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  Epic 7 - regoarrarr's (belated) report
Posted by: regoarrarr - September 5th, 2006, 21:35 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (3)

Domination win in 1766 AD

Oh I'm sorry to get that one song stuck in your head lol

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  Epic 7 - Paleman's report
Posted by: paleman - September 5th, 2006, 20:52 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (2)

Here's my report:

I'm not new to Civ, but this was my first RB game. It was also my first small map, my first game at Immortal level and my first with no tech trading. A lot of firsts for me in this game.

The report is also the first I've ever written. I'm amazed how much I learned by logging my moves and revisiting them later in light of how things turned out.

Here are the basic stats from my game:

Domination in 1931.

Research Path:
Fishing, Sailing, Mining, Mysticism, Polytheism, Bronze Working, Animal Husbandry, Pottery, Hunting, Archery, Priesthood, Writing, Masonry, Code of Laws, Monarchy, Iron Working, Alphabet, Mathematics, Currency

Initial build order: Worker, Work Boat, Lighthouse, (switch to) warrior, (return to) Lighthouse, (switch to) settler, settler, (back to) lighthouse.

Second city founded in 1930 BC to the east, 1 tile west of the pigs.

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  AI difficulty bonus
Posted by: mbuna120 - September 5th, 2006, 14:32 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (4)

I started a monarch level game the other day, and happened to draw a very close start to another civ. I was able to scout their area within 3 turns. The AI apparently started with 2 archers, 1 worker, and 1 settler. Is that right? I'm just curious, what are the bonuses that the AI receives at each level higher, starting with prince, and including unit bonuses and tech/research bonuses, and bonuses vs barbs?

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  Epic VII - Gideon's Summary
Posted by: abgg118 - September 5th, 2006, 06:21 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - No Replies

I don't think writing an extensive report on this game would be very interesting for either the writer or the reader, so I'm just giving a short summary. I played this one very fast since I didn't really have time for it.

I settled on the spot, and popped a scout and later Mining. I founded Buddhism and started settling my "Island". I completed Stonehenge, The Pyramids, Hanging Gardens, Chichen Itza, The Great Library, The Parthenon, The Hagia Sophia, Notre Dame and Forbidden Palace, in that order.
Built the Buddhist Shrine and an Academy in Thebes. Thessalonica (founded on my Island) joined my illustrious empire in 1748. Alex declared war twice. The first time he took out my fishing boat at Thebes, and I paid for peace a bit later. The second time was late 1855AD, and I was wiped out in 1993AD. I didn't really bother with military, and he had Rifles against my Archers. Haha. It did take him a while to take out every city though. Here are some screenshots.

PS. I'm planning a very extensive report (my first real report) for Epic Eight, so please book me a few minutes of your future time :wink:

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  epic 7 mihau's summary
Posted by: mihau - September 5th, 2006, 04:55 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - No Replies

I don't have access to my saves and I won't till friday, but there is not much interesting in them to report actually. Main points of my game:

flower I tried to catch ALL the religions - possible with 1 non-spiritual opponent only ...but maybe not an Immortal one. I managed to made Alex Juda through the InBetweenIsland, but eventually he got Christian and went hostile ...anti-semite! rant

flower Alex only once made a 4-unit-SoD at my homeland. I managed to conquer the InBetweenIsland early. It was a lightning rod city for the attacks (only few - wars were phony mostly).

flower I made 2 canal cites that prooved to be VERY useful since Alex used to pillage my water res.

flower Domination victory in /I'll check it on friday, but late one/ it could have been sooner but I stopped my units to heal and not kept attention to play fast.

I expected the game to be more interesting, although I enjoyed it thumbsup

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  Epic 7: Ronald's report
Posted by: Ronald - September 5th, 2006, 03:30 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (3)

I finished the game and liked it very much. I forgot about the deadline and I am travelling the next days. So I can only publish my detailled report on Friday. I hope this is still OK.

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  Epic 7 - Kylearan's Summary
Posted by: Kylearan - September 5th, 2006, 02:57 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (10)


I had about two hours to dedicate to this game, so at first I thought I wouldn't be able to play it at all. I mean, having Alex as an opponent would inevitably mean war, right? And wars cost a lot of time, so no Epic 7 for me...

But then I remembered that AIs won't attack if they are friendly towards you, so I gave it a shot anyway. Against an Immortal opponent and no wars, Space Race would be too hard (or would need too much time-consuming micromanagement), so a cultural victory was the way to go for me.

I figured with only one opponent, my chances to get wonders or religions first would be very good, even on Immortal. I founded my capital on spot and built a worker first. Research was Fishing -> Pottery -> Mysticism -> Polytheism -> Priesthood (I got Mining from a hut), then Masonry -> Monotheism -> Writing.

Alex founded Buddhism, but I founded Hinduism, Judaism, then Confucianism with the help of the Oracle. I didn't convert to any of the religions though, waiting for Buddhism to spread to my lands. This happened in 265BC. I thought about waiting for a demand from Alex to convert for an additional +1 bonus, but figured that a declaration of war might be more likely so converted right away to improve relations now.

I also gifted Alex a resource, and built lots of archers so Alex wouldn't attack me just because I was weak. We reached friendly relations in 605AD, at which point I disbanded most of my military. I got relations with Alex to +17 in the end. tongue

The whole game took me a bit more than one hour to play, so lots of weedy decisions followed, like completely forgetting to build the third cathedral in one of my three culture cities. Additionally, I had a lot of bad luck with great people: I had the Globe Theatre, Parthenon, National Epic and lots of artist specialists in my capital with only one(!) source of great prophet points, and yet I generated NINE(!) great prophets and only three great artists (plus another one from discovering Music first). Three of the great prophets were put to good use by building the religious shrines (for their culture and not their money this time...), and they had been very likely to appear anyway because I didn't have many sources of great artists at that time besides the Parthenon. But the last five great prophets were more than annoying. :mad:

So thanks to my mistakes and the lack of great artists, it took me until 1934AD to get three cities to legendary culture.

Sorry for the lack of details, but there wasn't a lot happening anyway, and when the game itself only lasted about 70 minutes, I didn't feel like putting several hours into a report. wink

Looking forward to read the other reports...


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  Adventure Thirteen - Sixth Column - Now open!
Posted by: Griselda - September 5th, 2006, 01:03 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (45)

Yes folks, another tasty morsel for your Civ enjoyment has opened, unannounced. It's a three-week Extreme Adventure, so it's certainly not for everyone. But, if you're in the mood for a feast, dig in!

I apologize for not opening this in time for those of you who had the day off to enjoy it. Hopefully that won't be a frustration for anybody.

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Posted by: cynyck - September 4th, 2006, 21:37 - Forum: Diablo - Replies (1)

What is it about this game that is so addictive?

I've had the "Battlechest" for a bit (I, II, and expansion) and recently loaded up Diablo I. I played for two nights and immediately loaded up II and the expansion, and have been playing ever since.

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  Epic 7 - Ruff's Report
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - September 4th, 2006, 19:45 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (4)

Here is my report

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