the UN (but passing stupid resolutions right now) and they have several SS components already done.

Technologically, they have Modern armor and Mechanised Infantry so don't need much more to launch.

My only hope should be to get the Internet (need 12 t to get the tech) and hope to out-race to space. The production should be OK, but the Internet is the big question.

Culture is up to 40% because of WW (and not a lot of happiness luxuaries) and the AIs don't even consider peace.

Run out of time


PS 1 - I have a lot more of pictures and notes, but since the game is incomplete, I didn't feel like writing a 'proper' repport, but I am ready to answer any detailed question smile
PS2 - Congrats on those who managed to win, this looks like a quite difficult game

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  Adventure 11 - Ruff's Report
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - September 18th, 2006, 05:07 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (5)

Good morning all ... another fine day for a game report.

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  Adventure 11 - Blake's summary / mini-report
Posted by: Blake - September 18th, 2006, 01:44 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (4)

Adventure 11 went wrong for me in a number of ways, some due to inadvertently flawed scenario design.

You see, I happened to know that you can only sign one permanent alliance at a time, thus I was annoyed by the rule against conquering your neighbors - especially once I discovered we had 2 of them. So I figured, one ally and one useless 3rd leg.

I did found conf and I spread it to both Alex and Cathy, but I chose Alexander as my ally, especially after Catherine attacked me early in the game. My Conf holy city happened to be right next to a Russian city and I decided, hey, I'm going to flip that city. It was the least I could do to antagonize Cathy and I might end up with the city (but we all know how successful cultural flipping is in CIV).

I rapidly expanded all over the continent, growing very, very large. So large I had no trouble getting to Liberalism first. During this time there were a number of wars, with my defensive pacts dragging the others into the wars.

I got Communism and Alexander had a truly fantastic relationship with me, he was like way post-friendly. After the waiting period of mutual war / defensive pact I'm ready for the big day but... huh? Alexander refuses!

I check the SDK and XML and it turns out that leaders have a minimum relationship - but it needs to be HIGHER than that minimum for them to accept a PA. Well for Tokugawa, Alexander and Napoleon that minimum is "Friendly", there is no higher relationship than "Friendly" so those 3 sociable chaps can never actually form a PA.
I PM'd Sirian about this issue and he informed me it was not part of the scenario design and in fact it was intended for the player to be able to ally with both continent mates. But the game rules forbid that on two counts, oops.

Unfortunately I'd already burnt the bridges with Cathy, thanks to close borders and some refusals of help I was stuck at pleased. No permanent alliance for me.

What this meant is I had to go backfill a lot of tech, which I'd otherwise have got earlier.

Now with PA's my understanding is that each alliance member increases research cost by 50%. Lets take two hypothetical civs, a Big one producing 1000 beakers a turn, and a Small one producing 400 beakers a turn. Were Big to ally with Small, his techs would increase in cost by 50%, but he only gets 40% increased beakers, this means the PA actually slows research.
By my estimate it was that case for me, I was so much bigger than Cathy that the PA would not be beneficial. And also, by not having a PA, I could let Cathy/Alexander tie up others in War, without me being involved in the war.

So to win, all I'd have to do is keep the other alliances permanently at war, preferably with one of my sacrificial continent-mates, but in the worst case, with me. As it turned out my teammates eventually sued for peace and I couldn't stay at peace with ol' Boney who re-declared like clockwork once the peace period was over.

Anyway I forged ahead in research and implemented the Sirian Doctrine, invading Gandhi and razing some of his cities, hopefully reducing their ability to research or inducing an AI panic.

Unfortunately Washington and Gandhi still had high enough GNP to carry the team and soon I was up against stealth fighters, I reluctantly pulled my battleships back to my shores leaving just a token garrison in the offshore island I took from Gandhi.

Through tedious bomber patrols I kept my borders mostly secure, sinking any approaching transports.

Soon after both teams had Apollo Program the Industrialists started using a new invasion technique, German and French fleets started sneaking in through the financial alliance territory, where I couldn't sink them. Soon Modern Armors were pounding my cities and some sneaky bitch spy blowing up my oil (I bet it was Cathy's).

