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Do any of you guys want to play some Ironman...? |
Posted by: keithioapc2 - August 22nd, 2006, 08:59 - Forum: Diablo
- Replies (3)
Hey, I'm new to this board, and have started playing Diablo again. I pretty much just play Ironman exclusively, solo or party. I'm on (Username Keithioapc) most days at 7:30 Atlantic time (6:30 Eastern) on USEAST or USWEST, and would love play some 2 or 3 player Ironman.
My last solo attempt was made as a warrior, my third warrior attempt in a row. The previous two had problems with a certain undead skeleton king, but this time round I found a nifty staff of firewall. Poor Leoric got roasted (After I put 27 into magic, bah), and he gave me a nifty broad sword, +49% dmg +6% to hit. I shortly got a ring that gave ne +8str, then leveled so I could now equip the sword (32+8 str).
Things were all fine and dandy for a while, until DLvl 8 Clvl 16. Some would say I was killed by three Illusion Weavers, Four Mud Chargers, a little lag and a stingy potion finger. The truth of the matter was that I was killed by only finding a total of two ID scrolls, both of which I used up on those items on level three. Sitting in my inventory was an unid Shadowhawk (4-12 dmg, +15% to hit, +5% res all, 5% life steal, -20% light radius), a better str ring (+11 str) and a +17% to hit ring. The shield I was using turned out to give +32 hp when ID'd, and my armor gave +13% res all. I used four goat shrines in a desperate attempt to get an ID all shrine, but all four were "Where avarice fails, paitience gains reward"... Oh wellz.
So, if any of you guys want to save me from the agony that is playing single player Ironman (Sorcerer next, fun fun fun!) send me a whisper some time ;p.
Edit'd : Well, my solo mage managed to roast the butcher with a scroll of firewall and several firebolts. He then proceeded to kill the skeleton king with a barrage of SLvl 4 holy bolts. Then in the insult of all insults he was killed by a skeleton hero boss while still on floor 3, :mad: . Better than getting killed by an explosive barrel at least though
Mod Approval Process - Editing CIV4DetailManager.txt |
Posted by: T-hawk - August 20th, 2006, 15:14 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (11)
The file Civ4DetailManager.xml (found in Civ4\Assets\XML\Misc) has been approved for manually editing the following four specific XML nodes.
The examples are all full-screen shots, so they're provided as links rather than inline images.
Quote: <Name>DF_SKY</Name>
<Key>5000, 0.00</Key>
<Key>6400, 1.0</Key>
This defines the camera altitude at which the "sky" view kicks in, and is a popular setting to change using CivScale. Raising these values allows the main game detail (cities, units, borders, etc) to remain visible while zooming out further.
Screenshot of the normal highest altitude you can reach before the "sky" view kicks in.
Screenshot of the highest altitude you can reach before the "sky" view kicks in with those key values doubled.
Screenshot of the normal lowest altitude of the sky view itself.
Screenshot of the lowest altitude of the sky view with those key values doubled.
<!-- changes the size of the billboards based on the camera distance -->
<Key>700, 1.5</Key>
<Key>2500, 1.0</Key>
<Key>6000, 0.67</Key>
This defines the size of the city billboard (the box with the city name, production, religion icons, etc.) The three "key" tags define specific inflection points where the camera altitude corresponds to a specific billboard size, and the game smoothly interpolates sizes between those points. By raising the second value in each key, the billboards are larger at high camera altitudes, which is very good for game reporting with wide-angle screenshots.
Screenshot of the normal city billboard behavior (using free camera to get a high-altitude shot.)
Screenshot of the city billboards with all the scaling factors changed to 1.2.
Quote: <Name>DF_GLOBE_TERRAIN</Name>
<Key>4800, 0.00</Key>
<Key>6400, 1.00</Key>
This controls the camera angle itself. Like the previously-described tag, the keys provide inflection points for specific camera altitudes, and the game interpolates between them. A value of 0.00 means the camera is angled at about 45° from vertical, and 1.00 means the camera is looking straight down.
Screenshot of the normal camera behavior, with the camera height between those inflection points so the shot is from almost-but-not-quite directly overhead.
Screenshot from the same camera height, but with the first inflection point increased 50% to 7200. You can see that now we retain the 45° view from a higher altitude. The upshot is that we can see the fronts of the units to more easily distinguish them, rather than looking straight down on their heads.
