Meeting time for GvG is 8:30 PM EST, Fridays.
Here's the build we're going to use for the time being:
Originated by: Need Before Greed [imo]
"Fear Me!", Steady Stance, Drunken Blow, Desperation Blow, Disrupting Chop, Bull's Strike, Heal Sig, Flesh of My Flesh
Flail, Rush, Devastating Hammer, Crushing Blow, Bull's Strike, Shock, Grasping Earth, Res Sig
Dash, Reaper's Mark, Malaise, Insidious Parasites, Faintheartedness, Signet of Sorrow, Price of Failure, Res Sig
Rotting Flesh, Rising Bile, Shadow of Fear, Deathly Swarm, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Icy Veins, Putrid Explosion, Res Sig
Energy Burn, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Panic, Backfire, Wastrel's Demise, Spirit of Failure, Mind Wrack, Res Sig
Weilder's Boon, Weapon of Warding, Flame Djinn's Haste, Mind Blast, Fireball, Smoldering Embers, Fire Attunement, Mark of Rodgort
Heal Party, Jamei's Gaze, Words of Comfort, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Ethereal Light, Healing Touch, Healer's Boon, Dismiss Condition
Restore Condition, Spirit Bond, Holy Veil, Reversal of Fortune, Gift of Health, Dark Escape, Mending Touch, Return
Here's a list of the skills that will probably be used in the various builds we try:
Note: this list is pretty out of date. I need to add/remove quite a few skills.
Axe - Eviscerate, Cleave
Hammer - Devastating Hammer, Backbreaker, Forceful Blow
Swordsmanship - Quivering Blade, Dragon Slash
Strength - Bull's Charge
Tactics - "Charge!", Steady Stance
No Attribute - "You're All Alone!"
Axe - Dismember, Executioner's Strike, Axe Rake, Penetrating Blow/Chop, Lacertating Chop, Critical Chop, Agonizing Chop
Hammer - Crushing Blow, Irresistible Blow, Hammer Bash, Fierce Blow, Heavy Blow
Swordsmanship - Sever Artery, Gash, Sun & Moon Strike, Galrath/Silverwing Slash, Savage Slash, Final Thrust, Barbarous Strike
Strength - Bull's Strike, Protector's Strike, Endure Pain, Sprint, Rush, Warrior's Cunning, Burst of Aggression
Tactics - Healing Signet, "Fear Me!", Desperation/Drunken Blow
No Attribute - Wild Blow, Distracting Blow, Frenzy, "For Great Justice!"
Beast Mastery - Ferocious Strike, Rampage as One
Expertise - Escape, Oath Shot, Practiced Stance
Marksmanship - Crippling Shot, Punishing Shot, Burning Arrow
Wilderness Survival - Melandru's Arrows, Poison Arrow, Spike Trap, Smoke Trap
No Attribute - Quick Shot
Beast Mastery - Bestial/Tiger's Fury, Call of Haste, Charm Animal, Comfort Animal, Disrupting Lunge, Feral Lunge, Run as One, Fertile Season, Energizing Wind, Symbiosis
Expertise - Distracting Shot, Dodge/Zojun's Haste, Throw Dirt, Whirling Defense
Marksmanship - Favorable Winds, Hunter's Shot, Marauder's Shot, Read the Wind, Savage Shot, Debilitating Shot, Seeking Arrows, Screaming Arrow
Wilderness Survival - Apply Poison, Barbed Trap, Choking Gas, Dust Trap, Flame Trap, Kindle Arrows, Nature's Renewal, Quickening Zephyr, Serpent's Quickness, Tranquility, Troll Unguent, Natural Stride, Barbed Arrows, Trapper's Speed, Tripwire
No Attribute - Dual Shot
Divine Favor - Blessed Light, Spell Breaker
Healing Prayers - Healing Light, Word of Healing, Light of Deliverence, Healer's Covenant, Glimmer of Light
Protection Prayers - Air of Enchantment, Life Barrier, Restore Condition, Shield of Deflection, Zealous Benediction, Divert Hexes
No Attribute - Empathic Removal, Martyr
Divine Favor - Blessed Signet, Contemplation of Purity, Divine Boon, Signet of Devotion
Healing Prayers - Dwayna's Kiss, Ethereal Light, Gift of Health, Heal Other/Jamei's Gaze, Heal Party, Healing Seed, Healing Touch, Infuse Health, Orison of Healing, Resurrection Chant, Vigorous Spirit, Words of Comfort
Protection Prayers - Aegis, Convert Hexes, Draw Conditions, Extinguish, Guardian, Life Bond, Mend Ailment, Mend Condition, Protective Spirit, Reversal of Fortune, Spirit Bond, Shield of Absorption, Mending Touch, Dismiss Condition
Smiting Prayers - Balthazar's Aura, Balthazar's Spirit, Judge's Insight, Smite Hex, Zealot's Fire, Reversal of Damage
No Attribute - Holy Veil, Purge Conditions, Purge Signet, Remove Hex, Resurrect
Blood Magic - Blood is Power, Offering of Blood, Order of the Vampire, Well of Power
Curses - Feast of Corruption, Lingering Curse, Spiteful Spirit, Wither
Death Magic - Tainted Flesh, Virulence
Soul Reaping - Wail of Doom, Reaper's Mark
No Attribute - Grenth's Balance
Blood Magic - Awaken the Blood, Barbed Signet, Blood Renewal, Blood Ritual, Life Siphon, Lifebane/Shadow Strike, Mark of Subversion, Oppressive Gaze, Order of Pain, Strip Enchantment, Well of Blood, Blood of the Aggressor