I could hold the line against the modern armors thanks to my bombers, but in the end the whole thing became too tedious. Every turn having 4-5 bombers patrol, moving my airforce and battle ships around to sink invading fleets, about a million reports of hostile actions, and a loooong wait between turns for the AI teams to make their moves.

The industrialist alliance was clearly far ahead of me in research.

A space race victory would've been possible, but only through AI incompetence. In a permanent alliance situation each part can only be built once in the entire team - and the AI is plenty "smart" enough to decide that some arctic wasteland city is a good place for that SS Life Support. Victory would've come down to crossing my fingers and hoping that the AI randomly made such a blunder, thus delaying their victory a good 40 turns or so.
I decided that any such victory wasn't worth winning. The AI had clearly already won and I wasn't going to watch them lose through gross incompetence. I declared the game lost and retired in 1940AD. I think Adv11 was the hardest game of CIV I’ve ever played.

Here is the final map of my continent.

The Russian city of Novgorod was the one I was trying to flip. It ended up with 80% cultural defenses and was by far the most heavily garrisoned city in Russia. It was 37% Russian culture.

I believe Adv11 would’ve been winnable, Culture would’ve been the easy way. I believe the non-cultural thing to do would be to severely contain Cathy and Alex (which I basically did) and grow as big as possible, completely ignore the PA option because it’ll just slow you down. Then fight a permanent and strictly defensive war against the industrialist team, avoid war weariness at all costs (one of my major downfalls), just keep them tied up to slow their SS progress, possibly also helping out with spies. It’d be tight and may require some luck, but the player should be able to launch. Dealing with the mind-numbing interface later in the game may be more challenging.

I’m not going to be writing a full report for Adv11, it had a miserable ending and I’ve said what I want to say about it.

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  Adventure 11 - Kylearan's Report
Posted by: Kylearan - September 18th, 2006, 01:41 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (8)


here you can find my report for Adventure 11 - Divided We Fall. Fun game. smile


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  Jonottawa's rapid demise Adv 11
Posted by: jonottawa - September 18th, 2006, 01:04 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (6)

My strategy for this game was to immediately go to war with the one civilization on my map and cripple them. Meanwhile, I'd go straight for CSS while it's still available, particularly with my gorgeous capital city square.

My first mistake (probably cost me the game, as you'll see later) was not taking the 'hint' and keeping Polytheism as the research tech. I didn't know if it was meant to help, hurt, or distract, but I always go after Buddhism if I start with flood plains and Mysticism. If I get beat, so be it.

I was only about 2/3 to meditation when the Buddhism bong balefully beat in the background. Switched to Polytheism. Ended up founding Hinduism anyway, but wasted 8 turns or so of research.

I pumped out 5 warriors. Found I shared the map with Alex and Catherine. Uh oh. By the time I found their capitals, and looked at the geography, I realized the winning strategy would have been to choke them off with a quick 2nd city (or choke one of them off that way and go to war with the other one.)

I belatedly tried that, switching to a settler immediately after the 5th warrior, then switching to the Oracle.

Everything was going swimmingly. I wasn't able to stop either civ from getting their 2nd city up (I had 2 warriors ready to ambush Catherine's 1st settler, but she sent him out with a 2-archer escort), but I was able to get a city that would completely choke off Catherine as soon as CoL hit (it needed one culture pop.)

Alex built his 3rd city on his side of a natural choke point, so that was A-Ok. I was 8 turns from CoL/Oracle and Catherine sent a settler/archer out. I had 2 warriors in the choke city and figured it was now or never. My first warrior died. My 2nd warrior had 80% or so and WON!!! Now I have a worker, CSS in 8 turns, Catherine is toast and Alex is neutralized.

With 2 turns to go until CSS, Catherine sent a lone archer to the border of my choke city. I had a one star warrior and a no-upgrade warrior fully fortified. The archer killed the one star and had 1.3 left (approx). I sent my other warrior out to kill him and lost an 84%.

My city would have fallen next turn and so I quit. It was about 1500 BC.

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