The free camera can already be used to provide all the camera behavior allowed by changing this parameter. But by changing this, you can have that camera behavior while staying in normal camera mode, allowing scrolling and auto-recentering.
Quote: <Name>FLAG_SCALE</Name>
<Key>700.0, 0.6</Key>
<Key>1500.0, 0.7</Key>
<Key>3000.0, 0.9</Key>
<Key>5000.0, 1.2</Key>
These control the scale of the flag displayed next to each unit. CivScale can change this too. Like the other parameters, the scaling is on a sliding scale with inflection points defined for certain camera distances.
Screenshot of normal flag scale. In the world builder, I placed Arabian units along all those coastal tiles (including south of the visible unit) and on each tile west of each visible unit.
Screenshot of doubled flag scale. The flags are not drawn for enemy units in the fog of war, and so the flag scale for invisible units doesn't affect anything visible.
Living off the Land |
Posted by: Lurker Wyrm - August 20th, 2006, 04:21 - Forum: Variants
- Replies (133)
The variant is complete! Great job everyone!
Most people enjoy living their glitzy lives, buying and selling what they want; however, there are always a few who live their lives by a different code; people who still cling to a form of the age-old rule of earning your way through life. Because of this, combined with their strict devotion to remaining free from the yoke of merchants and peddlers, they have chosen to live in the wild, spending as little time as possible among people who are too concerned with money and profit to realize their skills as warriors are declining. They are generally thought of as outsiders and anti-socials by people who don't understand their way of life; they only appear this way, however, since they refuse to use anything they didn't earn themselves.
That's the basic background. The idea of the variant is that you're only allowed to use stuff you find.
- This is going to be a Nightfall based variant. Our main goal will be to get to the end of the Nightfall campaign using characters created and brought up in Elona.
- The once per week meeting time will be limited to storyline quests and missions. Side quests are your own responsibility.
- The only things you're allowed to buy are ID and Salvage/Expert Salvage Kits.
- You may only use the skills aquired from skill quests and Sunspear/Lightbringer points. You may not buy skills from anyone, including Captain Greywind (the only skill merchant outside a town, IIRC).
- You can get collector armor but you're not allowed to craft any from an armorer.
- The traders in town (rune, dye, material, scroll) are considered merchants so you're not allowed to associate with them. If you want to dye/rune your armor or use experience scrolls, you have to find them on the field.
- The only weapons you can use are the ones that drop from enemies or are traded for at a collector. Buying weapons from a crafter are not allowed. You may use any preorder items you have.
- You may not take anything out of the stash, including gold.
- You may not purchase or borrow runes from another player. All the runes you use must be salvaged from a monster you help kill. **If you do kill a monster and it drops a rune you can use, but is assigned to another player, that player may drop it for you to take. You may not, however, get a rune from another player if you weren't there when it dropped. Example: if I'm using a W and am out with Zedf, using an E, and we kill a monster that drops a W rune and is assigned to Zedf, then he can drop it for me. However, if he's questing with his E without me and a W rune drops, I can't use the rune.
- You may use the characters outside the variant scope if you want, just be forewarned that should you choose to buy armor in a town, you may not use it when we gather for the events. You'll have to keep your set of collector-found armor on hand -- if you throw it away that's your own fault and you'll have to walk around without armor on. The same applies with weapons.
- Heroes may not be equipped with elite skills until after the Consulate Docks mission. Also, they may only use skills from the Core and Nightfall skill categories.
The team is, alphabetically, comprised of:
Aravis - Ginger Ramandu - Warrior
Fox - Ritualist
Hawkmoon - Wirr Ling - Dervish
Seijin - Kali Vashorron - Elementalist
Seth - Ivl Jenova Ivl - Dervish
Wyrm - Agnamar Gramelog - Paragon
Edits: updated the rules and spaced them out a bit for easier reading, added a current roster. New/updated stuff is in orange. Added collector info for Istan.
Epic Eight - Potluck - Signup Thread |
Posted by: Sirian - August 17th, 2006, 07:00 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (120)
EDIT: Signups are closed. Good luck to all our many participating players. 
Here's the story...