Curses - Barbs, Defile/Desecrate Enchantments, Faintheartedness, Malaise, Parasitic Bond, Price of Failure, Reckless Haste, Rend Enchantments, Rigor Mortis, Shadow of Fear, Soul Barbs, Suffering, Vocal Minority
Death Magic - Consume Corpse, Necrotic Traversal, Animate Shanbling Horror, Animate Bone Fiend, Blood of the Master
Soul Reaping - Signet of Lost Souls, Signet of Sorrow
No Attribute - Plague Touch
Domination Magic - Energy Surge, Power Block, Psychic Distraction
Fast Casting - Mantra of Recovery, Stolen Speed
Illusion Magic - Crippling Anguish, Ineptitude, Migraine
Inspiration Magic - Energy Drain, Mantra of Recall,
No Attribute - Echo, Expel Hexes, Shatter Storm, Signet of Midnight
Domination Magic - Blackout, Cry of Frustration, Diversion, Energy Burn, Guilt, Hex Breaker, Mind Wrack, Power Leak, Power Spike, Shame, Shatter Delusions, Shatter Enchantment, Signet of Disruption, Signet of Weariness, Unnatural Signet, Spiritual Pain
Illusion Magic - Accumulated Pain, Arcane Conundrum, Clumsiness, Conjure Nightmare, Conjure Phantasm, Distortion, Illusion of Haste, Illusion of Weakness, Images of Remorse, Imagined/Kitah's Burden, Phantom Pain
Inspiration Magic - Channeling, Drain Enchantment, Energy Tap, Ether Feast, Ether Lord, Inspired/Revealed Enchantment, Inspired/Revealed Hex, Mantra of Concentration, Mantra of Persistence, Power Drain, Signet of Humility, Spirit Shakles
No Attribute - Arcane Echo, Lyssa's Balance, Web of Disruption
Energy Storage - Elemental Attunement, Ether Prodigy, Master of Magic
Air Magic - Invoke Lightning, Blinding Surge
Earth Magic - Sandstorm
Fire Magic - Searing Flames
Water Magic - Ward Against Harm, Water Trident
No Attribute - Glyph of Energy, Glyph of Renewal
Air Magic - Air Attunement, Blinding Flash, Enervating Charge, Gale, Lightning Hammer, Lightning Javeling, Lightning Orb, Lightning Strike, Shock, Windborne Speed, Storm Djinn's Haste
Earth Magic - Ward Against Elements, Ward Against Foes, Ward Against Melee, Ward of Stability, Stoneflesh Aura, Armor of Earth
Energy Storage - Aura of Restoration
Fire Magic - Breath of Fire, Fire Attunement, Fireball, Immolate, Meteor, Meteor Shower, Rodgort's Invocation, Liquid Flame, Glowing Gaze
Water Magic - Armor of Mist, Blurred Vision, Deep Freeze, Ice Spikes, Freezing Gust
No Attribute - Glyph of Concentration, Glyph of Sacrifice, Glyph of Elemental Power
Dagger Mastery - Temple Strike
Deadly Arts - Assassin's Promise, Shadow Prison
No Attribute - Aura of Displacement
Critical Strikes - Black Lotus Strike, Twisting Fangs, Unsuspecting Strike
Dagger Mastery - Disrupting Stab, Exhausting Assault, Falling Spider, Fox Fangs, Golden Phoenix Strike, Horns of the Ox, Jagged Strike, Repeating Strike, Wild Strike, Black Spider Strike
Deadly Arts - Crippling Dagger, Entangling Asp, Impale, Deadly Paradox
Shadow Arts - Caltrops, Dark Escape, Death's Charge, Return, Shadow Refuge, Shadow of Haste, Way of the Fox, Feigned Nutrality, Death's Retreat
No Attribute - Dash, Recall, Signet of Malice
Communing - Wanderlust
Restoration Magic - Preservation, Tranquil was Tanasen
Spawning Power - Ritual Lord
No Attribute - Soul Twisting
Channeling Magic - Ancestor's Rage, Spirit Burn, Painful Bond
Communing - Bloodsong, Displacement, Earthbind, Pain, Shadowsong, Shelter, Soothing, Union, Anguish
Restoration Magic - Flesh of My Flesh, Life, Mend Body and Soul, Recuperation, Soothing Memories, Spirit Light, Spirit Transfer
Spawning Power - Boon of Creation, Sight Beyond Sight
Mysticism - Avatar of Melandru, Avatar of Grenth
Scythe Mastery - Reaper's Sweep, Wounding Strike
Earth Prayers - Ebon Dust Aura
Mysticism - Heart of Fury, Extend Enchantments, Imbue Health
Scythe Mastery - Eremite's Attack, Mystic Sweep, Lyssa's Assualt, Wearying Strike, Chilling Victory, Victorious Sweep, Twin Moon Sweep
Earth Prayers - Mystic Regeneration
Wind Prayers - Featherfooted Grace, Harrier's Grasp, Harrier's Haste, Lyssa's Haste
Leadership - Crippling Anthem
Motivation - Song of Restoration
No Attribute - Cautery Signet
Leadership - Anthem of Flame, Blazing Finale, Signet of Return, Glowing Signet
Command - "Brace Yourself!", "Go for the Eyes!", "Stand Your Ground!"
Motivation - Aria of Zeal, Aria of Restoration, Ballad of Restoration
Spear Mastery - Spear of Lightning, Wild Throw, Harrier's Toss, Merciless Spear, Swift Throw, Disrupting Throw
No Attribute - Remedy Signet
If I have anything under the wrong attribute line let me know and I'll fix it. I don't have much experience playing as or with paragons, so that list is probably the weakest one to go by, but it's a start anyways.
I'll think about sorting the list by campaign later, but for right now that's too big of a task to think about.