![[Image: rbciv-epic8-teaser2.gif]](http://sirian.warpcore.org/civ4/pix/rbciv-epic8-teaser2.gif)
...of a lovely lady. She was bringing up--

Er, wait. Wrong soundtrack. 
The most popular event from the annals of RBCiv history is back with a vengeance!
You MUST sign up in this thread to play Epic Eight! ![[Image: whipped.gif]](http://sirian.warpcore.org/smilies/whipped.gif)
Sponsor: Sirian
Opening Date: Monday, August 28
Duration: Five Weeks
Difficulty: Monarch
Civilization: RANDOM
World Size: Standard
Opponents: Seven
Terrain: Pangaea, Natural Shoreline
Climate: Temperate
Rules: Standard
Victory: Any
Version: Core Game v161
Variant Rules: You may not declare war on any rival prior to 1000BC.
Scenario Goals: Play the hand you are dealt.
Scoring: None.
Special Rules: You MUST sign up in this thread to participate in this Epic. Why? Because you're going to have your civ assigned to you at random (by actual physical dice rolls) from these eight possible selections:
![[Image: rbciv-epic8-teaser1.jpg]](http://sirian.warpcore.org/civ4/pix/rbciv-epic8-teaser1.jpg)
Every civ will start in the same place in each player's game, but YOUR civ will be randomly assigned. I don't know who is going to sign up or in what order, and nobody is going to know which civs one another is playing. We're all playing the same map, though, with the civs in the same places, so that should make the discussions interesting when report time comes around.
To qualify, you must have a valid email address to which your start file may be sent directly by Griselda. If you wish the file to be sent somewhere other than to the email account you used to register to this forum, or if you have turned off receiving emails, you will need to supply, openly or in private, an address at which you can receive your start file. Files will -ONLY- be delivered by email, so comply or sit this one out.
To sign up, reply to this thread. ANY reply in this thread counts as a signup, so reserve your questions for the Info thread and please limit your signups to one per player. Thank you. 
We encourage all our community members to jump in on Potluck. Whether you are the Gentle Adventure type, the Extreme Adventure type, or anything in between, this is the giant RBCiv melting pot. Don't be left out of the dance!
Signups will remain open until Monday, September 18, which is three weeks after the event begins, with two weeks left to go. If you haven't signed up by then, you'll miss your chance.
REMEMBER: No spoilers! You will not know which civ you are playing until you receive your start file by email. Anybody who reveals the civ they've received, directly or indirectly, prior to Closing Day, will be disqualified! Don't be the one who goes there. M'kay? 
- Sirian
I received the MP smackdown! |
Posted by: mbuna120 - August 16th, 2006, 07:46 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (48)
First let me say that I had a blast playing MP last night! Thank you Speaker for setting it up, and to Knupp, Ruff_Hi, Dantska, Solemna (sorry about spellings, guys!) and the others that were in attendance as well. I was sorely tempted to ask you guys to play another, but it was getting late, and I had to pay SOME attention to my wife MP was a very different experience for me from playing the regular old AI.
I have a question though. I lost a city when I had plenty of defenders, fairly early on, after having a roaring start. What a pisser! But I had defenders nearby, I just didn't think the attack could happen that turn. So the question is based on moves, and when they happen in MP. I couldn't seem to get a feel for when the opposing teams units would move. Someone said something about "doublemoves"? Moving at the end of the turn and the beginning of the next? What does that mean? At any rate, I have to say I've never pitted the Jaguars against promoted axes before, as I don't usually play montezuma. Ouch, axes cleaned me up! So, sorry I dropped the ball, guys! I'm not used to such intelligent "AI"
So.... who's up for another game tonight?
Help with the worldbuilder |
Posted by: sooooo - August 15th, 2006, 09:42 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (7)
Hi, sorry, this is going to be a begging thread. I'm not even sure what I ask is possible. Or maybe it's obvious and I'm just being dense. I've asked at civfanatics but I thought I'd ask here too because at least 2 of the game's developers are here.
I want to start a deity level SG where the capital, once founded, begins with The Internet. I haven't been able to do this using the worldbuilder because I can't find a way to add world projects to cities, only buildings. Also you can't start with US and lots of gold because you can't gold-rush projects.
Also, if it turns out to be possible, it would be great if someone can create the save file for me so that I don't have to look at the world-builder of my own SG.